983 resultados para retina degeneration


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The transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43kDa (TDP-43) is an RNA binding protein encoded by the TARDPB gene. Abnormal aggregations of TDP-43 in neurons in the form of neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) are the pathological hallmark of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP). To investigate the role of TDP-43 in FTLD-TDP, the spatial patterns of the NCI were studied in frontal and temporal cortex of FTLD-TDP cases using a phosphorylation dependent anti-TDP-43 antibody (pTDP-43). In many regions, the NCI formed clusters and the clusters were distributed regularly parallel to the tissue boundary. In about 35% of cortical regions, cluster size of the NCI was within the size range of the modular columns of the cortex. The spatial patterns of the pTDP-immunoreactive inclusions were similar to those revealed by a phosphorylation-independent anti-TDP-43 antibody and also similar to inclusions characterized by other molecular pathologies such as tau, ?-synuclein and ‘fused in sarcoma’ (FUS). In conclusion, the data suggest degeneration of cortical and hippocampal anatomical pathways associated with accumulation of cellular pTDP-43 is characteristic of FTLD-TDP. In addition, the data are consistent with the hypothesis of cell to cell transfer of pTDP-43 within the brain.


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Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in individuals older than 65 years of age. It is a multifactorial disorder and identification of risk factors enables individuals to make lifestyle choices that may reduce the risk of disease. Collaboration between geneticists, ophthalmologists, and optometrists suggests that genetic risk factors play a more significant role in AMD than previously thought. The most important genes are associated with immune system modulation and the complement system, e.g., complement factor H (CFH), factor B (CFB), factor C3, and serpin peptidase inhibitor (SERPING1). Genes associated with membrane transport, e.g., ATP-binding cassette protein (ABCR) and voltage-dependent calcium channel gamma 3 (CACNG3), the vascular system, e.g., fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), fibulin-5, lysyl oxidase-like gene (LOXL1) and selectin-P (SELP), and with lipid metabolism, e.g., apolipoprotein E (APOE) and hepatic lipase (LIPC) have also been implicated. In addition, several other genes exhibit some statistical association with AMD, e.g., age-related maculopathy susceptibility protein 2 (ARMS2) and DNA excision repair protein gene (ERCC6) but more research is needed to establish their significance. Modifiable risk factors for AMD should be discussed with patients whose lifestyle and/or family history place them in an increased risk category. Furthermore, calculation of AMD risk using current models should be recommended as a tool for patient education. It is likely that AMD management in future will be increasingly influenced by assessment of genetic risk as such screening methods become more widely available. © 2013 Spanish General Council of Optometry.


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The search by many investigators for a solution to the reading problems encountered by individuals with no central vision has been long and, to date, not very fruitful. Most textual manipulations, including font size, have led to only modest gains in reading speed. Previous work on spatial integrative properties of peripheral retina suggests that 'visual crowding' may be a major factor contributing to inefficient reading. Crowding refers to the fact that juxtaposed targets viewed eccentrically may be difficult to identify. The purpose of this study was to assess the combined effects of line spacing and word spacing on the ability of individuals with age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) to read short passages of text that were printed with either high (87.5%) or low contrast (17.5%) letters. Low contrast text was used to avoid potential ceiling effects and to mimic a possible reduction in letter contrast with light scatter from media opacities. For both low and high contrast text, the fastest reading speeds we measured were for passages of text with double line and double word spacing. In comparison with standard single spacing, double word/line spacing increased reading speed by approximately 26% with high contrast text (p < 0.001), and by 46% with low contrast text (p < 0.001). In addition, double line/word spacing more than halved the number of reading errors obtained with single spaced text. We compare our results with previous reading studies on ARMD patients, and conclude that crowding is detrimental to reading and that its effects can be reduced with enhanced text spacing. Spacing is particularly important when the contrast of the text is reduced, as may occur with intraocular light scatter or poor viewing conditions. We recommend that macular disease patients should employ double line spacing and double-character word spacing to maximize their reading efficiency. © 2013 Blackmore-Wright et al.


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The societal cost for the average health authority in the United Kingdom for the care of wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) has been suggested to be around £7.4 million. It is vital that the best possible care based on the best available evidence is provided to reduce the impact of AMD on patients' lives and the financial cost to the health-care system. This study explored the experiences of AMD patients treated with intravitreal ranibizumab injections. Three semistructured interviews were conducted with seven participants over the course of 18 months. Transcripts were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Analysis identified four themes: preparing for treatment, the treatment process, patient-provider communication, and results of treatment. Patient experiences highlighted the need to move away from the reliance on letters for information provision, and the need for clearer guidelines about when to cease AMD treatment. Interviews highlighted the need for the inclusion of rigorous qualitative evidence with experiential data in future good clinical practice guideline development for AMD. © The Author(s) 2013.


