951 resultados para purchase intent


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The oncologic outcome and the total dose are highly correlated with the treatment by ionizing radiation. The dose increase (total or per fraction) may provoke late-side effects that are potentially irreversible. The radiation-induced CD8 lymphocyte apoptotic value and the molecular modifications within the lymphocyte are capable of predicting the level of risk of developing late-side effects after curative intent radiotherapy. In this review, we present the different blood assays in this setting and discuss the current possibilities of researches, namely those involving the proteomic process.


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The Andalusian eHealth Library (Biblioteca Virtual del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía, BV-SSPA), created in June 2006 as a strategic action of the Andalusian Government with the aim of becoming the engine for the knowledge management of the health system in the region, has meant a radical change of mind in the way libraries can be managed: - As a regional library, it coordinates the 42 document library centers of the hospital network. - It is an organization in charge of its own budget and management. - It is the only intermediary for contracting health science resources. These factors have empowered the library in its dealings with other organizations such as stakeholders, suppliers, universities, etc. The centralization of the purchasing and the librarian network has made this library strong enough to deal with the economic recession and budgetary problems.


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A partir del buidatge exhaustiu dels fulls de subhasta del peix i de les fitxes tècniques de les embarcacions de la Confraria del Port de Llançà, es fa una anàlisi cronològica qualitativa i quantitativa dels darrers vint anys de pesca. La flota, inicialment constituïda per barques d'arrossegament i de pesca artesanal (palangre petit i tresmail), ha anat evolucionant, i ha quedat bàsicament constituïda actualment pel ròssec i el palangre de fons, que ha substituit progressivament la pesca artesanal. Les pesqueries, notablement multiespecífiques els primers anys, van donar pas, bàsicament amb la incorporació del radar, a una pesca molt més selectiva, dominada essencialment per la captura de lluç entre els anys 1980 i 1985. La progressiva incorporació del palangre de fons fa que a partir del 1986 es tendeixi novament cap a una captura més multiespecífica, perd amb canvis qualitatius importants en la composició d'espècies capturades en relació amb els primers anys


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BACKGROUND Lung cancer remains one of the most prevalent forms of cancer. Radiotherapy, with or without other therapeutic modalities, is an effective treatment. Our objective was to report on the use of radiotherapy for lung cancer, its variability in our region, and to compare our results with the previous study done in 2004 (VARA-I) in our region and with other published data. METHODS We reviewed the clinical records and radiotherapy treatment sheets of all patients undergoing radiotherapy for lung cancer during 2007 in the 12 public hospitals in Andalusia, an autonomous region of Spain. Data were gathered on hospital, patient type and histological type, radiotherapy treatment characteristics, and tumor stage. RESULTS 610 patients underwent initial radiotherapy. 37% of cases had stage III squamous cell lung cancer and were treated with radical therapy. 81% of patients with non-small and small cell lung cancer were treated with concomitant chemo-radiotherapy and the administered total dose was ≥60 Gy and ≥45 Gy respectively. The most common regimen for patients treated with palliative intent (44.6%) was 30 Gy. The total irradiation rate was 19.6% with significant differences among provinces (range, 8.5-25.6%; p<0.001). These differences were significantly correlated with the geographical distribution of radiation oncologists (r=0.78; p=0.02). Our results were similar to other published data and previous study VARA-I. CONCLUSIONS Our results shows no differences according to the other published data and data gathered in the study VARA-I. There is still wide variability in the application of radiotherapy for lung cancer in our setting that significantly correlates with the geographical distribution of radiation oncologists.


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Amb una història que data de la dècada de 1950, la EUREGIO és un de les més antigues euroregions a Europa. Es pot considerar com un cas exitós d'una regió transfronterera (CBR) en el sentit que s'ha establert fermament com una agència de fronteres dins del seu tram de la frontera holandesa-alemanya. L'EUREGIO també ha estat una de les protagonistes principals darrere de l'Associació de Regions Frontereres Europees (ARFE), que en les últimes dècades va actuar per difondre el model d'euroregió a tot el territori europeu. Aquest capítol té diversos objectius. En primer lloc, es presenta el cas de la EUREGIO i presenta evidència sobre la seva història, estructura orgànica i polítiques. En segon lloc, s'analitzen les condicions del context en què la EUREGIO ha sorgit i les estructures de govern que es van crear com a resultat. Es fa especial èmfasi en la posició i el paper de l'Euroregió en el context més ampli del marc de governança europea multinivell generat per la política de cohesió de la UE. El capítol conclou amb un intent d'avaluar l'èxit i l'impacte de la EUREGIO i una discussió dels reptes relacionats amb la doble funció de l'EUREGIO com a representant dels interessos de les autoritats locals i les agències de cohesió de la UE posada en pràctica de les polítiques.


