919 resultados para genoma, genetica, dna, bioinformatica, mapreduce, snp, gwas, big data, sequenziamento, pipeline


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Helicobacter pylori è un batterio Gram-negativo in grado di colonizzare la mucosa gastrica umana e persistere per l'intero arco della vita dell'ospite. E' associato a patologie gastrointestinali, quali gastrite cronica, ulcere gastriche e duodenali, adenocarcinomi e linfomi gastrici. Si tratta di uno dei patogeni più diffusi, presente in circa metà della popolazione mondiale, e il solo che si è adattato a vivere nell'ambiente ostile dello stomaco umano. Molteplici sono i fattori di virulenza che permettono al batterio la colonizzazione della nicchia gastrica e contribuiscono, anche attraverso l' induzione di una risposta infiammatoria, a profonde modificazioni dell' omeostasi gastrica. Queste ultime si associano, ad esempio, all'iperproduzione di fattori proinfiammatori, ad alterazioni sia della regolazione della secrezione acida gastrica sia del ciclo cellulare e della morte cellulare programmata (apoptosi) delle cellule epiteliali gastriche, a disordini nel metabolismo del ferro e a carenze di elementi essenziali. Studi sulla diversità genetica di H. pylori osservata in ceppi isolati da varie regioni del mondo, dimostrano che tale batterio ha avuto una coevoluzione col genere umano attraverso la storia, ed è verosimile che H. pylori sia stato un costituente del microbiota gastrico per almeno 50.000 anni. Scopo della tesi è stato quello di identificare e caratterizzare proteine importanti per la colonizzazione e l'adattamento di H. pylori alla nicchia gastrica. In particolare gli sforzi si sono concentrati su due proteine periplasmatiche, la prima coinvolta nella difesa antiossidante (l'enzima catalasi-like, HP0485), e la seconda nel trasporto di nutrienti presenti nell'ambiente dello stomaco all'interno della cellula (la componente solubile di un ABC transporter, HP0298). La strategia utilizzata prevede un'analisi bioinformatica preliminare, l'ottenimento del gene per amplificazione, mediante PCR, dal genoma dell'organismo, la costruzione di un vettore per il clonaggio, l'espressione eterologa in E. coli e la successiva purificazione. La proteina così ottenuta viene caratterizzata mediante diverse tecniche, quali spettroscopia UV, dicroismo circolare, gel filtrazione analitica, spettrometria di massa. Il capitolo 1 contiene un'introduzione generale sul batterio, il capitolo 2 e il capitolo 3 descrivono gli studi relativi alle due proteine e sono entrambi suddivisi in un abstract iniziale, un'introduzione, la presentazione dei risultati, la discussione di questi ultimi, i materiali e i metodi utilizzati. La catalasi-like (HP0485) è una proteina periplasmatica con struttura monomerica, appartenente ad una famiglia di enzimi a funzione per la maggior parte sconosciuta, ma evolutivamente correlati alla ben nota catalasi, attore fondamentale nella difesa di H. pylori, grazie alla sua azione specifica di rimozione dell'acqua ossigenata. HP0485, pur conservando il fold catalasico e il legame al cofattore eme, non può compiere la reazione di dismutazione dell'acqua ossigenata; possiede invece un'attività perossidasica ad ampio spettro, essendo in grado di accoppiare la riduzione del perossido di idrogeno all'ossidazione di diversi substrati. Come la catalasi, lavora ad alte concentrazioni di aqua ossigenata e non arriva a saturazione a concentrazioni molto elevate di questo substrato (200 mM); la velocità di reazione catalizzata rimane lineare anche a questi valori, aspetto che la differenzia dalle perossidasi che vengono in genere inattivate da concentrazioni di perossido di idrogeno superiori a 10-50 mM. Queste caratteristiche di versatilità e robustezza suggeriscono che la catalasi-like abbia un ruolo di scavenger dell'acqua ossigenata e probabilmente anche un'altra funzione connessa al suo secondo substrato, ossia l'ossidazione di composti nello spazio periplasmatico cellulare. Oltre alla caratterizzazione dell'attività è descritta anche la presenza di un ponte disolfuro, conservato nelle catalasi-like periplasmatiche, con un ruolo nell'assemblaggio dell'eme per ottenere un enzima attivo e funzionale. La proteina periplasmatica HP0298, componente di un sistema di trasporto ABC, è classificata come trasportatore di dipeptidi e appartiene a una famiglia di proteine in grado di legare diversi substrati, tra cui di- e oligopeptidi, nichel, eme, glutatione. Benchè tutte associate a trasportatori di membrana batterici, queste proteine presentano un dominio di legame al substrato che risulta essere conservato nei domini extracellulari di recettori specifici di mammifero e uomo. Un esempio sono i recettori ionotropici e metabotropici del sistema nervoso. Per caratterizzare questa proteina è stato messo a punto un protocollo di ligand-fishing accoppiato alla spettrometria di massa. La proteina purificata, avente un tag di istidine, è stata incubata con un estratto cellulare di H. pylori per poter interagire con il suo substrato specifico all'interno dell'ambiente naturale in cui avviene il legame. Il complesso proteina-ligando è stato poi purificato per cromatografia di affinità e analizzato mediante HPLC-MS. L'identificazione dei picchi differenziali tra campioni con la proteina e 5 campioni di controllo ha portato alla caratterizzazione di pentapeptidi particolarmente ricchi in aminoacidi idrofobici e con almeno un residuo carico negativamente. Considerando che H. pylori necessita di alcuni aminoacidi essenziali, per la maggior parte idrofobici, e che lo stomaco umano è particolarmente ricco di peptidi prodotti dalla digestione delle proteine introdotte con il cibo, il ruolo fisiologico di HP0298 potrebbe essere l'internalizzazione di peptidi, con caratteristiche specifiche di lunghezza e composizione, che sono naturalmente presenti nella nicchia gastrica.


