927 resultados para professional service


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A major initiative of the Thatcher and Major Conservative administrations was that public sector ancillary and professional services provided by incumbent direct service organisations [DSOs] be put out to tender. Analyses of this initiative, in the UK and elsewhere, found costs were often reduced in the short run. However, few if any studies went beyond the first round of tendering. We analyze data collected over successive rounds of tendering for cleaning and catering services of Scottish hospitals in order to assess the long term consequences of this initiative. The experience of the two services was very different. Cost savings for cleaning services tended to increase with each additional round of tendering and became increasingly stable. In accordance with previous results in the literature, DSOs produced smaller cost reductions than private contractors: probably an inevitable consequence of the tendering process at the time. Cost savings from DSOs tended to disappear during the first round of tendering, but they appear to have been more permanent in successive rounds. Cost savings for catering, on the other hand, tended to be much smaller, and these were not sustained.


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The aim of this paper is to identify the factors that affect the market penetration of pay television by studying the competition that exists between three types of technology (satellite, cable and ADSL). We distinguish three groups of factors: the level of market competition, the level of competition in the industry and the quality of the product being offered. Our results seem to indicate that as market concentration increases, the television service can achieve greater penetration. This relationship is specifically captured by the level of intra- and inter-platform competition. We also examine the relationship between free television channels and pay television and find that as the amount of time dedicated to the broadcasting of advertising by the former increases, the number of subscribers to pay TV rises. Finally, we examine product quality by introducing the effect of holding the rights to broadcast Professional Football League matches and an HBO or Showtime produced series. Our results suggest that these variables are critical for the penetration of pay television.


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Employment in call centers has grown significantly throughout the world over the past 15 years. In debates about the quality of these new jobs, there are few studies that specifically address promotion opportunities. Using a survey of over 2400 call centers in 16 countries, this paper documents levels and analyzes factors shaping promotions in call centers, and discusses implications for promotions in the service sector generally. On average, less than 10% of call center agents are promoted in any year--5.7% promoted internally to the call center, and 4% promoted elsewhere in the business. Firms that have more complex labor processes and require agents to have higher levels of firm-specific knowledge tend to also have greater promotion opportunities, which might be expected. There are also unexpected findings, including that increased autonomy in the workplace often provides a ‘substitute' to advancement opportunities, and that unionization is associated with fewer advancement opportunities within call centers, though more advancement opportunities to other parts of the business. Key words: promotions, service industries, call centers.


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Background: Sponsoring of physicians meetings by life science companies has led to reduced participation fees but might influence physician's prescription practices. A ban on such sponsoring may increase participation fees. We aimed to evaluate factors associated with physicians' willingness to pay for medical meetings, their position on the sponsoring of medical meetings and their opinion on alternative financing options. Methods: An anonymous web-based questionnaire was sent to 447 general practitioners in one state in Switzerland, identified through their affiliation to a medical association. The questionnaire evaluated physicians' willingness to pay for medical meetings, their perception of a bias in prescription practices induced by commercial support, their opinion on the introduction of a binding legislation and alternative financing options, their frequency of exchange with sales representatives and other relevant socioeconomic factors. We built a multivariate predictor logistic regression model to identify determinants of willingness to pay. Results: Of the 115 physicians who responded (response rate 26%), 48% were willing to pay more than what they currently pay for congresses, 79% disagreed that commercial support introduced a bias in their prescription practices and 61% disagreed that it introduced a bias in their colleagues' prescription practices. Based on the multivariate logistic regression, perception of a bias in peers prescription practices (OR=7.47, 95% CI 1.65-38.18) and group practice structure (OR=4.62, 95% CI 1.34-22.29) were significantly associated with an increase in willingness to pay. Two thirds (76%) of physicians did not support the introduction of a binding legislation and 53% were in favour of creating a general fund administered by an independent body. Conclusion: Our results suggest that almost half of physicians surveyed are willing to pay more than what they currently pay for congresses. Predictors of an increase in physicians' willingness to pay were perception of the influence of bias in peers prescription practices and group practice structure. Most responders did not agree that sponsoring introduced prescribing bias nor did they support the 2 introduction of a binding legislation prohibiting sponsoring but a majority did agree to an independent body that would centrally administer a general fund.


