899 resultados para range analysis
A simple, rapid, and sensitive spectrophotometric method for routine analysis of saccharin in commercial noncaloric sweeteners is proposed. This method is based on the reaction of saccharin with tetrachloro-p-benzoquinone (p-chloranil) accelerated by hydrogen peroxide and conducted in an ethanol:acetone (4:1) medium, producing a violet-red compound (γ max = 550 nm). Beer's law is obeyed in a concentration range of 2.05 × 10 -4 to 3.00 × 10 -3 M with an excellent correlation coefficient (r = 0.9998). The detection limit was 1.55 × 10 -5 M, and the effect of interferences on the spectrophotometric measurements was evaluated. The proposed procedure was applied successfully to the determination of saccharin in noncaloric sweeteners. Recoveries were within 99.2-104.3% with standard deviations ranging from to 0.5-1.6%. Results of the proposed method compare very favorably with those given by the high-performance liquid chromatography method recommended by the Food and Drug Administration.
A simple, rapid, selective and specific high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for quantitative analysis of the triamcinolone in polylactide-co-glycolide acid (PLGA) microparticles was developed. The chromatographic parameters were reversed-phase C18 column, 250mm x 4.6mm, with particle size 5 μm. The column oven was thermostated at 35°C ± 2°C. The mobile phase was methanol/water 45:55 (v/v) and elution was isocratic at a flow-rate of 1 mL.mL-1. The determinations were performed using a UV-Vis detector at 239 nm. The injected sample volume was 10 μL. The standard curve was linear (r2 > 0.999) in the concentration range 100-2500 ng.mL-1. The method showed adequate precision, with a relative standard deviation (RSD) was smaller than 3%. The accuracy was analyzed by adding a standard drug and good recovery values were obtained for all drug concentrations used. The method showed specificity and selectivity with linearity in the working range and good precision and accuracy, making it very suitable for quantitation of triamcinolone in PLGA microparticles.
A rapid, robust and economical method for the analysis of persistent halogenated organic compounds in small volumes of human serum and umbilical cord blood is described. The pollutants studied cover a broad range of molecules of contemporary epidemiological and legislative concern, including polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), polychlorobenzenes (CBs), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), DDTs, polychlorostyrenes (PCSs) and polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Extraction and clean-up with n-hexane and concentrated sulphuric acid was followed with analysis by gas chromatography coupled to electron capture (GC-ECD) and GC coupled to negative ion chemical ionisation mass spectrometry (GC-NICI-MS). The advantages of this method rest in the broad range of analytes and its simplicity and robustness, while the use of concentrated sulphuric acid extraction/clean-up destroys viruses that may be present in the samples. Small volumes of reference serum between 50 and 1000 μL were extracted and the limits of detection/quantification and repeatability were determined. Recoveries of spiked compounds for the extraction of small volumes (≥300 μL) of the spiked reference serum were between 90% and 120%. The coefficients of variation of repeatability ranged from 0.1-14%, depending on the compound. Samples of 4-year-old serum and umbilical cord blood (n = 73 and 40, respectively) from a population inhabiting a village near a chloro-alkali plant were screened for the above-mentioned halogenated pollutants using this method and the results are briefly described. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.
Includes bibliography
This article shows an analysis of the longitudinal electric parameters of a three-phase transmission line/section using a 280-meter high steel tower. This characteristic, the height of the line conductors and distance between them, are intrinsic related to the longitudinal and transversal parameters of the line. By this means, an accurate study was carried out in order to show the electric variations between a transmission line using the new technology and a three-phase conventional 440 kV line for a wide range of frequencies and a variable soil resistivity. In addition, by using a digital line model, simulations are carried out in time domain to analyze critical overvoltage transients on the studied line. © 2011 IEEE.
Fluoride levels in the public water supplies of 40 Brazilian cities were analyzed and classified on the basis of risk/benefit balance. Samples were collected monthly over a seven-year period from three sites for each water supply source. The samples were analyzed in duplicate in the laboratory of the Center for Research in Public Health - UNESP using an ion analyzer coupled to a fluoride-specific electrode. A total of 19,533 samples were analyzed, of which 18,847 were artificially fluoridated and 686 were not artificially fluoridated. In samples from cities performing water fluoridation, 51.57% (n=9,720) had fluoride levels in the range of 0.55 to 0.84 mg F/L; 30.53% (n=5,754) were below 0.55 mg F/L and 17.90% (n=3,373) were above 0.84 mg F/L (maximum concentration=6.96 mg F/L). Most of the cities performing fluoridation that had a majority of samples with fluoride levels above the recommended parameter had deep wells and more than one source of water supply. There was some variability in the fluoride levels of samples from the same site and between collection sites in the same city. The majority of samples from cities performing fluoridation had fluoride levels within the range that provides the best combination of risks and benefits, minimizing the risk of dental fluorosis while preventing dental caries. The conduction of studies about water distribution systems is suggested in cities with high natural fluoride concentrations in order to optimize the use of natural fluoride for fluoridation costs and avoid the risk of dental fluorosis.
