996 resultados para pea
A new algorithm called the parameterized expectations approach(PEA) for solving dynamic stochastic models under rational expectationsis developed and its advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Thisalgorithm can, in principle, approximate the true equilibrium arbitrarilywell. Also, this algorithm works from the Euler equations, so that theequilibrium does not have to be cast in the form of a planner's problem.Monte--Carlo integration and the absence of grids on the state variables,cause the computation costs not to go up exponentially when the numberof state variables or the exogenous shocks in the economy increase. \\As an application we analyze an asset pricing model with endogenousproduction. We analyze its implications for time dependence of volatilityof stock returns and the term structure of interest rates. We argue thatthis model can generate hump--shaped term structures.
Resumo No cenário global atual, as organizações vêm ganhando consciência do real valor de possuir uma boa imagem perante os seus stakeholders. Esse aspeto faz com que trabalhem na criação de estratégias que lhes possibilite ganhar o maior número de clientes possível e manter os demais públicos afetos a organização satisfeitos. Atualmente o sucesso de qualquer organização depende de diversos fatores que nem sempre podem ser controlados. Mas é papel dos gestores e dos demais colaboradores, tudo fazerem para que esses fatores não criem máculas na imagem da organização o que muitas vezes podem levar ao declínio da organização. A imagem organizacional é um dos elementos que compõem a identidade organizacional de qualquer empresa ou organização e neste sentido nota-se que existe uma ligação bastante estreita entre as duas. Esses dois aspetos são responsáveis pela diversidade de organizações que existem, uma vez que são elementos que as diferenciam umas das outras. Por sua vez a imagem dessa organização é criada através de diversos elementos e os colaboradores são uma peça de extrema importância nesse processo, uma vez que a imagem pessoal e a postura profissional que possuem e adotam, ajudam na construção da imagem organizacional. A cada dia que passa nota-se um crescente interesse por parte dos profissionais em investir na sua imagem e postura profissionais, com o intuito de esses aspetos serem um dos diferenciais que possuem em relação aos demais profissionais existentes no mercado de trabalho. Neste sentido, o objetivo geral desse trabalho é demonstrar de que modo a imagem pessoal dos colaboradores auxilia na construção da imagem organizacional.
The arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis is formed between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and plant roots. The fungi provide the plant with inorganic phosphate (P). The symbiosis can result in increased plant growth. Although most global food crops naturally form this symbiosis, very few studies have shown that their practical application can lead to large-scale increases in food production. Application of AMF to crops in the tropics is potentially effective for improving yields. However, a main problem of using AMF on a large-scale is producing cheap inoculum in a clean sterile carrier and sufficiently concentrated to cheaply transport. Recently, mass-produced in vitro inoculum of the model mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis became available, potentially making its use viable in tropical agriculture. One of the most globally important food plants in the tropics is cassava. We evaluated the effect of in vitro mass-produced R. irregularis inoculum on the yield of cassava crops at two locations in Colombia. A significant effect of R. irregularis inoculation on yield occurred at both sites. At one site, yield increases were observed irrespective of P fertilization. At the other site, inoculation with AMF and 50% of the normally applied P gave the highest yield. Despite that AMF inoculation resulted in greater food production, economic analyses revealed that AMF inoculation did not give greater return on investment than with conventional cultivation. However, the amount of AMF inoculum used was double the recommended dose and was calculated with European, not Colombian, inoculum prices. R. irregularis can also be manipulated genetically in vitro, leading to improved plant growth. We conclude that application of in vitro R. irregularis is currently a way of increasing cassava yields, that there is a strong potential for it to be economically profitable and that there is enormous potential to improve this efficiency further in the future.
