757 resultados para metabolic syndrome


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Introdução - Na prevenção primária das doenças cardiovasculares, a adoção de estilo de vida saudável representa uma das estratégias mais importantes. Entretanto, baixos índices de adesão e o abandono da dieta constituem obstáculo importante ao tratamento. Neste sentido, as intervenções cirúrgicas surgiram como um mecanismo promotor da restrição alimentar e têm ganhado importância não só pelo tratamento da obesidade como também no controle dos fatores de risco cardiovascular e na possível redução da mortalidade. Através de estudos clínicos foi possível observar que estas estratégias cirúrgicas promovem profundas modificações estruturais no trato gastrointestinal gerando aumento da saciedade e da sensibilidade à insulina. Em especial para os pacientes diabéticos, por si só associados a maior risco cardiovascular, as cirurgias bariátricas seriam capazes de promover um efeito muito intenso e agudo sobre os marcadores relacionados ao desenvolvimento da aterosclerose. Um evento muito definido no tempo como uma intervenção cirúrgica pode ser muito útil para o estudo e identificação de mecanismos que ainda não estão completamente estabelecidos no processo aterosclerótico. Objetivos - Analisar o comportamento das variáveis laboratoriais, clínicas e estruturais relacionadas ao desenvolvimento e progressão da aterosclerose em indivíduos diabéticos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica. Métodos - Foram incluídos vinte voluntários diabéticos refratários ao tratamento clínico e que apresentavam obesidade abdominal. Deste grupo, metade foi aleatoriamente selecionada para realização da cirurgia bariátrica e metade foi mantida em tratamento clínico otimizado. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a exames clínicos e bioquímicos nas mesmas ocasiões, até trinta dias antes da cirurgia, três e vinte e quatro meses após a cirurgia. Nestas ocasiões além do perfil lipídico e da glicemia, determinamos os hormônios incretínicos, adipocinas. A avaliação da quantidade de gordura epicárdica e a presença de esteatose hepática será realizada somente após dois anos de seguimento em conjunto com as demais variáveis,. Foram incluídos também 10 indivíduos saudáveis e com IMC dentro da normalidade, como parte do grupo controle. Estes indivíduos foram submetidos à coleta de sangue em dois momentos para avaliação dos mesmos metabólitos. Resultados - No momento pré-intervenção os indivíduos do grupo cirúrgico e clinico eram diferentes em relação ao IMC, Glicemia e Triglicérides, sendo assim, os resultados obtidos foram ajustados minimizando o impacto destas diferenças. Após o seguimento de 3 meses, o grupo cirúrgico apresentou redução significativa nos valores de peso, IMC (33,4 ± 2,6 vs. 27,4±2,8 kg/m2, p < 0,001), HbA1c (9,26 ± 2,12 vs. 6,18±0,63%, p < 0,001), CT (182,9 ± 45,4 vs. 139,8 ± 13 mg/dl, p < 0,001), HDL (33,1 ± 7,7 vs. 38,4 ± 10,6 mg/dL, p < 0,001), TG (369,5 ± 324,6 vs. 130,8 ± 43,1 mg/dL, p < 0,001), Pro-insulina (12.72±9,11 vs. 1,76±1,14 pM, p < 0,001), RBP-4 (9,85±2,53 vs. 7,3±1,35 ng/ml, p < 0,001) e CCK (84,8±33,2 vs. 79,9 ± 31,1, ng/ml, p < 0,001), houve também aumento significativo nos níveis de HDL-colesterol (33,1 ± 7,7 vs. 38,4 ± 10,6 mg/dL, p < 0,001), Glucagon (7,4 ± 7,9 vs. 10,2±9,7 pg/ml, p < 0,001) e FGF- 19 (74,1 ± 45,8 vs. 237,3 ± 234 pg/ml, p=0,001). Um dado interessante foi que os valores de Pro-insulina, RBP-4, HbA1c e HDL- colesterol no grupo cirúrgico atingiram valores similares àqueles do grupo controle três meses após a intervenção, sendo que o FGF-19 apresentava valor duas vezes maior do que o encontrado no grupo de indivíduos saudáveis (237 ± 234 vs. 98 ± 102,1 pg/ml). O grupo clínico não apresentou variação nas variáveis clinicas, apenas nos valores de glucagon com redução significativa no período pós-intervenção (18,1 ± 20,7 vs. 16,8 ± 18,4 pg/ml, p < 0,001). Conclusão - Concluímos que indivíduos diabéticos descompensados e refratários ao tratamento clínico, quando submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica, apresentam uma alteração profunda do ponto de vista clínico, metabólico e hormonal, em relação ao indivíduos de mesmo perfil mantidos em tratamento clínico otimizado. Esta importante alteração, observada já com três meses após a intervenção, pode representar uma importante redução do risco cardiovascular nestes indivíduos. Individualmente, a notável modificação dos valores de FGF-19 associadas à intervenção devem ser estudadas com maior profundidade para compreensão de seu significado e sua potencial utilidade como marcador ou como um dos protagonistas no mecanismo de prevenção cardiovascular


