935 resultados para lipoprotein


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Les effets bénéfiques des lipoprotéines de haute densité (HDL) contre l'athérosclérose ont été attribués, en grande partie, à leur composante protéique majeure, l'apolipoprotéine A-I (apoA-I). Cependant, il y a des indications que l'apoA-I peut être dégradée par des protéases localisées dans les plaques athérosclérotiques humaines, ce qui pourrait réduire l'efficacité des thérapies basées sur les HDL sous certaines conditions. Nous décrivons ici le développement et l'utilisation d'une nouvelle sonde bioactivatable fluorescente dans le proche infrarouge, apoA-I-Cy5.5, pour l'évaluation des activités protéolytiques spécifiques qui dégradent l'apoA-I in vitro, in vivo et ex vivo. La fluorescence basale de la sonde est inhibée par la saturation du fluorophore Cy5.5 sur la protéine apoA-I, et la fluorescence émise par le Cy5.5 (proche infrarouge) est révélée après clivage de la sonde. La protéolyse in vitro de l'apoA-I par des protéases a montré une augmentation de la fluorescence allant jusqu'à 11 fois (n=5, P ≤ 0.05). En utilisant notre nouvelle sonde apoA-I-Cy5.5 nous avons pu quantifier les activités protéolytiques d'une grande variété de protéases, incluant des sérines (chymase), des cystéines (cathepsine S), et des métalloprotéases (MMP-12). En outre, nous avons pu détecter l'activation de la sonde apoA-I-Cy5.5 sur des sections d'aorte de souris athérosclérotiques par zymographie in situ et avons observé qu'en présence d'inhibiteurs de protéases à large spectre, la sonde pourrait être protégée des activités protéolytiques des protéases (-54%, n=6, P ≤ 0,001). L'infusion in vivo de la sonde apoA-I-Cy5.5 dans les souris athérosclérotiques (Ldlr -/--Tg (apoB humaine)) a résulté en utilisant un système d'imagerie moléculaire combinant la fluorescence moléculaire tomographique et la résonance magnétique,en un signal de fluorescence dans l'aorte plus important que celui dans les aortes des souris de type sauvage C57Bl/6J (CTL). Les mesures in vivo ont été confirmées par l'imagerie ex vivo de l'aorte qui a indiqué une augmentation de 5 fois du signal fluorescent dans l'aorte des souris ATX (n=5) par rapport à l'aorte des souris (n=3) CTL (P ≤ 0,05). L'utilisation de cette sonde pourrait conduire à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires qui sous-tendent le développement et la progression de l'athérosclérose et l'amélioration des stratégies thérapeutiques à base de HDL.


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En la Enfermedad Coronaria (EC) existen factores genéticos, socioculturales, medioambientales y raciales adicionales a los factores de riesgo cardiovascular mayores que podrían influir en su presentación. Se desconoce el impacto de la raza en la severidad de la enfermedad coronaria en los pacientes extranjeros que son enviados a nuestro Servicio. Objetivos: Comparar la severidad de la EC multivaso en una población de pacientes de las Antillas y Nacionales, pareados por la escala Framingham. Metodología: Realizamos un estudio de corte transversal, comparando pacientes colombianos contra pacientes provenientes de las Antillas holandesas con similares factores de riesgo según escala de Framingham, catalogándolos por grupos de riesgo bajo, intermedio, alto y muy alto. Todos con EC severa multivaso documentada por angiografía coronaria desde enero del 2009 hasta Junio de 2011. Se excluyeron pacientes con antecedentes de intervención percutánea o quirúrgica previa. Resultados: Ingresaron 115 pacientes internacionales y 115 pacientes nacionales. La relación hombres/mujeres 3:1. La proporción de grupos de riesgo fue de bajo riesgo 2.5%, intermedio 15%, alto 19.3%, y muy alto 63.4%. El Syntax Score en pacientes nacionales fue 14.3+/-7.4 y en internacionales 22.2+/-10.5 p: 0.002. Conclusiones: En pacientes provenientes de las Antillas Holandesas, valorados en nuestra institución, se observó una mayor severidad de la enfermedad coronaria comparada con una población nacional con factores de riesgo similares. Estos hallazgos sugieren la influencia de la raza y factores genéticos en la severidad y extensión de la EC


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La infección por el VIH es tal vez la enfermedad de más rápida progresión en los últimos años. Ha cobrado y seguirá cobrando muchas vidas, sobre todo en los países menos desarrollados. En este estudio queremos mostrar la aparición de dislipidemia en pacientes infectados por el VIH, que están en terapia antiretroviral en un Hospital de tercer nivel de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.


