891 resultados para rolling forecasting
The article deals with problems of forecasting of economic macroparameters on the basis of the principle of «subjective multideterminism», i.e. an expert account of maximal amount of interrelated «objective» and «subjective» causes. A description is given of the system of support of decision-making in forecasting the level of inflation and gross domestic product on the basis of the tree solution method.
This article is dedicated to the vital problem of the creation of GIS-systems for the monitoring, prognostication and control of technogenic natural catastrophes. The decrease of risks, the protection of economic objects, averting the human victims, caused by the dynamism of avalanche centers, depends on the effectiveness of the prognostication procedures of avalanche danger used. In the article the structure of a prognostication subsystem information input is developed and the technology for the complex forecast of avalanche-prone situations is proposed.
In this article there are considered problems of forecasting economical macroparameters, and in the first place, index of inflation. Concept of development of synthetical forecasting methods which use directly specified expert information as well as calculation result on the basis of objective economical and mathematical models for forecasting separate “slowly changeable parameters” are offered. This article discusses problems of macroparameters operation on the basis of analysis of received prognostic magnitude.
2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62M20, 62-07, 62J05, 62P20.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62M20, 62M10, 62-07.
Since wind has an intrinsically complex and stochastic nature, accurate wind power forecasts are necessary for the safety and economics of wind energy utilization. In this paper, we investigate a combination of numeric and probabilistic models: one-day-ahead wind power forecasts were made with Gaussian Processes (GPs) applied to the outputs of a Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model. Firstly the wind speed data from NWP was corrected by a GP. Then, as there is always a defined limit on power generated in a wind turbine due the turbine controlling strategy, a Censored GP was used to model the relationship between the corrected wind speed and power output. To validate the proposed approach, two real world datasets were used for model construction and testing. The simulation results were compared with the persistence method and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs); the proposed model achieves about 11% improvement in forecasting accuracy (Mean Absolute Error) compared to the ANN model on one dataset, and nearly 5% improvement on another.
Technology changes rapidly over years providing continuously more options for computer alternatives and making life easier for economic, intra-relation or any other transactions. However, the introduction of new technology “pushes” old Information and Communication Technology (ICT) products to non-use. E-waste is defined as the quantities of ICT products which are not in use and is bivariate function of the sold quantities, and the probability that specific computers quantity will be regarded as obsolete. In this paper, an e-waste generation model is presented, which is applied to the following regions: Western and Eastern Europe, Asia/Pacific, Japan/Australia/New Zealand, North and South America. Furthermore, cumulative computer sales were retrieved for selected countries of the regions so as to compute obsolete computer quantities. In order to provide robust results for the forecasted quantities, a selection of forecasting models, namely (i) Bass, (ii) Gompertz, (iii) Logistic, (iv) Trend model, (v) Level model, (vi) AutoRegressive Moving Average (ARMA), and (vii) Exponential Smoothing were applied, depicting for each country that model which would provide better results in terms of minimum error indices (Mean Absolute Error and Mean Square Error) for the in-sample estimation. As new technology does not diffuse in all the regions of the world with the same speed due to different socio-economic factors, the lifespan distribution, which provides the probability of a certain quantity of computers to be considered as obsolete, is not adequately modeled in the literature. The time horizon for the forecasted quantities is 2014-2030, while the results show a very sharp increase in the USA and United Kingdom, due to the fact of decreasing computer lifespan and increasing sales.
This paper describes the potential of pre-setting 11kV overhead line ratings over a time period of sufficient length to be useful to the real-time management of overhead lines. This forecast is based on short and long term freely available weather forecasts and is used to help investigate the potential for realising dynamic rating benefits on the electricity network. A comparison between the realisable benefits in ratings using this forecast data, over the period of a year has been undertaken.
This article presents out-of-sample inflation forecasting results based on relative price variability and skewness. It is demonstrated that forecasts on long horizons of 1.5-2 years are significantly improved if the forecast equation is augmented with skewness. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.
