954 resultados para heart-rate variability


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Introduction. In utero, lâinfection des membranes maternelles et fÅtales, la chorioamniotite, passe souvent inaperçue et, en particulier lorsque associée à une acidémie, due à lâocclusion du cordon ombilical (OCO), comme il se produirait au cours du travail, peut entrainer des lésions cérébrales et avoir des répercussions neurologiques péri - et postnatales à long terme chez le fÅtus. Il n'existe actuellement aucun moyen de détecter précocement ces conditions pathologiques in utéro afin de prévenir ou de limiter ces atteintes. Hypothèses. 1)lâélectroencéphalogramme (EEG) fÅtal obtenu du scalp fÅtal pourrait servir dâoutil auxiliaire à la surveillance électronique fÅtale du rythme cardiaque fÅtal (RCF) pour la détection précoce d'acidémie fÅtale et d'agression neurologique; 2) la fréquence dâéchantillonnage de lâECG fÅtal (ECGf) a un impact important sur le monitoring continu de la Variabilité du Rythme Cardiaque (VRCf) dans la prédiction de lâacidémie fÅtale ; 3) les patrons de la corrélation de la VRCf aux cytokines pro-inflammatoires refléteront les états de réponses spontanées versus inflammatoires de la Voie Cholinergique Anti-inflammatoire (VCA); 4) grâce au développement dâun modèle de prédictions mathématiques, la prédiction du pH et de lâexcès de base (EB) à la naissance sera possible avec seulement une heure de monitoring dâECGf. Méthodes. Dans une série dâétudes fondamentales et cliniques, en utilisant respectivement le mouton et une cohorte de femmes en travail comme modèle expérimental et clinique , nous avons modélisé 1) une situation dâhypoxie cérébrale résultant de séquences dâocclusion du cordon ombilical de sévérité croissante jusquâà atteindre un pH critique limite de 7.00 comme méthode expérimentale analogue au travail humain pour tester les première et deuxième hypothèses 2) un inflammation fÅtale modérée en administrant le LPS à une autre cohorte animale pour vérifier la troisième hypothèse et 3) un modèle mathématique de prédictions à partir de paramètres et mesures validés cliniquement qui permettraient de déterminer les facteurs de prédiction dâune détresse fÅtale pour tester la dernière hypothèse. Résultats. Les séries dâOCO répétitives se sont soldés par une acidose marquée (pH artériel 7.35±0.01 à 7.00±0.01), une diminution des amplitudes à l'électroencéphalogramme( EEG) synchronisé avec les décélérations du RCF induites par les OCO accompagnées d'une baisse pathologique de la pression artérielle (PA) et une augmentation marquée de VRCf avec hypoxie-acidémie aggravante à 1000 Hz, mais pas à 4 Hz, fréquence dâéchantillonnage utilisée en clinique. Lâadministration du LPS entraîne une inflammation systémique chez le fÅtus avec les IL-6 atteignant un pic 3 h après et des modifications de la VRCf retraçant précisément ce profil temporel des cytokines. En clinique, avec nos cohortes originale et de validation, un modèle statistique basée sur une matrice de 103 mesures de VRCf (R2 = 0,90, P < 0,001) permettent de prédire le pH mais pas lâEB, avec une heure dâenregistrement du RCF avant la poussée. Conclusions. La diminution de l'amplitude à l'EEG suggère un mécanisme d'arrêt adaptatif neuroprotecteur du cerveau et suggère que l'EEG fÅtal puisse être un complément utile à la surveillance du RCF pendant le travail à haut risque chez la femme. La VRCf étant capable de détecter une hypoxie-acidémie aggravante tôt chez le fÅtus à 1000Hz vs 4 Hz évoque quâun mode d'acquisition dâECG fÅtal plus sensible pourrait constituer une solution. Des profils distinctifs de mesures de la VRCf, identifiés en corrélation avec les niveaux de l'inflammation, ouvre une nouvelle voie pour caractériser le profil inflammatoire de la réponse fÅtale à lâinfection. En clinique, un monitoring de chevet de prédiction du pH et EB à la naissance, à partir de mesures de VRCf permettrait des interprétations visuelles plus explicites pour des prises de décision plus exactes en obstétrique au cours du travail.


