819 resultados para obesity, bariatric surgery, Food Frequency Questionnaire, Dietary Record, dietary habits


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OBJETIVO: Identificar padrões alimentares e a distribuição dos mesmos, em uma amostra representativa de idosos do município de Botucatu, São Paulo.MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, ocorrido entre março e junho de 2011, com 355 idosos cadastrados na rede básica de saúde do município, selecionados por amostragem estratificada entre as unidades de saúde. Aplicou-se um questionário de frequência alimentar e questionário sociodemográfico. Padrões alimentares foram identificados utilizando-se análise de componentes principais. Escores de consumo individual foram divididos em tercis, caracterizando a adesão baixa, moderada e alta dos indivíduos para cada padrão alimentar. Realizaram-se análises entre os tercis dos padrões alimentares e as variáveis sociodemográficas.RESULTADOS: Identificaram-se seis padrões alimentares: saudável; lanches e refeição de final de semana; frutas; light e integral; dieta branda; e tradicional. A alta adesão aos padrões saudável e frutas é atingida por indivíduos que cursaram até o primário; e a alta adesão ao padrão lanches e refeição de final de semana é mais prevalente no sexo masculino e em indivíduos com nível máximo de escolaridade. A alta adesão aos padrões light e integral e dieta branda é mais prevalente no sexo feminino, sendo este último padrão também característico de idosos em idade mais avançada.CONCLUSÃO: Identificou-se uma diversidade de padrões alimentares nessa população de idosos e o comportamento alimentar variou de acordo com as condições sociodemográficas inseridas no grupo.


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The goal of this study is to characterize the clinical outline of patients in postoperative of bariatric surgery attended in an Intensive Care Unit and identify the nursing diagnosis presented by these patients in accordance to Taxonomy II of North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA). This is a transversal, descriptive and prospective study that was desenvolved at the Intensive Care Unit of the Clinical Hospital of Botucatu Medical School – UNESP. The population was composed by all the patients who were submitted to the bariatric surgery and were attended at the Intensive Care Unit in the period between June and August of 2010, totalizing 13 patients. The data were collected based on the Nursing History that is composed by the Anamnesis, Physical Examination and Complementary Exams. The results were worked out: a) among the 13 patients studied, 10 are women (76,9%) and 3 men (23,1%); the majority is between 30 and 40 years old; 11 people of 13 are morbid obese, which means that they have Body Mass Index higher than 40 kg/m2; b) It was identified 22 nursing diagnosis and 14 of these were found in 100% of the patients. They belong to the dominions of Activity/Rest, Comfort, Elimination and Changing, Security and Protection, Functions and Relationships. Therefore, in relation to the factors, it was conclude that nursing diagnosis help nurses to understand the unsettled human answers or the risks to disturbance in an individual way, which contributes to plan specific interventions to these patients. It was possible to verify that the stage of the nursing diagnosis that is part of the nursing process should be executed by the nurses systematically, because it has been realized by the nurses’ clinical idea, but not in a systematical way


