885 resultados para institutional ethnography


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O objetivo deste estudo foi interpretar a realidade social e política, na qual se estabelece o cuidado intercultural vivenciado por indivíduos na zona de intermedicalidade de uma aldeia, partindo da perspectiva dos usuários indígenas e dos profissionais de saúde ameríndios e não-indígenas. As bases teóricas que ancoraram a coleta e análise interpretativa dos dados incluíram: a Etnografia, Antropologia Interpretativa, Modelos explanatórios e abordagem cultural safety. Mediante aprovação do Comitê Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa, procedeu-se trabalho de campo na Terra Indígena Buriti, localizada nos munícipios Sidrolândia e Dois Irmãos do Buriti, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Realizou-se observação participante nas unidades de saúde e no cotidiano das famílias nas aldeias, bem como no Pólo de Sidrolândia. Realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com 16 indígenas usuários do serviço, 12 profissionais de saúde terenas e seis trabalhadores de saúde não-indígenas. A análise dos dados, simultânea à coleta, ocorreu na perspectiva da Hermenêutica Dialética por meio da análise temática. Os preceitos éticos foram seguidos. Neste estudo, identificaram-se dois temas: 1) \"Doença é pior que a morte: explicações sobre o processo de adoecimento\" retrata como o processo saúde-doença é interpretado pelos participantes. Saúde, para os terenas, é um aspecto primordial na vida deles. O processo de adoecer envolve a perda e/ou a redução da disposição física, psíquica e espiritual para desenvolver atividades cotidianas. Espiritualidade, higiene, alimentação e a questão da posse de terra impactam o processo de adoecimento terena. 2) \"A intermedicalidade do sistema de cuidado em saúde terena\" que retrata os significados atribuídos pelos participantes à coexistência e intercomunicações (intermedicalidade) entre as formas de cuidados em saúde terena: medicina terena, espiritualidade, modo de vida e o serviço oficial de atenção à saúde (sistema Pólo/Posto). O sistema de cuidado dos terenas revela o processo de indigenização dos serviços de saúde. A medicina terena é entendida sob dois âmbitos: um centralizado no conhecimento tradicional indígena, que inclui uso de ervas, atividades de parteiras e de \"puxadores de pernas\"; e outro nos aspectos místicos e sobrenaturais para sua execução: rezas e prática da pajelança, com destaque para redução do número de pajés. A espiritualidade como opção terapêutica é representada pela fé do terena em Deus, concretizada pela oração. O modo de vida do terena engloba principalmente dois aspectos: centralidade na família e o cuidado com higiene individual e ambiental. O sistema Polo/Posto é procurado pelo terena conforme a cartela de serviços ofertada pelas unidades e segundo suas necessidades peculiares, os casos que o terena \"não consegue resolver\". Neste âmbito de cuidado, há a produção de encontros do cuidado pautados pelo vínculo, confiança, diálogo e agir dos profissionais culturalmente sensível. Há, também, desencontros do cuidado favorecidos por prioridades estabelecidas em metas, atendimento queixa-conduta e precária infraestrutura. Observou-se um processo maciço do uso de medicação. Os aspectos identificados nos relatos dos participantes sobre o sistema de cuidado terena são atravessados pela historicidade do povo terena, questão da posse de terra, medicalização da sociedade, higienismo, integração entre corpo, cosmos e terra, espiritualidade com diversidade religiosa, cultura terena centrada na família, atividades programáticas de saúde na atenção básica, biomedicina, transporte precário e baixa resolutividade. Diabetes e hipertensão arterial foram as doenças registradas pelo Pólo e significadas pelos participantes como as principais enfermidades da população. Há a coexistência de medicinas híbridas em todos âmbitos de cuidado em saúde terena. É importante que a intermedicalidade ocorra nos espaços do sistema Pólo/Posto sem sobreposição do saber médico e/ou da lógica institucional à sabedoria terena


