860 resultados para product portfolios
When different markers are responsive to different aspects of a disease, combination of multiple markers could provide a better screening test for early detection. It is also resonable to assume that the risk of disease changes smoothly as the biomarker values change and the change in risk is monotone with respect to each biomarker. In this paper, we propose a boundary constrained tensor-product B-spline method to estimate the risk of disease by maximizing a penalized likelihood. To choose the optimal amount of smoothing, two scores are proposed which are extensions of the GCV score (O'Sullivan et al. (1986)) and the GACV score (Ziang and Wahba (1996)) to incorporate linear constraints. Simulation studies are carried out to investigate the performance of the proposed estimator and the selection scores. In addidtion, sensitivities and specificities based ona pproximate leave-one-out estimates are proposed to generate more realisitc ROC curves. Data from a pancreatic cancer study is used for illustration.
Portfolio use in writing studies contexts is becoming ubiquitous and, as such, portfolios are in danger of being rendered meaningless and thus require that we more fully theorize and historicize portfolios. To this end, I examine portfolios: both the standardized portfolio used for assessment purposes and the personalized portfolio used for entering the job market. I take a critical look at portfolios as a form of technology and acknowledge some of the dangers of blindly using portfolios for gaining employment in the current economic structure of fast capitalism. As educators in the writing studies fields, it is paramount that instructors have a critical awareness of the consequences of portfolio creation on students as designers, lifelong learners, and citizens of a larger society. I argue that a better understanding of the pedagogical implications for portfolio use is imperative before implementing them in the classroom, and that a social-epistemic approach provides a valuable rethinking of portfolio use for assessment purposes. Further, I argue for the notions of meditation and transformation to be added alongside collection, selection, and reflection because they enable portfolio designers and evaluators alike to thoughtfully consider new ways of meaning-making and innovation. Also important and included with meditation and transformation is the understanding that students are ideologically positioned in the educational system. For them to begin recognizing their situatedness is a step toward becoming designers of change. The portfolio can be a site for that change, and a way for them to document their own learning and ways of making meaning over a lifetime.
Waste effluents from the forest products industry are sources of lignocellulosic biomass that can be converted to ethanol by yeast after pretreatment. However, the challenge of improving ethanol yields from a mixed pentose and hexose fermentation of a potentially inhibitory hydrolysate still remains. Hardboard manufacturing process wastewater (HPW) was evaluated at a potential feedstream for lignocellulosic ethanol production by native xylose-fermenting yeast. After screening of xylose-fermenting yeasts, Scheffersomyces stipitis CBS 6054 was selected as the ideal organism for conversion of the HPW hydrolysate material. The individual and synergistic effects of inhibitory compounds present in the hydrolysate were evaluated using response surface methodology. It was concluded that organic acids have an additive negative effect on fermentations. Fermentation conditions were also optimized in terms of aeration and pH. Methods for improving productivity and achieving higher ethanol yields were investigated. Adaptation to the conditions present in the hydrolysate through repeated cell sub-culturing was used. The objectives of this present study were to adapt S. stipitis CBS6054 to a dilute-acid pretreated lignocellulosic containing waste stream; compare the physiological, metabolic, and proteomic profiles of the adapted strain to its parent; quantify changes in protein expression/regulation, metabolite abundance, and enzyme activity; and determine the biochemical and molecular mechanism of adaptation. The adapted culture showed improvement in both substrate utilization and ethanol yields compared to the unadapted parent strain. The adapted strain also represented a growth phenotype compared to its unadapted parent based on its physiological and proteomic profiles. Several potential targets that could be responsible for strain improvement were identified. These targets could have implications for metabolic engineering of strains for improved ethanol production from lignocellulosic feedstocks. Although this work focuses specifically on the conversion of HPW to ethanol, the methods developed can be used for any feedstock/product systems that employ a microbial conversion step. The benefit of this research is that the organisms will the optimized for a company's specific system.
The demand for consumer goods in the developing world continues to rise as populations and economies grow. As designers, manufacturers, and consumers look for ways to address this growing demand, many are considering the possibilities of 3D printing. Due to 3D printing’s flexibility and relative mobility, it is speculated that 3D printing could help to meet the growing demands of the developing world. While the merits and challenges of distributed manufacturing with 3D printing have been presented, little work has been done to determine the types of products that would be appropriate for such manufacturing. Inspired by the author’s two years of Peace Corps service in the Tanzania and the need for specialty equipment for various projects during that time, an in-depth literature search is undertaken to better understand and summarize the process and capabilities of 3D printing. Human-centered design considerations are developed to focus on the product desirability, the technical feasibility, and the financial viability of using 3D printing within Tanzania. Beginning with concerns of what Tanzanian consumers desire, many concerns later arise in regards to the feasibility of creating products that would be sufficient in strength and quality for the demands of developing world consumers. It is only after these concerns are addressed that the viability of products can be evaluated from an economic perspective. The larger impacts of a product beyond its use are vital in determining how it will affect the social, economic, and environmental well-being of a developing nation such as Tanzania. Thus technology specific criteria are necessary for assessing and quantifying the broader impacts that a 3D-printed product can have within its ecosystem, and appropriate criteria are developed for this purpose. Both sets of criteria are then demonstrated and tested while evaluating the desirability, feasibility, viability, and sustainability of printing a piece of equipment required for the author’s Peace Corps service: a set of Vernier calipers. Required for science educators throughout the country, specialty equipment such as calipers initially appear to be an ideal candidate for 3D printing, though ultimately the printing of calipers is not recommended due to current restrictions in the technology. By examining more specific challenges and opportunities of the products 3D printing can produce, it can be better determined what place 3D printing will have in manufacturing for the developing world. Furthermore, the considerations outlined in this paper could be adapted for other manufacturing technologies and regions of the world, as human centered design and sustainability will be critical in determining how to supply the developing world with the consumer goods it demands.
A systematic comparison has been performed of the morphology and stability of microtubules (MTs) induced by the potent microtubule-stabilizing agents (MSAs) taxol, epothilone B (Epo B), and discodermolide (DDM) under GTP-free conditions. DDM-induced tubulin polymerization occurred significantly faster than that induced by taxol and Epo B. At the same time, tubulin polymers assembled from soluble tubulin by DDM were morphologically distinct (shorter and less ordered) from those induced by either taxol or Epo B, as demonstrated by electron microscopy. Exposure of MSA-induced tubulin polymers to ultrasound revealed the DDM-based polymers to be less stable to this type of physical stress than those formed with either Epo B or taxol. Interestingly, MT assembly in the presence of both DDM and taxol appeared to produce a distinct new type of MT polymer with a mixed morphology between those of DDM- and taxol-induced structures. The observed differences in MT morphology and stability might be related, at least partly, to differences in intramicrotubular tubulin isotype distribution, as DDM showed a different pattern of beta-tubulin isotype usage in the assembly process.
Two trisaccharides (2 and 3) related to related to the glycone part of Phanoside, an insulin release stimulator have been synthesized in excellent yield.