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Quantile forecasts are central to risk management decisions because of the widespread use of Value-at-Risk. A quantile forecast is the product of two factors: the model used to forecast volatility, and the method of computing quantiles from the volatility forecasts. In this paper we calculate and evaluate quantile forecasts of the daily exchange rate returns of five currencies. The forecasting models that have been used in recent analyses of the predictability of daily realized volatility permit a comparison of the predictive power of different measures of intraday variation and intraday returns in forecasting exchange rate variability. The methods of computing quantile forecasts include making distributional assumptions for future daily returns as well as using the empirical distribution of predicted standardized returns with both rolling and recursive samples. Our main findings are that the Heterogenous Autoregressive model provides more accurate volatility and quantile forecasts for currencies which experience shifts in volatility, such as the Canadian dollar, and that the use of the empirical distribution to calculate quantiles can improve forecasts when there are shifts


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Centrally injected histamine (HA) affects heart rate (HR), arterial blood pressure (BP), and sympathetic activity in rats. The posterodorsal medial amygdala (MePD) has high levels of histidine decarboxylase, connections with brain areas involved with the modulation of cardiovascular responses, and is relevant for the pathogenesis of hypertension. However, there is no report demonstrating the role of the MePD histaminergic activity on the cardiovascular function in awake rats. The alms of the present work were: 1) to study the effects of two doses (10-100 nM) of HA microinjected in the MePD on basal cardiovascular recordings and on baroreflex- and chemoreflex-mediated responses; 2) to reveal whether cardiovascular reflex responses could be affected by MePD microinjections of (R)-alpha-methylhistamine (AH(3)), an agonist of the inhibitory autoreceptor H(3); and, 3) to carry out a power spectral analysis to evaluate the contribution of the sympathetic and parasympathetic components in the variability of the HR and BP recordings. When compared with the control group (microinjected with saline, 0.3 mu l), HA (10 nM) promoted an increase in the MAP(50), i.e. the mean value of BP at half of the HR range evoked by the baroreflex response. Histamine (100 nM) did not affect the baroreflex activity, but significantly decreased the parasympathetic component of the HR variability, increased the sympathetic/parasympathetic balance at basal conditions (these two latter evaluated by the power spectral analysis), and promoted an impairment in the chemoreflex bradycardic response. Microinjection of AH(3) (10 mu M) led to mixed results, which resembled the effects of both doses of HA employed here. Present data suggest that cardiovascular changes induced by baroreceptors and chemoreceptors involve the histaminergic activity in the MePD. This neural regulation of reflex cardiovascular responses can have important implications for homeostatic and allostatic conditions and possibly for the behavioral displays modulated by the rat MePD. (C) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The complex human behavior related to exercise involves cognitive, physical and emotional processing. The recent theories about exercise s intensity regulation have highlighted the role played by psychophysics aspects in controlling exercise s intensity. In this regard, recent evidences have shown that there is variability in human capacity in perceiving interoceptives clues. Thus, subjects more sensitive show higher physiological arousal to physical and/or emotional stress, and sensations with higher intensity. In fact, studies have evidenced that interoceptive feedback modifies behavior in exercise with free load. However, exercise recommendations are based in a constant load standard. Therefore, we aimed to analyze the influence of interoceptive sensibility on psychophysics responses during dynamic exercise performed with constant load. Twenty-four adult males were allocated into two groups accordingly with their interoceptive sensibility: high sensibility (n=11) and low sensibility (13). They underwent to an incremental test (IT) and then randomly to two sections of moderate and severe exercise intensity for 20 minutes. Heart rate (HR), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), affective feelings (AF), alert state (AS), and percentage of associative thoughts were collect during exercise. A two-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to assess differences between psychophysics responses. There were differences between group in RPE, AF, and AS in moderate intensity. There was no difference in any measure in severe intensity. We conclude that subjects with high interoceptive sensibility feel dynamic moderate exercise more intense than the subjecs with low interoceptive sensibility