This paper provides the most fully comprehensive evidence to date on whether or not monetary aggregates are valuable for forecasting US inflation in the early to mid 2000s. We explore a wide range of different definitions of money, including different methods of aggregation and different collections of included monetary assets. In our forecasting experiment we use two nonlinear techniques, namely, recurrent neural networks and kernel recursive least squares regressiontechniques that are new to macroeconomics. Recurrent neural networks operate with potentially unbounded input memory, while the kernel regression technique is a finite memory predictor. The two methodologies compete to find the best fitting US inflation forecasting models and are then compared to forecasts from a nave random walk model. The best models were nonlinear autoregressive models based on kernel methods. Our findings do not provide much support for the usefulness of monetary aggregates in forecasting inflation. Beyond its economic findings, our study is in the tradition of physicists' long-standing interest in the interconnections among statistical mechanics, neural networks, and related nonparametric statistical methods, and suggests potential avenues of extension for such studies. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Írásunkban azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a hosszú lejáratú határidős árfolyamok stacionaritását feltételező hibakorrekciós modellek, amelyeknek korábbi számítások szerint - a világ devizapiaci forgalmának mintegy 75 százalékát kitevő fejlett ipari országokra alkalmazva - kitűnő a mintán kívüli előrejelző erejük, hogyan képesek három keletközép- európai ország devizaárfolyamát előrejelezni. A három vizsgálat alá vont deviza (cseh, magyar, lengyel) esetében az eredmények relációnként nagyon eltérnek, és összességében kedvezőtlenebbek, mint a fejlett ipari országokra kapott eredmények, amit a nem teljesen rugalmas árfolyamrezsim, a rendelkezésre álló adatsor rövidsége, az eurózóna-csatlakozáshoz kapcsolódó bizonytalanságok, a devizakockázati és a határidős kamatprémium létezése, továbbá a Balassa-Samuelson-hatás együttes befolyásaként tudunk értelmezni. JEL kód: E43, F31, F47. /===/ This paper studies whether models that assume long-maturity forward exchange rates are stationary (which proved in earlier studies to provide superior forecasting ability when applied to exchange rates of major currencies) are capable of forecasting the Euro exchange rates of three Central-East European currencies (the Czech koruna, Hungarian forint and Polish zloty). The results for the three currencies differ from each other and are generally much worse than those obtained earlier for major currencies. These unfavourable results are attributed to the consequences of managed exchange-rate systems, to the short time series available, to uncertainties related to future Euro-zone entry, to the existence of a foreign exchange and term premium, and to the Balassa–Samuelson effect.
Ebben a cikkben bemutatjuk az MTA KRTK KTI munkaerő-piaci előrejelző rendszerének nagy léptékű szerkezetét, a szerkezet kialakítása során követett főbb elveket. Ismertetjük a hazai gyakorlatban egyedülállóan összetett és széles körű adatrendszert, amelyen a becslést és az előrejelzést elvégeztük. Röviden kitérünk az ágazati GDP előrejelzésére, a modell keresleti és kínálati oldalának működésére, valamint a kereslet és kínálat közötti eltérések dinamikájának vizsgálatára. ______ The article presents the overall structure, and main principles followed in devising the structure, of the labour-market forecasting system developed by the Institute of Economics of the Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA KRTK KTI). The authors present the broad, comprehensive data system unprecedented in Hungarian practice, from which the estimate and forecast are made. The article diverges briefly onto the forecasting of branch GDP, the mode of operation of the supply and demand sides of the model, and examination of the dynamics of discrepancies between supply and demand.
