920 resultados para immunomodulation chicken
Brazilian National Council of Research (CNPq)[471834/2006-8]
The aim of this paper is to develop a flexible model for analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTL) in outbred line crosses, which includes both additive and dominance effects. Our flexible intercross analysis (FIA) model accounts for QTL that are not fixed within founder lines and is based on the variance component framework. Genome scans with FIA are performed using a score statistic, which does not require variance component estimation. RESULTS: Simulations of a pedigree with 800 F2 individuals showed that the power of FIA including both additive and dominance effects was almost 50% for a QTL with equal allele frequencies in both lines with complete dominance and a moderate effect, whereas the power of a traditional regression model was equal to the chosen significance value of 5%. The power of FIA without dominance effects included in the model was close to those obtained for FIA with dominance for all simulated cases except for QTL with overdominant effects. A genome-wide linkage analysis of experimental data from an F2 intercross between Red Jungle Fowl and White Leghorn was performed with both additive and dominance effects included in FIA. The score values for chicken body weight at 200 days of age were similar to those obtained in FIA analysis without dominance. CONCLUSION: We have extended FIA to include QTL dominance effects. The power of FIA was superior, or similar, to standard regression methods for QTL effects with dominance. The difference in power for FIA with or without dominance is expected to be small as long as the QTL effects are not overdominant. We suggest that FIA with only additive effects should be the standard model to be used, especially since it is more computationally efficient.
Work conducted in the Millard Biochemistry Research Laboratory examines the dual nature of molecules as carcinogens and anti-tumor agents through the molecular mechanisms of duplex DNA damage by bifunctional alkylating agents. Diepoxybutane (DEB) and epichlorohydrin (ECH) are polar molecules that form covalent DNA interstrand lesions by cross-linking the N7 position of deoxyguanosine residues. A recent experiment indicated that ECH preferentially targets nuclear DNA over mitochondrial DNA, whereas DEB shows similar rates of lesion formation for both loci. It was concluded that preferential targeting of nuclear DNA results from relatively poor uptake of ECH across the mitochondrial membrane. The objective of my honors research was to determine if the cytotoxicities of DEB and ECH vary according to the presence of the nuclear envelope in 6C2 chicken erythro-progenitor cells. The cytotoxicity of DEB and ECH was compared between cells randomly distributed throughout the cell cycle (Go/G, and S » G2/M) and cells enriched in G2/M stages. Results indicated that ECH is more cytotoxic than DEB in both unsynchronized control 6C2 cells and synchronized 6C2 cells enriched in G2/M stages of the cell cycle. Treatment with either bifunctional alkylating agent induced greater cytotoxicity in 6C2 cells enriched in G2/M stages than in unsynchronized control 6C2 cells, suggesting that the presence of the nuclear envelope-or any plasma membrane-may inhibit the reactivity of DEB and ECH.
O vírus da anemia infecciosa das galinhas (CAV, de “chicken anemia virus”), causa doença em aves jovens, caracterizada por anemia aplástica, atrofia linfóide generalizada e conseqüente imunodepressão. A doença clínica ocorre quando os pintos são infectados durante as duas primeiras semanas de vida e pode ser evitada se as reprodutoras passarem anticorpos em quantidade suficiente para sua progênie. Após as duas semanas de idade, as aves podem se infectar com o vírus, porém não desenvolverão a doença clínica. As matrizes infectadas durante o período de reprodução não demonstram sinais clínicos, nem alterações na postura, fertilidade dos ovos e viabilidade embrionária. Após algumas semanas, desenvolvem anticorpos que irão controlar a infecção e serão passados para o ovo, protegendo total ou parcialmente a progênie durante a fase de suscetibilidade a doença. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o estado imune das matrizes, através da determinação da prevalência dos anticorpos em indivíduos e lotes de matrizes, determinar em que fase da criação as matrizes se infectaram e verificar se os títulos de anticorpos das matrizes eram suficientes para proteger a sua progênie. Fizeram parte deste estudo, 20 empresas da Região Sul do País (Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul), totalizando 64 lotes de matrizes não vacinadas e 12 lotes de matrizes vacinadas contra o CAV. Foram analisados 1709 soros através de um “kit” de ELISA indireto (KPL). A criação das matrizes foi dividida em quatro fases (Recria, 1ª, 2ª e 3ª fase de produção) para a coleta das amostras e constatou-se que todos os lotes de matrizes de corte não vacinados possuíam aves com anticorpos contra o CAV, 88,86% das matrizes foram soropositivas e 52,33% destas matrizes apresentaram títulos protetores para a progênie. Isto demonstrou que a maioria das aves se infectou durante a sua vida, entretanto, 47,67% das matrizes produziram uma progênie suscetível ou parcialmente protegida. A prevalência de matrizes não vacinadas soropositivas manteve-se constante a partir da fase de recria até o pico de produção, caindo no último terço da produção. Em todas as matrizes vacinadas foram encontrados anticorpos contra o CAV com títulos protetores para a progênie.
