968 resultados para pirolisi, PFU, syngas, char, impianto pilota, pneumatici


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The updraft biomass gasifiers currently available produce a gas with high tar content. For almost all downstream applications a substantial reduction of the tar concentration is required. The gravimetric tar concentration behavior in producer gas, obtained at a modified updraft fixed bed gasifier, was studied. The feedstock feeding system was modified respect to the traditional updraft gasification design in order to decrease the tar concentration in the producer gas; the material is feeding continuously through a conduit in the base of the reactor over the grate. The caloric power of the syngas obtained was slightly lower than the typical value for this type of reactor and the highest efficiency obtained for the woodchip gasification was 77%. The highest tar concentration obtained during the experiments was 1652.7 mg N m-3 during the first our of experiments, comparable with the smaller value reported for the updraft reactors, this value is reduced significantly after the stabilization of the gasification process in the reactor. The smaller value obtained was 21 mg N m-3. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Acumulam-se evidências presentemente, indicando que o efetivo controle das gastroenterites por rotavírus só poderá ser alcançado com o advento de um imunizante eficaz para uso nos primeiros meses de vida. Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia da vacina geneticamente rearranjada, rhesus-humana, tetravalente (RRV-TV, 4 X 10(4) pfu/dose) frente aos parâmetros clínicos mais relevantes das gastroenterites por rotavírus, procedeu-se ao reexame de 91 episódios diarréicos em crianças no âmbito de uma investigação prévia conduzida em Belém, Pará, Brasil. As informações para o estudo foram obtidas a partir de dados contidos em fichas utilizadas na rotina de vigilância dos episódios diarréicos, bem como daqueles com registro clínico diário enquanto persistisse a diarréia. A eficácia relativa foi especificamente avaliada frente aos seguintes indicadores clínicos de gravidade: a) duração da diarréia; b) número máximo de evacuações líquidas/semilíquidas por dia; c) duração dos vômitos; d) número máximo de vômitos/24h; e) febre (temperatura retal); f) desidratação; e g) necessidade de tratamento. A gravidade clínica global das gastroenterites por rotavírus foi determinada por um sistema de escores (somatória máxima de 20 pontos) que permitiu classificar os episódios diarréicos em: leves (0-8), moderados a severos (9-14) e muito graves (>14). Uma significativa (p<0,05) proteção conferida pela RRV-TV foi observada em cinco das sete condições clínicas avaliadas, quais sejam: a) duração da diarréia (episódios puros, eficácia de 52%); b) número máximo de evacuações líquidas/semilíquidas por dia (todos os episódios, 42% e os puros, 53%); c) número máximo de vômitos (todos, 56% e os puros, 62%); d) desidratação (todos, 46%) Elevados índices de proteção foram obtidos frente aos episódios associados ao sorotipo G2, durante o segundo ano de acompanhamento, se considerados o número máximo e a duração de vômitos: 90% e 100% respectivamente. Ainda em relação ao tipo G2, a eficácia cumulativa foi de 100% contra os episódios com escore clínico >14. Taxas similares de eficácia frente às infecções mistas (35%) e puras (37%) foram registradas nos dois anos de estudo. Embora não se tenha registrado proteção quanto aos casos leves (escores de 0 a 8), a RRV0TV foi 75% (p=0,02) eficaz contra os episódios mais graves de gastroenterites por rotavírus; houve tendência à proteção contra todos os quadros diarréicos e os puros, com escores clínicos de 9 a 14: 44% (p=0,06) e 45% (p=0,08), respectivamente. Os resultados do estudo sustentam o conceito vigente de que a RRV-TV parece proteger seletivamente contra os quadros diarréicos revestidos de maior gravidade clínica.


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A gaseificação é uma conversão termoquímica da biomassa em gás combustível, que pode ser usado como combustível em motores de combustão interna ou como gás de síntese para a indústria química. Para checar o desempenho de um gaseificador temos de quantificar a energia contida no gás produzido e a quantidade de carbono convertido por meio dos cálculos de eficiência energética e de conversão de carbono através dos dados obtidos experimentalmente. A eficiência energética é uma relação entre os fluxos de gás e biomassa e de suas respectivas quantidades de energia, no mesmo sentido, a conversão de carbono é a quantidade de compostos carbonáceos presentes no gás convertido a partir da quantidade de carbono presente na composição da biomassa. O presente documento avalia a eficiência energética e de carbono na conversão de um protótipo de um gaseificador indiano do tipo downdraft produzido por uma empresa local (Floragás). Os parâmetros nominais do gaseificador são: capacidade de produção de gás de 45 kWt, consumo de biomassa (caroço de açaí) de 15 kg/h. As dimensões do gaseificador são: DI 150 mm e altura de 2000 mm). A eficiência energética e a taxa de conversão de carbono foram quantificados, a queda de pressão devido ao leito do reator e a temperatura dos gases também foram medidos na saída do reator e também, a concentração de alcatrão, partículas e gases não condensáveis (CO, CO2, CH4, SO2, N2 e NOx) nos gases de combustão após a sistema de limpeza.