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Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) é o agente etiológico causador de doenças em uma grande variedade de cultivos de grande importância econômica, causando a c1orose variegada dos citros, uma das doenças mais danosas à indústria de citros no Brasil. Os genomas de algumas cepas deste fitopatógeno foram completamente seqüenciados promovendo assim estudos funcionais do genoma em larga escala. Neste trabalho nós nos propusemos a investigar o perfil de transcrição de Xf através da técnica microarranjos (no título da dissertação microarrays, mas a partir de agora usaremos microaarranjos) de DNA usando todo o genoma do fitopatógeno e cultivando-a sob meio definido variando a concentração de glicose. O objetivo inicial deste trabalho era observar se Xf comportava-se da mesma forma que Xac, que tem a expressão de goma aumentada devido ao aumento da concentração de glicose do meio. Nossas análises revelaram que enquanto os transcritos relacionados à goma não se mostraram afetados com a concentração de glicose, genes que codificam para análogos a Colicina-V e precursores de fimbria foram induzidos em alta concentração de glicose. Baseados nestes resultados, nós propusemos um modelo de mecanismo de produção e defesa contra a Colicina em Xf.


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Detection of point mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is important in relation to disease susceptibility or detection in pathogens of mutations determining drug resistance or host range. There is an emergent need for rapid detection methods amenable to point-of-care applications. The purpose of this study was to reduce to practice a novel method for SNP detection and to demonstrate that this technology can be used downstream of nucleic acid amplification. The authors used a model system to develop an oligonucleotide-based SNP detection system on nitrocellulose lateral flow strips. To optimize the assay they used cloned sequences of the herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) DNA polymerase gene into which they introduced a point mutation. The assay system uses chimeric polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers that incorporate hexameric repeat tags ("hexapet tags"). The chimeric sequences allow capture of amplified products to predefined positions on a lateral flow strip. These "hexapet" sequences have minimal cross-reactivity and allow specific hybridization-based capture of the PCR products at room temperature onto lateral flow strips that have been striped with complementary hexapet tags. The allele-specific amplification was carried out with both mutant and wild-type primer sets present in the PCR mix ("competitive" format). The resulting PCR products carried a hexapet tag that corresponded with either a wild-type or mutant sequence. The lateral flow strips are dropped into the PCR reaction tube, and mutant sequence and wild-type sequences diffuse along the strip and are captured at the corresponding position on the strip. A red line indicative of a positive reaction is visible after 1 minute. Unlike other systems that require separate reactions and strips for each target sequence, this system allows multiplex PCR reactions and multiplex detection on a single strip or other suitable substrates. Unambiguous visual discrimination of a point mutation under room temperature hybridization conditions was achieved with this model system in 10 minutes after PCR. The authors have developed a capture-based hybridization method for the detection and discrimination of HSV-1 DNA polymerase genes that contain a single nucleotide change. It has been demonstrated that the hexapet oligonucleotides can be adapted for hybridization on the lateral flow strip platform for discrimination of SNPs. This is the first step in demonstrating SNP detection on lateral flow using the hexapet oligonucleotide capture system. It is anticipated that this novel system can be widely used in point-of-care settings.