O vírus da anemia das galinhas – CAV (chicken anemia virus) está presente em praticamente todos os países com produção avícola investigados, inclusive no Brasil. O CAV causa a doença chamada de anemia infecciosa das galinhas em aves jovens, que se caracteriza por anemia, aplasia de medula óssea, retardo no crescimento, mortalidade variável (2 a 20%), atrofia de órgãos linfóides e imunodepressão. O controle da anemia infecciosa das galinhas é baseado na transferência de imunidade passiva das matrizes à progênie. A transferência de anticorpos maternos via ovo em nível suficiente é uma forma de prevenir a transmissão vertical do vírus, reduzindo assim a ocorrência de surtos da doença. Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar o desempenho entre frangos nascidos positivos e negativos para a presença de anticorpos contra o CAV. Para isso, foram utilizados dois lotes de matrizes pesadas, sendo um vacinado e o outro não. Com a progênie obtida dessas matrizes de ambos os lotes, foram constituídos três tratamentos com 50 fêmeas e 50 machos cada: T1 - pintos oriundos de matrizes vacinadas com títulos protetores; T2 - pintos oriundos de matrizes não vacinadas com títulos médios e; T3 - pintos oriundos de matrizes não vacinadas e negativas ou com títulos baixos. Todos os tratamentos permaneceram em regime de criação intensiva usual por 47 dias em 5 propriedades diferentes, portanto o experimento teve 5 repetições. Os dados analisados foram o peso inicial e final, conversão alimentar e mortalidade. Como resultado, foi observado que não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05) no peso final entre os tratamentos com relação as fêmeas. Já, nos machos, os frangos negativos (T3) foram significativamente (p<0,05) mais pesados que os frangos positivos (T1 e T2). Não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05) entre os tratamentos em relação à mortalidade e a conversão alimentar. A análise do soro e histologia do timo determinaram a não ocorrência do desafio durante o período de criação dos frangos. A vacinação das matrizes contra o CAV não gerou títulos de anticorpos superiores aos obtidos nas matrizes não vacinadas e infectadas naturalmente. Este estudo indicou que a presença de anticorpos contra o CAV em frangos de corte, seja através da vacinação ou da infecção natural das matrizes, não gerou uma progênie com melhor desempenho nas condições de criação testadas.
This paper analyzes the demand and cost structure of the French market of academic journals, taking into account its intermediary role between researchers, who are both producers and consumers of knowledge. This two sidedness feature will echoes similar problems already observed in electronic markets – payment card systems, video game console etc - such as the chicken and egg problem, where readers won’t buy a journal if they do not expect its articles to be academically relevant and researchers, that live under the mantra “Publish or Perish”, will not submit to a journal with either limited public reach or weak reputation. After the merging of several databases, we estimate the aggregated nested logit demand system combined simultaneously with a cost function. We identify the structural parameters of this market and find that price elasticities of demand are quite large and margins relatively low, indicating that this industry experiences competitive constraints.
The intake of adequate quantities of food, including those rich in vitamins, is necessary for a healthy life. The lack of vitamin A has been characterized as a public health problem in developing countries, however, a high intake of vitamin A can result in toxic and teratogenics effects. High concentrations of vitamin A have been observed in the livers of animals. The objective of this study was to assess the levels of retinol in chicken livers and verify the effect of frozen storage on these levels. 64 livers from two chicken strains, Cobb and Ross, were used, came from four different farms. We examined 32 livers from each strain, 8 samples from each farm. Liver sample were homogenized individually, then 4 aliquots were taken from each sample. One of aliquots was analyzed immediately after slaughter (T0), the others were analyzed after 30, 60 and 90 days of storage at -18oC (T30, T60 and T90, respectively). Retinol dosage in the liver was determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The levels of retinol varied significantly according to the strain. The mean retinol value in the fresh samples was 6678.0 ± 1337.7 and 8324.1 ± 1158.5 µg/100g in the Cobb and Ross strain, respectively. Values of 4258 ± 918.7 ± 1391.7 and 4650.5 ± 1391.7 μg/100g were found after 90 days of storage for Cobb and Ross strain, respectively. The liver freezing caused a significant reduction in their levels of retinol, causing a loss of up to 44% with respect to fresh livers. The reduction in retinol levels occurred from 30 days of storage. Even with the losses from the frozen, the ingestion of a typical portion of 100 g of liver, regardless the chicken strain analyzed, surpass all recommendations of consumption and the maximum tolerable intake of vitamin A (3000 μg/day) for adults