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Los gliomas malignos representan una de las formas más agresivas de los tumores del sistema nervioso central (SNC). De acuerdo con la clasificación de los tumores cerebrales de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), los astrocitomas han sido categorizados en cuatro grados, determinados por la patología subyacente. Es así como los gliomas malignos (o de alto grado) incluyen el glioma anaplásico (grado III) así como el glioblastoma multiforme (GBM, grado IV),estos últimos los más agresivos con el peor pronóstico (1). El manejo terapéutico de los tumores del SNC se basa en la cirugía, la radioterapia y la quimioterapia, dependiendo de las características del tumor, el estadio clínico y la edad (2),(3), sin embargo ninguno de los tratamientos estándar es completamente seguro y compatible con una calidad de vida aceptable (3), (4). En general, la quimioterapia es la primera opción en los tumores diseminados, como el glioblastoma invasivo y el meduloblastoma de alto riesgo o con metástasis múltiple, pero el pronóstico en estos pacientes es muy pobre (2),(3). Solamente nuevas terapias dirigidas (2) como las terapias anti-angiogénicas (4); o terapias génicas muestran un beneficio real en grupos limitados de pacientes con defectos moleculares específicos conocidos (4). De este modo, se hace necesario el desarrollo de nuevas terapias farmacológicas para atacar los tumores cerebrales. Frente a las terapias los gliomas malignos son con frecuencia quimioresistentes, y esta resistencia parece depender de al menos dos mecanismos: en primer lugar, la pobre penetración de muchas drogas anticáncer a través de la barrera hematoencefálica (BBB: Blood Brain Barrier), la barrera del fluido sangre-cerebroespinal (BCSFB: Blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier) y la barrera sangre-tumor (BTB: blood-tumor barrier). Dicha resistencia se debe a la interacción de la droga con varios transportadores o bombas de eflujo de droga ABC (ABC: ATP-binding cassette) que se sobre expresan en las células endoteliales o epiteliales de estas barreras. En segundo lugar, estos transportadores de eflujo de drogas ABC propios de las células tumorales confieren un fenotipo conocido como resistencia a multidrogas (MDR: multidrug resistance), el cual es característico de varios tumores sólidos. Este fenotipo también está presente en los tumores del SNC y su papel en gliomas es objeto de investigación (5). Por consiguiente el suministro de medicamentos a través de la BBB es uno de los problemas vitales en los tratamientos de terapia dirigida. Estudios recientes han demostrado que algunas moléculas pequeñas utilizadas en estas terapias son sustratos de la glicoproteína P (Pgp: P-gycoprotein), así como también de otras bombas de eflujo como las proteínas relacionadas con la resistencia a multidrogas (MRPs: multidrug resistance-related proteins (MRPs) o la proteína relacionada con cáncer de seno (BCRP: breast-cancer resistance related protein)) que no permiten que las drogas de este tipo alcancen el tumor (1). Un sustrato de Pgp y BCRP es la DOXOrubicina (DOXO), un fármaco utilizado en la terapia anti cáncer, el cual es muy eficaz para atacar las células del tumor cerebral in vitro, pero con un uso clínico limitado por la poca entrega a través de la barrera hematoencefálica (BBB) y por la resistencia propia de los tumores. Por otra parte las células de BBB y las células del tumor cerebral tienen también proteínas superficiales, como el receptor de la lipoproteína de baja densidad (LDLR), que podría utilizarse como blanco terapéutico en BBB y tumores cerebrales. Es asi como la importancia de este estudio se basa en la generación de estrategias terapéuticas que promuevan el paso de las drogas a través de la barrera hematoencefalica y tumoral, y a su vez, se reconozcan mecanismos celulares que induzcan el incremento