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El proceso de asociación estratégica birregional entre la Unión Europea y América Latina y el Caribe es un ejemplo claro de un intento de cooperación encuadrado en la óptica del neoliberalismo institucional, tanto en su forma –el establecimiento de un mecanismo de acercamiento entre dos regiones del mundo- como en su contenido, manifiesto en el amplio y variado temario plasmado en los acuerdos del Compromiso de Madrid. Sin embargo, si se abordan los resultados del encuentro desde esta misma óptica encontramos que en la Cumbre se desaprovechó una oportunidad de afianzar las relaciones entre ambas regiones, poniendo en riesgo el soft power que ejerce la UE respecto a ALC, a raíz de la decepción de las administraciones latinoamericanas en función de la satisfacción de sus demandas, que ha sido baja.


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Fa més d'un quart de segle que Xipre està dividit, després que l'exèrcit turc intervingués a l'illa, davant l'intent de cop d'estat greco-xipriota recolzat per Grècia. Aquest episodi va concloure amb l'ocupació turca de la part nord de l'illa i el transvasament de població entre nord i sud fins a configurar dos territoris ètnicament homogenis i separats físicament per la "Línia verd" de Nacions Unides. Aquest conflicte que secciona l'illa ha quedat congelat fins als nostres dies, tot i els repetits intents i propostes de pau promoguts per la comunitat internacional1. L'11 de novembre de 2002, el Secretari General de Nacions Unides, Kofi Annan, va presentar un nou pla als líders xipriotes i als governs dels estats garants Grècia, Turquia i el Regne Unit. Donada la conjuntura actual, sobretot arran del procés d'ampliació europea, aquesta proposta constitueix una oportunitat "històrica" per desbloquejar la situació i arribar a un acord definitiu. En aquestes pàgines, plantegem els possibles escenaris de futur per Xipre, tenint en compte els diferents elements que poden condicionar les polítiques exteriors dels actors implicats en el contenciós.


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The Barcelona Euro-Mediterranean Conference (1995) was intended to be a launching pad" for creating a new, innovative relationship between the EU-Fifteen and a selected set of non-member Middle Eastern and North African countries. The Barcelona Process was to become the European Union´s first attempt, of several, to create postmodern inclusive policy spheres as a way to deal with the post-enlargement problems of ´ins´ and outs´ in its immediate periphery. Nevertheless, in spite of geographical proximity, common problems and stated interest in creating amorphous EU borders in different sectors, the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership is today all but abandoned. This paper will examine some of the factors behind the current degeneration of the EU´s post-bipolar foreign policy strategy in the Mediterranean, by exploring the dialectic between the Union´s desire to expand its geopolitical, economic and cultural boundaries and the need to secure its territorial area (from migration, proliferation, social instability etc.). In the final part of the paper some suggestions for how to revive the relationship across the Mare Nostrum will be forwarded.


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¿Cómo se podría comprometer la Comunidad Internacional, en un mundo globalizado, para la resolución de conflictos?. En el siglo XXI, pasa necesariamente por un cuestionamiento de los métodos tradicionalmente empleados para la resolución de conflictos y la seguridad (frente a nuevos escenarios nuevas estrategias). Éstas toman forma en las doctrinas de la prevención, transformación, resolución de conflictos, gestión de crisis, y seguridad multidimensional/colectiva. Trasladándolo a Europa, la implantación de políticas comunes en las zonas en conflicto, urge cada día más. No existe una acción exterior colectiva ante el estallido de una crisis, porque al final siempre acaban prevaleciendo las decisiones de los Estados más poderosos. Es este mismo proceso decisional, anclado en las posturas realistas, el que bloquea o retarda todo intento de reacción común. Mientras, la violencia se sucede y asistimos impotentes a escenarios bélicos o escaladas, bajo la mirada atrapada de Occidente. La UE se enfrenta a un desafío cada vez más presente, por conseguir una acción globalizadora en materia de derechos humanos, porque frente a la globalización económica surge la necesidad de contrarestar sus efectos, globalizando también los derechos humanos. Cabría revisar las respuestas y capacidades europeas ante el estallido de una crisis.


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Aquesta investigació és una aproximació al procés d’adaptació a la Llei 5/2000, reguladora de la responsabilitat penal dels menors, al Centre Educatiu L’Alzina. La recerca constitueix un intent d’anar més enllà d’allò merament descriptiu, en un esforç per fer palesa la racionalitat subjacent a la pràctica quotidiana i a la lògica implícita a l’intervenció educativa amagada sota nocions centrals en el seu desenvolupament, com ara progrés, retrocés, càstig, recompensa, activitat esportiva o pauta mèdica. Els autors proposen una interpretació que implica la consolidació d’una lògica de la simulació netament allunyada de la lògica dels fets que, formalment, plana sobre la dinàmica de l’aplicació de la norma al Centre.