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This paper studies the effects of service offshoring on the level and skill composition of domestic employment, using a rich data set of Italian firms and propensity score matching techniques. The results show that service offshoring has no effect on the level of employment but changes its composition in favor of high skilled workers.


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This paper studies the effects of service offshoring on the skill composition of labor demand, using novel comparable data for nine Western European countries between 1990 and 2004. The empirical analysis delivers three main results. First, service offshoring is skill-biased, because it increases the demand for high and medium skilled labor and decreases the demand for low skilled labor. Second, the effects of service offshoring are similar to those of material offshoring, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Third, the economic magnitude of these effects is not large.


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La problématique centrale de cette thèse de doctorat est l'efficacité de l'accompagnement à l'orientation. Elle renvoie en particulier à la multiplicité des types d'interventions ainsi qu'aux tensions entre les finalités de l'orientation qui rendent improbable une mesure univoque et objective de l'efficacité des pratiques. Le «mythe » de l'efficacité trouve notamment sa source dans le persistent monopole du modèle de l'appariement qui a largement influencé le développement de la discipline. Le manuscrit est basé sur deux études empiriques. Premièrement, « voies professionnelles » est une étude longitudinale visant l'évaluation de l'efficacité d'un service de counseling d'orientation au travers de mesures intraindividuelles. Les résultats immédiats (pre-post) indiquent une forte diminution de l'indécision vocationnelle des consultants ainsi qu'une augmentation de leur bien-être. Les résultats longitudinaux sur un an indiquent une évolution positive des difficultés plus ancrées ainsi qu'un fort taux d'implémentation des projets professionnels. La qualité de l'alliance de travail démontre un impact positif sur l'efficacité de la démarche. Deuxièmement, l'étude « orientation et genre » a permis de mettre en évidence un effet d'interaction entre le sexe et le niveau scolaire d'élèves en fin de scolarité sur leurs profils d'intérêts professionnels. Ce résultat affecte en particulier les jeunes filles dans une filière à exigences élémentaires car ces deux identités psychosociales semblent restreindre doublement les options professionnelles envisageables. Les deux études ont permis de soulever cinq implications centrales : (1) La distinction entre les aspects cognitifs et émotionnels de l'indécision vocationnelle est importante. En particulier, la préparation au choix est un construit qui nécessite clarification ; (2) Les processus de transitions professionnelles ainsi que leur accompagnement doivent être considérés dans leur dimension temporelle ; (3) L'interconnexion des différentes sphères de vie est centrale dans les processus d'orientation et leur accompagnement ; (4) L'efficacité du conseil en orientation est affectée par la qualité des aspects relationnels ; (5) La complexité des pratiques et de leurs finalités confronte l'orientation à son rôle envers des identités psychosociales fragilisées. - The central issue of this doctoral thesis is the effectiveness of career counseling and guidance. In particular, this refers to the many types of career interventions as well as the tensions between their objectives. Those aspects make it unlikely to get an unambiguous and objective measure of the effectiveness of career practices. The "myth of efficiency" is particularly rooted in the persistent monopoly of person-environment fit models, which greatly influenced the development of the discipline. This manuscript is based on two empirical studies. First, "career paths" is a longitudinal study looking at the effectiveness of a career counseling service through intraindividual measures. Pre-post impacts showed a significant decrease in clients' vocational indecision as well as a moderate increase in their well-being. The one year-longitudinal results highlighted significant decreases in more constant decision-making difficulties with a high proportion of clients having implemented their professional projects. The quality of the working alliance had a positive impact on the effectiveness of the intervention. The second study, "vocational development and gender" highlighted an interaction effect between late schoolchildren's gender and school level on their professional interests profile. This result particularly affected girls at a low school level, because these psychosocial identities were a double restraint in restricting career options. The two studies raised five central implications: (1) The distinction between cognitive and emotional aspects of vocational indecision is important. In particular, readiness to make a choice is a construct that requires clarification; (2) career transitions processes as well as supporting these transitions, should be considered in their temporal dimension (3) the interconnection of different spheres of life is central to vocational development and career guidance and counseling; (4) the effectiveness of career counseling is affected by the quality of the relational aspects in the intervention; (5) and the complexity of career interventions and their objectives forces practitioners to consider their role and responsibilities towards clients with marginalized psychosocial identities.