en la expresión de los transportadores ABC, de manera que puedan ser utilizados como blancos terapéuticos.Este estudio demostró que el uso de una nueva estrategia basada en el “Caballo de Troya”, donde se combina la droga DOXOrubicina, la cual es introducida dentro de un liposoma, salvaguarda la droga de manera que se evita su reconocimiento por parte de los transportadores ABC tanto de la BBB como de las células del tumor. La construcción del liposoma permitió utilizar el receptor LDLR de las células asegurando la entrada a través de la BBB y hacia las células tumorales a través de un proceso de endocitosis. Este mecanismo fue asociado al uso de estatinas o drogas anticolesterol las cuales favorecieron la expresión de LDLR y disminuyeron la actividad de los transportadores ABC por nitración de los mismos, incrementando la eficiencia de nuestro Caballo de Troya. Por consiguiente demostramos que el uso de una nueva estrategia o formulación denominada ApolipoDOXO más el uso de estatinas favorece la administración de fármacos a través de la BBB, venciendo la resistencia del tumor y reduciendo los efectos colaterales dosis dependiente de la DOXOrubicina. Además esta estrategia del "Caballo de Troya", es un nuevo enfoque terapéutico que puede ser considerado como una nueva estrategia para aumentar la eficacia de diferentes fármacos en varios tumores cerebrales y garantiza una alta eficiencia incluso en un medio hipóxico,característico de las células cancerosas, donde la expresión del transportador Pgp se vió aumentada. Teniendo en cuenta la relación entre algunas vías de señalización reconocidas como moduladores de la actividad de Pgp, este estudio presenta no solo la estrategia del Caballo de Troya, sino también otra propuesta terapéutica relacionada con el uso de Temozolomide más DOXOrubicina. Esta estrategia demostró que el temozolomide logra penetrar la BBB por que interviene en la via de señalización de la Wnt/GSK3/β-catenina, la cual modula la expresión del transportador Pgp. Se demostró que el TMZ disminuye la proteína y el mRNA de Wnt3 permitiendo plantear la hipótesis de que la droga al disminuir la transcripción del gen Wnt3 en células de BBB, incrementa la activación de la vía fosforilando la β-catenina y conduciendo a disminuir la β-catenina nuclear y por tanto su unión al promotor del gen mdr1. Con base en los resultados este estudio permitió el reconocimiento de tres mecanismos básicos relacionados con la expresión de los transportadores ABC y asociados a las estrategias empleadas: el primero fue el uso de las estatinas, el cual condujo a la nitración de los transportadores disminuyendo su actividad por la via del factor de transcripción NFκB; el segundo a partir del uso del temozolomide, el cual metila el gen de Wnt3 reduciendo la actividad de la via de señalización de la la β-catenina, disminuyendo la expresión del transportador Pgp. El tercero consistió en la determinación de la relación entre el eje RhoA/RhoA quinasa como un modulador de la via (no canónica) GSK3/β-catenina. Se demostró que la proteína quinasa RhoA promovió la activación de la proteína PTB1, la cual al fosforilar a GSK3 indujo la fosforilación de la β-catenina, lo cual dio lugar a su destrucción por el proteosoma, evitando su unión al promotor del gen mdr1 y por tanto reduciendo su expresión. En conclusión las estrategias propuestas en este trabajo incrementaron la citotoxicidad de las células tumorales al aumentar la permeabilidad no solo de la barrera hematoencefálica, sino también de la propia barrera tumoral. Igualmente, la estrategia del “Caballo de Troya” podría ser útil para la terapia de otras enfermedades asociadas al sistema nervioso central. Por otra parte estos estudios indican que el reconocimiento de mecanismos asociados a la expresión de los transportadores ABC podría constituir una herramienta clave en el desarrollo de nuevas terapias anticáncer.