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O objetivo foi a padronização de modelo experimental de coração isolado parabiótico em coelhos, testando sua estabilidade e durabilidade, para fins de pesquisa cardiovascular. Foram utilizados 66 coelhos raça Norfolk-2000 divididos em grupo doador do coração isolado e animais suporte, totalizando 33 preparações. Mediante auxilio de bombas peristálticas estabeleceu-se suporte circulatório para o coração isolado mantendo-se fluxo constante(16ml/min.). Um balão intraventricular foi inserido no ventrículo esquerdo, sendo ajustado para gerar pressão diastólica de ± 10mmHg. A freqüência foi fixada em 120 batimentos por minuto mediante o uso de marcapasso. Foram avaliadas variáveis hemodinâmicas, laboratoriais e anatomopatológicas. Das 33 preparações, 13 foram excluídas mediante critérios pré-estabelecidos. Das 20 restantes, 10 cumpriram o tempo máximo do protocolo(180 minutos). Com relação ao animal suporte houve deterioração hemodinâmica progressiva c/ queda da pressão arterial média(89,30±6,09mmHg->47,50±6,35mmHg). Com relação ao corações isolado, das 10 preparações que cumpriram os 180 minutos de protocolo, houve estabilidade hemodinâmica. As variáveis laboratoriais mostraram queda progressiva do sódio, potássio e hemoglobina, sendo compatível com hemodiluição. O exame anatomopatológico mostrou espaçamento maior entre fibras, compatível com edema. O presente modelo mostrou estabilidade e atividade de 100% das preparações em 60 minutos, havendo perdas progressivas chegando a 50% das preparações em atividade em 180 minutos. O presente modelo, dentro das limitações estabelecidas é viável para pesquisas cardiovasculares.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) of a whole exercise session (RPE-S) and objective measures of exercise intensity during a karate training session.Methods. Eight well-trained karate athletes performed a single training session involving basic karate techniques and sparring. Heart rate (HR) was continuously monitored, while blood lactate ([lac]13) and rating of perceived exertion using the Borg's 6-20 scale were taken each 10-min during exercise. Athletes were also asked to rate their RPE-S using a modified CR-10 scale 30-min after exercise.Results. Significant relationships (P<0.05) were found between RPE-S and mean values of %HRmax (r(p) = 0.91), %HR reserve (r(p) = 0.87), [lac]b(r(p) = 0.96), and RPE (r(p) = 0.78) during the session, but not between RPE-S and the duration of exercise bout (r(s) = 0.28; P > 0.05). RPE-S was also significantly related (P < 0.05) to percentage of time sustained under ventilatory thresold (VT) (r(p) = 0.96), between VT and respiratory compensation point (RCP) (r(p) = 0.93) and above RCP (r(p) = 0.96).Conclusion. These results suggest RPE-S to be a valid tool for assessing interindividual variations in global exercise intensity during karate training. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are constantly produced by cells that promote cellular oxidative damage and are neutralized by an antioxidant system including superoxide dismutase, glutathione, peroxidase and catalase. Male volunteers were exercised for 20 minutes, three days (60, 70 and 80% of maximum heart rate). Catalase activity and plasma malondialdehyde concentration were measured. The mean age of the volunteers was 25 +/- 7 years, with body mass index 2 of 24.03 +/- 4.32 kg/m(2). Acute exercise training produced an increase of malondialdehyde concentration that was exercise intensity-dependent in young volunteers. However, catalase activity shows a great variability at baseline and the percentual of reduction was exercise intensity-independent in this particular population. Therefore, our study shows that acute cycling exercise promotes an increase of oxidative stress that was exercise intensity-dependent in young volunteers. Furthermore, the antioxidant system measured by catalase activity was effective to counterbalance the ROS production showing a saturation behavior at an intensity of 70% of maximum heart rate.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The reptilian heart consists of a thick inner spongy myocardium that derives its oxygen and nutrient supply directly from the blood within the ventricular cavity, which is surrounded by a thin outer compact layer supplied by coronary arteries. The functional importance of these coronary arteries remains unknown. In the present study we investigate the effects of permanent coronary artery occlusion in the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus) on the ability to maintain heart rate and blood pressure at rest and during short term activity. We used colored silicone rubber (Microfil) to identify the coronary artery distribution and interarterial anastomoses. The coronary circulation was occluded and the snakes were then kept for 4 days at 30 degrees C. Microfil injections verified that virtually all coronary arteries had successfully been occluded, but also made visible an extensive coronary supply to the outer compact layer in untreated snakes. Electrocardiogram (ECG), blood pressure (P(sys)) and heart rate (f(H)) were measured at rest and during enforced activity at day 1 and 4. Four days after occlusion of the coronary circulation, the snakes could still maintain a P(sys) and f(H) of 5.2 +/- 0.2 kPa and 58.2 +/- 2.2 beats min(-1), respectively, during activity and the ECG was not affected. This was not different from sham-operated snakes. Thus, while the outer compact layer of the rattlesnake heart clearly has an extensive coronary supply, rattlesnakes sustain a high blood pressure and heart rate during activity without coronary artery blood supply.


