933 resultados para poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone)


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The processes of adsorption of grafted copolymers onto negatively charged surfaces were studied using a dissipative quartz crystal microbalance (D-QCM) and ellipsometry. The control parameters in the study of the adsorption are the existence or absence on the molecular architecture of grafted polyethyleneglycol (PEG) chains with different lengths and the chemical nature of the main chain, poly(allylamine) (PAH) or poly(L-lysine) (PLL). It was found out that the adsorption kinetics of the polymers showed a complex behavior. The total adsorbed amount depends on the architecture of the polymer chains (length of the PEG chains), on the polymer concentration and on the chemical nature of the main chain. The comparison of the thicknesses of the adsorbed layers obtained from D-QCM and from ellipsometry allowed calculation of the water content of the layers that is intimately related to the grafting length. The analysis of D-QCM results also provides information about the shear modulus of the layers, whose values have been found to be typical of a rubber-like polymer system. It is shown that the adsorption of polymers with a charged backbone is not driven exclusively by the electrostatic interactions, but the entropic contributions as a result of the trapping of water in the layer structure are of fundamental importance.


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El gran desarrollo industrial y demográfico de las últimas décadas ha dado lugar a un consumo crecientemente insostenible de energía y materias primas, que influye negativamente en el ambiente por la gran cantidad de contaminantes generados. Entre las emisiones tienen gran importancia los compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV), y entre ellos los compuestos halogenados como el tricloroetileno, debido a su elevada toxicidad y resistencia a la degradación. Las tecnologías generalmente empleadas para la degradación de estos compuestos presentan inconvenientes derivados de la generación de productos tóxicos intermedios o su elevado coste. Dentro de los procesos avanzados de oxidación (Advanced Oxidation Processes AOP), la fotocatálisis resulta una técnica atractiva e innovadora de interés creciente en su aplicación para la eliminación de multitud de compuestos orgánicos e inorgánicos, y se ha revelado como una tecnología efectiva en la eliminación de compuestos orgánicos volátiles clorados como el tricloroetileno. Además, al poder aprovechar la luz solar como fuente de radiación UV permite una reducción significativa de costes energéticos y de operación. Los semiconductores más adecuados para su empleo como fotocatalizadores con aprovechamiento de la luz solar son aquellos que tienen una banda de energía comparable a la de los fotones de luz visible o, en su defecto, de luz ultravioleta A (Eg < 3,5 eV), siendo el más empleado el dióxido de titanio (TiO2). El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el estudio de polímeros orgánicos comerciales como soporte para el TiO2 en fotocatálisis heterogénea y su ensayo para la eliminación de tricloroetileno en aire. Para ello, se han evaluado sus propiedades ópticas y su resistencia a la fotodegradación, y se ha optimizado la fijación del fotocatalizador para conseguir un recubrimiento homogéneo, duradero y con elevada actividad fotocatalítica en diversas condiciones de operación. Los materiales plásticos ensayados fueron el polietileno (PE), copolímero de etil vinil acetato con distintos aditivos (EVA, EVA-H y EVA-SH), polipropileno (PP), polimetil (metacrilato) fabricado en colada y extrusión (PMMA-C y PMMA-E), policarbonato compacto y celular (PC-C y PC-Ce), polivinilo rígido y flexible (PVC-R y PVC-F), poliestireno (PS) y poliésteres (PET y PETG). En base a sus propiedades ópticas se seleccionaron el PP, PS, PMMA-C, EVA-SH y PVC-R, los cuales mostraron un valor de transmitancia superior al 80% en el entorno de la región estudiada (λ=365nm). Para la síntesis del fotocatalizador se empleó la tecnología sol-gel y la impregnación multicapa de los polímeros seleccionados por el método de dip-coating con secado intermedio a temperaturas moderadas. Con el fin de evaluar el envejecimiento de los polímeros bajo la radiación UV, y el efecto sobre éste del recubrimiento fotoactivo, se realizó un estudio en una cámara de exposición a la luz solar durante 150 días, evaluándose la resistencia química y la resistencia mecánica. Los resultados de espectroscopía infrarroja y del test de tracción tras el envejecimiento revelaron una mayor resistencia del PMMA y una degradación mayor en el PS, PVC-R y EVA SH, con una apreciable pérdida del recubrimiento en todos los polímeros. Los fotocatalizadores preparados sobre soportes sin tratamiento y con tres capas de óxido de titanio mostraron mejores resultados de actividad con PMMA-C, PET y PS, con buenos resultados de mineralización. Para conseguir una mayor y mejor fijación de la película al soporte se realizaron tratamientos químicos abrasivos con H2SO4 y NaOH y tratamientos de funcionalización superficial por tecnología de plasma a presión atmosférica (APP) y a baja presión (LPP). Con los tratamientos de plasma se consiguió una excelente mojabilidad de los soportes, que dio lugar a una distribución uniforme y más abundante del fotocatalizador, mientras que con los tratamientos químicos no se obtuvo una mejora significativa. Asimismo, se prepararon fotocatalizadores con una capa previa de dióxido de silicio con la intervención de surfactantes (PDDA-SiO2-3TiO2 y SiO2FC-3TiO2), consiguiéndose buenas propiedades de la película en todos los casos. Los mejores resultados de actividad con tratamiento LPP y tres capas de TiO2 se lograron con PMMA-C (91% de