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The ability of chlorogenic acid to inhibit oxidation of human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) was studied by in vitro copper-induced LDL oxidation. The effect of chlorogenic acid on the lag time before LDL oxidation increased in a dose dependent manner by up to 176% of the control value when added at concentrations of 0.25 -1.0 μM. Dose dependent increases in lag time of LDL oxidation were also observed, but at much higher concentrations, when chlorogenic acid was incubated with LDL (up to 29.7% increase in lag phase for 10 μM chlorogenic acid) or plasma (up to 16.6% increase in lag phase for 200 μM chlorogenic acid) prior to isolation of LDL, and this indicated that chlorogenic acid was able to bind, at least weakly, to LDL. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) increased the oxidative stability of LDL in the presence of chlorogenic acid. Fluorescence spectroscopy showed that chlorogenic acid binds to BSA with a binding constant of 3.88 x 104 M-1. BSA increased the antioxidant effect of chlorogenic acid, and this was attributed to copper ions binding to BSA, thereby reducing the amount of copper available for inducing lipid peroxidation.


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Introduction Health promotion (HP) aims to enhance good health while preventing ill-health at three levels of activity; primary (preventative), secondary (diagnostic) and tertiary (management).1 It can range from simple provision of health education to ongoing support, but the effectiveness of HP is ultimately dependent on its ability to influence change. HP as part of the Community Pharmacy Contract (CPC) aims to increase public knowledge and target ‘hard-to-reach’ individuals by focusing mainly on primary and tertiary HP. The CPC does not include screening programmes (secondary HP) as a service. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the UK. While there is evidence to support the effectiveness of some community pharmacy HP strategies in CHD, there is paucity of research in relation to screening services.2 Against this background, Alliance Pharmacy introduced a free CHD risk screening programme to provide tailored HP advice as part of a participant–pharmacist consultation. The aim of this study is to report on the CHD risk levels of participants and to provide a qualitative indication of consultation outcomes. Methods Case records for 12 733 people who accessed a free CHD risk screening service between August 2004 and April 2006 offered at 217 community pharmacies were obtained. The service involved initial self-completion of the Healthy Heart Assessment (HHA) form and measurement of height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure, total cholesterol and highdensity lipoprotein levels by pharmacists to calculate CHD risk.3 Action taken by pharmacists (lifestyle advice, statin recommendation or general practitioner (GP) referral) and qualitative statements of advice were recorded, and a copy provided to the participants. The service did not include follow-up of participants. All participants consented to taking part in evaluations of the service. Ethical committee scrutiny was not required for this service development evaluation. Results Case records for 10 035 participants (3658 male) were evaluable; 5730 (57%) were at low CHD risk (<15%); 3636 (36%) at moderate-to-high CHD risk (≥15%); and 669 (7%) had existing heart disease. A significantly higher proportion of male (48% versus 30% female) participants were at moderate- to-high risk of CHD (chi-square test; P < 0.005). A range of outcomes resulted from consultations. Lifestyle advice was provided irrespective of participants’ CHD risk or existing disease. In the moderate-to-high-risk group, of which 52% received prescribed medication, lifestyle advice was recorded for 62%, 16% were referred and 34% were advised to have a re-assessment. Statin recommendations were made in 1% of all cases. There was evidence of supportive and motivational statements in the advice recorded. Discussion Pharmacists were able to identify individuals’ level of CHD risk and provide them with bespoke advice. Identification of at-risk participants did not automatically result in referrals or statin recommendation. One-third of those accessing the screening service had moderate-to-high risk of CHD, a significantly higher proportion of whom were men. It is not known whether these individuals had been previously exposed to HP but presumably by accessing this service they may have contemplated change. As effectiveness of HP advice will depend among other factors on ability to influence change, future consultations may need to explore patients’ attitude towards change in relation to the Trans Theoretical Model4 to better tailor HP advice. The high uptake of the service by those at moderate-to-high CHD risk indicates a need for this type of screening programme in community pharmacy, perhaps specifically to reach men who access medical services less.


