947 resultados para helminth antibody


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This study investigates a stent-less local delivery system for anti-restenotic agents utilizing antibodies to cross-linked fibrin (XLF). Heparin and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) were conjugated to an antibody to cross-linked fibrin D-dinner (1D2). Rabbit right carotid arteries were injured with a balloon catheter, then the animals were given a bolus injection of 40 mug/k,g 1D2-heparin (26-70 mug/kg heparin) or 1D2-LMWH (29-80 mug/kg LMWH) conjugates or controls of saline (0.5 ml/kg), heparin (150 U/kg), LMWH (2 mg), or 1D2 (40 mug/kg), with or without a heparin bolus and sacrificed after 2 weeks (8 groups, n = 6/group). The injured artery of rabbits given 1D2-heparin or 1D2-LMWH conjugates had reduced neointimal development, with decreased luminal narrowing and positive remodelling compared with animals given control drugs. Animals given 1D2-heparin conjugate (with a heparin bolus) had three to five times more endothelial cells than the rabbits given saline or unconjugated heparin, while rabbits given 1D2-LMWH conjugate had up to 59% fewer neointimal cells than those given unconjugated drugs. There was little difference in extracellular matrix organization or composition. Thus cross-linked fibrin-antibodies can site-deliver anti-restenotic agents to injured areas of the artery wall where they influence wall remodelling and endothelial and neointimal cell number, reducing neointimal formation without systemic complications. Local delivery of anti-restenotic agents should minimise systemic effects, bleeding complications and potentially the cost of treatment due to a single, lower dose. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The GH receptor (GHR) mediates metabolic and somatogenic actions of GH. Its extracellular domain (ECD; residues 1-246) has two subdomains, each with seven beta strands organized into two antiparallel beta sheets, connected by a short hinge region. Most of the ECD residues involved in GH binding reside in subdomain 1, whereas subdomain 2 harbors a dimerization interface between GHR dimers that alters conformation in response to GH. A regulated GHR metalloprotease cleavage site is in the membrane-proximal stem region of subdomain 2. We have identified a monoclonal anti-ECD antibody, anti-GHR(ext-mAb), which recognizes the rabbit and human GHRs by immunoprecipitation, but less so after GH treatment. By immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation, anti-GHR(ext-mAb) recognized a glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion incorporating subdomain 2, but not one including subdomain 1. In transient transfection experiments, anti-GHR(ext-mAb) failed to recognize by immunoprecipitation a previously characterized dimerization interface mutant GHR that is incompetent for signaling. In signaling experiments, brief pretreatment of GH-responsive human fibrosarcoma cells with anti-GHR(ext-mAb) dramatically inhibited GH-induced Janus kinase 2 and signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 tyrosine phosphorylation and prevented GH-induced GHR disulfide linkage (a reflection of GH-induced conformational changes). In contrast, anti-GHR(ext-mAb) only partially inhibited radiolabeled GH binding, suggesting its effects on signaling were not simply via inhibition of binding. Furthermore, anti-GHR(ext-mAb) prevented phorbol ester-stimulated GHR proteolysis, but GHR cleavage site mutants were normally recognized by the antibody, indicating that the stem region cleavage site is not a direct epitope. A Fab fragment of anti-GHR(ext-mAb) inhibited GH-induced GHR disulfide linkage and signaling, as well as phorbol ester-induced GHR proteolysis, in a fashion similar to the intact antibody. Thus, our findings suggest that anti-GHR(ext-mAb) has promise as a GH antagonist and as a tool in studies of conformational changes required for GHR activation.


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As a general test of the energetic equivalence rule, we examined macroecological relationships among abundance, density and host body mass in a comparative analysis of the assemblages of trophically transmitted endoparasitic helminths of 131 species of vertebrate hosts. Both the numbers and total volume of parasites per gram of host decreased allometrically with host body mass, with slopes roughly consistent with those expected from the allometric relationship between host basal metabolic rate and body mass. From an evolutionary perspective, large body size may therefore allow hosts to escape from the deleterious effects of parasitism.


