1000 resultados para kartat - historialliset kartat - pohjoisnapa - 1701
[Traité. 1713-04-11. Utrecht. France-Savoiefrançais)]
The final project deals with the question of female comedy and the comedy made by women. Comedy has traditionally been made by men and the woman has been the one who laughs. A funny woman has been a rare phenomenon. Although times have changed and gender roles have become more flexible, female comedians still remain in a minority compared to their male colleagues. The essay reviews the social and historical structures that influence the position of women in general and on the field of comedy in particular. The teoretical basis to this is feminist theory. Female comedy and humour have features of their own, that are being examined in the essay. It also makes a difference between feminine comedy and feminist comedy. Largely the project handles stand up comedy. The popularity of stand up comedy has changed the field of professional entertainment and brought a number of widely gifted comedians to a common knowledge. Stand up has an opportunity to be a political tool, which is essential for marginal comedians, which also includes female comedians. One of the fundamental subjects of the project is the political character of comedy. The essay also portrays the historical roots of stand up comedy in the Finnish and in the American tradition. It reflects on the fore mothers of the modern female comedian. The reasons that make a woman become a comedian are under consideration, as well as the strategies that help her to get her voice and message delivered. Since a woman is still held in the marginal, it gives female comedy a feature of its own. This way comedy can become a tool for a feminist battle.
Copie authentique du 19 mai 1727.
Nombreuses miniatures.
Työssäni olen tutkinut kahta Puccinin Tosca-oopperasta tehtyä videotaltiointia, joista toinen on perinteinen lavaesitys ja toinen oopperasta toteutettu ohjattu filmatisointi autenttisilla paikoilla Roomassa. Työni tarkoituksena on perehtyä yksityiskohtaisemmin valittuun oopperaan ja analysoida kahta hyvin erityyppistä taltiointia. Laulupedagogin koulutuksessa perehdymme yleensä vain eri oopperoiden yksittäisiin aarioihin ja opiskelemme ensemblekoulutuksessa erillisiä osia oopperoista. Nämä ovat kuitenkin aina irrallisia osia suuremmasta kokonaisuudesta, tarinasta jonka tapahtumat nivoutuvat yhteen ja tarvitsevat toisiaan muodostaakseen yhtenäisen kokonaisuuden. Työssäni lähdin liikkeelle taustoittamalla oopperan syntyvaiheet ja historialliset taustat sekä luomalla yleiskatsauksen sen juoneen. Sen jälkeen analysoin, minkälaisia uusia ilmentymiä ja mahdollisuuksia oopperaan tuo se, kun perinteisestä lavataltioinnista irtaannutaan ja tehdään siitä filmatisoitu versio. Tarkemmin analysoitavaksi olen valinnut oopperasta muutamia kohtauksia. Pyrin analysoimaan kohtaukset pääroolien - Toscan, Cavaradossin ja Scarpian - valossa. Tallenteet ovat hyvin erilaisia. Kummassakin on sama musiikki ja käsikirjoitus, mutta taidemuotoina toinen edustaa perinteistä lavaesitystä teatterin keinoin. Tällä taltioinnilla ei ole mainittu ohjaajaa. Toinen on kuvattu autenttisilla paikoilla elokuvan keinoin. Yritän pohtia, tekevätkö ohjaajan käyttö ja elokuvan keinot oopperasta helpommin lähestyttävän. Lavataltioinnin ja ohjatun taltioinnin katsojakokemuksessa painottuvat hyvin erilaiset asiat. Lavataltioinnissa musiikilla on hallitseva rooli, kun taas ohjatussa taltioinnissa tarina kaikkine elementteineen nousee musiikin rinnalle ja lopputuloksena on katsojaan voimakkaasti vaikuttava kokonaistaideteos.
OBJECTIVE: A single course of antenatal corticosteroids (ACS) is associated with a reduction in respiratory distress syndrome and neonatal death. Multiple Courses of Antenatal Corticosteroids Study (MACS), a study involving 1858 women, was a multicentre randomized placebo-controlled trial of multiple courses of ACS, given every 14 days until 33+6 weeks or birth, whichever came first. The primary outcome of the study, a composite of neonatal mortality and morbidity, was similar for the multiple ACS and placebo groups (12.9% vs. 12.5%), but infants exposed to multiple courses of ACS weighed less, were shorter, and had smaller head circumferences. Thus for women who remain at increased risk of preterm birth, multiple courses of ACS (every 14 days) are not recommended. Chronic use of corticosteroids is associated with numerous side effects including weight gain and depression. The aim of this postpartum assessment was to ascertain if multiple courses of ACS were associated with maternal side effects. METHODS: Three months postpartum, women who participated in MACS were asked to complete a structured questionnaire that asked about maternal side effects of corticosteroid use during MACS and included the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Women were also asked to evaluate their study participation. RESULTS: Of the 1858 women randomized, 1712 (92.1%) completed the postpartum questionnaire. There were no significant differences in the risk of maternal side effects between the two groups. Large numbers of women met the criteria for postpartum depression (14.1% in the ACS vs. 16.0% in the placebo group). Most women (94.1%) responded that they would participate in the trial again. CONCLUSION: In pregnancy, corticosteroids are given to women for fetal lung maturation and for the treatment of various maternal diseases. In this international multicentre randomized controlled trial, multiple courses of ACS (every 14 days) were not associated with maternal side effects, and the majority of women responded that they would participate in such a study again.
Thiazide (hydrochlorothiazide,...) and thiazide-like (chlortalidone, indapamide,...) diuretics are widely used to treat hypertensive patients. There is growing evidence that these diuretics are not interchangeable and that it might be preferable to choose a thiazide-like diuretic whenever the use of a diuretic is considered. This is in order to prevent optimally the development of cardiovascular complications and the occurrence of metabolic side effects, in particular diabetes.
Il y a une table alphabétique des noms à la fin du volume.
Contient : « Procès-verbaux de production de preuves de noblesse, faites par-devant M. Bouchu, intendant en Bourgogne »