961 resultados para metadata schemes
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
This paper addresses the calculation of derivatives of fractional order for non-smooth data. The noise is avoided by adopting an optimization formulation using genetic algorithms (GA). Given the flexibility of the evolutionary schemes, a hierarchical GA composed by a series of two GAs, each one with a distinct fitness function, is established.
Dual-phase functionally graded materials are a particular type of composite materials whose properties are tailored to vary continuously, depending on its two constituent's composition distribution, and which use is increasing on the most diverse application fields. These materials are known to provide superior thermal and mechanical performances when compared to the traditional laminated composites, exactly because of this continuous properties variation characteristic, which enables among other advantages smoother stresses distribution profile. In this paper we study the influence of different homogenization schemes, namely the schemes due to Voigt, Hashin-Shtrikman and Mod-Tanaka, which can be used to obtain bounds estimates for the material properties of particulate composite structures. To achieve this goal we also use a set of finite element models based on higher order shear deformation theories and also on first order theory. From the studies carried out, on linear static analyses and on free vibration analyses, it is shown that the bounds estimates are as important as the deformation kinematics basis assumed to analyse these types of multifunctional structures. Concerning to the homogenization schemes studied, it is shown that Mori-Tanaka and Hashin-Shtrikman estimates lead to less conservative results when compared to Voigt rule of mixtures.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
An improved class of Boussinesq systems of an arbitrary order using a wave surface elevation and velocity potential formulation is derived. Dissipative effects and wave generation due to a time-dependent varying seabed are included. Thus, high-order source functions are considered. For the reduction of the system order and maintenance of some dispersive characteristics of the higher-order models, an extra O(mu 2n+2) term (n ??? N) is included in the velocity potential expansion. We introduce a nonlocal continuous/discontinuous Galerkin FEM with inner penalty terms to calculate the numerical solutions of the improved fourth-order models. The discretization of the spatial variables is made using continuous P2 Lagrange elements. A predictor-corrector scheme with an initialization given by an explicit RungeKutta method is also used for the time-variable integration. Moreover, a CFL-type condition is deduced for the linear problem with a constant bathymetry. To demonstrate the applicability of the model, we considered several test cases. Improved stability is achieved.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
SignalProcessing, Vol. 81, nº 3
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Com o crescimento da informação disponível na Web, arquivos pessoais e profissionais, protagonizado tanto pelo aumento da capacidade de armazenamento de dados, como pelo aumento exponencial da capacidade de processamento dos computadores, e do fácil acesso a essa mesma informação, um enorme fluxo de produção e distribuição de conteúdos audiovisuais foi gerado. No entanto, e apesar de existirem mecanismos para a indexação desses conteúdos com o objectivo de permitir a pesquisa e acesso aos mesmos, estes apresentam normalmente uma grande complexidade algorítmica ou exigem a contratação de pessoal altamente qualificado, para a verificação e categorização dos conteúdos. Nesta dissertação pretende-se estudar soluções de anotação colaborativa de conteúdos e desenvolver uma ferramenta que facilite a anotação de um arquivo de conteúdos audiovisuais. A abordagem implementada é baseada no conceito dos “Jogos com Propósito” (GWAP – Game With a Purpose) e permite que os utilizadores criem tags (metadatos na forma de palavras-chave) de forma a atribuir um significado a um objecto a ser categorizado. Assim, e como primeiro objectivo, foi desenvolvido um jogo com o propósito não só de entretenimento, mas também que permita a criação de anotações audiovisuais perante os vídeos que são apresentados ao jogador e, que desta forma, se melhore a indexação e categorização dos mesmos. A aplicação desenvolvida permite ainda a visualização dos conteúdos e metadatos categorizados, e com o objectivo de criação de mais um elemento informativo, permite a inserção de um like num determinado instante de tempo do vídeo. A grande vantagem da aplicação desenvolvida reside no facto de adicionar anotações a pontos específicos do vídeo, mais concretamente aos seus instantes de tempo. Trata-se de uma funcionalidade nova, não disponível em outras aplicações de anotação colaborativa de conteúdos audiovisuais. Com isto, o acesso aos conteúdos será bastante mais eficaz pois será possível aceder, por pesquisa, a pontos específicos no interior de um vídeo.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
The theory of fractional calculus goes back to the beginning of the theory of differential calculus, but its application received attention only recently. In the area of automatic control some work was developed, but the proposed algorithms are still in a research stage. This paper discusses a novel method, with two degrees of freedom, for the design of fractional discrete-time derivatives. The performance of several approximations of fractional derivatives is investigated in the perspective of nonlinear system control.
In this paper a modified version of the classical Van der Pol oscillator is proposed, introducing fractional-order time derivatives into the state-space model. The resulting fractional-order Van der Pol oscillator is analyzed in the time and frequency domains, using phase portraits, spectral analysis and bifurcation diagrams. The fractional-order dynamics is illustrated through numerical simulations of the proposed schemes using approximations to fractional-order operators. Finally, the analysis is extended to the forced Van der Pol oscillator.
The present generation of eLearning platforms values the interchange of learning objects standards. Nevertheless, for specialized domains these standards are insufficient to fully describe all the assets, especially when they are used as input for other eLearning services. To address this issue we extended an existing learning objects standard to the particular requirements of a specialized domain, namely the automatic evaluation of programming problems. The focus of this paper is the definition of programming problems as learning objects. We introduce a new schema to represent metadata related to automatic evaluation that cannot be conveniently represented using existing standards, such as: the type of automatic evaluation; the requirements of the evaluation engine; or the roles of different assets - tests cases, program solutions, etc. This new schema is being used in an interoperable repository of learning objects, called crimsonHex.