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Objective: To examine patients' experiences of information and support provision for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in the UK. Study design: Exploratory qualitative study investigating patient experiences of healthcare consultations and living with AMD over 18 months. Setting: Specialist eye clinics at a Birmingham hospital. Participants: 13 patients diagnosed with AMD. Main outcome measures: Analysis of patients' narratives to identify key themes and issues relating to information and support needs. Results: Information was accessed from a variety of sources. There was evidence of clear information deficits prior to diagnosis, following diagnosis and ongoing across the course of the condition. Patients were often ill informed and therefore unable to self-advocate and recognise when support was needed, what support was available and how to access support. Conclusions: AMD patients have a variety of information needs that are variable across the course of the condition. Further research is needed to determine whether these experiences are typical and identify ways of translating the guidelines into practice. Methods of providing information need to be investigated and improved for this patient group.


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In this article, we present an idiographic analysis of a couple's experience of living and coming to terms with age-related macular degeneration. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to explore three joint interviews, conducted over an 18-month period, with a married couple (aged 82 and 77 years) both living with age-related macular degeneration. Three themes are discussed: the disruption of vision impairment, managing mutual deterioration and resilience through togetherness. We discuss the existential challenges of vision impairment and consider the applicability of Galvin and Todres' typology of well-being as a means of understanding well-being in older adults.


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Abstract: Loss of central vision caused by age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a problem affecting increasingly large numbers of people within the ageing population. AMD is the leading cause of blindness in the developed world, with estimates of over 600,000 people affected in the UK . Central vision loss can be devastating for the sufferer, with vision loss impacting on the ability to carry out daily activities. In particular, inability to read is linked to higher rates of depression in AMD sufferers compared to age-matched controls. Methods to improve reading ability in the presence of central vision loss will help maintain independence and quality of life for those affected. Various attempts to improve reading with central vision loss have been made. Most textual manipulations, including font size, have led to only modest gains in reading speed. Previous experimental work and theoretical arguments on spatial integrative properties of the peripheral retina suggest that ‘visual crowding’ may be a major factor contributing to inefficient reading. Crowding refers to the phenomena in which juxtaposed targets viewed eccentrically may be difficult to identify. Manipulating text spacing of reading material may be a simple method that reduces crowding and benefits reading ability in macular disease patients. In this thesis the effect of textual manipulation on reading speed was investigated, firstly for normally sighted observers using eccentric viewing, and secondly for observers with central vision loss. Test stimuli mimicked normal reading conditions by using whole sentences that required normal saccadic eye movements and observer comprehension. Preliminary measures on normally-sighted observers (n = 2) used forced-choice procedures in conjunction with the method of constant stimuli. Psychometric functions relating the proportion of correct responses to exposure time were determined for text size, font type (Lucida Sans and Times New Roman) and text spacing, with threshold exposure time (75% correct responses) used as a measure of reading performance. The results of these initial measures were used to derive an appropriate search space, in terms of text spacing, for assessing reading performance in AMD patients. The main clinical measures were completed on a group of macular disease sufferers (n=24). Firstly, high and low contrast reading acuity and critical print size were measured using modified MNREAD test charts, and secondly, the effect of word and line spacing was investigated using a new test, designed specifically for this study, called the Equal Readability Passages (ERP) test. The results from normally-sighted observers were in close agreement with those from the group of macular disease sufferers. Results show that: (i) optimum reading performance was achieved when using both double line and double word spacing; (ii) the effect of line spacing was greater than the effect of word spacing (iii) a text size of approximately 0.85o is sufficiently large for reading at 5o eccentricity. In conclusion, the results suggest that crowding is detrimental to reading with peripheral vision, and its effects can be minimized with a modest increase in text spacing.


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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of severe vision loss in the developed world. The lack of effective treatment modalities, coupled with evidence supporting an oxidative pathogenesis, has increased interest in the potential preventative role of nutritional supplementation. This article reviews seven randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that have investigated the role of nutritional supplementation in AMD. Three of these trials reported a positive effect of nutritional supplementation on AMD; the Age-related eye study (AREDS), the Lutein Antioxidant Supplementation Trial (LAST), and the oral zinc trial by Newsome et al. (1988). However, the oral zinc trial by Newsome et al. (1988) was unlikely to detect any difference between treatments smaller than 72%, and the AREDS results were based on a subgroup of their study population. Lutein was considered for the AREDS formulation, but was not commercially available at that time. The findings of the LAST support a possible therapeutic role of lutein in AMD. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate laboratory evidence of abnormal angiogenesis, hemorheologic factors, endothelial damage/dysfunction, and age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). DESIGN: Comparative cross-sectional study. PARTICIPANTS: We studied 78 subjects (26 men and 52 women; mean age 74 years; standard deviation [SD] 9.0) with ARMD attending a specialist referral clinic. Subjects were compared with 25 healthy controls (mean age, 71 years; SD, 11). INTERVENTION AND OUTCOME MEASURES: Levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF, an index of angiogenesis), hemorheologic factors (plasma viscosity, hematocrit, white cell count, hemoglobin, platelets), fibrinogen (an index of rheology and hemostasis), and von Willebrand factor (a marker of endothelial dysfunction) were measured. RESULTS: Median plasma VEGF (225 vs. 195 pg/ml, P = 0.019) and mean von Willebrand factor (124 vs. 99 IU/dl, P = 0.0004) were greater in ARMD subjects than the controls. Mean plasma fibrinogen and plasma viscosity levels were also higher in the subjects (both P < 0.0001). There were no significant differences in other indices between cases and controls. When "dry" (drusen, atrophy, n = 28) and "exudative" (n = 50) ARMD subjects were compared, there was no significant differences in VEGF, fibrinogen, viscosity, or von Willebrand factor levels. There were no significant correlations between the measured parameters. Stepwise multiple regression analysis did not demonstrate any significant clinical predictors (age, gender, smoking, body mass index, history of vascular disease, or hypertension) for plasma VEGF or fibrinogen levels, although smoking status was a predictor of plasma von Willebrand factor levels (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests an association between markers of angiogenesis (VEGF), hemorheologic factors, hemostasis, endothelial dysfunction, and ARMD. The interaction between abnormal angiogenesis and the components of Virchow's triad for thrombogenesis may in part contribute to the pathogenesis of ARMD.