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The assessment of yellow fever vaccine thermostability both in lyophilized form and after reconstitution were analyzed. Two commercial yellow fever vaccines were assayed for their thermal stability. Vaccines were exposed to test temperatures in the range of 8 (graus) C to 45 (graus) C. Residual infectivity was measured by a plaque assay using Vero cells. The titre values were used in an accelerated degradation test that follows the Arrhenius equation and the minimum immunizing dose was assumed to be 10 (ao cubo) particles forming unit (pfu)/dose. Some of the most relevant results include that (i) regular culture medium show the same degradation pattern of a reconstituted 17D-204 vaccine; (ii) reconstituted YF-17D-204 showed a predictable half life of more than six days if kept at 0 (graus) C; (iii) there are differences in thermostability between different products that are probably due to both presence of stabilizers in the preparation and the modernization in the vaccine production; (iv) it is important to establish a proper correlation between the mouse infectivity test and the plaque assay since the last appears to be more simple, economical, and practical for small laboratories to assess the potency of the vaccine, and (v) the accelerated degradation test appears to be the best procedure to quantify the thermostability of biological products.


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A dengue é causada pelo Vírus da dengue (VDEN - Flaviviridae, Flavivirus) e é considerada a arbovirose mais difundida no mundo. Atualmente, não há um animal que sirva como modelo para estudos sobre a patogênese do VDEN. Para investigar a susceptibilidade da espécie Callithrix penicillata ao VDEN foram inoculados amostras do VDEN-3 e do VDEN-2 de isoladas de casos humanos fatais. Para tal, vinte e dois animais foram infectados com VDEN-3 (3,23 × 103 PFU/mL) e, sessenta dias após a infecção (d.p.i.), 11 deles foram secundariamente infectados com VDEN-2 (4,47 × 104 PFU/mL). Sangue, plasma e soro, foram coletados diariamente durante os primeiros sete dias e em 15, 20, 45 e 60 d.p.i.. Foram investigados a produção de anticorpos IgM e inibidores da hemaglutinação, assim como foram análisados parâmetros hematologicos e bioquímicos e o perfil sérico de citocinas (IL-6, TNF-, IL-2, IFN-α, IL-4 e IL-5). A infecção primária (VDEN-3) revelou anticorpos IgM (15- 20 d.p.i.), anticorpos IH (15-60 d.p.i.), aumento dos níveis de TNF-α e IFN-γ e diminuição da IL-5. Na infecção secundária (VDEN-2), foi detectado anticorpos IgM (15-20 d.p.i.), anticorpos IH (15-60 d.p.i.) e diminuição dos níveis de IL-6, TNF-α, de IFN-γ e IL-5. Além disso, foi observado em ambas infecções leucopenia, neutropenia, linfocitopenia, monocitopenia, trombocitopenia, e aumentou da AST. O aumento dos níveis de INF-γ e TNF- α indicaram a ativação da resposta inflamatória, com a diferenciação para a resposta celular e supressão da proliferação de citocinas características da resposta humoral. A presença de anticorpos neutralizantes pode ter ocasionado a supressão da resposta inflamatória na infecção secundária o que pode ter levado a ausência de sinais de Febre Hemorrágica do Dengue/Sindrome do Choque do Dengue (FHD/SCD) durante a infecção secundária (VDEN- 2). Os resultados indicam que o primatas não humanos da espécie Callithrix penicillata demonstraram susceptibilidade à cepas de VDEN de origem humana, sugerindo que esses animais são um bom modelo para estudos da resposta imunológica da Febre do Dengue (FD), assim como para a avaliação de uma vacina tetravalente.