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A adesão ao tratamento ocorre quando o conselho médico ou de saúde coincide com o comportamento do indivíduo, ao uso de medicamentos, cumprimento da dieta e mudanças no estilo de vida, não sendo, portanto, um ato não passivo do paciente. Em pacientes com hipertensão arterial sistêmica a adesão ao tratamento pode ser definida como o grau de cumprimento das medidas terapêuticas indicadas, sejam elas medicamentosas ou não, com o objetivo de manter a pressão arterial em níveis pressóricos normais. A não adesão em pacientes com doenças crônicas em tratamento a longo prazo em países desenvolvidos é em média de 50%, revelando a importância de serem avaliados os motivos que levam a esse comportamento. O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a não adesão em idosos hipertensos de uma unidade pública de saúde de Ribeirão Preto - SP. Trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal, desenvolvido com uma amostra de 196 pessoas. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre agosto de 2014 até junho de 2015, após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Para essa etapa foram utilizados os instrumentos Brief Medication Questionnaire, Medical Outcomes Studies 36-item Short Form Survey, Escore de Risco Global e Escore de Risco pelo Tempo de Vida. Após a coleta dos dados, as entrevistas foram codificadas, os dados foram tabulados e foi realizada a análise estatística descritiva e de correlação. Como resultado, constatou-se que houve predomínio de mulheres, com idade média de 69,4 anos, casados/união estável, não moravam sozinhos, com 1,85 pessoas na casa em média, de cor branca, com ensino fundamental incompleto, renda de até dois salários mínimos e aposentados/pensionistas, atendidos pelo SUS. Apresentaram hábitos de vida razoáveis, sem predomínio de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, tabagismo, uso excessivo de sal e sedentarismo. A mais frequente comorbidade associada à HAS foi a dislipidemia. Foi observado elevado predomínio de fatores de risco cardiovasculares como obesidade abdominal, obesidade geral, comorbidades, razão de lipídeos e fatores agravantes como proteína c reativa ultrassensível, microalbuminúria e síndrome metabólica. A maioria da amostra foi classificada como sendo portador de risco cardiovascular alto após estratificação do risco. A percepção da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde foi considerada baixa na maioria principalmente devido a limitações emocionais. A não adesão esteve presente em quase metade dos idosos, relacionada principalmente à complexidade da farmacoterapia e dificuldade em lembrar sobre o uso de seus medicamentos. Não foi observada correlação entre a não adesão e as variáveis estudadas. Conclui-se que o comportamento de não adesão observado não esteve relacionada às variáveis estudadas nessa amostra e que são necessárias intervenções urgentes para reduzir o risco cardiovascular e prevenir doenças cardiovasculares e mortalidade, bem como melhora da percepção da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde.


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A doença hepática gordurosa não-alcoólica (NAFLD, do inglês) é a manifestação clínica hepática da síndrome metabólica, cuja incidência aumenta consideravelmente em todo o mundo. A NAFLD pode progredir para um estado de esteatohepatite não-alcoólica (NASH, do inglês), caracterizado por inflamação hepatocelular, com ou sem fibrose. Dados na literatura mostram que o coativador-1 alfa do receptor ativado por proliferadores de peroxissoma gama (PGC-1alfa), além de estar envolvido em diversos processos metabólicos, representa uma estratégia terapêutica promissora na modulação da inflamação. Neste projeto investigamos as alterações inflamatórias no fígado induzida por dieta hiperlipídica e o papel do PGC-1alfa nesse processo. Camundongos C57black/6 receberam dieta hiperlipídica contendo 30% de gordura por 10 semanas. O peso dos animais foi avaliado semanalmente. Após a eutanásia, o tecido adiposo intra-abdominal (retroperitoneal e periepididimal) foi coletado e pesado. Analisamos o perfil glicêmico e lipídico sérico e expressão de genes envolvidos no metabolismo glicêmico e lipídico. Avaliou-se também o aspecto histológico e a inflamação do tecido hepático por quantificação das citocinas IL-6, TNF-alfa e IL-1beta. A dieta rica em gordura conduziu a um aumento dos depósitos de gordura intra-abdominal, hiperglicemia e hiperlipidemia. Os animais também apresentavam esteatohepatite, com aumento de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e diminuição na expressão de PGC-1alfa no tecido hepático. O envolvimento do PGC-1alfa na produção de mediadores inflamatórios por hepatócitos foi avaliado em células HepG2 utilizando RNA de interferência (RNAi). O knockdown da expressão de PGC-1alfa causou aumento na expressão e liberação de IL-6 em hepatócitos via aumento na fosforilação de IkBalfa e consequente ativação do NFkB. Portanto, nossos dados mostram que o PGC-1alfa inibe a produção de mediadores inflamatórios (IL-6) em hepatócitos, e fornecem novas evidências das conexões existentes entre as vias metabólicas e imunes