O presente trabalho tem como objectivo evidenciar a importancia da demonstração dos fluxos de caixa como instrumento de planeamento financeiro e de tomada de decisão. As informações fornecida pela demonstração dos fluxos de caixa serão de grande utilidade para a Administração, pois permitem compreender a alocação dos meios financeiros da entidade o que ajudará no planeamento financeiro e na tomada de decisões económico-financeiras. A demonstração dos fluxos de caixa como peça contabilística permite a Administração verificar a consistência dos planos projectados e estimar as exigências financeiras da entidade. O trabalho inclui uma abordagem teórica seguido de um estudo de caso. Na abordagem teórica, fez-se a apresentação das principais teorias e conceitos sobre o tema. O estudo de caso incidiu sobre uma empresa nacional, a Enacol, em que analisou-se a demonstração do fluxo de caixa dos ultimos três anos, bem como os indicadores económicos e financeiros possibilitando a análise da situação financeira da empresa. Foi também utilizada a entrevista a pessoas ligadas a área de contabilidade numa empresa. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a demonstração dos fluxos de caixa é um importante instrumento no planeamento financeiro e na tomada de decisões para a continuidade dos negócios das empresas. This paper aims to highlight the importance of the statement of cash flows as a tool for financial planning and decision making. All the information provided by the statement of cash flows will be very useful for the Administration, because they allow them to understand the allocation of the financial resources of the entity which will be a support in financial planning and decisionmaking in economic and financial areas. Being part of accounting, the statement of cash flows allows the Administration to verify the consistency of the projected plans and estimate the organization financial requirements. The following work includes a theoretical approach followed by a case study. Within the theoretical approach was made a presentation of the main theories and concepts on the subject while the case study focused on a national company, Enacol, in which we analyzed the statement of cash flows for the last three years, as well as the economic and financial indicators enabling the analysis of the financial situation of the company. It was also used an interview used for people connected to a company in the accounting field. Therefore, the results show that the statement of cash flows is an important tool in financial planning and decision making for the continuity of companies businesses.
Se presentan datos de madurez sexual promedio mensual de la anchoveta peruana, Engraulis ringens por longitudes y sexos, para las Regiones Norte (06°-10°S), Centro (10°-14° S) y Sur (14°-18°20 ' S) para el período 1961-87. Estos se obtuvieron usando los datos de madurez sexual colectados macroscópicamente de ejemplares procedentes de los desembarques a lo largo del litoral peruano.
Describe los principales resultados obtenidos en el Crucero evaluación de recursos pelágicos, efectuado a bordo del BIC/SNP-1 del 14 de noviembre de 1989, entre Chicama y Punta Doña María, constituyendo la segunda prospección planificada dentro del marco del proyecto Evaluación de los recursos: anchoveta, sardina, jurel y caballa, auspiciado por el Instituto del mar del Perú y la Comunidad económica europea.
In Cape Verde, the low soil cover and inadequate practices on rain fed agricultural lands constitute major problems related to desertification. To the fragility of the land associates severe water erosion, causing tons of land to be washed away from the fields every year during the rainy season. Therefore, the aim in the scope of combating desertification is to provide a certain degree of permanent soil cover to serve as shield for the impact of rain. During the selection workshop several technologies, all related to vegetative cover either as strips or surface cover were discussed. Only two technologies were selected: vegetation strip with pigeon pea and afforestation with fruit trees. Technology 1: Pigeon pea (cajanus cajan) barriers/strips. It consists in planting seeds of pigeon pea, a leguminous perennial shrub that has dual purpose of protecting the soil and feed people. It is planted in association with maize crop. After the maize is harvested, the soil remains with some degree of cover. Though the objective was to plant as strip barriers, six meters apart, most farmers planted it as surface cover. Technology 2: Afforestation with fruit trees. It consists in the plantation of different fruit tree species in humid areas to provide both soil cover and feed for farmers. Since fruit trees require several years to provide effective cover, and though it was implemented in some areas, it was not evaluated during the project’s period.
In Cape Verde, the low soil cover and inadequate practices on rain fed agricultural lands constitute major problems related to desertification. To the fragility of the land associates severe water erosion, causing tons of land to be washed away from the fields every year during the rainy season. Therefore, the aim in the scope of combating desertification is to provide a certain degree of permanent soil cover to serve as shield for the impact of rain. During the selection workshop several technologies, all related to vegetative cover either as strips or surface cover were discussed. Only two technologies were selected: vegetation strip with pigeon pea and afforestation with fruit trees. Technology 1: Pigeon pea (cajanus cajan) barriers/strips. It consists in planting seeds of pigeon pea, a leguminous perennial shrub that has dual purpose of protecting the soil and feed people. It is planted in association with maize crop. After the maize is harvested, the soil remains with some degree of cover. Though the objective was to plant as strip barriers, six meters apart, most farmers planted it as surface cover. Technology 2: Afforestation with fruit trees. It consists in the plantation of different fruit tree species in humid areas to provide both soil cover and feed for farmers. Since fruit trees require several years to provide effective cover, and though it was implemented in some areas, it was not evaluated during the project’s period.
