999 resultados para hollow section joint
When to allow Research Joint Ventures (RJVs) or not is an importantinstrument in the development of an optimal R&D policy. Theregulator, however, is unlikely to know all the relevant informationto regulate R&D optimally. The extent to which there existappropriability problems between the firms is one such variable thatis private information to the firms in the industry. In a duopolysetting we analyze the characteristics of a second-best R&D policywhere the government can either allow RJVs or not and give lump-sumsubsidies to the parties involved. The second-best R&D policy withoutsubsidies will either block some welfare improving RJVs or allow somewelfare reducing ones. With lump-sum subsidies, the second-best policytrades off the expected subsidy cost with allowing welfare decreasingRJVs or blocking welfare increasing ones.
We consider the agency problem of a staff member managing microfinancing programs, who can abuse his discretion to embezzle borrowers' repayments. The fact that most borrowers of microfinancing programs are illiterate and live in rural areas where transportation costs are very high make staff's embezzlement particularly relevant as is documented by Mknelly and Kevane (2002). We study the trade-off between the optimal rigid lending contract and the optimal discretionary one and find that a rigid contract is optimal when the audit cost is larger than gains from insurance. Our analysis explains rigid repayment schedules used by the Grameen bank as an optimal response to the bank staff's agency problem. Joint liability reduces borrowers' burden of respecting the rigid repayment schedules by providing them with partial insurance. However, the same insurance can be provided byborrowers themselves under individual liability through a side-contract.
Time-lapse geophysical monitoring and inversion are valuable tools in hydrogeology for monitoring changes in the subsurface due to natural and forced (tracer) dynamics. However, the resulting models may suffer from insufficient resolution, which leads to underestimated variability and poor mass recovery. Structural joint inversion using cross-gradient constraints can provide higher-resolution models compared with individual inversions and we present the first application to time-lapse data. The results from a synthetic and field vadose zone water tracer injection experiment show that joint 3-D time-lapse inversion of crosshole electrical resistance tomography (ERT) and ground penetrating radar (GPR) traveltime data significantly improve the imaged characteristics of the point injected plume, such as lateral spreading and center of mass, as well as the overall consistency between models. The joint inversion method appears to work well for cases when one hydrological state variable (in this case moisture content) controls the time-lapse response of both geophysical methods. Citation: Doetsch, J., N. Linde, and A. Binley (2010), Structural joint inversion of time-lapse crosshole ERT and GPR traveltime data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L24404, doi: 10.1029/2010GL045482.
Business cycles are both less volatile and more synchronized with the world cycle in rich countries than in poor ones. We develop two alternative explanations based on the idea that comparative advantage causes rich countries to specialize in industries that use new technologies operated by skilled workers, while poor countries specialize in industries that use traditional technologies operated by unskilled workers. Since new technologies are difficult to imitate, the industries of rich countries enjoy more market power and face more inelastic product demands than those of poor countries. Since skilled workers are less likely to exit employment as a result of changes in economic conditions, industries in rich countries face more inelastic labour supplies than those of poor countries. We show that either asymmetry in industry characteristics can generate cross-country differences in business cycles that resemble those we observe in the data.
The generalization of simple (two-variable) correspondence analysis to more than two categorical variables, commonly referred to as multiple correspondence analysis, is neither obvious nor well-defined. We present two alternative ways of generalizing correspondence analysis, one based on the quantification of the variables and intercorrelation relationships, and the other based on the geometric ideas of simple correspondence analysis. We propose a version of multiple correspondence analysis, with adjusted principal inertias, as the method of choice for the geometric definition, since it contains simple correspondence analysis as an exact special case, which is not the situation of the standard generalizations. We also clarify the issue of supplementary point representation and the properties of joint correspondence analysis, a method that visualizes all two-way relationships between the variables. The methodology is illustrated using data on attitudes to science from the International Social Survey Program on Environment in 1993.
Background: Prosthetic joint infections (PJI) lead to significant long-term morbidity with high cost of healthcare. We evaluated characteristics of infections and the infection and functional outcome of knee PJI over a 10-year period. Methods: All patients hospitalized at our institution from 1/2000 through 12/2009 with knee PJI (defined as growth of the same microorganism in ≥2 tissue or synovial fluid cultures, visible purulence, sinus tract or acute inflammation on tissue histopathology) were included. Patients, their relatives and/or treating physicians were contacted to determine the outcome. Results: During the study period, 61 patients with knee PJI were identified. The median age at the time of diagnosis of infection was 73 y (range, 53-94 y); 52% were men. Median hospital stay was 37 d (range, 1-145 d). Most reasons for primary arthroplasty was osteoarthritis (n = 48), trauma (n = 9) and rheumatoid arthritis (n = 4). 23 primary surgeries (40%) were performed at CHUV, 34 (60%) elsewhere. After surgery, 8 PJI were early (<3 months), 16 delayed (3-24 months) and 33 late (>24 months). PJI were treated with (i) open or arthroscopic debridement with prosthesis retention in 26 (46%), (ii) one-stage exchange in 1, (iii) two-stage exchange in 22 (39%) and (iv) prosthesis removal in 8 (14%). Isolated pathogens were S. aureus (13), coagulase-negative staphylococci (10), streptococci (5), enterococci (3), gram-negative rods (3) and anaerobes (3). Patients were followed for a median of 3.1 years, 2 patients died (unrelated to PJI). The outcome of infection was favorable in 50 patients (88%), whereas the functional outcome was favorable in 33 patients (58%). Conclusions: With the current treatment concept, the high cure rate of infection (88%) is associated with a less favorable functional outcome o 58%. Earlier surgical intervention and more rapid and improved diagnosis of infection may improve the functional outcome of PJI.
