878 resultados para limited company
A photograph of the "last spike in the Baie Comeau railway. Photo shows, left to right; A.I.Cunningham, managing engineer of the Ontario Paper Company driving the spike: V.G. Younghusband, vice president of the Foundation Company of Canada; R.W. Shaver, construction manager for the paper company; K.W. Bash, general superintendent, Foundation Company; and His Lordship the Bishop of Quebec.
A price list for Lawrence A. Wilson Co. Limited, 87 James St., Montreal Quebec. It is addressed to The Toronto Hunt, 52 Bay Street, Toronto. There are additional handwritten notes. One of the handwritten notes reads "ck to W. Stephen Haas"
A booklet of rules and regulations for industrial alcohol. A portion of the preparatory note reads: "We endeavoured to bring together in this booklet as much information as possible regarding the Dominion and Provincial rules and regulations at present in force controlling the sale and use of Alcohol for manufacturing, etc."
An announcement "inaugurating direct sales and Canadian shipments from our home distilleries James & George Stodart Established 1835, 80 West Nile St., Glasgow, Scotland, beg to announce appointment of Stodart's Canadian Agency Limited". Included in the brochure are prices, brands, guarantees and order information.
This book marks the one hundredth anniversary of the formation of the Long Point Company. There are penciled initials R.A.L. [Robert A. Laidlaw], Jan. 12th, 1967 within the front cover. See the full text of this item in the Brock University Special Collections and Archives.
The patent incorporates the Ontario Grape Growing and Wine Manufacturing Company for the purpose "for the manufacture of wine within the province of Ontario" and is recorded as no. 85 on June 9, 1873.
Share certificate No. BP001, registered to Mrs. Bessie A. Barnes Barkley. The certificate has several shares transactions listed. The final number of shares redeemed on April 11th, 1957 is 316.
The By-Law reads: "A By-Law to change the Qualification of a director of the Corporation. Be it enacted and is hereby enacted as a By-law of Barnes Wines, Limited that: - Whereas it is deemed expedient to change the qualifications of a Director of the Corporation; Be it therefore enacted as a By-law of Barnes Wines, Limited, as follows: That By-law no. 75 of the Corporation be and the same is hereby amended by striking out Paragraph 4 thereof. Enacted this 9th day of April, 1973. Witness the Corporate seal of the Corporation."
A by-law that reads in part, "Be it therefore enacted by the Ontario Grape Growing & Wines Manufacturing Company Limited, that the said George Plunkett Magann is hereby directed and required to convey premises, namely all and singular that certain parcel or track of land situate lying and being in the Township of Grantham and Louth in the County of Lincoln, containing by the same more or less being composed of parts of lots numbered twenty-one and twenty-three in the third and fourth follows, that is to say etc. etc. Adopted and passed this second day of September A.D. 1901."
The by-law reads: "Be it enacted as a By-Law of the Ontario Grape Growing & Wine Manufacturing Company Limited that the Directors be and they are hereby authorized to make application to the lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario, for issuance of Supplementary letters Patent providing for, 1) Changing the name of the said Company to Barnes Wines, Limited. 2) The Management of the affairs of the Company by a Board of 7 Directors. 3) Re-dividing the Capitol Stock of the Company from 60 shares of par value of $500.00 each, to 6000 shares of par value of $5.00 each. Passed this 5th day of February A.D. 1934."
The By-Law summary reads: "A By-Law to authorize payments to certain employees in lieu of benefits provided for other employees under a retirement plan."
The summary of the By-Law reads: "A By-Law to authorize an application for supplementary letters patent to alter the authorized capital by reducing the same in respect of the preference shares, cancelled and retired, and increasing the capital by the creation of additional preference shares."
The By-Law is titled "Respecting the borrowing of money by the Corporation".
The By-Law is titled "Being a By-Law authorizing borrowing and giving security".
The summary of the law states "A special By-Law decreasing the number of directors of the Corporation".