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The treatment of back pain patients refers to the biopsychosocial model of care. This model includes illness in patient's personal and relational life. In this context, it is not only the physical symptom of the patient which is focused but also his psychological distress often hidden by algic complain. Clinical interviews conducted with back pain patients have highlighted psychosocial aspects able to influence the relationship between health care user and provider. Taking account of psychosocial aspects implies an interdisciplinary approach that identify and assesses patients' needs through adequate tools. As a result, the different health care providers implied with back pain patients have to collaborate in a structured network.


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This book explores the perceptions of academic staff and representatives of institutional leadership about the changes in academic careers and academic work experienced in recent years. It emphasizes standardization and differentiation of academic career paths, impact of new forms of quality management on academic work, changes in recruitment, employment and working conditions, and academics' perceptions of their professional contexts. The book demonstrates a growing diversity within the academic profession and new professional roles inhabiting a space which is neither located in the core business of teaching and research nor at the top level management and leadership. The new higher education professionals tend to be important change agents within the higher education institutions not only fulfilling service and bridging functions but also streamlining academic work to make a contribution to the reputation and competitiveness of the institutions as a whole. Based on interviews with academic staff, this book explores the situation in eight European countries: Austria, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Romania, and Switzerland.


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Nandrolone (19-nortestosterone) is a widely used anabolic steroid in sports where strength plays an essential role. Once nandrolone has been metabolised, two major metabolites are excreted in urine, 19-norandrosterone (NA) and 19-noretiocholanolone (NE). In 1997, in France, quite a few sportsmen had concentrations of 19-norandrosterone very close to the IOC cut off limit (2ng/ml). At that time, a debate took place about the capability of the human male body to produce by itself these metabolites without any intake of nandrolone or related compounds. The International Football Federation (FIFA) was very concerned with this problematic, especially because the World Cup was about to start in France. In this respect, a statistical study was held with all football players from the first and second divisions of the Swiss Football National League. All players gave a urine sample after effort and around 6% of them showed traces of 19-norandrosterone. These results were compared with amateur football players (control group) and around 6% of them had very small amounts of 19-norandrosterone and/or 19-noretiocholanolone in urine after effort, whereas none of them had detectable traces of one or the other metabolite before effort. The origin of these compounds in urine after a strenuous physical activity is still unknown, but three hypotheses can be put forward. First, an endogenous production of nandrolone metabolites takes place. Second, nandrolone metabolites are released from the fatty tissues after an intake of nandrolone, some related compounds or some contaminated nutritive supplements. Finally, the sportsmen may have taken something during or just before the football game.


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Although stress has been a longstanding issue in organizations and management studies, it has never been studied in relation to Public Service Motivation. This article therefore aims to integrate PSM into the job demands-job resources model of stress in order to determine whether PSM might contribute to stress in public organizations. Drawing upon original data from a questionnaire in a Swiss municipality, this study unsurprisingly shows that "red tape" is an antecedent of stress perception, whereas satisfaction with organizational support, positive feedback, and recognition significantly decrease the level of perceived stress. Astonishingly, the empirical results show that PSM is positively and significantly related to stress perception. By increasing individuals' expectations towards their jobs, PSM might thus contribute to increased pressure on public agents. Ultimately, this article investigates the "dark side" of PSM, which has been neglected by the literature thus far.