930 resultados para mercury remediation


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El creciente desarrollo de la industria del cuero y textil en nuestro país, y específicamente en la provincia de Córdoba, ha hecho resurgir en los ultimos años una problemática aún no resuelta que es la elevada contaminación de los recursos hídricos. En ambas industrias, la operación de teñido involucra principalmente colorantes de tipo azoico los cuales son "no biodegradables" y se fragmentan liberando aminas aromáticas cancerígenas. Para abordar esta problemática, la fotocatálisis heterogénea aparece como una nueva tecnología que permitiría la completa mineralización de estos colorantes. A través de radiación y un fotocatalizador sólido adecuado se pueden generan radicales libres eficientes para la oxidación de materia orgánica (colorantes) en medio acuoso. En este sentido, se proponen tamices moleculares mesoporosos modificados con metales de transición (MT) como fotocatalizadores potencialmente aptos para la degradación de estos contaminantes. El propósito principal de este proyecto es el diseño, síntesis, caracterización y evaluación de materiales mesoporosos que presenten actividad fotocatalítica ya sea mediante la modificación de su estructura con diversos metales fotosensibles y/o empleándolos como soporte de óxido de titanio. Se pretende evaluar estos materiales en la degradación de colorantes intentando desplazar su fotosensibilidad hacia la radiación visible para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías con menor impacto ambiental y mayor aprovechamiento de la energía solar. Para ello se sintetizarán materiales del tipo MCM-41 modificados con distintos MT tales como Fe, Cr, Co, Ni y Zn mediante incorporación directa del ión metálico o impregnación. Al mismo tiempo, tanto estos últimos materiales como el MCM-41 silíceo serán empleados como soporte de TiO2. Sus propiedades fisicoquímicas se caracterizarán mediante distintas técnicas instrumentales y su actividad fotocatalítica se evaluará en la degradación de colorantes azoicos bajo radiación visible. Se seleccionará el catalizador más eficiente y se estudiarán los diversos factores que afectan el proceso de fotodegradación. Así mismo, el análisis de la concentración del colorante y los productos presentes en el medio en función del tiempo de reacción permitirá inferir sobre la cinética de la decoloración y postular posibles mecanismos de fotodegradación. Con esta propuesta se espera contribuír al desarrollo de un sector industrial importante en nuestra provincia como es el de las industrias del cuero y textil, mediante la generación de nuevas tecnologías que empleen la energía solar para la degradación de sus efluentes (colorantes). En este sentido, se espera desarrollar nuevos materiales optimizados para lograr la mayor eficiencia fotocatalítica. Esto conduciría entonces hacia la remediación de un problema ambiental de alto impacto tanto para nuestra provincia y nuestro país como para la población mundial, como es la contaminación de los recursos hídricos. Finalmente, con este proyecto se contribuirá a la formación de dos doctorandos y un maestrando, cuyos temas de tesis están vinculados con nuestro objeto de estudio. The increasing development of the textile and leather industries in our country, and specifically in Córdoba, has revived an unresolved problem that is the high contamination of water resources. In both industries, the dyeing involves mainly type azoic dyes which are not biodegradable and break releasing carcinogenic aromatic amines. Heterogeneous photocatalysis appears as a new technology that would allow the complete mineralization of these pollutants. Through radiation and a suitable solid it is possible to generate free radicals for efficient oxidation of organic matter (dyes) in aqueous medium. In this respect, mesoporous molecular sieves modified with transition metals are proposed as potential photocatalysts. The main purpose of this project is the synthesis of mesoporous materials having photocatalytic activity for the degradation of dyes. We will try to move their photosensitivity to visible radiation to develop new technologies with lower environmental impact and greater use of solar energy. Materials MCM-41 modified with metals (Fe, Cr, Co, Ni and Zn) will be synthesized by direct incorporation or impregnation. These materials and the siliceous MCM-41 will be then employed as support of TiO2. The materials will be evaluated in the photocatalytic degradation of azoic dyes under visible radiation. The influence of different factors on the photodegradation proccess will be studied. Kinetic studies will be carried out and a possible reaction way will be proposed. Thus, this work will contribute to the advancement of an important industrial sector and the remediation of an environmental problem with high impact for our province and our country. Moreover, this proyect will contribute to the development of two doctoral tesis and one magister tesis which are vinculated with our study subject.