conversión a 30 ppm de TCE y caudal 200 ml·min-1) mejorando significativamente también la actividad fotocatalítica en PVC-R y PS. Sin embargo, el material más activo de todos los ensayados fue el PMMA-C con el recubrimiento SiO2FC-3TiO2, logrando el mejor grado de mineralización, del 45%, y una velocidad de 1,89 x 10-6 mol· m-2 · s-1, que dio lugar a la eliminación del 100 % del tricloroetileno en las condiciones anteriormente descritas. A modo comparativo se realizaron ensayos de actividad con otro contaminante orgánico tipo, el formaldehído, cuya degradación fotocatalítica fue también excelente (100% de conversión y 80% de mineralización con 24 ppm de HCHO en un caudal de aire seco de 200 ml·min-1). Los buenos resultados de actividad obtenidos confirman las enormes posibilidades que ofrecen los polímeros transparentes en el UV-A como soportes del dióxido de titanio para la eliminación fotocatalítica de contaminantes en aire. ABSTRACT The great industrial and demographic development of recent decades has led to an unsustainable increase of energy and raw materials consumption that negatively affects the environment due to the large amount of waste and pollutants generated. Between emissions generated organic compounds (VOCs), specially the halogenated ones such as trichloroethylene, are particularly important due to its high toxicity and resistance to degradation. The technologies generally used for the degradation of these compounds have serious inconveniences due to the generation of toxic intermediates turn creating the problem of disposal besides the high cost. Among the advanced oxidation processes (AOP), photocatalysis is an attractive and innovative technique with growing interest in its application for the removal of many organic and inorganic compounds, and has emerged as an effective technology in eliminating chlorinated organic compounds such as trichloroethylene. In addition, as it allows the use of sunlight as a source of UV radiation there is a significant reduction of energy costs and operation. Semiconductors suitable to be used as photocatalyst activated by sunlight are those having an energy band comparable to that of the visible or UV-A light (Eg <3,5 eV), being titanium dioxide (TiO2), the most widely used. The main objective of this study is the test of commercial organic polymers as supports for TiO2 to be applied in heterogeneous photocatalysis and its assay for removing trichloroethylene in air. To accomplish that, its optical properties and resistance to photooxidation have been evaluated, and different operating conditions have been tested in order to optimize the fixation of the photocatalyst to obtain a homogeneous coating, with durable and high photocatalytic activity. The plastic materials tested were: polyethylene (PE), ethyl vinyl acetace copolymers with different additives (EVA, EVA-H and EVA -SH), polypropylene (PP), poly methyl (methacrylate) manufactured by sheet moulding and extrusion (PMMA-C and PMMA-E), compact and cellular polycarbonates (PC-C PC-Ce), rigid and flexible polyvinyl chloride (PVC-R and PVC-F), polystyrene (PS) and polyesters (PET and PETG). On the basis of their optical properties PP, PS, PMMA-C, EVA-SH and PVC-R were selected, as they showed a transmittance value greater than 80% in the range of the studied region (λ = 365nm). For the synthesis of the photocatalyst sol-gel technology was employed with multilayers impregnation of the polymers selected by dip-coating, with intermediate TiO2 drying at moderate temperatures. To evaluate the polymers aging due to UV radiation, and the effect of photoactive coating thereon, a study in an sunlight exposure chamber for 150 days was performed, evaluating the chemical resistance and the mechanical strength. The results of infrared spectroscopy and tensile stress test after aging showed the PMMA is the most resistant sample, but a greater degradation in PS, PVC-R and EVA SH, with a visible loss of the coating in all the polymers tested. The photocatalysts prepared on the untreated substrates with three layers of TiO2 showed better activity results when PMMA-C, PET and PS where used. To achieve greater and better fixation of the film to the support, chemical abrasive treatments, with H2SO4 and NaOH, as well as surface functionalization treatments with atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) and low pressure plasma (LPP) technologies were performed. The plasma treatment showed the best results, with an excellent wettability of the substrates that lead to a better and uniform distribution of the photocatalyst compared to the chemical treatments tested, in which no significant improvement was obtained. Also photocatalysts were prepared with the a silicon dioxide previous layer with the help of surfactants (SiO2- 3TiO2 PDDA-and-3TiO2 SiO2FC), obtaining good properties of the film in all cases. The best activity results for LPP-treated samples with three layers of TiO2 were achieved with PMMA-C (91% conversion, in conditions of 30 ppm of TCE and 200 ml·min-1 air flow rate), with a significant improvement of the photocatalytic activity in PVC-R and PS samples too. However, among all the materials assayed, PMMA-C with SiO2FC-3TiO2 coating was the most active one, achieving the highest mineralization grade (45%) and a reaction rate of 1,89 x 10-6 mol· m-2 · s-1, with total trichloroethylene elimination in the same conditions. As a comparative assay, an activity test was also performed with another typical organic contaminant, formaldehyde, also with good results (100% conversion with 24 ppm of HCHO and 200 ml·min-1 gas flow rate). The good activity results obtained in this study confirm the great potential of organic polymers which are transparent in the UV-A as supports for titanium dioxide for photocatalytic removal of air organic pollutants.