The dissociation dynamics of heteronuclear diatomic molecules induced by infrared laser pulses is investigated within the framework of the classical driven Morse oscillator. The interaction between the molecule and the laser field described in the dipole formulation is given by the product of a time-dependent external field with a position-dependent permanent dipole function. The effects of changing the spatial range of the dipole function in the classical dissociation dynamics of large ensembles of trajectories are studied. Numerical calculations have been performed for distinct amplitudes and carrier frequencies of the external pulses and also for ensembles with different initial energies. It is found that there exist a set of values of the dipole range for which the dissociation probability can be completely suppressed. The dependence of the dissociation on the dipole range is explained through the examination of the Fourier series coefficients of the dipole function in the angle variable of the free system. In particular, the suppression of dissociation corresponds to dipole ranges for which the Fourier coefficients associated with nonlinear resonances are null and the chaotic region in the phase space is reduced to thin layers. In this context, it is shown that the suppression of dissociation of heteronuclear molecules for certain frequencies of the external field is a consequence of the finite range of the corresponding permanent dipole. © 2013 American Physical Society.
Results on two-particle angular correlations for charged particles emitted in pPb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV are presented. The analysis uses two million collisions collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. The correlations are studied over a broad range of pseudorapidity, η, and full azimuth, φ, as a function of charged particle multiplicity and particle transverse momentum, pT. In high-multiplicity events, a long-range (2<|δη|<4), near-side (δφ≈0) structure emerges in the two-particle δη-δφ correlation functions. This is the first observation of such correlations in proton-nucleus collisions, resembling the ridge-like correlations seen in high-multiplicity pp collisions at s=7 TeV and in AA collisions over a broad range of center-of-mass energies. The correlation strength exhibits a pronounced maximum in the range of pT=1-1.5 GeV/c and an approximately linear increase with charged particle multiplicity for high-multiplicity events. These observations are qualitatively similar to those in pp collisions when selecting the same observed particle multiplicity, while the overall strength of the correlations is significantly larger in pPb collisions. © 2012 CERN.
Body size is directly related to the productive and reproductive performance of beef cattle raised under free-range conditions. In an attempt to better plan selection criteria, avoiding extremes in body size, this study estimated the heritabilities and genetic correlations of yearling hip height (YH) and mature hip height (MH) with selection indices obtained at weaning (WI) and yearling (YI) and mature weight (MW). Data from 102,373 Nelore animals born between 1984 and 2010, which belong to 263 farms that participate in genetic evaluation programmes of beef cattle conducted in Brazil and Paraguay, were used. The (co)variance components and genetic parameters were estimated by Bayesian inference in multi-trait analysis using an animal model. The mean heritabilities for YH, MH and MW were 0. 56 ± 0. 06, 0. 47 ± 0. 02 and 0. 42 ± 0. 02, respectively. The genetic correlation of YH with WI (0. 13 ± 0. 01) and YI (0. 11 ± 0. 01) was practically zero, whereas a higher correlation was observed with MW (0. 22 ± 0. 03). Positive genetic correlations of medium magnitude were estimated between MH and WI and YI (0. 23 ± 0. 01 and 0. 43 ± 0. 02, respectively). On the other hand, a high genetic correlation (0. 68 ± 0. 03) was observed between the indicator traits of mature body size (MH and MW). Considering the top 20 % of sire (896 sires) in terms of breeding values for the yearling index, the rank sire correlations between breeding values for MH and MW was 0. 62. In general, the results indicate that selection based on WI and YI should not lead to important changes in YH. However, an undesired correlated response in mature cow height is expected, particularly when selection is performed using YI. Therefore, changes in the body structure of Nelore females can be obtained when MH and MW is used as a selection criterion for cows. © 2012 Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan.