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Background: The lipid-modulatory effects of high intakes of the fish-oil fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are well established and likely to contribute to cardioprotective benefits. Objectives: We aimed to determine the effect of moderate EPA and DHA intakes (< 2 g EPA + DHA/d) on the plasma fatty acid profile, lipid and apolipoprotein concentrations, lipoprotein subclass distribution, and markers of oxidative status. We also aimed to examine the effect of age, sex, and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype on the observed responses. Design: Three hundred twelve adults aged 20-70 y, who were prospectively recruited according to age, sex, and APOE genotype, completed a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study. Participants consumed control oil, 0.7 g EPA + DHA/d (0.7FO), and 1.8 g EPA + DHA/d (1.8FO) capsules in random order, each for an 8-wk intervention period, separated by 12-wk washout periods. Results: In the group as a whole, 8% and 11% lower plasma triacylglycerol concentrations were evident after 0.7FO and 1.8FO, respectively (P < 0.001): significant sex x treatment (P = 0.038) and sex x genotype x treatment (P = 0.032) interactions were observed, and the greatest triacylglycerol-lowering responses (reductions of 15% and 23% after 0.7FO and 1.8FO, respectively) were evident in APOE4 men. Furthermore, lower VLDL-cholesterol (P = 0.026) and higher LDL-cholesterol (P = 0.010), HDL-cholesterol (P < 0.001), and HDL2 (P < 0.001) concentrations were evident after fish-oil intervention. Conclusions: Supplements providing EPA + DHA at doses as low as 0.7 g/d have a significant effect on the plasma lipid profile. The results of the current trial, which used a prospective recruitment approach to examine the responses in population subgroups, are indicative of a greater triacylglycerol-lowering action of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in males than in females.


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In this paper we report the antioxidant activity of different compounds which are present in coffee or are produced as a result of the metabolism of this beverage. In vitro methods such as the ABTS(center dot+) [ABTS = 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)] decolorization assay and the oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay (ORAC) were used to assess the capacity of coffee compounds to scavenge free radicals. The importance of caffeine metabolites and colonic metabolites in the overall antioxidant activity associated with coffee consumption is shown. Colonic metabolites such as m-coumaric acid and dihydroferulic acid showed high antioxidant activity. The ability of these compounds to protect human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation by copper and 2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride was also explored. 1-Methyluric acid was particularly effective at inhibiting LDL oxidative modification. Different experiments showed that this caffeine metabolite is not incorporated into LDL particles. However, at physiologically relevant concentrations, it was able to delay for more than 13 h LDL oxidation by copper.


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Oxidised low density lipoprotein (LDL) may be involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. We have therefore investigated the mechanisms underlying the antioxidant/pro-oxidant behavior of dehydroascorbate, the oxidation product of ascorbic acid, toward LDL incubated With Cu2+ ions. By monitoring lipid peroxidation through the formation of conjugated dienes and lipid hydroperoxides, we show that the pro-oxidant activity of dehydroascorbate is critically dependent on the presence of lipid hydroperoxides, which accumulate during the early stages of oxidation. Using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, we show that dehydroascorbate amplifies the generation of alkoxyl radicals during the interaction of copper ions with the model alkyl hydroperoxide, tert-butylhydroperoxide. Under continuous-flow conditions, a prominent doublet signal was detected, which we attribute to both the erythroascorbate and ascorbate free radicals. On this basis, we propose that the pro-oxidant activity of dehydroascorbate toward LDL is due to its known spontaneous interconversion to erythroascorbate and ascorbate, which reduce Cu2+ to Cu+ and thereby promote the decomposition of lipid hydroperoxides. Various mechanisms, including copper chelation and Cu+ oxidation, are suggested to underlie the antioxidant behavior of dehydroascorbate in LDL that is essentially free of lipid hydroperoxides. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Apolipoprotein L1 in plasma is associated with high- density lipoprotein. Novel APOL1 polymorphisms are investigated along with the association of two common haplotypes (Lys166Glu, Ile244Met, Lys271Arg) with circulating lipid and glucose levels. Although the amino acid substitutions occur in the amphipathic alpha helices region involved in lipid binding, these substitutions were found not to independently account for variability in circulating lipid and glucose levels in 149 middle age males.


