996 resultados para local products


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In this paper we aim at studying to what extent spillovers between firms may foster economic growth. The attention is addressed to the spillovers connected with the R&D activity that improves the quality of the goods firms supply. Our model develops a growth theory framework and we assume that firms spread around a circle. Our study assesses that spillovers between neighbors affect the probability of successful research for each of them. In particular, spillovers are the forces fuelling growth when, on the whole, firms turn out to be net receivers with respect to their neighbors.


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At the end of the XIX Century, Marshall described the existence of some concentrations of small and medium enterprises specialised in a specific production activity in certain districts of some industrial English cities. Starting from his contribute, Italian scholars have paid particular attention to this local system of production coined by Marshall under the term industrial district. In other countries, different but related territorial models have played a central role as the milieu or the geographical industrial clusters. Recently, these models have been extended to non-industrial fields like culture, rural activities and tourism. In this text, we explore the extension of these territorial models to the study of tourist activities in Italy, using a framework that can be easily applied to other countries or regions. The paper is divided in five sections. In the first one, we propose a review of the territorial models applied to tourism industry. In the second part, we construct a tourist filiere and we apply a methodology for the identification of local systems through GIS tools. Thus, taxonomy of the Italian Tourist Local Systems is presented. In the third part, we discuss about the sources of competitiveness of these Tourist Local Systems. In the forth section, we test a spatial econometrics model regarding different kinds of Italian Tourist Local Systems (rural systems, arts cities, tourist districts) in order to measure external economies and territorial networks. Finally, conclusions and policy implications are exposed.


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"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."


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This paper contributes to the existing literature on industrial location by discussing some issues regarding the territorial levels that have been used in location analysis. We analyse which could be the advantages and disadvantages of performing locational analysis at a different local levels. We use data for new manufacturing firms located at municipality, county and travel to work areas level. We show that location determinants vary according to the territorial level used in the analysis, so we conclude that the level at which we perform the investigation should be carefully selected. Keywords: industrial location, cities, agglomeration economies, count data models.


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Ecological economics has five good reasons to consider that economic globalisation, spurred by commercial and financial fluxes, to be one of the main driving forces responsible for causing environmental degradation to our planet. The first, is the energy consumption and the socio-environmental impacts which long-distance haulage entails. The second, is the ever-increasing flow of goods to far-away destinations which renders their recycling practically impossible. This is particularly significant, because it prevents the metabolic lock of the nutrients present in food and other agrarian products from taking place. The third, is that the high degree of specialization attained in agriculture, forestry, cattle, mining and industry in each region, generates deleterious effects not only on the eco-landscape structure of the uses of the soil, but on the capability to provide habitat and environmental functions to maintain biodiversity as well


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High hydrostatic pressure is being increasingly investigated in food processing. It causes microbial inactivation and therefore extends the shelf life and enhances the safety of food products. Yeasts, molds, and vegetative cells of bacteria can be inactivated by pressures in the range of 200 to 700 MPa. Microorganisms are more or less sensitive to pressure depending on several factors such as type, strain and the phase or state of the cells. In general, Gram-positive organisms are usually more resistant than Gram-negative. High pressure processing modifies the permeability of the cell membrane, the ion exchange and causes changes in morphology and biochemical reactions, protein denaturations and inhibition of genetic mechanisms. High pressure has been used successfully to extend the shelf life of high-acid foods such as refrigerated fruit juices, jellies and jams. There is now an increasing interest in the use of this technology to extend the shelf life of low-acid foods such as different types of meat products.