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An understanding of inheritance requires comprehension of genetic processes at all levels, from molecules to populations. Frequently genetics courses are separated into molecular and organismal genetics and students may fail to see the relationships between them. This is particularly true with human genetics, because of the difficulties in designing experimental approaches which are consistent with ethical restrictions, student abilities and background knowledge, and available time and materials. During 2005 we used analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in two genetic regions to enhance student learning and provide a practical experience in human genetics. Students scanned databases to discover SNPs in a gene of interest, used software to design PCR primers and a restriction enzyme based assay for the alleles, and carried out an analysis of the SNP on anonymous individual and family DNAs. The project occupied eight to ten hours per week for one semester, with some time spent in the laboratory and some spent in database searching, reading and writing the report. In completing their projects, students acquired a knowledge of Mendel’s first law (through looking at inheritance patterns), Mendel’s second law and the exceptions (the concepts of linkage and linkage disequilibrium), DNA structure (primer design and restriction enzyme analysis) and function (SNPs in coding and non-coding regions), population genetics and the statistical analysis of allele frequencies, genomics, bioinformatics and the ethical issues associated with the use of human samples. They also developed skills in presentation of results by publication and conference participation. Deficiencies in their understanding (for example of inheritance patterns, gene structure, statistical approaches and report writing) were detected and guidance given during the project. SNP analysis was found to be a powerful approach to enhance and integrate student understanding of genetic concepts.


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Faults in the genes responsible for repairs to the DNA can influence the onset of cancer or affect the response to treatment. This research evaluated the frequency of three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in two repair genes DNA RAD51 172g> T (rs1801321), RAD51 135G> C (rs1801320) and XRCC3 T241M (rs861539) in individuals without cancer (n = 130) and patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSC) and carcinoma oropharyngeal squamous (ORSC) (n = 126) and investigated possible relationships of these findings with clinical and pathological data and clinical outcomes: tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, disease-free survival, and overall survival. It was found that the allele and genotype frequencies were in equilibrium Hard-Weinberg equilibrium. The presence of at least one polymorphic allele in XRCC3 (rs861539) gene is associated with histological grade (WHO) higher (p = 0.007). We observed a higher recurrence rate trend (p = 0.08) and more advanced stage (p = 0.08) in the group that had at least one polymorphic allele of RAD51 gene (rs1801321). The presence of the analyzed SNPs not proved to be a risk factor for the development of CEO or CEOR; however, when combined with smoking or drinking, increased the risk of developing cancer from three to one hundred and fifty times. The tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy was similar in patients with and without SNPs. No polymorphism showed statistical significance in relation to recurrence-free survival or overall survival. We conclude that the presence of at least one polymorphic allele of the SNPs rs861539 in XRCC3 gene, rs1801320 and rs1801321 in the RAD51 gene increase the risk of development of OSC and ORSC, when associated with the habit of drinking or smoking. Polymorphisms studied in XRCC3 and RAD51 genes are not associated with response to radiation therapy, relapse-free survival or overall survival.