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to test the association between quality of sleep and stress in individuals with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Methods: The study sample consisted of 354 adult subjects (males and females) from the municipality of Piacatu, São Paulo state, in the Southeast region of Brazil. Data were collected using the Fonseca’s Questionnaire to record the level of TMD, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) to assess quality of sleep and the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) to record stress level. The data were analyzed by the software Epi Info 2000 version 3.2 using a chi-square test at the 0.05 level of significance. Results: One hundred and eighty (50.8%) subjects had some level of TMD. The statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between the three stress scores and the presence or absence of sleep disorders, considering an overall PSQI score > 5 as an indicator of a subject with sleep problems (P<0.01). Conclusion: Both quality of sleep and stress levels were associated with TMD in this sample.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background/purpose: Gallstones and cholelithiasis are being increasingly diagnosed in children owing to the widespread use of ultrasonography. The treatment of choice is cholecystectomy, and routine intraoperative cholangiography is recommended to explore the common bile duct. The objectives of this study were to describe our experience with the management of gallstone disease in childhood over the last 18 years and to propose an algorithm to guide the approach to cholelithiasis in children based on clinical and ultrasonographic findings. Methods: The data for this study were obtained by reviewing the records of all patients with gallstone disease treated between January 1994 and October 2011. The patients were divided into the following 5 groups based on their symptoms: group 1, asymptomatic; group 2, nonbiliary obstructive symptoms; group 3, acute cholecystitis symptoms; group 4, a history of biliary obstructive symptoms that were completely resolved by the time of surgery; and group 5, ongoing biliary obstructive symptoms. Patients were treated according to an algorithm based on their clinical, ultrasonographic, and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) findings. Results: A total of 223 patients were diagnosed with cholelithiasis, and comorbidities were present in 177 patients (79.3%). The most common comorbidities were hemolytic disorders in 139 patients (62.3%) and previous bariatric surgery in 16 (7.1%). Although symptoms were present in 134 patients (60.0%), cholecystectomy was performed for all patients with cholelithiasis, even if they were asymptomatic; the surgery was laparoscopic in 204 patients and open in 19. Fifty-six patients (25.1%) presented with complications as the first sign of cholelithiasis (eg, pancreatitis, choledocolithiasis, or acute calculous cholecystitis). Intraoperative cholangiography was indicated in 15 children, and it was positive in only 1 (0.4%) for whom ERCP was necessary to extract the stone after a laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). Preoperative ERCP was performed in 11 patients to extract the stones, and a hepaticojejunostomy was indicated in 2 patients. There were no injuries to the hepatic artery or common bile duct in our series. Conclusions: Based on our experience, we can propose an algorithm to guide the approach to cholelithiasis in the pediatric population. The final conclusion is that LC results in limited postoperative complications in children with gallstones. When a diagnosis of choledocolithiasis or dilation of the choledocus is made, ERCP is necessary if obstructive symptoms persist either before or after an LC. Intraoperative cholangiography and laparoscopic common bile duct exploration are not mandatory. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the duodenal-jejunal bypass liner (DJBL), a 60-cm, impermeable fluoropolymer liner anchored in the duodenum to create a duodenal-jejunal bypass, on metabolic parameters in obese subjects with type 2 diabetes. Methods: Twenty-two subjects (mean age, 46.2 +/- 10.5 years) with type 2 diabetes and a body mass index between 40 and 60 kg/m(2) (mean body mass index, 44.8 +/- 7.4 kg/m(2)) were enrolled in this 52-week, prospective, open-label clinical trial. Endoscopic device implantation was performed with the patient under general anesthesia, and the subjects were examined periodically during the next 52 weeks. Primary end points included changes in fasting blood glucose and insulin levels and changes in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). The DJBL was removed endoscopically at the end of the study. Results: Thirteen subjects completed the 52-week study, and the mean duration of the implant period for all subjects was 41.9 +/- 3.2 weeks. Reasons for early removal of the device included device migration (n = 3), gastrointestinal bleeding (n = 1), abdominal pain (n = 2), principal investigator request (n = 2), and discovery of an unrelated malignancy (n = 1). Using last observation carried forward, statistically significant reductions in fasting blood glucose (-30.3 +/- 10.2 mg/dL), fasting insulin (-7.3 +/- 2.6 mu U/mL), and HbA1c (-2.1 +/- 0.3%) were observed. At the end of the study, 16 of the 22 subjects had an HbA1c < 7% compared with only one of 22 at baseline. Upper abdominal pain (n = 11), back pain (n = 5), nausea (n = 7), and vomiting (n = 7) were the most common device-related adverse events. Conclusions: The DJBL improves glycemic status in obese subjects with diabetes and therefore represents a nonsurgical, reversible alternative to bariatric surgery.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o metabolismo ósseo e a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) em mulheres adultas pós-derivação gástrica em Y de Roux (DGYR). SUJEITOS E MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 48 mulheres submetidas a DGYR há três anos e 41 saudáveis. Dados obtidos: índice de massa corporal (IMC), atividade física, consumo alimentar e DMO da coluna lombar, colo e fêmur total. Dosagem de cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, albumina, fosfatase alcalina, telopeptídeo-C (CTX), paratormônio (PTH), 25-hidroxivitamina D (25OHD), osteocalcina e cálcio urinário. RESULTADOS: Maiores alterações no grupo DGYR observadas nos níveis de osteocalcina (p < 0,001), CTX (p < 0,001) e PTH (p < 0,001). Deficiência de 25OHD foi a mais frequente no grupo DGYR (p = 0,010). Deficiência/insuficiência de 25OHD associou-se com hiperparatiroidismo secundário (p = 0,025). Não houve diferença entre os grupos em relação à DMO. A ingestão de energia (p = 0,036) e proteína (p = 0,004) foi maior no grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: Em mulheres pós-DGYR, encontraram-se alta frequência de deficiência de vitamina D, hiperparatireoidismo secundário e elevação nos marcadores de remodelação óssea, sem alteração na DMO quando comparado com o grupo controle não obeso.


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Estudo de revisão integrativa da literatura científica com a finalidade de identificar e analisar a produção de conhecimento sobre avanços clínicos em necessidades de segurança de pacientes no período transoperatório de cirurgia bariátrica, baseada em 12 estudos selecionados em bases eletrônicas, a partir de descritores previamente definidos. Com exceção de dois estudos, o conteúdo específico dessa produção compunha o contexto geral da assistência perioperatória. A análise dos estudos possibilitou evidenciar o estado da arte da atuação da enfermagem sobre essas necessidades, as quais já estão bem estabelecidas, inclusive por vários guias de recomendações, contudo, fundamentalmente baseadas na ciência da prática clínica tradicional, por meio da elaboração de juízos racionais teóricos de especialistas. Conclui-se pela pertinência de realização de estudos primários para avaliar, principalmente, impacto e resolutividade dos recursos identificados para atendimento dessas necessidades, assim como melhoria ou geração de outros recursos inovadores e identificação de novas necessidades.