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The effects of high pressure on the composition of food products have not been evaluated extensively. Since, it is necessary to take in consideration the possible effects in basis to the changes induced in the bio molecules by the application of high pressures. The main effect on protein is the denaturation, because the covalent bonds are not affected; however hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic and intermolecular interactions are modified or destroyed. 1 High pressure can modify the activity of some enzymes. If this is done the proteolysis and lipolysis could be more or less intense and the content of free amino acids and fatty acids will be different. This could be related to the bioavailability of these compounds. Low pressures (100 MPa) have been shown to activate some enzymes (monomeric enzymes). Higher pressures induce loss of the enzyme activity. However some enzymes are very stable (ex. Lipase ~ 600 - 1000 MPa). Lipoxygenase is less stable, and there is little information about the effects on antioxidant enzymes. Other important issue is the influence of high pressure on oxidation susceptibility. This could modify the composition of lipids if the degree of the oxidation would have been higher or lower than in the traditional product. Pressure produces the damage of cell membranes favouring the contact between substrates and enzymes, exposure to oxidation of membrane fatty acids and loos of the efficiency of vitamin E. These effects can also affect to protein oxidation. In this study different compounds were analysed to establish the differences between non-treated and high-pressure treated products.


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El consumo desmesurado de energía por parte de los países del Norte lleva a la creación de una deuda ecológica en los países del Sur. Ésta se debe, entre otros factores, al modelo agrario introducido con la “Nueva Revolución Verde”. En Argentina los monocultivos de sojaRR están potenciando la pérdida de la soberanía alimentaria en todo el país. Al mismo tiempo, las políticas energéticas europeas van a provocar una subida en la demanda de materias primas para la producción de biocombustible, lo que llevará a un aumento de la superficie de sojaRR en Argentina. El objetivo de este estudio es la creación de alternativas productivas mediante la implicación de la población de un municipio argentino. A través de la metodología de análisis social “CLIP” se han identificado los diferentes actores implicados en el modelo agrario que a lo largo del trabajo plantean propuestas de cambio para el sector agropecuario de su municipio. El resultado ha sido el planteamiento de cuatro grandes alternativas: la agricultura orgánica, la rotación de actividades, las producciones avícolas y apícolas y la diversificación de cultivos energéticos. Viendo que la tipología de consumo del Norte afecta directamente en la vida de los países del Sur, en todas las alternativas propuestas en este caso de estudio, se acaba por apostar por la creación de redes productivas y comerciales locales que potencien los beneficios en los países productores sin abandonar las posibilidades del mercado internacional.


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El modelo agrario argentino actual se basa en el monocultivo de la soja para la exportación. Este cultivo aumentó de forma masiva a partir de la entrada de la soja transgénica resistente al herbicida glifosato, en los 90. Los plaguicidas han representado el gran sostén del crecimiento de la producción agropecuaria argentina. Debido al uso creciente que están teniendo y a la proximidad de los cultivos a los pueblos, los habitantes empiezan a percibir las prácticas de manejo y aplicación de plaguicidas como un riesgo para su salud y el medio ambiente de la zona. El clima de incertidumbre acerca de los impactos de los agroquímicos se percibe en las áreas productoras de soja, convirtiéndose en un conflicto entre expertos y población local. Con el estudio de este riesgo, del modo en que es percibido por la población y de los factores que causan dicha percepción, se ha observado que los problemas que generan la elevada percepción son principalmente las malas prácticas en la aplicación de los agroquímicos, la ausencia de regulación del organismo de control y la incertidumbre sobre los efectos que dichos productos pueden causar.


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This article examines the uses of the local/global dichotomy in anthropology. It is argued that the use of these terms as analytical tools tends to lead to a reification of "global forces" seen as external to the local site where the ethnographic study takes place. To avoid endless debates on whether or not the "global" can be the object of ethnographic scrutiny, anthropologists should treat the local and the global as scalar properties of social systems that are generated in the course of historical processes.


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An important debate on the role of creativity and culture as factors of local economic development is distinctly emerging. Despite the emphasis put on the theoretical definition of these concepts, it is necessary to strengthen comparative research for the identification and analysis of the kind of creativity embedded in the territory as well as its determinants. Creative local production systems are identified in Italy and Spain departing from local labour markets as territorial units, and focusing on two different kinds of creative


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