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Immunizing pregnant women with a malaria vaccine is one approach to protecting the mother and her offspring from malaria infection. However, specific maternal Abs generated in response to vaccination and transferred to the fetus may interfere with the infant's ability to respond to the same vaccine. Using a murine model of malaria, we examined the effect of maternal 19-kDa C-terminal region of merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP1(19)) and Plasmodium yoelii Abs on the pups' ability to respond to immunization with MSP1(19). Maternal MSPI,g-specific Abs but not A yoelii-specific Abs inhibited Ab production following MSP1(19) immunization in 2-wk-old pups. This inhibition was correlated with the amount of maternal MSP1(19) Ab present in the pup at the time of immunization and was due to fewer specific B cells. Passively acquired Ab most likely inhibited the development of an Ab response by blocking access to critical B cell epitopes. If a neonate's ability to respond to MSP1(19) vaccination depends on the level of maternal Abs present at the time of vaccination, it may be necessary to delay immunization until Abs specific for the vaccinating Ag have decreased.


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The Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their membrane-bound ephrin ligands form a unique cell-cell contact-mediated system for controlling cell localization and organization. Their high expression in a wide variety of human tumors indicates a role in tumor progression, and relatively low Eph and ephrin levels in normal tissues make these proteins potential targets for anticancer therapies. The monoclonal antibody IIIA4, previously used to isolate EphA3, binds with subnanomolar affinity to a conformation-specific epitope within the ephrin-binding domain that is closely adjacent to the low-affinity ephrin-A5 heterotetramerization site. We show that similar to ephrin-A5, preclustered IIIA4 effectively triggers EphA3 activation, contraction of the cytoskeleton, and cell rounding. BIAcore analysis, immunoblot, and confocal microscopy of wild-type and mutant EphA3 with compromised ephrin-A5 or IIIA4-binding capacities indicate that IIIA4 binding triggers an EphA3 conformation which is permissive for the assembly of EphA3/ephrin-A5-type signaling clusters. Furthermore, unclustered IIIA4 and ephrin-A5 Fc applied in combination initiate greatly enhanced EphA3 signaling. Radiometal conjugates of ephrin-A5 and IIIA4 retain their affinity, and in mouse xenografts localize to, and are internalized rapidly into EphA3-positive, human tumors. These findings show the biological importance of EphA3/ ephrin-A5 interactions and that ephrin-A5 and IIIA4 have great potential as tumor targeting reagents.


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Monoclonal antibodies (Mab) are heterotetramers consisting of an equimolar ratio of heavy chain (HC) and light chain (LC) polypeptides. Accordingly, most recombinant Mab expression systems utilize an equimolar ratio of heavy chain (he) to light chain (lc) genes encoded on either one or two plasmids. However, there is no evidence to suggest that this gene ratio is optimal for stable or transient production of recombinant Mab. In this study we have determined the optimal ratio of hc:lc genes for production of a recombinant IgG(4) Mab, cB72.3, by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells using both empirical and mathematical modeling approaches. Polyethyleneimine-mediated transient expression of cB72.3 at varying ratios of hc:lc genes encoded on separate plasmids yielded an optimal Mab titer at a hc:lc gene ratio of 3:2; a conclusion confirmed by separate mathematical modeling of the Mab folding and assembly process using transient expression data. On the basis of this information, we hypothesized that utilization of he genes at low hc:lc gene ratios is more efficient. To confirm this, cB72.3 Mab was transiently produced by CHO cells at constant he and varying lc gene dose. Under these conditions, Mab yield was increased with a concomitant increase in lc gene dose. To determine if the above findings also apply to stably transfected CHO cells producing recombinant Mab, we compared the intra- and extracellular ratios of HC and LC polypeptides for three GS-CHO cells lines transfected with a 1:1 ratio of hc:lc genes and selected for stable expression of the same recombinant Mab, cB72.3. Intra- and extracellular HC:LC polypeptide ratios ranged from 1:2 to 1:5, less than that observed on transient expression of the same Mab in parental CHO cells using the same vector. In conclusion, our data suggest that the optimal ratio of hc:lc genes used for transient and stable expression of Mab differ. In the case of the latter, we infer that optimal Mab production by stably transfected cells represents a compromise between HC abundance limiting productivity and the requirement for excess LC to render Mab folding and assembly more efficient.