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ABSTRACT This study aims to contribute towards understanding the multiple factors, which influence firm's governance decisions. To identify some of these factors, three cases in the Brazilian wine industry were analyzed: Miolo located in Vale dos Vinhedos (South of Brazil) and in Vale do Rio São Francisco (Northeast of Brazil); Don Laurindo located in Vale dos Vinhedos; and ViniBrasil located in Vale do Rio São Francisco. For the most part, all three firms procure the grapes they use for their wine production in-house. Only Miolo purchases an insignificant amount of grapes outside of its production. By Brazilian standards, these regions have a long tradition of grape production and it is not difficult to purchase sufficient quantity of grapes to produce wine. However, the wineries are concerned also about the quality of the grapes they use and purchasing high-quality grapes might be critical issue. On the other hand, the quality of grapes is easily measured and the cost to buy in the market is cheaper than producing in-house. Furthermore, also the level of asset specificity present in the grape-grower-wine-producer transaction seems, by itself, insufficient to justify the use of hierarchical governance forms. Then, the aim of the article is to analyze the reasons why these wineries largely rely on hierarchy governance forms to procure their grape-inputs. What explains their use of hierarchy governance, given that both asset specificity and measurement problems appear to be relatively low?


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BACKGROUND: Extrahepatic Portal vein aneurysm (EPVA) is a rare finding that may be associated with different complications, e.g. thrombosis, rupture, portal hypertension and compression of adjacent structures. It is being diagnosed more frequently with the advent of modern cross-sectional imaging. Our review of the English literature disclosed 13 cases of thrombosed EPVA. CASE PRESENTATION: A 50-years-old woman presented with acute abdominal pain but no other symptom. She had no relevant medical history. Palpation of the right upper quadrant showed tenderness. Laboratory tests were unremarkable. A computed tomography showed portal vein aneurysm measuring 88 × 65 mm with thrombosis extending to the superior mesenteric and splenic vein. The patient was treated conservatively with anticoagulation therapy. She was released after two weeks and followed on an outpatient basis. At two months, she reported decreased abdominal pain and her physical examination was normal. A computed tomography was performed showing a decreased thrombosis size and extent, measuring 80 × 55 mm. CONCLUSIONS: Although rare, surgeons should be made aware of this entity. Complications are various. Conservative therapy should be chosen in first intent in most cases. We reported the case of the second largest thrombosed extra-hepatic PVA described in the literature, treated by anticoagulation therapy with a good clinical and radiological response.


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Nowadays, the joint exploitation of images acquired daily by remote sensing instruments and of images available from archives allows a detailed monitoring of the transitions occurring at the surface of the Earth. These modifications of the land cover generate spectral discrepancies that can be detected via the analysis of remote sensing images. Independently from the origin of the images and of type of surface change, a correct processing of such data implies the adoption of flexible, robust and possibly nonlinear method, to correctly account for the complex statistical relationships characterizing the pixels of the images. This Thesis deals with the development and the application of advanced statistical methods for multi-temporal optical remote sensing image processing tasks. Three different families of machine learning models have been explored and fundamental solutions for change detection problems are provided. In the first part, change detection with user supervision has been considered. In a first application, a nonlinear classifier has been applied with the intent of precisely delineating flooded regions from a pair of images. In a second case study, the spatial context of each pixel has been injected into another nonlinear classifier to obtain a precise mapping of new urban structures. In both cases, the user provides the classifier with examples of what he believes has changed or not. In the second part, a completely automatic and unsupervised method for precise binary detection of changes has been proposed. The technique allows a very accurate mapping without any user intervention, resulting particularly useful when readiness and reaction times of the system are a crucial constraint. In the third, the problem of statistical distributions shifting between acquisitions is studied. Two approaches to transform the couple of bi-temporal images and reduce their differences unrelated to changes in land cover are studied. The methods align the distributions of the images, so that the pixel-wise comparison could be carried out with higher accuracy. Furthermore, the second method can deal with images from different sensors, no matter the dimensionality of the data nor the spectral information content. This opens the doors to possible solutions for a crucial problem in the field: detecting changes when the images have been acquired by two different sensors.


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Este TFC es un humilde intento de encajar el software libre en el ambiente de una oficina de farmacia, configurando un entorno de intranet y desarrollando una aplicación para la actividad de formulación magistral.