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Nella Tesi viene riportata l’analisi genetica di un campione di 128 famiglie con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico, tramite il sistema di SNP array “PsychArray” (Illumina ), contenente oltre 500.000 sonde sull’intero genoma. Questi dati sono stati utilizzati per individuare Copy Number Variants (CNVs) rari e rilevanti da un punto di vista clinico. Sono stati quindi selezionati tre CNVs per un ulteriore approfondimento: due microdelezioni già descritte come patologiche (rispettivamente nella regione 1p36.32 e 22q13.33 comprendente il gene SHANK3) sono risultate essere “de novo”, mentre una terza microdelezione nel gene CTNNA3 è ereditata dalla madre. Tutti e tre i CNV sono stati validati tramite Real Time-PCR, definendone i confini. Per quanto riguarda la microdelezione in CTNNA3, poiché difetti di questo gene sono stati implicati nell’autismo con un meccanismo recessivo, è stata anche condotta un’analisi di sequenza di tutti gli esoni del gene negli individui della famiglia interessata, al fine di ricercare eventuali mutazioni puntiformi sull’allele non deleto. Questa analisi non ha individuato nessuna variante potenzialmente dannosa, pertanto il difetto in CTNNA3 non risulta essere la causa principale del fenotipo autistico in questa famiglia, anche se potrebbe avere un ruolo come fattore di suscettibilità.


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BACKGROUND: Multiple recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), rs10771399, at 12p11 that is associated with breast cancer risk. METHOD: We performed a fine-scale mapping study of a 700 kb region including 441 genotyped and more than 1300 imputed genetic variants in 48,155 cases and 43,612 controls of European descent, 6269 cases and 6624 controls of East Asian descent and 1116 cases and 932 controls of African descent in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC; http://bcac.ccge.medschl.cam.ac.uk/ ), and in 15,252 BRCA1 mutation carriers in the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA). Stepwise regression analyses were performed to identify independent association signals. Data from the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements project (ENCODE) and the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) were used for functional annotation. RESULTS: Analysis of data from European descendants found evidence for four independent association signals at 12p11, represented by rs7297051 (odds ratio (OR) = 1.09, 95 % confidence interval (CI) = 1.06-1.12; P = 3 × 10(-9)), rs805510 (OR = 1.08, 95 % CI = 1.04-1.12, P = 2 × 10(-5)), and rs1871152 (OR = 1.04, 95 % CI = 1.02-1.06; P = 2 × 10(-4)) identified in the general populations, and rs113824616 (P = 7 × 10(-5)) identified in the meta-analysis of BCAC ER-negative cases and BRCA1 mutation carriers. SNPs rs7297051, rs805510 and rs113824616 were also associated with breast cancer risk at P < 0.05 in East Asians, but none of the associations were statistically significant in African descendants. Multiple candidate functional variants are located in putative enhancer sequences. Chromatin interaction data suggested that PTHLH was the likely target gene of these enhancers. Of the six variants with the strongest evidence of potential functionality, rs11049453 was statistically significantly associated with the expression of PTHLH and its nearby gene CCDC91 at P < 0.05. CONCLUSION: This study identified four independent association signals at 12p11 and revealed potentially functional variants, providing additional insights into the underlying biological mechanism(s) for the association observed between variants at 12p11 and breast cancer risk