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The development of crystalline lamellae in ultra-thin layers of poly(ethylene terephthalate) PET confined between polycarbonate (PC) layers in an alternating assembly is investigated as a function of layer thickness by means of X-ray diffraction methods. Isothermal crystallization from the glassy state is in-situ followed by means of small-angle X-ray diffraction. It is found that the reduced size of the PET layers influences the lamellar nanostructure and induces a preferential lamellar orientation. Two lamellar populations, flat-on and edge-on, are found to coexist in a wide range of crystallization temperatures (Tc = 117–150 °C) and within layer thicknesses down to 35 nm. Flat-on lamellae appear at a reduced crystallization rate with respect to bulk PET giving rise to crystals of similar dimensions separated by larger amorphous regions. In addition, a narrower distribution of lamellar orientations develops when the layer thickness is reduced or the crystallization temperature is raised. In case of edge-on lamellae, crystallization conditions also influence the development of lamellar orientation; however, the latter is little affected by the reduced size of the layers. Results suggest that flat-on lamellae arise as a consequence of spatial confinement and edge-on lamellae could be generated due to the interactions with the PC interface. En este trabajo se investiga mediante difracción de rayos X a ángulos bajos (SAXS) y a ángulos altos (WAXS), la cristalización de láminas delgadas de Polietilén tereftalato (PET) confinadas entre láminas de Policarbonato (PC), tomando como referencia PET sin confinar. El espesor de las capas de PET varía entre 35nm y 115 nm. Se realizaron medidas de difracción a tres temperaturas de cristalización (117ºC, 132ºC y 150ºC) encontrándose que el reducido espesor de las capas de PET influye en la estructura lamelar que se desarrolla, induciendo una orientación preferente de las láminas. Se integró la intensidad difractada alrededor del máximo en SAXS para obtener una representación de la intensidad en función del ángulo acimutal. Mediante análisis de mínimos cuadrados se separó la curva experimental obtenida en tres contribuciones diferentes: una función Gausiana que describe la distribución de las orientaciones de las lamelas, una función lorenziana asociada a los máximos meridionales (asociados a las interfases PET-PC) y un background constante. Por otra parte la cantidad de material cristalizado se estimó asumiendo que la intensidad del background en el barrido acimutal, una vez restado el background del primer difractograma (sin máximos en SAXS) se asocia con la contribución del material isotrópico que resta en la muestra cristalizada. Se observa la coexistencia de dos poblaciones de lamelas: flat-on y edge-on. A medida que el espesor de las láminas de PET disminuye la población de las lamelas flat-on experimenta los siguientes cambios: 1) la distribución de orientación se estrecha, 2) la fracción de material cristalizado orientado aumenta, 3) la cinética de cristalización se ralentiza y 4) el largo espaciado aumenta es decir las regiones amorfas entre lamelas aumentan su tamaño. Parece demostrarse que es en las primeras etapas del crecimiento lamelar cuando la restricción espacial fuerza a las lamelas a esta orientación tipo flat-on frente a la orientación edge-on.