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The aim of the current study was to investigate the antioxidant and cellular activity of the olive oil phenolics oleuropein, tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, and homovanillic alcohol (which is also a major metabolite of hydroxytyrosol). Well-characterized chemical and biochemical assays were used to assess the antioxidant potential of the compounds. Further experiments investigated their influence in cell culture on cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL), nitric oxide production by activated macrophages, and secretion of chemoattractant and cell adhesion molecules by the endothelium. Inhibitory influences on in vitro platelet aggregation were also measured. The antioxidant assays indicated that homovanillic alcohol was a significantly more potent antioxidant than the other phenolics, both in chemical assays and in prolonging the lag phase of LDL oxidation. Cell culture experiments suggested that the olive oil phenolics induce a significant reduction in the secretion of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (and a trend towards a reduced secretion of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1), and protect against cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized LDL. However, no influence on nitric oxide production or platelet aggregation was evident. The data show that olive oil phenolics have biochemical and cellular actions, which, if also apparent in vivo, could exert cardioprotective effects.


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The aim of the current study was to investigate the antioxidant and cellular activity of the olive oil phenolics oleuropein, tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, and homovanillic alcohol (which is also a major metabolite of hydroxytyrosol). Well-characterized chemical and biochemical assays were used to assess the antioxidant potential of the compounds. Further experiments investigated their influence in cell culture on cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL), nitric oxide production by activated macrophages, and secretion of chemoattractant and cell adhesion molecules by the endothelium. Inhibitory influences on in vitro platelet aggregation were also measured. The antioxidant assays indicated that homovanillic alcohol was a significantly more potent antioxidant than the other phenolics, both in chemical assays and in prolonging the lag phase of LDL oxidation. Cell culture experiments suggested that the olive oil phenolics induce a significant reduction in the secretion of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (and a trend towards a reduced secretion of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1), and protect against cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized LDL. However, no influence on nitric oxide production or platelet aggregation was evident. The data show that olive oil phenolics have biochemical and cellular actions, which, if also apparent in vivo, could exert cardioprotective effects.


