935 resultados para peer reviewed research outputs


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The authors would like to thank the RICS for their financial support of the project and the numerous respondents who gave so freely of their time. Part of the research was supported by a grant from the Hong Kong-Scotland Partners in Post-Doctoral Research Scheme sponsored by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong and the Scottish Government (S-HKU701/13).


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The work was financially supported by the European Community in the framework of the ITN CardioNet registered under number GA289600. SH acknowledges research-funding support from the British Heart Foundation. The authors would like to thank Dr Jan Ruijter for discussion and critically reading the manuscript.


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Funding This work was supported by Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant number AH/E508628/1] and European Commission [grant number HPSE-CT-2002-00133].


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We acknowledge the contribution of Dr. N. Perret to this work. EPSRC support for free access to the TEM/SEM facility at the University of St. Andrews and financial support to Dr. X. Wang and Y. Hao through the Overseas Research Students Award Scheme (ORSAS) are also acknowledged.


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© 2015 Society for Psychophysiological Research. The authors would like to thank Renate Zahn and Karolin Meiß for their assistance conducting the recordings. This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation; DFG), grant number MU 972/16-1.


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Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the Cluster of Excellence ‘Engineering of Advanced Materials’ at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and through Grant Po 472/25.


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Acknowledgements A.P. would like to acknowledge the support of the National Subsea Research Institute (NSRI) UK. E.P. and M.W. are grateful for partial support provided by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) by the PRIN funded program 2010/11 N.2010MBJK5B


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We thank: the patients who took part; Monsieur John-Pierre Bleton for training the physiotherapists; Gladys McPherson (Senior IT Manager), Adesoji Adeyemi (programmer) and Diana Collins (data entry) from the Centre for Healthcare Randomised Trials, University of Aberdeen who provided the randomisation and database service; and the funders including The Dystonia Society, the RS Macdonald Charitable Trust, The Sir Halley Stewart Trust, The Foyle Foundation and The Garfield Weston Foundation. The Dystonia Society and other funders had no role in the design, conduct, analysis or writing of the report or the decision to submit the manuscript.


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Financial support of this research by The Royal Society, UK (IE121116), The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, UK (Trust Reference 31747) and DFG (PI 785/3-2, PI 785/1-2), Germany, is gratefully acknowledged. We thank Dr. S. Roy (KIT) for providing the microstructure images and Professor I. Tsukrov (University of New Hampshire, USA) for helpful discussions.


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This paper is dedicated to our friend Divine Ikenwilo, who passed away on the 27th November 2015. Divine was a gifted researcher who was taken from us too early and will be sorely missed by everyone in the team. Our thoughts are with his family. This research was funded by a research grant (CGZ/2/533) from the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government. The Health Economics Research Unit is funded by the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorate. The usual disclaimer applies.


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is based upon work supported in part by the U.S. ARL and U.K. Ministry of Defense under Agreement Number W911NF-06-3-0001, and by the NSF under award CNS-1213140. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or represent the official policies of the NSF, the U.S. ARL, the U.S. Government, the U.K. Ministry of Defense or the U.K. Government. The U.S. and U.K. Governments are authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation hereon.


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Date of Acceptance: 20/12/2015 This work was funded by BBSRC-LINK grant # BB/J01009X/1 and Vita Europe Ltd. We are grateful to the Scottish Beekeepers Association, especially Mr Phil McAnespie in supporting this work at its inception. We acknowledge partial funding from a Genesis Faraday SPARK Award, part of a Scottish Government SEEKIT project for the early part of this work. We are grateful to Prof David Evans for his advice on Varroa destructor viruses.


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Date of Acceptance: 29/12/2015 We are grateful to A. Sandison and W. Thayalon for skilled technical support, and Mike Porter and an anonymous reviewer, who helped to clarify the manuscript.


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Acknowledgments Alexander Dürre was supported in part by the Collaborative Research Grant 823 of the German Research Foundation. David E. Tyler was supported in part by the National Science Foundation grant DMS-1407751. A visit of Daniel Vogel to David E. Tyler was supported by a travel grant from the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance. The authors are grateful to the editors and referees for their constructive comments.