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Novel poly(phenylene sulphide) (PPS) nanocomposites reinforced with an aminated derivative (PPS-NH2) covalently attached to acid-treated single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were prepared via simple melt-blending technique. Their morphology, viscoelastic behaviour, electrical conductivity, mechanical and tribological properties were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the grafting process was effective in uniformly dispersing the SWCNTs within the matrix. The storage and loss moduli as a function of frequency increased with the SWCNT content, tending to a plateau in the low-frequency regime. The electrical conductivity of the nanocomposites was considerably enhanced in the range 0.1?0.5 wt% SWCNTs; electrical and rheological percolation thresholds occurred at similar nanotube concentrations. Mechanical tests demonstrated that with only 1.0 wt% SWCNTs the Young's modulus and tensile strength of the matrix improved by 51 and 37%, respectively, without decrement in toughness, ascribed to a very efficient load transfer. A moderate decrease in the friction coefficient and a 75% reduction in wear rate were found for the abovementioned nanotube loading, indicating that PPS-NH2-g-SWCNTs are good tribological additives for thermoplastic polymers. Based on the promising results obtained in this work, it is expected that these nanofillers will be used to develop high-performance thermoplastic/CNT nanocomposites for structural applications.


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This paper reports on the thermal behavior and mechanical properties of nanocomposites based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP) modified with poly(ɛ-caprolactone) (PCL) and reinforced with an organically modified clay (cloisite 30B). To optimize the dispersion of 30B and the mixing of PCL in the UP resin, two different methods were employed to prepare crosslinked UP–PCL-30B hybrid nanocomposites. Besides, two samples of poly(ɛ-caprolactone) of different molecular weight (PCL2: Mn = 2.103g.mol−1 and PCL50: Mn = 5.104g.mol−1) were used at several concentrations (4, 6, 10 wt%). The 30B concentration was 4 wt% in all the nanocomposites. The morphology of the samples was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The analysis of X-ray patterns reveals that intercalated structures have been found for all ternary nanocomposites, independently of the molecular weight, PCL concentration and the preparation method selected. A slight rise of the glass transition temperature, Tg, is observed in UP/PCL/4%30B ternary nanocomposites regarding to neat UP. The analysis of the tensile properties of the ternary (hybrid) systems indicates that UP/4%PCL2/4%30B nanocomposite improves the tensile strength and elongation at break respect to the neat UP while the Young modulus remains constant