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This project focused on the investigation and the development of a chemical sensing system for the determination of chromium Cr6+ and a bio-reactor followed by electrochemical detection at a glassy carbon electrode, for the determination of organochlorine compounds. The conjugation of Cr6+ with 1,5-diphenylcarbazide was studied at various types of electrodes such as glassy carbon, ultra-trace epoxy-graphite, chemically or un-modified carbon-paste and dropping-mercury. The cyclic voltammetric behaviour of the complex was also investigated. In addition, the possibility of developing a chemical sensor, Le. an electrochemical probe capable of sensing Cr6+ through its complexation with 1,5-diphenylacarbazide was studied. The conjugations of l-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, 2,4-dichloronitrobenzene and ethacrynic, which are electrophilic organochlorine compounds, with reduced glutathione, were studied in order to test the bioreactor developed, based on the immobilisation of glutathione s-transferase. This was carried out at different types of electrodes such as glassy-carbon, gold, silver, platinum, epoxy-graphite, hangingmercury, and ferrocene-modified rotating-disc electrodes.


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Abstract Low motivation is frequent in chronic disorders such as psychosis and may limit treatment efficacy. Although some evidence supports this view in adults, few studies so far have focused on adolescents. We assessed the impact of baseline symptoms, cognitive deficits and cognitive treatment characteristics on treatment motivation (TM), and examined whether TM affected treatment outcome. Twenty-eight adolescents with psychotic disorders participated in 16 sessions of computerized cognitive remediation or games. TM was assessed for each session. Lower TM was predicted by more severe symptoms at baseline, and was associated with smaller improvements in symptoms and both cognitive and psychosocial functioning at the end of the intervention. Experiencing success in the treatment exercises enhanced TM in all patients.


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Knowledge of the spatial distribution of hydraulic conductivity (K) within an aquifer is critical for reliable predictions of solute transport and the development of effective groundwater management and/or remediation strategies. While core analyses and hydraulic logging can provide highly detailed information, such information is inherently localized around boreholes that tend to be sparsely distributed throughout the aquifer volume. Conversely, larger-scale hydraulic experiments like pumping and tracer tests provide relatively low-resolution estimates of K in the investigated subsurface region. As a result, traditional hydrogeological measurement techniques contain a gap in terms of spatial resolution and coverage, and they are often alone inadequate for characterizing heterogeneous aquifers. Geophysical methods have the potential to bridge this gap. The recent increased interest in the application of geophysical methods to hydrogeological problems is clearly evidenced by the formation and rapid growth of the domain of hydrogeophysics over the past decade (e.g., Rubin and Hubbard, 2005).


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Un dels problemes associats a la remeiació de contaminants hidròfobs és la seva poca disponibilitat. Es considera que un contaminant està disponible quan roman a la fase líquida del medi, ja sigui solubilitzat o en forma d’emulsió. Els surfactants són substàncies anfifíliques que promouen la transferència de compostos hidròfobs de la fase sòlida a la líquida. En aquest estudi s’escull el pirè com a representant dels hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics i tres surfactants no iònics: un àmpliament citat a la bibliografia científica (Tween 80) i dos comercials (Gold Crew, BS-400). L’estudi es fa amb tres mescles d’argila i sorra amb diferents proporcions. La concentració micel·lar crítica (CMC) s’assoleix abans en sòls amb poc contingut en argila. L’eficiència dels surfactants està estretament relacionada amb la proporció d’argila i sorra. A concentracions molt per sobre de la CMC no s’observa una relació entre l’eficiència i la quantitat d’argila. El Tween 80 ha donat millors resultats que el Gold Crew i el BS-400, sense que aquest darrer no hagi presentat desadsorció de pirè.


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The survival, physiology and gene expression profile of the phenanthrene-degrading Sphingomonas sp. LH128 was examined after an extended period of complete nutrient starvation and compared with a non-starved population that had been harvested in exponential phase. After 6 months of starvation in an isotonic solution, only 5 % of the initial population formed culturable cells. Microscopic observation of GFP fluorescent cells, however, suggested that a larger fraction of cells (up to 80 %) were still alive and apparently had entered a viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state. The strain displayed several cellular and genetic adaptive strategies to survive long-term starvation. Flow cytometry, microscopic observation and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis showed a reduction in cell size, a change in cell shape and an increase in the degree of membrane fatty acid saturation. Transcriptome analysis showed decreased expression of genes involved in ribosomal protein biosynthesis, chromosomal replication, cell division and aromatic catabolism, increased expression of genes involved in regulation of gene expression and efflux systems, genetic translocations, and degradation of rRNA and fatty acids. Those phenotypic and transcriptomic changes were not observed after 4 h of starvation. Despite the starvation situation, the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) catabolic activity was immediate upon exposure to phenanthrene. We conclude that a large fraction of cells maintain viability after an extended period of starvation apparently due to tuning the expression of a wide variety of cellular processes. Due to these survival attributes, bacteria of the genus Sphingomonas, like strain LH128, could be considered as suitable targets for use in remediation of nutrient-poor PAH-contaminated environments.