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Three distinct isolates of Candida albicans were used to establish systemic and oral infections in inbred mice that are genetically resistant or susceptible to tissue damage. Patterns of infection differed significantly between both yeasts and mouse strains. Systemic infection conferred significant protection against re-challenge with the homologous, but not the heterologous yeast; however, the protective effect was more evident in the tissue-susceptible CBA/CaH mice than in the resistant BALB/c strain. In contrast, oral infection induced protection against both homologous and heterologous oral challenge, although this was significant only in the CBA/CaH mice. CBA/CaH mice produced antibodies of both IgG1 and IgG2a subclasses, whereas BALB/c mice produced predominantly IgG1. Western blotting demonstrated considerable differences between epitopes recognised by serum antibodies from mice of both strains after immunisation with each of the three yeasts. Thus, different strains of yeast show considerable specificity in antibody responses elicited by either systemic or oral infection. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Background More than 50% of patients with Crohn's disease become either steroid resistant or dependent. Accordingly, development of new treatments for steroid-dependent Crohn's disease is a research priority. Aim To evaluate CDP571, a humanized antibody to tumour necrosis factor-α, for the treatment of steroid-dependent Crohn's disease. Methods Patients with steroid-dependent Crohn's disease (n = 271) were enrolled in a 36-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Steroid dependence was defined as use of prednisolone or prednisone (15–40 mg/day) or budesonide (9 mg/day) for ≥8 weeks, a previous failed attempt to decrease or discontinue steroids within 8 weeks of screening, and a Crohn's Disease Activity Index score of ≤150 points. Patients were randomized to receive intravenous CDP571 10 mg/kg or placebo 8-weekly through to week 32. Steroids were then tapered using a defined schedule. The primary efficacy endpoint was the percentage of patients with steroid sparing, defined as discontinuation of steroid therapy without a disease flare (Crohn's Disease Activity Index score ≥220 points) at week 36. Results Steroid sparing occurred in 53 of 181 (29.3%) CDP571 patients and 33 of 90 (36.7%) placebo patients (P = 0.24). Adverse events occurred at similar frequencies in both treatment groups. Conclusions CDP571 was ineffective for sparing steroids in patients with steroid-dependent Crohn's disease. CDP571 was well tolerated.


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Pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) naturally infected with West Nile virus were monitored from 1999 to 2005 to determine virus-specific antibody seroconversion, prevalence, and persistence. Antibodies persisted for up to 36 months, as detected by epitope-blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent and hemagglutination inhibition assays. Exposure to cocirculating St. Louis encephalitis virus was evaluated by Western blotting and immunofluorescence assays.


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The aim of this study was to determine the role of CD4 and CD8 cells on specific antibody production by murine Peyer's patch (PP) cells after oral immunization with Actinomyces viscosus in mice. Female DBA/2 mice were orally immunized with three low doses of heat-killed A. viscosus. Sham-immunized mice served as a control group. Mice were depleted of CD4 or CD8 cells by intraperitoneal injection of anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 antibodies daily for 3 days before oral immunization. One week after the last oral immunization, PPs were removed and cell suspensions were cultured with A. viscosus. Specific antibody production in the culture supernatants was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results showed that oral immunization with A. viscosus induced a predominant specific immunoglobulin A (IgA) response by PP cells and, to a lesser extent, IgM antibodies. Depletion of CD4 but not CD8 cells suppressed the production of specific antibodies. These results suggest that oral immunization with low doses of A. viscosus may induce the production of specific antibodies by murine PP cells in a CD4-cell-dependent fashion.


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Background: Biolistic injections provide a needle-free delivery of antigen-laden microparticles to the epithelium. The precision of the injection preferentially targets the Langerhans cell network, which, although ideal for vaccination, might not be suitable for the downregulation of immune responses in immunotherapy. Objective: We sought to determine the ability of biolistic injection of antigen into the epithelium of sensitized mice to inhibit IgE antibody and lung inflammatory responses produced by further exposure to antigen. Methods: Mice were sensitized by means of a needle injection of ovalbumin (OVA) in alum and given a series of biolistic injections of OVA or vehicle control, followed by a boost of OVA in alum. Serum IgE and IgG antibodies were measured before and after the boost. The mice were then challenged intranasally, and the infiltration of inflammatory cells was measured by means of bronchoalveolar lavage. Airway reactivity of the challenged mice was measured by examining responses to methacholine with forced oscillatory techniques. Results: Biolistic injection of OVA into the dorsal skin of sensitized mice markedly inhibited IgE and IgG1 antibody responses induced by boosting. IgG2a antibody responses were reduced rather than stimulated. The eosinophilic inflammation in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid induced by intranasal challenge was also markedly inhibited. Lung hyperreactivity showed an initial increase and then a decrease of responsiveness to methacholine, with elastance returning to the level of unsensitized mice. Biolistic injection into the buccal epithelium was also inhibitory. Conclusions: Biolistic injection of allergen inhibited the boosting of IgE antibody and eosinophilic lung inflammatory responses without inducing TO immunity.