907 resultados para predatory sequence
In this paper, a procedure for the on-line process control of variables is proposed. This procedure consists of inspecting the m-th item from every m produced items and deciding, at each inspection, whether the process is out-of-control. Two sets of limits, warning (µ0 ± W) and control (µ0 ± C), are used. If the value of the monitored statistic falls beyond the control limits or if a sequence of h observations falls between the warning limits and the control limits, the production is stopped for adjustment; otherwise, production goes on. The properties of an ergodic Markov chain are used to obtain an expression for the average cost per item. The parameters (the sampling interval m, the widths of the warning, the control limits W and C(W < C), and the sequence length (h) are optimized by minimizing the cost function. A numerical example illustrates the proposed procedure.
To reliably determine the main physical parameters (masses and ages) of young stars, we must know their distances. While the average distance to nearby star-forming regions (<300 pc) is often known, the distances to individual stars are usually unknown. Individual distances to members of young moving groups can be derived from their radial velocities and proper motions using the convergent-point strategy. We investigate the kinematic properties of the Lupus moving group with the primary objective of deriving individual distances to all group members.
Abstract Background Xanthomonads are plant-associated bacteria responsible for diseases on economically important crops. Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscans (Xff) is one of the causal agents of common bacterial blight of bean. In this study, the complete genome sequence of strain Xff 4834-R was determined and compared to other Xanthomonas genome sequences. Results Comparative genomics analyses revealed core characteristics shared between Xff 4834-R and other xanthomonads including chemotaxis elements, two-component systems, TonB-dependent transporters, secretion systems (from T1SS to T6SS) and multiple effectors. For instance a repertoire of 29 Type 3 Effectors (T3Es) with two Transcription Activator-Like Effectors was predicted. Mobile elements were associated with major modifications in the genome structure and gene content in comparison to other Xanthomonas genomes. Notably, a deletion of 33 kbp affects flagellum biosynthesis in Xff 4834-R. The presence of a complete flagellar cluster was assessed in a collection of more than 300 strains representing different species and pathovars of Xanthomonas. Five percent of the tested strains presented a deletion in the flagellar cluster and were non-motile. Moreover, half of the Xff strains isolated from the same epidemic than 4834-R was non-motile and this ratio was conserved in the strains colonizing the next bean seed generations. Conclusions This work describes the first genome of a Xanthomonas strain pathogenic on bean and reports the existence of non-motile xanthomonads belonging to different species and pathovars. Isolation of such Xff variants from a natural epidemic may suggest that flagellar motility is not a key function for in planta fitness.
[EN] Meagre, has been proposed as a candidate for marine finfish diversification on commercial aquaculture (Quémèner, 2002, Mateos, 2007). Despite of the elevated on growing potential, the most important bottleneck of this specie is related to the limited production of fry. Larval rearing of this species, is performed mainly adapting seabream culture techniques with different success (Roo et al., 2007) However, since limited information about the optimal feeding sequences and nutritional requirements of meagre is available, more research is needed on larval rearing protocols and nutrition. Present results (elevated larval growth rate, high survival, short rotifers period) are very promising for a successful implementation at industrial scale, which helps to solve the continues lack of fry of this specie in the Mediterranean and Canary islands.
[EN] First description of the complete embryo and larval development of the Canarian abalone (Haliotis tuberculata coccinea Reeve.) was conducted along 39 stages from fertilization to the appearance of the third tubule on the cephalic tentacles and illustrated in a microphotographic sequence. Eggs obtained by induced spawning with hydrogen peroxide from the GIA captive broodstock were stocked at a density of 10 eggs/mL and kept at 23 0.5 BC for 62 h until the formation of the third tubule. Live eggs and larvae were continuously observed on a 24 h basis at a 3400 magnification under transmitted light. At each stages, specific morphological features, illustrated by microscopic photographs, were described, as well as the time required for their apparition. Fertilized eggs diameter was 205 8 mm (mean SD), whereas length and width of larvae ready to undergo metamorphosis were 216.6 5.3 mmand 172 8.8 mm, respectively. Knowledge on the larval morphological development acquired through this study will contribute to the improvement of larval rearing techniques for this abalone species.