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This study aims to determine the atomic ratio of O/C in an archaeological black earth (ABE) profile of the Ilha de Terra site, a region of Caxiuanã in the Pará State, Brazil, to determine the types of pyrogenic carbon (PyC) particles and to infer the source of biomass and burning temperature necessary to produce the PyC. The O/C ratios were monitored using scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). The results indicated atomic ratios for clay, silt and fine sand fractions that were between those registered for the PyC particles types: condensed combustion (CC) (0.09, 0.1, 0.13), charcoal (0.32, 0.31, 0.34) and char (0.43, 0.45, 0.52). CC is the predominant type of particle found because of the high firing temperature (> 350 °C), which is consistent with the probable biomass sources of wood, cellulose and lignin.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this work is to develop stoichiometric equilibrium models that permit the study of parameters effect in the gasification process of a particular feedstock. In total four models were tested in order to determine the syngas composition. One of these four models, called M2, was based on the theoretical equilibrium constants modified by two correction factors determined using published experimental data. The other two models, M3 and M4 were based in correlations, while model M4 was based in correlations to determine the equilibrium constants, model M3 was based in correlations that relate the H-2, CO and CO2 content on the synthesis gas. Model M2 proved to be the more accurate and versatile among these four models, and also showed better results than some previously published models. Also a case study for the gasification of a blend of hardwood chips and glycerol at 80% and 20% respectively, was performed considering equivalence ratios form 0.3 to 0.5, moisture contents from 0%-20% and oxygen percentages in the gasification agent of 100%, 60% and 21%. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of the present article is to assess and compare the performance of electricity generation systems integrated with downdraft biomass gasifiers for distributed power generation. A model for estimating the electric power generation of internal combustion engines and gas turbines powered by syngas was developed. First, the model determines the syngas composition and the lower heating value; and second, these data are used to evaluate power generation in Otto, Diesel, and Brayton cycles. Four synthesis gas compositions were tested for gasification with: air; pure oxygen; 60% oxygen with 40% steam; and 60% air with 40% steam. The results show a maximum power ratio of 0.567 kWh/Nm(3) for the gas turbine system, 0.647 kWh/Nm(3) for the compression ignition engine, and 0.775 kWh/Nm(3) for the spark-ignition engine while running on synthesis gas which was produced using pure oxygen as gasification agent. When these three systems run on synthesis gas produced using atmospheric air as gasification agent, the maximum power ratios were 0.274 kWh/Nm(3) for the gas turbine system, 0.302 kWh/Nm(3) for CIE, and 0.282 kWh/Nm(3) for SIE. The relationship between power output and synthesis gas flow variations is presented as is the dependence of efficiency on compression ratios. Since the maximum attainable power ratio of CIE is higher than that of SIE for gasification with air, more research should be performed on utilization of synthesis gas in CIE. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The energy is considered one of the most important elements in the human´s life providing the survival as well as the well being. Nowadays, the technologies destined to generate power burn fossil fuels which pour gases (carbon dioxide among them) that contribute to the global warming phenomenon. Several research groups and universities have been studying different methods for generating power with low carbon dioxide emissions, including the possibility of burning zero-carbon fuels. In this text, it has been put attention to the Advanced Zero Emission Power Plants (AZEP) which separate the CO2 (from the gases involved in the power generation), compress it, dehydrate it and store it in appropriate reservoirs. The goal of this study was to find a possible solution to produce CO from CO2, activated by solar energy; the reaction between CO and steam generates a syngas comprised of H2 and CO2, which can be separated by chemical and/or physical processes. The text also contains a study concerning the compressed air energy storage power plant (CAES) and come up with its modification to C[CO2]ES. This power plant stores CO2 directing it to a reverse combustion process to produce CO which is headed to a syngas reactor to produce CO2 and H2. Hydrogen is separated and carried to the thermal cycle to generate power with low carbon emissions


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The biomass gasification systems have been used for a long time and prove to be a good alternative to the generation of energy problems. This type of management requires a simple installation and maintenance which gives them a high availability. In Biomass project via Call CTEnerg 33/2006-1, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology - MCT - Brazil, the Group Energy Systems Optimization – GOSE - at FEG - UNESP built and tested two prototypes of gasifiers. These is fed with 25 kg / h of dry wood (chips), and 50 Nm3 / h of air to produce gas at a flow rate of approximately 70 Nm3 / h of wood (syngas) at a temperature approximately 600 ° C. In this work of graduation, studies were conducted on the materials used in both the gasifier as well as cleaning the filter synthesis gases. The system of gas cleaning and conditioning is vital to ensure the life of the Internal Combustion Engine. In this case the studies of different filters for small gasification systems (properties, materials used, characteristics, types, etc.) are very relevant to its use in the prototype of the college campus. Were also performed a technical and economic analysis of a cogeneration system that consists in the combination of the downdraft gasifier studied in this work, an internal combustion engine, two heat exchangers and a SRA (absorption system refrigerator). Were calculated the costs of electricity generation, hot water and cold water. Finally, we analyzed the economic feasibility of the project


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In this work is studied the fluid dynamic characteristics of sugarcane bagasse for gasification applications and use of syngas in the sugarcane sector. This is an experimental work, which is initially performed the particle size separation of sugarcane bagasse particles, using appropriate equipment. Through the experiment is possible to determine the average diameter of particles pomace typical sugarcane mill. The equipment used for the grading sieve separation assembly consists of several dimensions, arranged vertically and which shows adequate for good separation from the pulp. Later, it makes immediate analysis for the determination of moisture, ash, volatile materials and fixed carbon. The study also determines the gross calorific value and allows analysis of densities of particles of sugar cane bagasse. Also studied the bagasse morphology using electron microscopes, where it was possible to visualize the geometry of the particles of bagasse. The use of Electronic Scanning Microscopy (SEM) provided better understand the morphology and particle size measured by using photography methods. Two methods for determining the sphericity of the particles were also used. The experiments carried out using appropriate standards and specific equations, allowing compare the present results with the values found by several researchers. Subsequently, fluid dynamic simulations were performed for the determination of porosity and minimum fluidization velocity theoretical. It follows that the sphericity and porosity of the bagasse particles influence the minimum fluidization velocity of biomass