Dryland agriculture in Cabo Verde copes with steep slopes, inadequate practices, irregular intense rain, recurrent droughts, high runoff rates, severe soil erosion and declining fertility, leading to the inefficient use of rainwater. Maize and beans occupy N80% of the arable land in low-input, low-yielding subsistence farming. Three collaborative field trialswere conducted in different agroecological zones to evaluate the effects ofwater-conservation techniques (mulching of crop residue, a soil surfactant and pigeon-pea hedges) combinedwith organic amendments (compost and animal or green manure) on runoff and soil loss. During the 2011 and 2012 rainy seasons, three treatments and one control (traditional practice) were applied to 44- and 24-m2 field plots. A local maize variety and two types of beanswere planted. Runoff and suspended sedimentswere collected and quantified after each daily erosive rainfall. Runoff occurred for rainfalls≥50mm(slope b10%, loamy Kastanozem),≥60mm(slope≤23%, silt–clay–loam Regosol) and≥40mm(slope≤37%, sandy loam Cambisol). Runoffwas significantly reduced only with themulch treatment on the slope N10% and in the treatment of surfactant with organic amendment on the slope b10%. Soil loss reached 16.6, 5.1, 6.6 and 0.4 Mg ha−1 on the Regosol (≤23% slope) for the control, surfactant, pigeon-pea and mulch/pigeon-pea (with organic amendment) treatments, respectively; 3.2, 0.9, 1.3 and 0.1 Mg ha−1 on the Cambisol (≤37% slope) and b0. 2Mg ha−1 for all treatments and control on the Kastanozem(b10% slope). Erosion was highly positively correlated with runoff. Mulch with pigeon-pea combinedwith an organic amendment significantly reduced runoff and erosion fromagricultural fields on steep slopes, contributing to improved use of rainwater at the plot level. Sustainable land management techniques, such as mulching with pigeon-pea hedges and an organic amendment, should be advocated and promoted for the semiarid hillsides of Cabo Verde prone to erosion to increase rainwater-use and to prevent further soil degradation.
Un nuevo método, el conteo de ovocitos hidratados, se aplica por primera vez para determinar la fecundidad de la caballa peruana (Scomber Japonicus peruanus) . En febrero de 1985, la fecundidad relativa media fue 278 huevos por gramo de hembra y la fecundidad parcial media de la muestra fue 78,174 huevos por hembra. Se muestra que la caballa del Perú es un desovador múltiple.
La anchoveta es la especie clave de la cadena alimentaria del sistema de afloramiento del mar peruano, que se caracteriza por sus altos niveles de productividad no superados por ningún otro ecosistema marino. Se analizaron los principales aspectos biológicos de la anchoveta en periodos de abundancia del recurso, y cuando disminuyeron los niveles poblacionales de esta especie. La recuperación de la población de la anchoveta es rápida después de los eventos cálidos debido a que la población responde a la normalización de las condiciones ambientales, disminuyendo también su mortalidad
Se presenta un nuevo modelo integrado de evaluación para el stock norte-centro de la anchoveta peruana que permite reconstruir y hacer un seguimiento de la estructura de longitudes del stock desde un modelo basado en edades. El modelo fue calibrado usando estimados acústicos de biomasa y estructuras de tallas provenientes de cruceros científicos y de desembarques de la pesquería. Para la calibración se utilizó un algoritmo evolutivo con diferentes funciones de aptitud para cada variable calibrada (biomasas y capturas). Se presentan los estimados mensuales de biomasa total, biomasa desovante, reclutamiento y mortalidad por pesca obtenidos por el modelo de evaluación integrada para el periodo 1964-2008. Se encontraron tres periodos cualitativamente distintos en la dinámica de anchoveta, entre 1961-1971, 1971-1991 y 1991 al presente, que se distinguen tanto por las biomasas medias anuales como por los niveles de reclutamiento observado.
Entre 1984 y 1986 se muestreo un total de 4952 ejemplares del jurel de los desembarques de la Flota de Consumo Humano Directo en Paita y de la Flota de Altura, que operó en la región norte del Perú. Se determino la variación del ciclo ovárico, proporción de los sexos y la longitud de desove.
Este artículo describe y analiza desde una perspectiva crítica el proyecto “Desmontemos rumores para fomentar la convivencia”, desarrollado en los últimos años en Sant Boi de Llobregat como parte del “Programa de convivencia”, impulsado por la Unidad de Educación Comunitaria y Civismo del ayuntamiento local. Se pone especial énfasis en las actividades realizadas en el marco de la Red de educadores y alumnos por la convivencia, que ha sido una pieza clave para impulsar el proyecto entre los adolescentes y los jóvenes de la ciudad.
Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010. L’objectiu principal d'aquest treball és el de fer un estudi del percentatge de pèrdua d'intensitat acústica de cinc sales d'Esparreguera. Això permetrà mesurar de manera objectiva un dels factors que influeixen en la qualitat acústica d'una sala.