[EN] In this paper we present a method for the regularization of a set of unstructured 3D points obtained from a sequence of stereo images. This method takes into account the information supplied by the disparity maps computed between pairs of images to constraint the regularization of the set of 3D points. We propose a model based on an energy which is composed of two terms: an attachment term that minimizes the distance from 3D points to the projective lines of camera points, and a second term that allows for the regularization of the set of 3D points by preserving discontinuities presented on the disparity maps. We embed this energy in a 2D finite element method. After minimizing, this method results in a large system of equations that can be optimized for fast computations. We derive an efficient implicit numerical scheme which reduces the number of calculations and memory allocations.
Welche genetische Unterschiede machen uns verschieden von unseren nächsten Verwandten, den Schimpansen, und andererseits so ähnlich zu den Schimpansen? Was wir untersuchen und auch verstehen wollen, ist die komplexe Beziehung zwischen den multiplen genetischen und epigenetischen Unterschieden, deren Interaktion mit diversen Umwelt- und Kulturfaktoren in den beobachteten phänotypischen Unterschieden resultieren. Um aufzuklären, ob chromosomale Rearrangements zur Divergenz zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse beigetragen haben und welche selektiven Kräfte ihre Evolution geprägt haben, habe ich die kodierenden Sequenzen von 2 Mb umfassenden, die perizentrischen Inversionsbruchpunkte flankierenden Regionen auf den Chromosomen 1, 4, 5, 9, 12, 17 und 18 untersucht. Als Kontrolle dienten dabei 4 Mb umfassende kollineare Regionen auf den rearrangierten Chromosomen, welche mindestens 10 Mb von den Bruchpunktregionen entfernt lagen. Dabei konnte ich in den Bruchpunkten flankierenden Regionen im Vergleich zu den Kontrollregionen keine höhere Proteinevolutionsrate feststellen. Meine Ergebnisse unterstützen nicht die chromosomale Speziationshypothese für Mensch und Schimpanse, da der Anteil der positiv selektierten Gene (5,1% in den Bruchpunkten flankierenden Regionen und 7% in den Kontrollregionen) in beiden Regionen ähnlich war. Durch den Vergleich der Anzahl der positiv und negativ selektierten Gene per Chromosom konnte ich feststellen, dass Chromosom 9 die meisten und Chromosom 5 die wenigsten positiv selektierten Gene in den Bruchpunkt flankierenden Regionen und Kontrollregionen enthalten. Die Anzahl der negativ selektierten Gene (68) war dabei viel höher als die Anzahl der positiv selektierten Gene (17). Eine bioinformatische Analyse von publizierten Microarray-Expressionsdaten (Affymetrix Chip U95 und U133v2) ergab 31 Gene, die zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse differentiell exprimiert sind. Durch Untersuchung des dN/dS-Verhältnisses dieser 31 Gene konnte ich 7 Gene als negativ selektiert und nur 1 Gen als positiv selektiert identifizieren. Dieser Befund steht im Einklang mit dem Konzept, dass Genexpressionslevel unter stabilisierender Selektion evolvieren. Die meisten positiv selektierten Gene spielen überdies eine Rolle bei der Fortpflanzung. Viele dieser Speziesunterschiede resultieren eher aus Änderungen in der Genregulation als aus strukturellen Änderungen der Genprodukte. Man nimmt an, dass die meisten Unterschiede in der Genregulation sich auf transkriptioneller Ebene manifestieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Unterschiede in der DNA-Methylierung zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse untersucht. Dazu wurden die Methylierungsmuster der Promotor-CpG-Inseln von 12 Genen im Cortex von Menschen und Schimpansen mittels klassischer Bisulfit-Sequenzierung und Bisulfit-Pyrosequenzierung analysiert. Die Kandidatengene wurden wegen ihrer differentiellen Expressionsmuster zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse sowie wegen Ihrer Assoziation mit menschlichen Krankheiten oder dem genomischen Imprinting ausgewählt. Mit Ausnahme einiger individueller Positionen zeigte die Mehrzahl der analysierten Gene keine hohe intra- oder interspezifische Variation der DNA-Methylierung zwischen den beiden Spezies. Nur bei einem Gen, CCRK, waren deutliche intraspezifische und interspezifische Unterschiede im Grad der DNA-Methylierung festzustellen. Die differentiell methylierten CpG-Positionen lagen innerhalb eines repetitiven Alu-Sg1-Elements. Die Untersuchung des CCRK-Gens liefert eine umfassende Analyse der intra- und interspezifischen