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Introduction: The use of intravitreal ranibizumab has transformed the outcomes for thousands of patients with wet age related macular degeneration (AMD), which is the leading cause of blindness in developed countries. Prior to its introduction, most patients with wet AMD would rapidly lose central vision. The use of intravitreal ranibizumab has been shown to reduce certifiable visual loss by about a half. Current treatment regimens with ranibizumab in wet AMD require multiple injections over several years and so it is highly relevant to review the safety record of this important drug.Areas covered: This review considers the important ocular and systemic adverse events (AE) that have been reported in the literature, particularly in the context of the pivotal clinical trials that have been performed. It also reviews the safety of other anti-VEGF drugs that are used in wet AMD, namely bevacizumab and aflibercept, and compares these drugs with ranibizumab.Expert opinion: Overall, intravitreal ranibizumab can be considered a safe and highly effective drug for patients with wet AMD. However recent concerns about retinal thinning following ranibizumab therapy, possible systemic AE associated with all anti-VEGF drugs and the occurrence of complications relating to drug preparation and delivery must be considered. © 2014 Informa UK, Ltd.


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Purpose: To determine the effect of coloured light filter overlays on reading rates for people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Method: Using a prospective clinical trial design, we examined the null hypothesis that coloured light filter overlays do not improve reading rates in AMD when compared to a clear filter. Reading rates for 12 subjects with non-exudative AMD, associated with a relative scotoma and central fixation (mean age 81 years, SD 5.07 years) were determined using the Rate of Reading Test® (printed, nonsense, lower case sans serif, stationary text) with 10 different, coloured light filter overlays (Intuitive Overlays®; figures in brackets are percentage transmission values); rose (78%), pink (78%), purple (67%), aqua (81%), blue (74%), lime-green (86%), mint-green (85%), yellow (93%), orange (83%) and grey (71%). A clear overlay (Roscolene # 00) (360 cdm-2) with 100% transmittance was used as a control. Results: ANOVA indicated that there was no statistically significant difference in reading rates with the coloured light filter overlays compared to the clear filter. Furthermore, chi-squared analysis indicated that the rose, purple and blue filters had a significantly poorer overall ranking in terms of reading rates compared to the other coloured and clear light filters. Conclusion: Coloured light filter overlays are unlikely to provide a clinically significant improvement in reading rates for people with non-exudative AMD associated with a relative scotoma and central fixation. Copyright © Acta Ophthalmol Scand 2004.


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Purpose: To evaluate and compare the functional and perceived benefits of wearing coloured lenses by patients with age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). Method: Ten subjects with early ARMD and five elderly controls wore a selection of NoIR wrap-around coloured lenses (yellow 29.7% light transmission, orange 22.9%, red 16.8% and grey 10.3%), each for a duration of 7 days. Contrast sensitivity, colour vision, visual acuity, the effect of glare and peripheral sensitivity were measured for each lens and compared with a control (no lens) condition. Subjective ratings of visual performance were also scored. Results: Compared with the no filter condition, red and grey lenses reduced contrast sensitivity whereas yellow and orange lenses increased contrast sensitivity. These objective changes were supported by subjective ratings in subjects with ARMD. Grey lenses reduced the loss of contrast sensitivity usually suffered in the presence of glare, whereas visual acuity and peripheral sensitivity decreased with red lenses. Colour vision became distorted with red lenses in control subjects, but was relatively unaffected by the use of coloured lenses in subjects with ARMD. Conclusions: The subjective benefit of coloured lenses appears to be due to a minor enhancement of contrast sensitivity. © 2002 The College of Optometrists.


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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of visual impairment in older adults in the United Kingdom. This study sought to characterise AMD patients who seek the services of the Macular Society, and determine the level and source of their dietary knowledge. A questionnaire was designed, validated, and administered to 158 participants. The questions covered demographic data and knowledge of nutrition and supplementation. The mean age of participants was 79 years; 61% of them were female, and 27% were registered visually impaired. Only 55% of the participants thought diet was important for eye health, 63% felt that they had not received enough information about AMD. The participants reported that their information mainly came from non-professional support groups. Most participants identified healthy food, but could not say why, and were not able to identify carotenoid rich foods. The results of the study will inform design of education and dissemination methods regarding dietary information. © The Author(s) 2014.