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La contaminación de suelos y aguas subterráneas es uno de los problemas ambientales más extendidos en gran parte de los terrenos industriales de Cataluña. En este proyecto se ha analizado el proceso de gestión de la contaminación: caracterización, remediación y seguimiento de la descontaminación en suelos y aguas subterráneas por un caso de afección por organoclorados (percloroetileno) y otros contaminantes (hidrocarburos, selenio y cromo) en un emplazamiento industrial situado en una zona agroforestal (superficie de 81.462 m2). A partir de la implantación en la empresa del sistema de gestión ISO 14.001 en 1.996, se abrieron diferentes proyectos de gestión para los posibles contaminantes. Por las mismas fechas, también se detectó una afección por selenio en aguas subterráneas, ajena a la empresa de estudio. Por el momento, el único contaminante que ha requerido de un proceso de descontaminación ha sido el percloroetileno. En suelos se emplea el método “soil vapor extraction” y en aguas subterráneas el método “airstripping”. Finalmente, se ha llevado a cabo una comparación de los costes reales derivados del proceso de descontaminación del percloroetileno en contra de los costes que se hubiesen derivado la implantación de medidas de prevención de la contaminación. El resultado de la valoración indica que la descontaminación de éste compuesto requiere de una inversión económica importante, unas 10 veces más elevada que los costes derivados de las medidas de prevención.


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Phlebotominae sand fly specimens were prepared for histological and physiological studies. Different fixatives were tested on sectioned and whole bodied adult females in order to obtain good fixation and provide satisfactory penetration of the embedding media. All fixed specimens were infiltrated (up to seven days under 5ºC) and embedded in hydroxyethyl metacrylate. Two-three µm sections were stained, mounted in Canada balsam and observed by light microscopy. Best results were achieved when whole bodied insects were double fixed in Bouin's and Carnoy's fluids (4 h/2 h) and stained in Hematoxilin/Eosin or fixed in calcium formaldehyde and stained in mercury bromophenol blue.


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Industrial pollution due to heavy metals such as mercury is a major concern for the environment and public health. Mercury, in particular methylmercury (MeHg), primarily affects brain development and neuronal activity, resulting in neurotoxic effects. Because chemokines can modulate brain functions and are involved in neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases, we tested the possibility that the neurotoxic effect of MeHg may interfere with the chemokine CCL2. We have used an original protocol in young mice using a MeHg-contaminated fish-based diet for 3 months relevant to human MeHg contamination. We observed that MeHg induced in the mice cortex a decrease in CCL2 concentrations, neuronal cell death, and microglial activation. Knock-out (KO) CCL2 mice fed with a vegetal control food already presented a decrease in cortical neuronal cell density in comparison with wild-type animals under similar diet conditions, suggesting that the presence of CCL2 is required for normal neuronal survival. Moreover, KO CCL2 mice showed a pronounced neuronal cell death in response to MeHg. Using in vitro experiments on pure rat cortical neurons in culture, we observed by blockade of the CCL2/CCR2 neurotransmission an increased neuronal cell death in response to MeHg neurotoxicity. Furthermore, we showed that sod genes are upregulated in brain of wild-type mice fed with MeHg in contrast to KO CCL2 mice and that CCL2 can blunt in vitro the decrease in glutathione levels induced by MeHg. These original findings demonstrate that CCL2 may act as a neuroprotective alarm system in brain deficits due to MeHg intoxication.


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Pediculosis seems to have afflicted humans since the most ancient times and lice have been found in several ancient human remains. Examination of the head hair and pubic hair of the artificial mummy of Ferdinand II of Aragon (1467-1496), King of Naples, revealed a double infestation with two different species of lice, Pediculus capitis, the head louse, and Pthirus pubis, the pubic louse. The hair samples were also positive for the presence of mercury, probably applied as an anti-pediculosis therapy. This is the first time that these parasites have been found in the hair of a king, demonstrating that even members of the wealthy classes in the Renaissance were subject to louse infestation.