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Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) nanocomposites containing environmentally-friendly tungsten disulphide inorganic nanotubes (INTeWS2) have been successfully prepared by a simple solution blending method. The dynamic and isothermal crystallization studies by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) demonstrated that the INTeWS2 exhibits much more prominent nucleation activity on the crystallization of PHB than specific nucleating agents or other nanoscale fillers. Both crystallization rate and crystallinity significantly increase in the nanocomposites compared to neat PHB. These changes occur without modifying the crystalline structure of PHB in the nanocomposites, as shown by wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXS) and infrared/Raman spectroscopy. Other parameters such as the Avrami exponent, the equilibrium melting temperature, global rate constant and the fold surface free energy of PHB chains in the nanocomposites were obtained from the calorimetric data in order to determine the influence of the INTeWS2 filler. The addition of INTeWS2 remarkably influences the energetics and kinetics of nucleation and growth of PHB, reducing the fold surface free energy by up to 20%. Furthermore, these nanocomposites also show an improvement in both tribological and mechanical (hardness and modulus) properties with respect to pure PHB evidenced by friction and nanoindentation tests, which is of important potential interest for industrial and medical applications.


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The surface force apparatus was used to measure directly the molecular forces between streptavidin and lipid bilayers displaying grafted Mr 2,000 poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). These measurements provide direct evidence for the formation of relatively strong attractive forces between PEG and protein. At low compressive loads, the forces were repulsive, but they became attractive when the proteins were pressed into the polymer layer at higher loads. The adhesion was sufficiently robust that separation of the streptavidin and PEG uprooted anchored polymer from the supporting membrane. These interactions altered the properties of the grafted chains. After the onset of the attraction, the polymer continued to bind protein for several hours. The changes were not due to protein denaturation. These data demonstrate directly that the biological activity of PEG is not due solely to properties of simple polymers such as the excluded volume. It is also coupled to the competitive interactions between solvent and other materials such as proteins for the chain segments and to the ability of this material to adopt higher order intrachain structures.


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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase [PARP; NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase; NAD+: poly(adenosine-diphosphate-d-ribosyl)-acceptor ADP-d-ribosyltransferase, EC] is a zinc-finger DNA-binding protein that detects specifically DNA strand breaks generated by genotoxic agents. To determine its biological function, we have inactivated both alleles by gene targeting in mice. Treatment of PARP−/− mice either by the alkylating agent N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) or by γ-irradiation revealed an extreme sensitivity and a high genomic instability to both agents. Following whole body γ-irradiation (8 Gy) mutant mice died rapidly from acute radiation toxicity to the small intestine. Mice-derived PARP−/− cells displayed a high sensitivity to MNU exposure: a G2/M arrest in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and a rapid apoptotic response and a p53 accumulation were observed in splenocytes. Altogether these results demonstrate that PARP is a survival factor playing an essential and positive role during DNA damage recovery.


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Hemorrhagic shock (HS) and resuscitation leads to widespread production of oxidant species. Activation of the enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) has been shown to contribute to cell necrosis and organ failure in various disease conditions associated with oxidative stress. We tested the hypothesis whether PARP activation plays a role in the multiple organ dysfunction complicating HS and resuscitation in a murine model of HS and resuscitation by using mice genetically deficient in PARP (PARP−/−) and their wild-type littermates (PARP+/+). Animals were bled to a mean blood pressure of 45 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133 Pa) and resuscitated after 45 min with isotonic saline (2× volume of shed blood). There was a massive activation of PARP, detected by poly(ADP-ribose) immunohistochemistry, which localized to the areas of the most severe intestinal injury, i.e., the necrotic epithelial cells at the tip of the intestinal villi, and colocalized with tyrosine nitration, an index of peroxynitrite generation. Intestinal PARP activation resulted in gut hyperpermeability, which developed in PARP+/+ but not PARP−/− mice. PARP−/− mice were also protected from the rapid decrease in blood pressure after resuscitation and showed an increased survival time, as well as reduced lung neutrophil sequestration. The beneficial effects of PARP suppression were not related to a modulation of the NO pathway nor to a modulation of signaling through IL-6, which similarly increased in both PARP+/+ and PARP−/− mice exposed to HS. We propose that PARP activation and associated cell injury (necrosis) plays a crucial role in the intestinal injury, cardiovascular failure, and multiple organ damage associated with resuscitated HS.


