997 resultados para produtos LLOS


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The present work evaluated the effect of strobilurins, boscalid, plant growth regulators and vegetal extracts on the physico-chemical quality of tomato fruits (Solanum lycopersicum L.), hybrid Giuliana. The fruits from each treatment were selected and separated in 4 repetitions: control, pyraclostrobin, boscalid, pyraclostrobin + boscalid, IBA + GA(3) + kinetin, GA(4+7) + benzylaminopurine and vegetal extract. The first application was carried out at 30 days after transplant and the following at every 15 days. The evaluations were: weight loss, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), SS/TA relation, pH, ascorbic acid content, texture, total soluble sugars (TSS), activity of pectin methyl esterase (PME) and polygalacturonase (PG). The SS content, responsible for fruit flavor, varied accordingly to the treatment, being highest for GA(4+7) + benzylaminopurine and lowest for the control. The same occurred regarding the SS/AT relation. The fruits were kept on the shelf for 9 days, at room temperature, being that at the end of this period several treatments still presented fruit in optimal consumption conditions, notably the boscalid treatment, which presented lowest weight loss, followed by pyraclostrobin. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of the treatments did not modify the values for pH, AT and AST of the fruits. The highest PME activity was observed for the treatments with boscalid and the mixture of boscalid and pyraclostrobin, while the lowest PG activity occurred in the control and the pyraclostrobin treatment, indicating that some products accelerated the process of demethylation of pectins by PME, facilitating the action of PG.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As formigas cortadeiras, pertencentes aos gêneros Atta e Acromyrmex, possuem esse nome pelo hábito que têm de cortar as folhas das plantas. Por este motivo, elas causam danos econômicos, principalmente em áreas de cultura agrícola. Para realizar o controle dessas pragas, existem inúmeros métodos; porém, os únicos que apresentam resultados satisfatórios são os que utilizam inseticidas tradicionais. O controle químico pode gerar efeitos maléficos ao ambiente, à fauna e à população humana. É por isso que há uma grande procura por métodos alternativos, utilizando produtos que tenham grande especificidade e sejam passíveis de rápida degradação, sendo, portanto, menos danosos ao ambiente. Uma destas alternativas é a utilização de produtos naturais presentes nos vegetais superiores, que podem constituir novas fontes de material com ação tóxica para estes insetos praga. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a toxicidade das plantas Magonia pubescens e Duguetia lanceolata para operárias de Atta sexdens rubropilosa. Para os testes, as formigas foram divididas em lotes de 50 operárias, distribuídas em 5 placas para cada tratamento e mantidas em B.O.D. durante os 25 dias do experimento. Nos bioensaios de ingestão, os extratos provenientes das plantas foram incorporados em dieta artificial e testados durante 25 dias. No bioensaio tópico, as substâncias eram colocadas no pronoto das formigas e era oferecida dieta pura em todos os dias do experimento. Após os testes, os dados foram transferidos para o software Prisma 3.0, para a confecção de curvas de sobrevivência e para a realização das análises estatísticas. Apesar de Magonia pubescens apresentar um bom resultado, não foi possível continuar com os testes, pois a alta polaridade dos extratos impossibilitava a separação das substâncias... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Currently, the food market is a great competition. It is no longer unanimously in the CMC powder drinks, as in the past, xanthan gum, always seeking to develop more economic alternatives, such as guar gum. It is clear, therefore, it is of vital importance to understand thoroughly the operation of a particular product in different process conditions and with different materials so that we can develop and adapt both new processes and products to new market reality


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A busca por alimentos chamados popularmente de orgânicos, produzidos sem o uso de agrotóxicos, fertilizantes, insumos químicos ou organismos geneticamente modificados, vem se consolidando mundialmente. O crescimento do mercado mundial de produtos orgânicos criou uma demanda pela normatização, regulamentação e certificação da produção orgânica em diversos países. Por pressão de países importadores, houve a necessidade de que produtos orgânicos brasileiros fossem certificados através de normas e padrões de qualidade reconhecidos internacionalmente. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a legislação brasileira referente à certificação de produtos orgânicos. Foram descritos os conteúdos das leis e normas que compõem o arcabouço legal referente ao tema. A regulamentação da agricultura orgânica no Brasil teve início com publicação da Lei 10.831/2003 e sua regulamentação pelo Decreto 6.323/2007, que estabeleceu a obrigatoriedade da certificação de produtos orgânicos por organismo de certificação reconhecido oficialmente. Todos aqueles que produzem, transportam, comercializam ou armazenam produtos orgânicos (exceto aqueles pertencentes à agricultura familiar) ficaram obrigados a regularizar suas atividades e estarem inseridos no Cadastro Nacional de Produtores Orgânicos