Variabilität der DNA-Methylierung einer Alu-Insertion in eine regulatorische Region. Die beobachteten Speziesunterschiede deuten darauf hin, dass die Methylierungsmuster des CCRK-Gens wahrscheinlich in Adaption an spezifische Anforderungen zur Feinabstimmung der CCRK-Regulation unter positiver Selektion evolvieren. Der Promotor des CCRK-Gens ist anfällig für epigenetische Modifikationen durch DNA-Methylierung, welche zu komplexen Transkriptionsmustern führen können. Durch ihre genomische Mobilität, ihren hohen CpG-Anteil und ihren Einfluss auf die Genexpression sind Alu-Insertionen exzellente Kandidaten für die Förderung von Veränderungen während der Entwicklungsregulation von Primatengenen. Der Vergleich der intra- und interspezifischen Methylierung von spezifischen Alu-Insertionen in anderen Genen und Geweben stellt eine erfolgversprechende Strategie dar.
This work focused on the synthesis of novel monomers for the design of a series of oligo(p-benzamide)s following two approaches: iterative solution synthesis and automated solid phase protocols. These approaches present a useful method to the sequence-controlled synthesis of side-chain and main-chain functionalized oligomers for the preparation of an immense variety of nanoscaffolds. The challenge in the synthesis of such materials was their modification, while maintaining the characteristic properties (physical-chemical properties, shape persistence and anisotropy). The strategy for the preparation of predictable superstructures was devote to the selective control of noncovalent interactions, monodispersity and monomer sequence. In addition to this, the structure-properties correlation of the prepared rod-like soluble materials was pointed. The first approach involved the solution-based aramide synthesis via introduction of 2,4-dimethoxybenzyl N-amide protective group via an iterative synthetic strategy The second approach focused on the implementation of the salicylic acid scaffold to introduce substituents on the aromatic backbone for the stabilization of the OPBA-rotamers. The prepared oligomers were analyzed regarding their solubility and aggregation properties by systematically changing the degree of rotational freedom of the amide bonds, side chain polarity, monomer sequence and degree of oligomerization. The syntheses were performed on a modified commercial peptide synthesizer using a combination of fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) and aramide chemistry. The automated synthesis allowed the preparation of aramides with potential applications as nanoscaffolds in supramolecular chemistry, e.g. comb-like-
Bioinformatics, in the last few decades, has played a fundamental role to give sense to the huge amount of data produced. Obtained the complete sequence of a genome, the major problem of knowing as much as possible of its coding regions, is crucial. Protein sequence annotation is challenging and, due to the size of the problem, only computational approaches can provide a feasible solution. As it has been recently pointed out by the Critical Assessment of Function Annotations (CAFA), most accurate methods are those based on the transfer-by-homology approach and the most incisive contribution is given by cross-genome comparisons. In the present thesis it is described a non-hierarchical sequence clustering method for protein automatic large-scale annotation, called “The Bologna Annotation Resource Plus” (BAR+). The method is based on an all-against-all alignment of more than 13 millions protein sequences characterized by a very stringent metric. BAR+ can safely transfer functional features (Gene Ontology and Pfam terms) inside clusters by means of a statistical validation, even in the case of multi-domain proteins. Within BAR+ clusters it is also possible to transfer the three dimensional structure (when a template is available). This is possible by the way of cluster-specific HMM profiles that can be used to calculate reliable template-to-target alignments even in the case of distantly related proteins (sequence identity < 30%). Other BAR+ based applications have been developed during my doctorate including the prediction of Magnesium binding sites in human proteins, the ABC transporters superfamily classification and the functional prediction (GO terms) of the CAFA targets. Remarkably, in the CAFA assessment, BAR+ placed among the ten most accurate methods. At present, as a web server for the functional and structural protein sequence annotation, BAR+ is freely available at http://bar.biocomp.unibo.it/bar2.0.