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Com o presente trabalho pretende-se discutir a importância do DNA na resolução de casos de investigação forense. O Homem, desde os tempos mais remotos tem revelado interesse na confirmação da identidade dos seus semelhantes, pelo desenvolvimento e prática de diversas técnicas de identificação. A partir de uma revisão da literatura, fez-se o estudo dos métodos de identificação humana, sendo este mais aprofundado no que diz respeito ao DNA. Frequentemente são encontrados corpos em que a única peça disponível para o processo de identificação é o dente. As peças dentárias são as estruturas mais resistentes e estáveis do corpo humano, mantendo as suas características e propriedades por longos períodos de tempo pós-morte. A análise do DNA contribui de forma muito importante para os processos de reconhecimento humano, principalmente em casos em que outros métodos de identificação falham devido a decomposição, fragmentação, incineração ou inexistência de dados comparativos ante-morte. Para a obtenção de um perfil genético é necessário executar as seguintes etapas: extração do DNA, sua quantificação e amplificação seguida de análise de determinadas regiões do genoma. Nos dias de hoje, muitos casos de identificação necessitam de uma abordagem multidisciplinar, isto porque em algumas situações existe falta de material padrão ou, por outro lado, pode haver mais do que uma evidência a ser examinada.


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The description of all the species present in nature is a vast task to be fulfilled by using the classical approach of morphological description of the organisms. In recent years, the traditional taxonomy, based primarily on identification keys of species, has shown a number of limitations in the use of the distinctive features in many animal taxa and inconsistencies with the genetic data. Furthermore, the increasing need to get a true estimate of biodiversity has led Zoological Taxonomy to seek new approaches and methodologies to support the traditional methods. The classification procedure has added modern criteriasuch as the evolutionary relationships and the genetic, biochemical and morphological characteristics of the organisms.Until now the Linnean binomial was the only abbreviated code associated with the description of the morphology of a species. The new technologies aim to achieve a short nucleotide sequence of the DNA to be used as an unique and solely label for a particular species, a specific genetic barcode. For both morphological and genetic approaches, skills and experience are required. Taxonomy is one of zoological disciplines that has been benefited from the achievements reached by modern molecular biotechnology. Using a molecular approach it is possible to identify cryptic species, to establish a family relationship between species and their membership of taxonomic categories or to reconstruct the evolutionary history of a taxon.


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Seafood products fraud, the misrepresentation of them, have been discovered all around the world in different forms as false labeling, species substitution, short-weighting or over glazing in order to hide the correct identity, origin or weight of the seafood products. Due to the value of seafood products such as canned tuna, swordfish or grouper, these species are the subject of the commercial fraud is mainly there placement of valuable species with other little or no value species. A similar situation occurs with the shelled shrimp or shellfish that are reduced into pieces for the commercialization. Food fraud by species substitution is an emerging risk given the increasingly global food supply chain and the potential food safety issues. Economic food fraud is committed when food is deliberately placed on the market, for financial gain deceiving consumers (Woolfe, M. & Primrose, S. 2004). As a result of the increased demand and the globalization of the seafood supply, more fish species are encountered in the market. In this scenary, it becomes essential to unequivocally identify the species. The traditional taxonomy, based primarily on identification keys of species, has shown a number of limitations in the use of the distinctive features in many animal taxa, amplified when fish, crustacean or shellfish are commercially transformed. Many fish species show a similar texture, thus the certification of fish products is particularly important when fishes have undergone procedures which affect the overall anatomical structure, such as heading, slicing or filleting (Marko et al., 2004). The absence of morphological traits, a main characteristic usually used to identify animal species, represents a challenge and molecular identification methods are required. Among them, DNA-based methods are more frequently employed for food authentication (Lockley & Bardsley, 2000). In addition to food authentication and traceability, studies of taxonomy, population and conservation genetics as well as analysis of dietary habits and prey selection, also rely on genetic analyses including the DNA barcoding technology (Arroyave & Stiassny, 2014; Galimberti et al., 2013; Mafra, Ferreira, & Oliveira, 2008; Nicolé et al., 2012; Rasmussen & Morrissey, 2008), consisting in PCR amplification and sequencing of a COI mitochondrial gene specific region. The system proposed by P. Hebert et al. (2003) locates inside the mitochondrial COI gene (cytochrome oxidase subunit I) the bioidentification system useful in taxonomic identification of species (Lo Brutto et al., 2007). The COI region, used for genetic identification - DNA barcode - is short enough to allow, with the current technology, to decode sequence (the pairs of nucleotide bases) in a single step. Despite, this region only represents a tiny fraction of the mitochondrial DNA content in each cell, the COI region has sufficient variability to distinguish the majority of species among them (Biondo et al. 2016). This technique has been already employed to address the demand of assessing the actual identity and/or provenance of marketed products, as well as to unmask mislabelling and fraudulent substitutions, difficult to detect especially in manufactured seafood (Barbuto et al., 2010; Galimberti et al., 2013; Filonzi, Chiesa, Vaghi, & Nonnis Marzano, 2010). Nowadays,the research concerns the use of genetic markers to identify not only the species and/or varieties of fish, but also to identify molecular characters able to trace the origin and to provide an effective control tool forproducers and consumers as a supply chain in agreementwith local regulations.