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Accidents involving insects of the Hymenoptera order occur very often with both human beings and domestic pets and, in Brazil, they include aggravated cases with Africanized bees (Apis mellifera). The aggravation of deforestation and the lack of awareness regarding the subject are factors that contribute to the rise of the number of bees in the urban environment. This fact has been causing several derangements among the population because, once these insects are bothered, they become very aggressive. Considering the risks to population and the great amount of accidents that could be avoided, the development of researches with the goal of determining repelling substances is rather important. Therefore, this research evaluated the repelling action of essential natural oils obtained from rosemary (Rosmarinus oficinalis), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), cedar (Juniperus virginiana), clove (Syzygium aromaticum) and mint (Mentha piperita) on A. mellifera Africanized worker bees in both semi-field and aggressiveness tests. Among the evaluated composites, the lemongrass, mint and clove essential natural oils presented a grater repelling effect, inhibiting the bees’ visitation to the managed feeders almost completely. The cedar essential natural oil was the least effective composite, and the rest of the tested oils presented satisfactory repellency, which became less effective over time, according to non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. However, further tests showed that only the lemongrass essential natural oil caused a less aggressive response from the bees, which can confirm the repelling power of this composite. This way, according to the results obtained through this research, lemongrass presents a greater potential to the development of effective repelling formulas against Africanized bees (Apis mellifera)


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In this work were studied associations of ZnO with the natural products caffeic and feluric acids. Two preparation methods were used, that is, the sol-gel and a reflux procedure. In the sol-gel method, ZnO is produced by the basics hydrolysis of precursors in the presence of the organic filters (caffeic and feluric acids), which results in 30 nm (or less) ZnO particles with the organic filters (in dissociated form) bonded to the surface of ZnO. In the reflux method, a dispersion of ZnO in a water/ethanol mixture was kept under reflux (50oC/4h) in the presence of the organic acids. The ZnO particles used in the reflux method have a higher diameter than sol-gel ZnO particles, but the prepared associated product ZnO/Organic acids were similar. Despite of the difference in relation to crystallinity between the products, the preparation methods resulted in analogous associations with respect to the interaction of the organic filters with the ZnO surface. The caffeic/ZnO associations presented low photostability, which lead to the degradation of the organic filter. The other associations (feluric acid/ZnO) presented satisfactory results. The FT-IR spectroscopy confirmed the formation of the association, and the nature of the bond formed compared with the Zn-O bond in Zn2+/Felutic acid complexes. The isolated organic and inorganic filters, along with the associations were analyzed by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and Uv-vis spectroscopy. The absorption edges and the critical wavelengths were analyzed and the effects of Zn-O bonds in feluric acid/ZnO associations described as a function of the relative position of the π/π* system of the organic filter. Finally the performance of the hybrid filters were investigated in terms of the absorption of UVA and UVB radiations, with the UVA/UVB ratio, an efficiency parameter largely used in the description of solar filters, sunscreen and suncare products


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This work presents a proposal to create a Polo Ceramic Craft in the town of Indiana - SP, through the potter’s organization in a cooperative that will coordinate activities to add value to ceramic pieces. To achieve this, two things are essential: improving the ceramic body and improve the properties of the ceramic material. For the first action it’s necessary to create a Central Mass Production of Ceramics, to provide raw materials and homogeneous composition that results in differentiated ceramic after burning process (sintering). To this end, we propose the incorporation of additives (which act as fluxes) to the clay material. These additives can be mineral such as feldspar and nefelinas or leavings, such as glass powder obtained from disposable containers. For the second action is necessary to acquire an oven, electric or gas, it reaches higher temperatures (around 1200 ° C). The presence of the additive and burning at higher temperatures will enable better production of sintered ceramic material with less porosity and water absorption and higher mechanical strength, and pieces vitrified and glazed, allowing them to assign a higher value. For the production of these materials (thinner walls) requires a smaller volume of clayey raw materials. Besides benefiting the ceramic pieces, the proposed changes reduce the environmental impact caused by burning wood, since it will be replaced by natural gas (or electricity), and even will reduce the disposal of glass containers in the environment by recycling and incorporating this material in the clay. From a social standpoint, the cooperative is crucial to the viability of the proposed project, to coordinate activities and commercial production, which will result in better wages and profits for companies and consequently for the city and its population


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L'un des facteurs nécessaires pour qu’une entreprise reste compétitive sur le marché est la création ou l'amélioration d'un produit afin qu’il réponde aux besoins et aux attentes des clients, ainsi, le Processus de Développement de Produits (PDP) est essentiel. Pour la réussite du PDP, il est souhaitable de suivre un système standard de gestion de projet. L'objectif de cette étude est d'analyser la gestion de projets dans le processus de développement de produits dans l'industrie automobile afin d'identifier les possibilités d’amélioration. Par conséquent, nous avons procédé à une revue de littérature sur le sujet, analysé les lignes directrices et les pratiques du processus de développement de produit dans l’entreprise. Comme résultat, il a été obtenu que le système de développement de produits créé par l’entreprise requiert la clarification des outils utiles à la gestion de projet. Un problème de communication et de gestion des coûts a également été constaté dans le domaine du développement du moteur lourd