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The frequency of disseminated candidiasis caused by yeast has enhancing in intensive care unit. Despite the availability of new antifungal drugs, C. albicans sepsis mortality causes can be as high as 30-40%. So, it has been needed to looking for a new therapeutic medicament that helps in treatment and prevention of this infection. Previous data that demonstrated that particulated β-glucan stimulates the immune system and experiments of this work were conducted to investigating if β-glucan extracted from Saccharomices cerevisiae, could modified the evolution of mouse model C. albicans systemic infection. Balb/c mice with sepsis and β-1,3 glucan treated or not were analyzed the influence of β-1,3 glucan in survival of the animals, in the fungal burdens in kidney, in the production of urea and TNF even in the histopathology of kidney. The experiments shown that the infected animals a nd glucan treated had great survival (p<0,05), less unit form colony in kidney and normal levels of urea. In the kidney histopathology of not glucan treated animals it has seen more lesions when compared with treated animals. So we conclude that β-1,3 glucan could stimulate the immune system against disseminated C. albicans
Increasing air movement over poultry by using fans (ventilation) has become an accepted means of reducing environmental heat stress over the last several years. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of air velocity and exposure time to ventilation on body surface and rectal temperature of broiler chickens. Male broiler chickens aged 36-42 days were placed in individual wire cages and exposed to five different air velocities (5.7, 4.2, 3.1, 2.4, or 1.8 m/sec). Throughout the experiment head, back, leg, and rectal temperatures were monitored every 10 min during a 30-min period for each air velocity. The data showed that exposure time to the wind affected (P<.05) leg and body temperature, with a rapid reduction being observed during the first 10 min. There was a reduction in leg temperature with air velocity of 2 m/sec; however, air velocity lower than 4.5 m/sec was not effective in decreasing head and back temperature. The results suggest that air velocity of 2 m/sec, in air temperature of 29 degrees C, improves heat loss in the birds. The data also indicate that exposure time to ventilation seems to be a critical point in the maintenance of bird thermal homeostasis.
Concanavalin A-Sandwich ELISA (Con A-S-ELISA) was developed for the detection of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) or chicken specific anti-viral antibodies. The antigen detection limit for the Con A-S-ELISA was 10(5,1) EID50/mL. Three homologous and four heterologous IBV strains were similarly detected. This assay was highly effective in detecting the virus after infected tissue homogenates were passed once in embryonated chicken eggs, showing a good agreement with virus isolation technique. The Con A-S-ELISA was also used to measure anti-IBV chicken antibodies and showed a high coefficient of correlation (r = 0.85) and an agreement of k = 0.80 with the commercially available Indirect-ELISA. The relative sensitivity and specificity between these two tests were, respectively, 92.86% and 95.65% with an accuracy of 93.39%. Thus, the Con A-S-ELISA proved to be able to detect alternatively homologous and heterologous IBV strains or specific chicken anti-IBV antibodies, using the Con A as capture reagent of this assay.
This study aimed: 1) to classify ingredients according to the digestible amino acid (AA) profile; 2) to determine ingredients with AA profile closer to the ideal for broiler chickens; and 3) to compare digestible AA profiles from simulated diets with the ideal protein profile. The digestible AA levels of 30 ingredients were compiled from the literature and presented as percentages of lysine according to the ideal protein concept. Cluster and principal component analyses (exploratory analyses) were used to compose and describe groups of ingredients according to AA profiles. Four ingredient groups were identified by cluster analysis, and the classification of the ingredients within each of these groups was obtained from a principal component analysis, showing 11 classes of ingredients with similar digestible AA profiles. The ingredients with AA profiles closer to the ideal protein were meat and bone meal 45, fish meal 60 and wheat germ meal, all of them constituting Class 1; the ingredients from the other classes gradually diverged from the ideal protein. Soybean meal, which is the main protein source for poultry, showed good AA balance since it was included in Class 3. on the contrary, corn, which is the main energy source in poultry diets, was classified in Class 8. Dietary AA profiles were improved when corn and/or soybean meal were partially or totally replaced in the simulations by ingredients with better AA balance.
O quilotórax corresponde ao acúmulo de fluido linfático em um ou em ambos os espaços pleurais, resultante do extravasamento de linfa do ducto torácico ou de uma de suas divisões principais. Este pode estar associado à ascite quilosa em pacientes com distúrbios linfáticos sistêmicos, como na linfangiectasia, em decorrência de defeitos no transporte linfático-venoso do quilo da cavidade torácica para a circulação sistêmica. A linfangiectasia intestinal é um distúrbio obstrutivo que envolve o sistema linfático do órgão e revela-se como a causa mais comum de enteropatias associadas à má absorção e perda de proteínas em cães. São apresentados no presente relato o controle clínico com o uso de dieta caseira com baixa gordura e a quantificação da função digestiva, por meio da determinação da digestibilidade do alimento, em um cão acometido por quilotórax secundário à linfangiectasia intestinal. A dieta caseira incluiu arroz, peito de frango, cenoura, carbonato de cálcio, levedura de cerveja, suplemento vitamínico e mineral e sal. O ensaio de digestibilidade foi conduzido pelo método de coleta total de fezes. A dieta caseira foi eficaz em interromper o acúmulo de efusão quilosa torácica, restabelecer as concentrações de proteína total e albumina e promover ganho de peso no paciente. Os resultados da digestibilidade demonstraram menor aproveitamento de todos os nutrientes no cão com linfangiectasia em relação ao controle sadio.