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Here we describe the cloning and initial characterization of a previously unidentified CRF-related neuropeptide, urocortin II (Ucn II). Searches of the public human genome database identified a region with significant sequence homology to the CRF neuropeptide family. By using homologous primers deduced from the human sequence, a mouse cDNA was isolated from whole brain poly(A)+ RNA that encodes a predicted 38-aa peptide, structurally related to the other known mammalian family members, CRF and Ucn. Ucn II binds selectively to the type 2 CRF receptor (CRF-R2), with no appreciable activity on CRF-R1. Transcripts encoding Ucn II are expressed in discrete regions of the rodent central nervous system, including stress-related cell groups in the hypothalamus (paraventricular and arcuate nuclei) and brainstem (locus coeruleus). Central administration of 1–10 μg of peptide elicits activational responses (Fos induction) preferentially within a core circuitry subserving autonomic and neuroendocrine regulation, but whose overall pattern does not broadly mimic the CRF-R2 distribution. Behaviorally, central Ucn II attenuates nighttime feeding, with a time course distinct from that seen in response to CRF. In contrast to CRF, however, central Ucn II failed to increase gross motor activity. These findings identify Ucn II as a new member of the CRF family of neuropeptides, which is expressed centrally and binds selectively to CRF-R2. Initial functional studies are consistent with Ucn II involvement in central autonomic and appetitive control, but not in generalized behavioral activation.


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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) knockout mice are resistant to murine models of human diseases such as cerebral and myocardial ischemia, traumatic brain injury, diabetes, Parkinsonism, endotoxic shock and arthritis, implicating PARP in the pathogenesis of these diseases. Potent selective PARP inhibitors are therefore being evaluated as novel therapeutic agents in the treatment of these diseases. Inhibition or depletion of PARP, however, increases genomic instability in cells exposed to genotoxic agents. We recently demonstrated the presence of a genomically unstable tetraploid population in PARP–/– fibroblasts and its loss after stable transfection with PARP cDNA. To elucidate whether the genomic instability is attributable to PARP deficiency or lack of PARP activity, we investigated the effects of PARP inhibition on development of tetraploidy. Immortalized wild-type and PARP–/– fibroblasts were exposed for 3 weeks to 20 µM GPI 6150 (1,11b-dihydro-[2H]benzopyrano[4,3,2-de]isoquinolin-3-one), a novel small molecule specific competitive inhibitor of PARP (Ki = 60 nM) and one of the most potent PARP inhibitors to date (IC50 = 0.15 µM). Although GPI 6150 initially decreased cell growth in wild-type cells, there was no effect on cell growth or viability after 24 h. GPI 6150 inhibited endogenous PARP activity in wild-type cells by ∼91%, to about the residual levels in PARP–/– cells. Flow cytometric analysis of unsynchronized wild-type cells exposed for 3 weeks to GPI 6150 did not induce the development of tetraploidy, suggesting that, aside from its catalytic function, PARP may play other essential roles in the maintenance of genomic stability.


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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1; EC is an abundant nuclear enzyme, activated by DNA strand breaks to attach up to 200 ADP-ribose groups to nuclear proteins. As retroviral infection requires integrase-catalyzed DNA strand breaks, we examined infection of pseudotyped HIV type I in fibroblasts from mice with a targeted deletion of PARP-1. Viral infection is almost totally abolished in PARP-1 knockout fibroblasts. This protection from infection reflects prevention of viral integration into the host genome. These findings suggest a potential for PARP inhibitors in therapy of HIV type I infection.


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We have determined the solution structure of the C-terminal quarter of human poly(A)-binding protein (hPABP). The protein fragment contains a protein domain, PABC [for poly(A)-binding protein C-terminal domain], which is also found associated with the HECT family of ubiquitin ligases. By using peptides derived from PABP interacting protein (Paip) 1, Paip2, and eRF3, we show that PABC functions as a peptide binding domain. We use chemical shift perturbation analysis to identify the peptide binding site in PABC and the major elements involved in peptide recognition. From comparative sequence analysis of PABC-binding peptides, we formulate a preliminary PABC consensus sequence and identify human ataxin-2, the protein responsible for type 2 spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA2), as a potential PABC ligand.