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This study evaluated the effects of substituting dietary saturated fatty acids (SFAs) with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) on postprandial chylomicron (triacylglycerol (TAG), apolipoprotein B-48 (apo B-48) and retinyl ester (RE)), chylomicron particle size and factor VII (FVII) response when subjects were given a standard meal. In a controlled sequential design, 51 healthy young subjects followed an SFA-rich diet (Reference diet) for 8 weeks after which half of the subjects followed a moderate MUFA diet (n = 25) and half followed a high MUFA diet (n = 26) for 16 weeks. Fasting lipoprotein and lipid measurements were evaluated at baseline and at 8-week intervals during the Reference and MUFA diets. In 25 of the subjects (n = 12 moderate MUFA, n = 13 high MUFA), postprandial responses to a standard test meal containing RE and 13 C-tripalmitin were investigated at the end of the Reference and the MUFA diet periods. Although there were no differences in the postprandial lipid markers (TAG, RE, C-13-TAG) on the two diets, the postprandial apo B-48 response (incremental area under the curve (IAUC) was reduced by 21% on the moderate MUFA diet (NS) and by 54% on the high MUFA diet (P < 0.01). The postprandial peak concentrations of apo B-48 were reduced by 33% on the moderate MUFA diet (P < 0.01) and 48% on the high MUFA diet (P < 0.001). Fasting values for factor VII activity (FVIIc), activated factor VII (FVIIa) or factor VII antigen (FVIIag) did not differ significantly when subjects were transferred from Reference to MUFA diets. However, the postprandial increases in coagulation FVII activity (FVIIc) were 18% lower and of activated FVII (FVIIa) were 17% lower on the moderate MUFA diet (NS). Postprandial increases in FVIIc and FVIIa were 50% (P < 0.05) and 29% (P < 0.07) lower on the high MUFA diet and the area under the postprandial FVIIc response curve (AUC) was also lower on the high MUFA diet (P < 0.05). Significantly higher ratios of RE:apo B-48 (P < 0.001) and 13 C-palmitic acid:apo B-48 (P < 0.01) during both MUFA diets suggest that the CMs formed carry larger amounts of dietary lipids per particle, reflecting an adaptation to form larger lipid droplets in the enterocyte when increased amounts of dietary MUFAs are fed. Smaller numbers of larger chylomicrons may explain attenuated activation of factor VII during the postprandial state when the background diet is rich in MUFA. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To determine whether consumption of five portions of fruit and vegetables per day reduces the enhancement of oxidative stress induced by consumption of fish oil. Subjects: A total of 18 free-living healthy smoking volunteers, aged 18-63 y, were recruited by posters and e-mail in The University of Reading, and by leaflets in local shops. Design: A prospective study. Setting: Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition, School of Food Biosciences, The University of Reading, Whiteknights PO Box 226, Reading RG6 6AP, UK. Intervention: All subjects consumed a daily supplement of 4 x 1 g fish oil capsules for 9 weeks. After 3 weeks, they consumed an additional five portions of fruits and vegetables per day, and then they returned to their normal diet for the last 3 weeks of the study. Fasting blood samples were taken at the ends of weeks 0, 3, 6 and 9. Results: The plasma concentrations of ascorbic acid, lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin, alpha-carotene and beta-carotene all significantly increased when fruit and vegetable intake was enhanced (P<0.05). Plasma concentrations of α-tocopherol, retinol and uric acid did not change significantly during the period of increased fruit and vegetable consumption. Plasma oxidative stability, assessed by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay, also increased from weeks 3-6 (P<0.001) but not in association with increases in measured antioxidants. Lag phase before oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) significantly decreased in the first 3 weeks of the study, reflecting the incorporation of EPA and DHA into LDL (P<0.0001). Subsequent enhanced fruit and vegetable consumption significantly reduced the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation (P<0.005). Conclusion: Fish oil reduced the oxidative stability of plasma and LDL, but the effects were partially offset by the increased consumption of fruit and vegetables.


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Elevated levels of low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in the plasma are a well-established risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease. Plasma LDL-C levels are in part determined by the rate at which LDL particles are removed from the bloodstream by hepatic uptake. The uptake of LDL by mammalian liver cells occurs mainly via receptor-mediated endocytosis, a process which entails the binding of these particles to specific receptors in specialised areas of the cell surface, the subsequent internalization of the receptor-lipoprotein complex, and ultimately the degradation and release of the ingested lipoproteins' constituent parts. We formulate a mathematical model to study the binding and internalization (endocytosis) of LDL and VLDL particles by hepatocytes in culture. The system of ordinary differential equations, which includes a cholesterol-dependent pit production term representing feedback regulation of surface receptors in response to intracellular cholesterol levels, is analysed using numerical simulations and steady-state analysis. Our numerical results show good agreement with in vitro experimental data describing LDL uptake by cultured hepatocytes following delivery of a single bolus of lipoprotein. Our model is adapted in order to reflect the in vivo situation, in which lipoproteins are continuously delivered to the hepatocyte. In this case, our model suggests that the competition between the LDL and VLDL particles for binding to the pits on the cell surface affects the intracellular cholesterol concentration. In particular, we predict that when there is continuous delivery of low levels of lipoproteins to the cell surface, more VLDL than LDL occupies the pit, since VLDL are better competitors for receptor binding. VLDL have a cholesterol content comparable to LDL particles; however, due to the larger size of VLDL, one pit-bound VLDL particle blocks binding of several LDLs, and there is a resultant drop in the intracellular cholesterol level. When there is continuous delivery of lipoprotein at high levels to the hepatocytes, VLDL particles still out-compete LDL particles for receptor binding, and consequently more VLDL than LDL particles occupy the pit. Although the maximum intracellular cholesterol level is similar for high and low levels of lipoprotein delivery, the maximum is reached more rapidly when the lipoprotein delivery rates are high. The implications of these results for the design of in vitro experiments is discussed.