A vállalatok jelentős része szembesül azzal, hogy termékei jelentős része iránt viszonylag kevés alkalommal jelentkezik kereslet. Ebből következik, hogy az ilyen termékekre a klasszikus előrejelzési módszerek, mint pl. a mozgó átlag számítása, vagy az exponenciális simítás nem alkalmazható. Azon termékeket, amelyek iránt viszonylag ritkán jelenik meg kereslet, sporadikus keresletű termékeknek nevezzük. A megkülönböztetés a sporadikus és nem sporadikus termékek között sokszor csak hüvelykujj szabály alapján állapítható meg, de erre vonatkozóan a szakirodalomban találunk iránymutatást. A nemzetközi szakirodalomban már megjelentek olyan új kereslet-előrejelzési módszerek, melyeket kimondottan az ilyen, sporadikus kereslettel rendelkező termékek estében javasoltak. Cikkünk célja, hogy ezeket a szakirodalmi ajánlásokat egy konkrét hazai vállalat valós adatain esettanulmány jelleggel tesztelje. A nemzetközi szakirodalomban is ritkán publikálnak tudományos dolgozatokat, amelyek ezt a témakört valós alkalmazási környezetben tárgyalják; ismereteink szerint magyar nyelven erről tudományos dolgozat pedig még nem született. Elméleti bevezetőnk után egy gyógyszer-nagykereskedelmi vállalatnál valós adatait használva vizsgáljuk a kérdéskört. Sor kerül a vállalat termékportfóliójának a kereslet-előrejelzés szempontjából történő tipizálására, majd sporadikus keresletű termékek keresletének előrejelzésére és ennek során a szakirodalomban az alkalmazandó módszerekre vonatkozó ajánlások vizsgálatára. _____ Significant numbers of companies have the problem that demand for their products are sporadic in nature. Demand of such products is not continual in time; its demand is diffused, is random with large proportion of zero values in the analyzed time series. The sporadic character of a demand pattern actually means that available information on the demand of previous selling periods is leaky resulting in lower quality of data available. In these cases traditional forecasting techniques do not result in reliable forecast. Special forecasting algorithms have been developed during the last decade dealing with this problem. The paper introduces these techniques and offers suggestions for application. It also presents the case study of a Hungarian pharmaceutical wholesaler company. Based on real data we develop a topology of the company's product portfolio, carry out forecasts using different techniques including those developed for products with sporadic demand and also analyze the quality of these forecasts.
A szerző a 2008-ban kezdődött gazdasági világválság hatását vizsgálja az egy részvényre jutó nyereség előrejelzésének hibájára. Számos publikáció bizonyította, hogy az elemzők a tényértékeknél szisztematikusan kedvezőbb tervértéket adnak meg az egy részvényre jutó előrejelzéseikben. Más vizsgálatok azt igazolták, hogy az egy részvényre jutó előrejelzési hiba bizonytalan környezetben növekszik, míg arra is számos bizonyítékot lehet találni, hogy a negatív hírek hatását az elemzők alulsúlyozzák. A gazdasági világválság miatt az elemzőknek számtalan negatív hírt kellett figyelembe venniük az előrejelzések készítésekor, továbbá a válság az egész gazdaságban jelentősen növelte a bizonytalanságot. A szerző azt vizsgálja, hogy miként hatott a gazdasági világválság az egy részvényre jutó nyereség- előrejelzés hibájára, megkülönböztetve azt az időszakot, amíg a válság negatív hír volt, attól, amikor már hatásaként jelentősen megnőtt a bizonytalanság. _____ The author investigated the impact of the financial crisis that started in 2008 on the forecasting error for earnings per share. There is plentiful evidence from the 1980s that analysts give systematically more favourable values in their earnings per share (EPS) forecasts than reality, i.e. they are generally optimistic. Other investigations have supported the idea that the EPS forecasting error is greater under uncertain environmental circumstances, while other researchers prove that the analysts under-react to the negative information in their forecasts. The financial crisis brought a myriad of negative information for analysts to consider in such forecasts, while also increasing the level of uncertainty for the entire economy. The article investigates the impact of the financial crisis on the EPS forecasting error, distinguishing the period when the crisis gave merely negative information, from the one when its effect of uncertainty was significantly increased over the entire economy.