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The influence of afterload on the rate of force generation by the myocardium was investigated using two types of preparations: the in situ dog heart (dP/dt) and isolated papillary muscle of rats (dT/dt). Thirteen anesthetized, mechanically ventilated and thoracotomized dogs were submitted to pharmacological autonomic blockade (3.0 mg/kg oxprenolol plus 0.5 mg/kg atropine). A reservoir connected to the left atrium permitted the control of left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP). A mechanical constriction of the descending thoracic aorta allowed to increase the systolic pressure in two steps of 20 mmHg (conditions H1 and H2) above control values (condition C). After arterial pressure elevations (systolic pressure C: 119 ± 8.1; H1: 142 ± 7.9; H2 166 ± 7.7 mmHg; P<0.01), there were no significant differences in heart rate (C: 125 ± 13.9; H1: 125 ± 13.5; H2: 123 ± 14.1 bpm; P>0.05) or LVEDP (C: 6.2 ± 2.48; H1: 6.3 ± 2.43; H2: 6.1 ± 2.51 mmHg; P>0.05). The values of dP/dt did not change after each elevation of arterial pressure (C: 3,068 ± 1,057; H1: 3,112 ± 996; H2: 3,086 ± 980 mmHg/s; P>0.05). In isolated rat papillary muscle, an afterload corresponding to 50% and 75% of the maximal developed tension did not alter the values of the maximum rate of tension development (100%: 78 ± 13; 75%: 80 ± 13; 50%: 79 ± 11 g mm-2 s-1, P>0.05). The results show that the rise in afterload per se does not cause changes in dP/dt or dT/dt


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o comportamento de pressão arterial (PA) e a freqüência cardíaca (Fc) de indivíduos ao longo da jornada de trabalho em dois ambientes com estresses ambientais distintos. MÃTODOS: Foram avaliados 46 funcionários, trabalhadores de uma indústria processadora de madeira, de Botucatu, SP, sendo 27 funcionários da linha de produção (esforço físico moderado-intenso, altas temperaturas e elevados níveis de ruído) (G1), e 19 da administração (sem esforço físico, salas aclimatadas, baixos níveis de ruído) (G2). Todos foram submetidos a avaliação antropométrica da composição corporal (obesidade e adiposidade) e bioquímica do sangue (lipidemia) e, adicionalmente, o registro da PA e da Fc em três momentos do turno de serviço: início, meio e fim. RESULTADOS: Houve semelhança na variação da PA entre G1 e G2, mas com maiores elevações de PA e Fc em G1. Os resultados mostraram grande variabilidade na resposta da PA, levando à subdivisão dos grupos G1 e G2 em respondedores (GR, aumento maior de 10% na PA média) e não respondedores (GN). Os subgrupos GR e GN apresentaram semelhanças nos padrões antropométrico e bioquímico diferindo apenas na resposta pressórica e no caso do GR1 na história familiar de hipertensão. Comparando os subgrupos GR1 e GR2, foi constatado que os primeiros apresentaram maiores variações de PA e Fc que os segundos. CONCLUSÃES: A variação individual da resposta pressórica e da Fc conforme o tipo de estresse ambiental indica ser este um fator adicional a ser considerado na avaliação da pressão arterial e, talvez, na gênese da hipertensão arterial de operários.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the hemodynamic and vasodilating effects of milrinone lactate (ML) in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III and IV heart failure. METHODS: Twenty patients with DCM and NYHA class III and IV heart failure were studied. The hemodynamic and vasodilating effects of ML, administered intravenously, were evaluated. The following variables were compared before and during drug infusion: cardiac output (CO) and cardiac index (CI); pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP); mean aortic pressure (MAP); mean pulmonary artery pressure (MPAP); mean right atrial pressure (MRAP); left ventricular systolic and end-diastolic pressures (LVSP and LVEDP, respectively); peak rate of left ventricular pressure rise (dP/dt); systemic vascular resistance (SVR); pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR); and heart rate (HR). RESULTS: All patients showed a significant improvement of the analysed parameters of cardiac performance with an increase of CO and CI; a significant improvement in myocardial contractility (dP/dt) and reduction of the LVEDP; PCWP; PAP; MAP; MRAP; SVR; PVR. Were observed no significant increase in HR occurred. CONCLUSION: Milrinone lactate is an inotropic dilating drug that, when administered intravenously, has beneficial effects on cardiac performance and myocardial contractility. It also promotes reduction of SVR and PVR in patients with DCM and NYHA class III and IV of heart failure.