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The most valuable pigment of the Roman wall paintings was the red color obtained from powdered cinnabar (Minium Cinnabaris pigment), the red mercury sulfide (HgS), which was brought from mercury (Hg) deposits in the Roman Empire. To address the question of whether sulfur isotope signatures can serve as a rapid method to establish the provenance of the red pigment in Roman frescoes, we have measured the sulfur isotope composition (delta(34) S value in parts per thousand VCDT) in samples of wall painting from the Roman city Aventicum (Avenches, Vaud, Switzerland) and compared them with values from cinnabar from European mercury deposits (Almaden in Spain, Idria in Slovenia, Monte Amiata in Italy, Moschellandsberg in Germany, and Genepy in France). Our study shows that the delta(34) S values of cinnabar from the studied Roman wall paintings fall within or near to the composition of Almaden cinnabar; thus, the provenance of the raw material may be deduced. This approach may provide information on provenance and authenticity in archaeological, restoration and forensic studies of Roman and Greek frescoes. Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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For decades thimerosal has been used as a preservative in the candidate vaccine for cutaneous leishmaniasis, which was developed by Mayrink et al. The use of thimerosal in humans has been banned due to its mercury content. This study addresses the standardization of phenol as a new candidate vaccine preservative. We have found that the proteolytic activity was abolished when the test was conducted using the candidate vaccine added to merthiolate (MtVac) as well as to phenol (PhVac). The Montenegro's skin test conversion rates induced by MtVac and by PhVac was 68.06% and 85.9%, respectively, and these values were statistically significant (p < 0.05). The proliferative response of peripheral mononuclear blood cells shows that the stimulation index of mice immunized with both candidate vaccines was higher than the one in control animals (p < 0.05). The ability of the candidate vaccines to induce protection in C57BL/10 mice against a challenge with infective Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes was tested and the mice immunized with PhVac developed smaller lesions than the mice immunized with MtVac. Electrophoresis of phenol-preserved antigen revealed a number of proteins, which were better preserved in PhVac. These results do in fact encourage the use of phenol for preserving the immunogenic and biochemical properties of the candidate vaccine for cutaneous leishmaniasis.


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Syphilis is a chronic infection that is categorized by a three-stage progression. The tertiary stage may affect bones and produce distinctive skull lesions called caries sicca. This paper aims to present an unusual case of syphilis associated with a diagnosis of cirrhosis, which was recorded as the cause of death in a 28-year-old female in 1899. The appearance and distribution of the lesions were compatible with acquired syphilis, as observed in the skull from the Medical Schools Collection of the University of Coimbra. However, the cause of death was recorded as "hypertrophic cirrhosis of the liver", this is a condition that is compatible with several liver disorders, including a primary liver disorder, such as cirrhosis provoked by alcoholism, infection of the liver by syphilis pathogens or by damage to the liver from the use of mercury compounds, which was the common treatment for syphilis at the time. This paper represents a contribution to the understanding of the natural evolution of syphilis.


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Microglial cells react early to a neurotoxic insult. However, the bioactive factors and the cell-cell interactions leading to microglial activation and finally to a neuroprotective or neurodegenerative outcome remain to be elucidated. Therefore, we analyzed the microglial reaction induced by methylmercury (MeHgCl) using cell cultures of different complexity. Isolated microglia were found to be directly activated by MeHgCl (10(-10) to 10(-6) M), as indicated by process retraction, enhanced lectin staining, and cluster formation. An association of MeHgCl-induced microglial clusters with astrocytes and neurons was observed in three-dimensional cultures. Close proximity was found between the clusters of lectin-stained microglia and astrocytes immunostained for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), which may facilitate interactions between astrocytes and reactive microglia. In contrast, immunoreactivity for microtubule-associated protein (MAP-2), a neuronal marker, was absent in the vicinity of the microglial clusters. Interactions between astrocytes and microglia were studied in cocultures treated for 10 days with MeHgCl. Interleukin-6 release was increased at 10(-7) M of MeHgCl, whereas it was decreased when each of these two cell types was cultured separately. Moreover, addition of IL-6 to three-dimensional brain cell cultures treated with 3 x 10(-7) M of MeHgCl prevented the decrease in immunostaining of the neuronal markers MAP-2 and neurofilament-M. IL-6 administered to three-dimensional cultures in the absence of MeHgCl caused astrogliosis, as indicated by increased GFAP immunoreactivity. Altogether, these results show that microglial cells are directly activated by MeHgCl and that the interaction between activated microglia and astrocytes can increase local IL-6 release, which may cause astrocyte reactivity and neuroprotection.