In this study, the short- and long-range chemical environments of Cu dopant in TiO2 photocatalyst have been investigated. The Cu-doped and undoped TiO2 specimens were prepared by the sol-gel approach employing CuSO4·5H2O and Ti(O-iPr)4 precursors and subjecting the dried gels to thermal treatment at 400 and 500 C. The photocatalytic activity, investigated by methylene blue degradation under sunlight irradiation, showed a significantly higher efficiency of Cu-doped samples than that of pure TiO2. The X-ray diffraction results showed the presence of anatase phase for samples prepared at 400 and 500 C. No crystalline CuSO4 phase was detected below 500 C. It was also found that doping decreases the crystallite size in the (004) and (101) directions. Infrared spectroscopy results indicated that the chemical environment of sulfate changes as a function of thermal treatment, and UV-vis spectra showed that the band gap decreases with thermal treatment and Cu doping, showing the lowest value for the 400 C sample. X-ray absorption fine structure measurements and analysis refinements revealed that even after thermal treatment and photocatalytic assays, the Cu2+ local order is similar to that of CuSO4, containing, however, oxygen vacancies. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data, limited to the near surface region of the catalyst, evidenced, besides CuSO4, the presence of Cu1+ and CuO phases, indicating the active role of Cu in the TiO2 lattice. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Exposure of rodents to an open elevated plus-maze (oEPM) elicits antinociception and increases plasma corticosterone levels. However, no studies have yet assessed the defensive behaviour repertoire of animals in this modified test. In Experiment 1, factor analysis was employed to characterise the behavioural profile of mice exposed to the oEPM. Experiments 2 and 3 assessed the effects of acute alprazolam (0.5-1.5. mg/kg; diazepam 0.5-1.5. mg/kg), pentylenetetrazole (10.0-30.0. mg/kg), yohimbine (2.0-6.0. mg/kg), mCPP (0.3-3.0. mg/kg), and acute and chronic fluoxetine (10.0-30.0. mg/kg) and imipramine (1.0-15.0. mg/kg) on behaviours identified in Experiment 1. The factor analyses revealed that behaviour in the oEPM can largely (77% total variance) be accounted for in terms of 3 factors: factor 1 ('. depth exploration'; e.g. head-dipping on the arms), factor 2 ('. cautious exploration of arms'; e.g. flatback approach), and factor 3 ('. risk assessment'; stretched attend postures - SAP). Experiments 2 and 3 showed that, over the dose range used, alprazolam selectively attenuated all measures of defensiveness. Similar, though more modest, effects were seen with diazepam. Confirming the intensity of the emotional response to the oEPM (nociceptive, endocrine and behavioural), relatively few significant behavioural changes were seen in response to the anxiogenic compounds tested. Although acute fluoxetine or imipramine treatment failed to modify behaviour in the oEPM, chronic fluoxetine (but not chronic imipramine) attenuated total flat back approach and increased head dipping outside the central square. Together, the results indicate that the oEPM induces behavioural defensive responses that are sensitive to alprazolam and chronic fluoxetine. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Objectives: To evaluate bone healing around dental implants with established osseointegration in experimental diabetes mellitus (DM) and insulin therapy by histomorphometric and removal torque analysis in a rat model. Materials and methods: A total of 80 male Wistar rats received a titanium implant in the tibiae proximal methaphysis. After a healing period of 60 days, the rats were divided into four groups of 20 animals each: a 2-month control group, sacrificed at time (group A), a diabetic group (group D), an insulin group (group I), and a 4-month control group (group C), subdivided half for removal torque and half for histomorphometric analysis. In the D and I groups the DM was induced by a single injection of 40 mg/kg body weight streptozotocin (STZ). Two days after DM induction, group I received subcutaneous doses of insulin twice a day, during 2 months. Groups C and D received only saline. Two months after induction of DM, the animals of groups D, C and I were sacrificed. The plasmatic levels of glucose (GPL) were monitored throughout the experiment. Evaluation of the percentages of bone-to-implant contact and bone area within the limits of the implant threads was done by histomorphometric and mechanical torque analysis. Data were analyzed by anova at significant level of 5%. Results: The GPL were within normal range for groups A, C and I and higher for group D. The means and standard deviations (SD) for histomorphometric bone area showed significant difference between group D (69.34 ± 5.00%) and groups C (78.20 ± 4.88%) and I (79.63 ± 4.97%). Related to bone-to-implant contact there were no significant difference between the groups D (60.81 + 6.83%), C (63.37 + 5.88%) and I (66.97 + 4.13%). The means and SD for removal torque showed that group D (12.91 ± 2.51 Ncm) was statistically lower than group I (17.10 ± 3.06 Ncm) and C (16.95 ± 5.39 Ncm). Conclusions: Diabetes mellitus impaired the bone healing around dental implants with established osseointegration because the results presented a lower percentage of bone area in group D in relation to groups C and I resulting in a lowest torque values for implant removal. Moreover, insulin therapy prevents the occurrence of bone abnormalities found in diabetic animals and osseointegration was not compromised. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
High blood pressure (HBP) and obesity is a well-established major risk factor for stroke and coronary heart disease. However, the literatures are scarce about these informations in adolescents from low-and-middle income countries. This school-based survey was carried out among students from Maringá (Brazil) and Buenos Aires (Argentina) selected random sampling. We studied 991 Brazilian adolescents (54.5% girls) in the age range of 14-18 years. In Argentina, we studied 933 adolescents (45.9% female) in the age range of 11-17 years. The outcomes of this study are general obesity, abdominal obesity and HBP. The associated factors analysed were gender, age and health behaviours. The prevalence of obesity was 5.8% in Brazil and 2.8% in Argentina, the prevalence of abdominal obesity was 32.7% in Brazil and 11.1% in Argentina, the prevalence of HBP was 14.9% in Brazil and 13.5% in Argentina. The multilevel analysis showed that older adolescents (>14 years old) have a little likelihood of being overweight, whereas male adolescents are more likely to be obese and have HBP. The abdominal obesity in both indicators were not associated with the independent variables. The prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors is high in Latin American adolescents independent of each country, and was associated with male gender.Journal of Human Hypertension advance online publication, 15 August 2013; doi:10.1038/jhh.2013.74.