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Foods rich in adenine and hypoxanthine may contribute to the increase of uricemia. Hyperuricemia is associated with other pathological conditions pertaining to metabolic syndrome. Objective: the assessement of the impact of fiber rich diet on uricemia in patients with metabolic syndrome. Methods: the study involved 46 male patients with metabolic syndrome who claimed to have reduced mobility in fingers, hypertension, obesity, hyperglycemia and hyperuricemia. A validated questionnaire about dietary habits was applied at the beginning of the study and after 6 weeks of fiber-rich diet by eliminating from patients diet preparations of animal food and increased intake of vegetable foods. Blood presure, body mass index, blood glucose and uric acids were measured at the beginning of the study and after 6 weeks of fiber rich diet by daily consumption of 2 servings of added grains - 60g totally and vegetables 200g, fruits 300g respectively. Results: The study shows that at baseline all patients had an inadequate dietary intake of dietary fiber, 28.5 ± 2.2 g/day instead of 38 g per day.The increase in fiber intake of 10 ± 5 g/day was associated with a decrease of serum uric acid by 69.87% from 8.3  0.6 mg/dL to 5.8  0.5 mg/dL, p = 0.008, non-significant decrease of BMI (from 26.8  4.5 to 26.4  4.6 kg/m2, p<0.01), significant decrease of glycemia (from 130  0.8 to 105  4.2mg/dL, p <0.001) and significant decrease in blood pressure (from 150  10.6 to 130  8.4 mmHg, p <0.001). Conclusion: The fiber rich diet decreased blood uric acid, blood glucose levels an arterial pressure in patients with metabolic syndrome.


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Introdution: Haemochromatosis-type IV, the ferroportin disease, is characterized by an autosomal-dominant transmission and early iron accumulation in macrophages. It is caused by mutations in the transmembrane iron exporter protein ferroportin1 (SLC40A1 gene). In form A (classic), ferroportin loss of function mutants are unable to export iron from cells leading to cellular iron accumulation with decreased availability of iron for serum transferrin (TS). We present a Portuguese rare clinical case of HH-IV. Materials and Methods: A 41-year-old woman with hyperferritinemia and normal TS. Causes of hyperferritinemia (inflammation, chronic alcohol consumption, metabolic syndrome, cell necrosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and aceruloplasminemia) were assessed. Liver iron, evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was carried out. Screening for mutation in HFE and SCL40A1 genes were performed by Sanger sequencing. Baseline: Ferritin:708ng/ml; TS: 27%; MRI:85µmol/g; Hb:13,6g/dl. Therapy: weekly 450ml Therapeutic Phlebotomies (TP) until ferritin≤50ng/ml. Results: Hyperferritinemia comorbidities and common genetic mutations for haemochromatosis were negative. However, sequencing of the patient SLC40A1 gene has revealed the presence in heterozygosity of the variant c.238G>A; p.Gly80Ser. Due to low tolerance to TP, we adopted smaller phlebotomies every three weeks. Conclusion: This patient has a rare autosomal-dominant Ferroportin disease due to a mutated ferroportin which is predicted to be defective in iron cellular export. In agreement, she presents hyperferritinemia, with normal TS and liver iron overload. The genotype/phenotype association allowed to diagnosis this rare FD case. Although a mild form A, we decided to start TP. Her father also has been treated for iron overload.