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Nanopore-based sequencer will open the path to the fourth-generation DNA sequencing technology. The main differences between this technique and the previous ones are: DNA molecule that will be sequenced does not need a previous amplification step, is not necessary any type of specific label both molecular adaptors, and it has been abolished enzymatic process in the nucleotide sequence identification event. These differences have as result a more economic method since don’t spend the necessary reagents for the previous techniques, furthermore it lets to sequence samples with a low DNA concentration. This technique is based in the use of a membrane with a biologic nanopore inserted in it whereby the molecule to analyze (analyte) it made to pass, this membrane is placed between two reservoirs containing ions, when an external volatage is applied in both sides this lead to an ion current through the nanopore. When an analyte cross the nanopore the ion current is modified, that modification in the amplitude and duration of ion current determine the physical and chemical properties of that analyte. By means of subsequent statistical analyzes it can be determined to what sequence own this ion current blockade patterns. More used nanopores are the biologic ones, although they are working to develop synthetic nanopores. The main biologic nanopores are: α-Hemolysin from Staphylococcus aureus (α-HL), Mycobacterium smegmatis porin A (MspA) and bacteriophage phi29 pore (phi29). Α-HL and MspA have in their narrowest point a diameter similar to nucleotide size, they are functional at high temperature both wide range of pH (2-12) but MspA is able to read four nucleotide at the same time while α- HL just can read one by one. Finally, phi29 present a bigger diameter what let to get information about DNA spatial conformation and their interaction with proteins (Feng et al., 2015). Nowaday Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) is the only company which has developed Nanopore technology; they have two devices available to sequencing (PromethION and MinION). The MinION is a single-use DNA sequencing device with the size of a USB memory with a total of 3000 nanopores that can sequence until 200kb. The PrometheION is big size sequencer that own 48 different cells, what let to sequence different samples at the same time, with a total of 144.000 nanopores and reading of several megabases (https://www.nanoporetech.com/). The high processivity and low cost become this technique in a great option to massive- sequencing.