Strong diurnal cycles in ambient aerosol mass were observed in a rural region of Southeast Brazil where the trace composition of the lower troposphere is governed mainly by emissions from agro-industry. An optical particle counter was used to record size-segregated aerosol number concentrations between 13 May 2010 and 15 March 2011. The data were collected every 10 min and used to calculate aerosol mass concentrations. Aerosol samples were also collected onto filters during daytime (10:00-16:00 local time) and nighttime (20:00-06:00) periods, for subsequent analysis of soluble ions and water-soluble organic carbon. Biomass burning aerosols predominated during the dry winter, while secondary aerosols were most important in the summer rainy season. In both seasons, diurnal cycles in calculated aerosol mass concentrations were due to the uptake of water by the aerosols and, to a lesser extent, to emissions and secondary aerosol formation. In neither season could the observed mass changes be explained by changes in the depth of the boundary layer. In the summer, nighttime increases in aerosol mass ranged from 2.7-fold to 81-fold, depending on particle size, while in the winter, the range was narrower, from 2.2-fold to 9.5-fold, supporting the possibility that the presence of particles derived from biomass burning reduced the overall ability of the aerosols to absorb water. Key Points Diurnal cycle of agro-industrial aerosol mass governed by humidity Biomass burning emissions act to suppress particle growth Need to consider diurnal mass cycles in aerosol dry deposition models ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
Esse estudo descreve o desenvolvimento e otimização de um método de extração em fase solida (SPE) para análise dos filtros ultravioletas (UV): benzofenona-3 (BP-3), etilhexil salicilato (ES), etilhexil metoxinamato (EHMC) e octocrileno (OC) em matrizes ambientais. Um planejamento fatorial fracionário (PFF) 25-1 foi empregado na avaliação das variáveis significativas do método de extração. As condições experimentais otimizadas da avaliação estatística foram: capacidade do cartucho de 500 mL, eluente acetato de etila, metanol como solvente de lavagem (10% em água, v/v) and volume do eluente de 3 × 2 mL e pH 3. Os parâmetros analíticos avaliados foram satisfatõrios, apresentando linearidade de 100 a 4000 ng L -1, recuperaç ões para os quatro níveis de fortificação (Limite de Quantificação do Método, 200, 1000 e 2000 ng L-1) entre 62 e 107% com desvio padrão relativo menor que 14%. Os limites de quantificação foram encontrados na faixa de ng L-1, variando entre 10 e 100 ng L-1. O método proposto foi aplicado para a determinação dos quatro filtros UV em amostras de águas naturais. This study describes the development and optimization of a solid-phase extraction (SPE) method for analysis of ultraviolet (UV) filters, benzophenone-3 (BP-3), ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate (EHMC), ethylhexyl salicylate (ES) and octocrylene (OC), in environmental matrices. A 25-1 fractional factorial design (FFD) was used to evaluate the significant variables for the extraction method. The optimized experimental conditions determined from the statistical evaluation were: breakthrough volume of 500 mL, eluent of ethyl acetate, wash solvent of methanol (10% in water, v/v), eluent volume of 3 × 2 mL and pH 3. The evaluated analytical parameters were satisfactory for the analytes and showed linearity between 100 and 4000 ng L-1, recoveries for four fortification levels (Method Quantification Limit, 200, 1000 and 2000 ng L-1) were between 62 and 107% with relative standard deviations less than 14%. Limits of quantification were in the ng L-1 range and were between 10 and 100 ng L-1. The proposed method was used to analyze four UV filters in natural water samples. ©2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.