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The prevalence of fatty liver is rising in association with the global increase in obesity and type 2 diabetes. In the past, simple steatosis was regarded as benign, but the presence of another liver disease may provide a synergistic combination of steatosis, cellular adaptation, and oxidative damage that aggravates liver injury. In this review, a major focus is on the role of steatosis as a co-factor in chronic hepatitis C (HCV), where the mechanisms promoting fibrosis and the effect of weight reduction in minimizing liver injury have been most widely studied. Steatosis, obesity, and associated metabolic factors may also modulate the response to alcohol- and drug-induced liver disease and may be risk factors for the development of hepatocellular cancer. The pathogenesis of injury in obesity-related fatty liver disease involves a number of pathways, which are currently under investigation. Enhanced oxidative stress, increased susceptibility to apoptosis, and a dysregulated response to cellular injury have been implicated, and other components of the metabolic syndrome such as hyperinsulinernia and hyperglycemia are likely to have a role. Fibrosis also may be increased as a by-product of altered hepatocyte regeneration and activation of bipotential hepatic progenitor cells. In conclusion, active management of obesity and a reduction in steatosis may improve liver injury and decrease the progression of fibrosis.


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Skeletal muscle is a major mass peripheral tissue that accounts for similar to 40% of total body weight and 50% of energy expenditure and is a primary site of glucose disposal and fatty acid oxidation. Consequently, muscle has a significant role in insulin sensitivity, obesity, and the blood-lipid profile. Excessive caloric intake is sensed by the brain and induces beta-adrenergic receptor (beta-AR)- mediated adaptive thermogenesis. beta-AR null mice develop severe obesity on a high fat diet. However, the target gene(s), target tissues(s), and molecular mechanism involved remain obscure. We observed that 30 - 60 min of beta-AR agonist ( isoprenaline) treatment of C2C12 skeletal muscle cells strikingly activated (> 100-fold) the expression of the mRNA encoding the nuclear hormone receptor, Nur77. In contrast, the expression of other nuclear receptors that regulate lipid and carbohydrate metabolism was not induced. Stable transfection of Nur77-specific small interfering RNAs (siNur77) into skeletal muscle cells repressed endogenous Nur77 mRNA expression. Moreover, we observed attenuation of gene and protein expression associated with the regulation of energy expenditure and lipid homeostasis, for example AMP-activated protein kinase gamma 3, UCP3, CD36,adiponectin receptor 2, GLUT4, and caveolin-3. Attenuation of Nur77 expression resulted in decreased lipolysis. Finally, in concordance with the cell culture model, injection and electrotransfer of siNur77 into mouse tibialis cranialis muscle resulted in the repression of UCP3 mRNA expression. This study demonstrates regulatory cross-talk between the nuclear hormone receptor and beta-AR signaling pathways. Moreover, it suggests Nur77 modulates the expression of genes that are key regulators of skeletal muscle lipid and energy homeostasis. In conclusion, we speculate that Nur77 agonists would stimulate lipolysis and increase energy expenditure in skeletal muscle and suggest selective activators of Nur77 may have therapeutic utility in the treatment of obesity.


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Rates of kidney disease among several indigenous groups have been shown to be substantially higher than corresponding non-indigenous groups. This excess has been clearly shown among Aboriginal Australians with respect to both end-stage kidney disease and early kidney disease. Rates of cardiovascular disease among Aboriginal Australians are also very high, as are rates of diabetes, smoking, and possibly overweight and obesity. These factors have been traditionally linked with cardiovascular and renal disease as part of a broader metabolic syndrome. However, the links and interfaces between cardiovascular and kidney disease in this environment extend beyond these traditional factors. The factors associated with atherosclerosis have expanded in recent years to include markers of inflammation, some infection, antioxidants, and other non-traditional risk factors. Given the high rates of acute infection and poor living conditions endured by many indigenous people, one might expect these non-traditional risk factors to be highly prevalent. In this review, we explore the relationships between markers of inflammation, some serological markers of infection, and other selected markers and both cardiovascular and renal disease. In doing so, we demonstrate links between kidney and cardiovascular disease at a number of levels, beyond the traditional cardiovascular/renal risk factors. Many of these factors are beyond the control of the individual or even community; addressing these issues a broader focus and biopsychosocial model. (C) 2005 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.