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In vitro and in animal models, APE1, OGG1, and PARP-1 have been proposed as being involved with inflammatory response. In this work, we have investigated if the SNPs APE1 Asn148Glu, OGG1 Ser326Cys, and PARP-1 Val762Ala are associated to meningitis and also developed a system to enable the functional analysis of polymorphic proteins. Patients with bacterial meningitis (BM), aseptic meningitis (AM) and controls (non-infected) genotypes were investigated by PIRA-PCR or PCR-RFLP. DNA damages were detected in genomic DNA by Fpg treatment. IgG and IgA were measured from plasma and the cytokines and chemokines were measured from cerebrospinal fluid samples using Bio-Plex assays. The levels of NF-κB and c-Jun were measured in CSF by dot blot assays. A significant (P<0.05) increase in the frequency of APE1 148Glu allele in BM and AM patients was observed. A significant increase in the genotypes Asn/Asn in control group and Asn/Glu in BM group was also found. For the SNP OGG1 Ser326Cys, the genotype Cys/Cys was more frequent (P<0.05) in BM group. The frequency of PARP-1 Val/Val genotype was higher in control group (P<0.05). The occurrence of combined SNPs increased significantly in BM patients, indicating that these SNPs may be associated to the disease. Increasing in sensitive sites to Fpg was observed in carriers of APE1 148Glu allele or OGG1 326Cys allele, suggesting that SNPs affect DNA repair activity. Alterations in IgG production were observed in the presence of SNPs APE1Asn148Glu, OGG1Ser326Cys or PARP-1Val762Ala. Reductions in the levels ofIL-6, IL-1Ra, MCP-1/CCL2and IL-8/CXCL8 were observed in the presence of APE1148Glu allele in BM patients, however no differences were observed in the levels of NF-κB and c-Jun considering genotypes and analyzed groups. Using APE1 as model, a system to enable the analysis of cellular effects and functional characterization of polymorphic proteins was developed using strategies of cloning APE1 cDNA in pIRES2-EGFP vector, cellular transfection of the construction obtained, siRNA for endogenous APE1 and cellular cultures genotyping. In conclusion, we obtained evidences of an effect of SNPs in DNA repair genes on the regulation of immune response. This is a pioneering work in the field that shows association of BER variant enzymes with an infectious disease in human patients, suggesting that the SNPs analyzed may affect immune response and damage by oxidative stress level during brain infection. Considering these data, new approaches of functional characterization must be developed to better analysis and interactions of polymorphic proteins in response to this context


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Medicina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Patologia Molecular, 2016.


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L'analisi del DNA è una delle chiavi per la comprensione della vita e dei suoi funzionamenti. Le tecniche di sequenziamento di nuova generazione NGS permettono una analisi parallela di molte sequenze che hanno reso possibili i sequenziamenti di genomi interi e l'impiego di questi dati in una vasta gamma di studi. In questa tesi verranno descritte le principali tecniche di sequenziamento NGS. Per quanto riguarda il genoma umano si tratteranno alcune tematiche di studio di varianti affrontate dal gruppo 1000Genomes. Nella fase conclusiva si introdurranno definizioni di statistica utili nell'affrontare l'elaborazione dei dati. Inoltre vengono descritti alcuni strumenti che permettono di svolgere questo tipo di analisi.


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Los cambios epigenéticos son responsables de la aparición de muchas patologías humanas y sus causas son debido a factores ambientales como genéticos. Se ha descrito en enfermedades crónicas como la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (T2DM) que se caracteriza por los estados de hiperglucemia y el incremento en el estrés oxidativo que conlleva a complicaciones micro y macro vasculares, asociado a una desmetilación global del genoma. Nuestra hipótesis corresponde a que los órganos diana son afectados por las alteraciones como la metilación e hidroximetilación como consecuencia del estrés oxidativo que luego repercuten en la persistencia de la enfermedad. Métodos: A partir de sangre periférica se analizaron los cambios globales en la metilación del DNA que son afectados por el estado metabólico de 60 individuos (40 pacientes, 20 controles sanos). Por técnicas de cuantificación se compararon los resultados obtenidos con los de la expresión de las enzimas involucradas. Por último, se realizó un estudio de microarreglos de metilación del DNA y de expresión obtenidos de la base de datos GEO para así comparar los resultados con nuestros datos experimentales. Resultados: Los pacientes diabéticos con pobre control metabólico presentaron mayores niveles de metilación que el grupo control y no se encontró alteración en las enzimas involucradas en este proceso. Los resultados fueron concordantes con el estudio de microarreglos. Conclusión: Los estudios experimentales y de microarreglos demostraron que la metilación es tejido específico y que existe una mayor oxidación en pacientes. Por ello proponemos una vía alterna de desmetilación no enzimática, basada en la oxidación directa de los grupos metilos generados por los estados oxidativos característicos de esta enfermedad.