The recent advent of Next-generation sequencing technologies has revolutionized the way of analyzing the genome. This innovation allows to get deeper information at a lower cost and in less time, and provides data that are discrete measurements. One of the most important applications with these data is the differential analysis, that is investigating if one gene exhibit a different expression level in correspondence of two (or more) biological conditions (such as disease states, treatments received and so on). As for the statistical analysis, the final aim will be statistical testing and for modeling these data the Negative Binomial distribution is considered the most adequate one especially because it allows for "over dispersion". However, the estimation of the dispersion parameter is a very delicate issue because few information are usually available for estimating it. Many strategies have been proposed, but they often result in procedures based on plug-in estimates, and in this thesis we show that this discrepancy between the estimation and the testing framework can lead to uncontrolled first-type errors. We propose a mixture model that allows each gene to share information with other genes that exhibit similar variability. Afterwards, three consistent statistical tests are developed for differential expression analysis. We show that the proposed method improves the sensitivity of detecting differentially expressed genes with respect to the common procedures, since it is the best one in reaching the nominal value for the first-type error, while keeping elevate power. The method is finally illustrated on prostate cancer RNA-seq data.
Accurate placement of lesions is crucial for the effectiveness and safety of a retinal laser photocoagulation treatment. Computer assistance provides the capability for improvements to treatment accuracy and execution time. The idea is to use video frames acquired from a scanning digital ophthalmoscope (SDO) to compensate for retinal motion during laser treatment. This paper presents a method for the multimodal registration of the initial frame from an SDO retinal video sequence to a retinal composite image, which may contain a treatment plan. The retinal registration procedure comprises the following steps: 1) detection of vessel centerline points and identification of the optic disc; 2) prealignment of the video frame and the composite image based on optic disc parameters; and 3) iterative matching of the detected vessel centerline points in expanding matching regions. This registration algorithm was designed for the initialization of a real-time registration procedure that registers the subsequent video frames to the composite image. The algorithm demonstrated its capability to register various pairs of SDO video frames and composite images acquired from patients.
To evaluate, in a prospective pilot study, the feasibility of identifying pathogens in urine using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and to compare the results with the conventional urine culture-based procedures.
Over the last decade, the end-state comfort effect (e.g., Rosenbaum et al., 2006) has received a considerable amount of attention. However, some of the underlying mechanisms are still to be investigated, amongst others, how sequential planning affects end-state comfort and how this effect develops over learning. In a two-step sequencing task, e.g., postural comfort can be planned on the intermediate position (next state) or on the actual end position (final state). It might be hypothesized that, in initial acquisition, next state’s comfort is crucial for action planning but that, in the course of learning, final state’s comfort is taken more and more into account. To test this hypothesis, a variant of Rosenbaum’s vertical stick transportation task was used. Participants (N = 16, right-handed) received extensive practice on a two-step transportation task (10,000 trials over 12 sessions). From the initial position on the middle stair of a staircase in front of the participant, the stick had to be transported either 20 cm upwards and then 40 cm downwards or 20 cm downwards and then 40 cm upwards (N = 8 per subgroup). Participants were supposed to produce fluid movements without changing grasp. In the pre- and posttest, participants were tested on both two-step sequencing tasks as well as on 20 cm single-step upwards and downwards movements (10 trials per condition). For the test trials, grasp height was calculated kinematographically. In the pretest, large end/next/final-state comfort effects for single-step transportation tasks and large next-state comfort effects for sequenced tasks were found. However, no change in grasp height from pre- to posttest could be revealed. Results show that, in vertical stick transportation sequences, the final state is not taken into account when planning grasp height. Instead, action planning seems to be solely based on aspects of the next action goal that is to be reached.