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Adiponectin is a secreted, multimeric protein with insulin-sensitizing, antiatherogenic, and antiinflammatory properties. Serum adiponectin consists of trimer, hexamer, and larger high-molecular-weight (HMW) multimers, and these HMW multimers appear to be the more bioactive forms. Multimer composition of adiponectin appears to be regulated; however, the molecular mechanisms involved are unknown. We hypothesize that regulation of adiponectin multimerization and secretion occurs via changes in posttranslational modifications (PTMs). Although a structural role for intertrimer disulfide bonds in the formation of hexamers and HMW multimers is established, the role of other PTMs is unknown. PTMs identified in murine and bovine adiponectin include hydroxylation of multiple conserved proline and lysine residues and glycosylation of hydroxylysines. By mass spectrometry, we confirmed the presence of these PTMs in human adiponectin and identified three additional hydroxylations on Pro71, Pro76, and Pro95. We also investigated the role of the five modified lysines in multimer formation and secretion of recombinant human adiponectin expressed in mammalian cell lines. Mutation of modified lysines in the collagenous domain prevented formation of HMW multimers, whereas a pharmacological inhibitor of prolyl- and lysyl-hydroxylases, 2,2'-dipyridyl, inhibited formation of hexamers and HMW multimers. Bacterially expressed human adiponectin displayed a complete lack of differentially modified isoforms and failed to form bona fide trimers and larger multimers. Finally, glucose-induced increases in HMW multimer production from human adipose explants correlated with changes in the two-dimensional electrophoresis profile of adiponectin isoforms. Collectively, these data suggest that adiponectin multimer composition is affected by changes in PTM in response to physiological factors.


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Most physical activity researchers are familiar with the epidemiological evidence that suggests that physical activity has an important role in the primary prevention of Type 2 diabetes. There is compelling evidence from large well-conducted prospective cohort trials to show that the risk of diabetes is reduced by up to 50% in people who are habitually active. There is also evidence from large randomised controlled trails to support the view that physical activity, as part of a lifestyle change program, can prevent Type 2 diabetes and the onset and progression of metabolic syndrome. This is the strongest evidence in support of a beneficial role for physical activity in the primary prevention of any health problem; much stronger than that for the links between smoking and lung cancer. This presentation will critically evaluate this evidence, and explore the notion that, while physical activity may postpone the development of Type 2 diabetes, it may not actually prevent the onset of problem at the population level. As the (self-reported) prevalence of Type 2 diabetes has more than doubled in the last 20 years, it is critical that we explore effective strategies for ensuring that we can ‘activate’ Australians sufficiently to prevent, rather than simply postpone, the development of this significant health problem.


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Metformin is an anti-hyperglycaemic agent widely used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It counters insulin resistance through insulin-dependent and -independent effects on cellular nutrient and energy metabolism, improving glycaemic control without weight gain and without increasing the risk of hypoglycaemia. Metformin can also benefit several risk factors for vascular disease independently of glycaemic control. In subjects with metabolic syndrome, metformin improves prognosis. It decreases progression of impaired glucose tolerance to type 2 diabetes, assists weight reduction especially in conjunction with lifestyle management and exerts other potentially favourable cardiovascular effects. For example, metformin can modestly improve the lipid profile in some dyslipidaemic individuals, reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines and monocyte adhesion molecules and decrease advanced glycation end products. Metformin can also improve parameters of endothelial function in the macro- and micro-vasculature, indicating lower athero-thrombotic risk, but it does not appear to reduce blood pressure. In normoglycaemic individuals with risk factors for diabetes and in women with polycystic ovary syndrome there is evidence that metformin can defer or prevent the development of diabetes. Thus, metformin offers beneficial effects to delay the onset and reverse or reduce the progression of many of the metabolic features and cardiovascular risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome.


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Aims: Humans with inactivating mutations in peroxisomal proliferators activated receptor gamma (PPAR?) typically develop a complex metabolic syndrome characterized by insulin resistance, diabetes, lipodystrophy, hypertension, and dyslipidaemia which is likely to increase their cardiovascular risk. Despite evidence that the activation of PPAR? may prevent cardiac fibrosis and hypertrophy, recent evidence has suggested that pharmacological activation of PPAR? causes increased cardiovascular mortality. In this study, we investigated the effects of defective PPAR? function on the development of cardiac fibrosis and hypertrophy in a murine model carrying a human dominant-negative mutation in PPAR?. Methods and results: Mice with a dominant-negative point mutation in PPAR? (P465L) and their wild-type (WT) littermates were treated with either subcutaneous angiotensin II (AngII) infusion or saline for 2 weeks. Heterozygous P465L and WT mice developed a similar increase in systolic blood pressure, but the mutant mice developed significantly more severe cardiac fibrosis to AngII that correlated with increased expression of profibrotic genes. Both groups similarly increased the heart weight to body weight ratio compared with saline-treated controls. There were no differences in fibrosis between saline-treated WT and P465L mice. Conclusion: These results show synergistic pathogenic effects between the presence of defective PPAR? and AngII-induced hypertension and suggest that patients with PPAR? mutation and hypertension may need more aggressive therapeutic measures to reduce the risk of accelerated cardiac fibrosis. © The Author 2009.