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The intent of the study was to understand the changes that have occurred over the last 25 years in library programs as far as enrollment and diversity of students, number and ethnicity of the faculty, program income and expenses, cost of attendance, and scholarship and fellowship aid, in an effort to better understand library programs granting the MLIS degree. The study also endeavored to identify institutional factors associated with the retention and productivity rates of White students and students of color in schools of library and information science. During the period studied, the proportional representation of White students decreased. For students of color, proportional representation was stable during the same time period. Results revealed a medium effect size of time with productivity rates for both groups declining over time. Retention rate differed significantly by time, with a small effect size with retention rate that initially increased over time, but is now decreasing. The final analyses were meta-regressions to determine if retention and productivity rates can be predicted by cost of attendance, scholarship and fellow aid, and program size. Results indicated that for students of color, program size in 2000 was significantly predictive of retention, cost of attendance was predictive in 2002, and scholarship and fellowship aid was predictive of retention in 2004. No variables were significantly predictive for retention of White students. The last analysis was to determine if productivity rate can be predicted by cost of attendance, scholarship and fellow aid, and program size. Results indicate that for White students in 2002, the cost of attendance was predictive of productivity rating. In 2003, scholarship and fellowship aid was predictive of productivity rate and in 2004, scholarship and fellowship aid was predictive of productivity rating. For students of color, results indicate that only scholarship and fellowship aid in 2005 was predictive of productivity rate. No other variables in any of the years studied showed any significant prediction of productivity rating for students of color.


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This paper introduces "adaptive institutional transference" (AIT) and describes how it develops in some clients in response to psychotherapist transfer in psychology training clinics. Individuals with borderline personality disorder are especially likely to develop AIT because of difficulties related to abandonment depression. Directors, supervisors, and student psychotherapists in psychology training clinics should be aware of these dynamics because they have important treatment implications, which are described. Limitations and ideas for future exploratory and qualitative research are also discussed .


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[Introduction.] Over the last two years, not only inside but also outside the framework of the EU treaties, far reaching measures have been taken at the highest political level in order to address the financial and economic crisis in Europe and in particular the sovereign debt crisis in the Euro area. This has triggered debates forecasting the “renationalisation of European politics.” Herman Van Rompuy, the President of the European Council, countered the prediction that Europe is doomed because of such a renationalisation: “If national politics have a prominent place in our Union, why would this not strengthen it?” He took the view that not a renationalisation of European politics was at stake, but an Europeanization of national politics emphasising that post war Europe was never developed in contradiction with nation states.1 Indeed, the European project is based on a mobilisation of bundled, national forces which are of vital importance to a democratically structured and robust Union that is capable of acting in a globalised world. To that end, the Treaty of Lisbon created a legal basis. The new legal framework redefines the balance between the Union institutions and confirms the central role of the Community method in the EU legislative and judiciary process. This contribution critically discusses the development of the EU's institutional balance after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, with a particular emphasis on the use of the Community Method and the current interplay between national constitutional courts and the Court of Justice. This interplay has to date been characterised by suspicion and mistrust, rather than by a genuine dialogue between the pertinent judicial actors.


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Neste ensaio fotográfico, apresento “Woundscapes. Suffering, creativity and bare life”, uma exibição de arte baseada em etnografia, produzida de forma colaborativa por 11 antropólogos e artistas de diferentes países, cujo trabalho se concentra na reprodução de olhares e estereótipos pós-coloniais e de memórias individuais que são ligadas às respetivas dinâmicas diaspóricas e às estratégias de cura dos imigrantes no amplo Mercado terapêutico da Grande Lisboa.


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With the introduction of the Treaty of Lisbon came the possibility for Member States to launch an initiative under the Ordinary Legislative Procedure. This came into being as the scope of co-decision was expanded to cover the more sensitive issues of the third pillar (such as judicial cooperation in criminal matters and police cooperation). It was considered necessary that Member States have a shared right of initiative with the European Commission. One case in which the right of initiative was invoked was the Initiative for a European Protection Order (EPO). This dossier is one of the first and few cases in which the Member States’ Initiative after the Treaty of Lisbon was used. It resulted in a turf war between the Presidency and the Commission regarding the scope of the Member States’ Initiatives. This article looks into the Member States’ Initiative as it was introduced after the Treaty of Lisbon and the debate that took place on the EPO.


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he principle of subsidiarity refers in general to the choice of the most suitable and efficient level for taking policy action. The European Union associates subsidiarity with the way of taking decisions ‘as closely as possible to the citizen’, as it is referred to in the EU treaties. Thus, ensuring the respect of subsidiarity within the EU legislative framework ensures that any EU action is justified when proposing draft legislative acts. The Lisbon Treaty establishes new mechanisms reinforcing subsidiarity control, both ex ante and ex post the EU legislative process, and by doing so, enhances mainly the role of the national parliaments (and to a lesser extent the regional parliaments) and the Committee of the Regions. But in the end, this is a way of ensuring legitimacy of the EU action as it is quite often questioned, especially in times of crisis. Years of practice will tell whether the words will join reality.