Iowa Code § 8D.10 requires certain state agencies prepare an annual report to the General Assembly certifying the identified savings associated with that state agency’s use of the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). This report covers estimated cost savings related to video conferencing via ICN for the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). In FY 2008, the DOT did not conduct any sessions utilizing ICN’s video conferencing system. Therefore, no cost savings were calculated for this report.
The paper analyzes the determinants of the optimal scope of incorporation in the presenceof bankruptcy costs. Bankruptcy costs alone generate a non-trivial tradeoff between thebenefit of coinsurance and the cost of risk contamination associated to joint financing corporate projects through debt. This tradeoff is characterized for projects with binary returns,depending on the distributional characteristics of returns (mean, variability, skewness, heterogeneity, correlation, and number of projects), the bankruptcy recovery rate, and the taxrate advantage of debt relative to equity. Our testable predictions are broadly consistentwith existing empirical evidence on conglomerate mergers, spin-offs, project finance, andsecuritization.
Many dynamic revenue management models divide the sale period into a finite number of periods T and assume, invoking a fine-enough grid of time, that each period sees at most one booking request. These Poisson-type assumptions restrict the variability of the demand in the model, but researchers and practitioners were willing to overlook this for the benefit of tractability of the models. In this paper, we criticize this model from another angle. Estimating the discrete finite-period model poses problems of indeterminacy and non-robustness: Arbitrarily fixing T leads to arbitrary control values and on the other hand estimating T from data adds an additional layer of indeterminacy. To counter this, we first propose an alternate finite-population model that avoids this problem of fixing T and allows a wider range of demand distributions, while retaining the useful marginal-value properties of the finite-period model. The finite-population model still requires jointly estimating market size and the parameters of the customer purchase model without observing no-purchases. Estimation of market-size when no-purchases are unobservable has rarely been attempted in the marketing or revenue management literature. Indeed, we point out that it is akin to the classical statistical problem of estimating the parameters of a binomial distribution with unknown population size and success probability, and hence likely to be challenging. However, when the purchase probabilities are given by a functional form such as a multinomial-logit model, we propose an estimation heuristic that exploits the specification of the functional form, the variety of the offer sets in a typical RM setting, and qualitative knowledge of arrival rates. Finally we perform simulations to show that the estimator is very promising in obtaining unbiased estimates of population size and the model parameters.
Geobiota are defined by taxic assemblages (i.e., biota) and their defining abiotic breaks, which are mapped in cross-section to reveal past and future biotic boundaries. We term this conceptual approach Temporal Geobiotic Mapping (TGM) and offer it as a conceptual approach for biogeography. TGM is based on geological cross-sectioning, which creates maps based on the distribution of biota and known abiotic factors that drive their distribution, such as climate, topography, soil chemistry and underlying geology. However, the availability of abiotic data is limited for many areas. Unlike other approaches, TGM can be used when there is minimal data available. In order to demonstrate TGM, we use the well-known area in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales (NSW), south-eastern Australia and show how surface processes such as weathering and erosion affect the future distribution of a Moist Basalt Forest taxic assemblage. Biotic areas are best represented visually as maps, which can show transgressions and regressions of biota and abiota over time. Using such maps, a biogeographer can directly compare animal and plant distributions with features in the abiotic environment and may identify significant geographical barriers or pathways that explain biotic distributions.
The 82nd General Assembly of the Iowa legislature, in Section 26 of Senate File 2420, required the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) to conduct an analysis of TIME-21 funding. Specifically the legislation requires the following: “The department of transportation shall conduct an analysis of the additional revenues necessary to provide at least two hundred million dollars annually to the TIME-21 fund by FY 2011-2012. The analysis shall include but is not limited to the amount of excise tax levied on motor fuel and adjustments that might be made to various fees collected by the department in order to create an appropriate balance of taxes and fees paid by Iowa drivers and out-of-state drivers. The department shall submit a report to the governor and the general assembly on or before December 31, 2008, regarding its analysis.” As a starting point to this analysis, a reassessment of long-range needs and revenues (including the estimated $200 million most critical annual unmet needs) was made. This was done by assessing changing trends in roadway conditions, revenue and construction costs since the original Study of Iowa’s Current Road Use Tax Funds (RUTF) and Future Road Maintenance and Construction Needs was completed December 2006.