925 resultados para fresh water fish


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Lipid compositions of sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 184 in the South China Sea have been identified and quantified. The identified lipids can be ascribed to terrigenous and marine sources. Terrigenous lipids are mainly C27, C29, C31 n-alkanes, C26, C28, C30 n-fatty acids, and n-alcohols, which were derived from leaf waxes of higher land plants and transported to the sea by airborne dust or fresh water. Marine lipids, mainly C37 and C38 alkenones, C30 diol, and C30 and C32 keto-ols, were from microalgae, notably haptophytes and eustigmatophytes. Elevated concentrations and accumulation rates of both terrigenous and marine lipids in the interval 202-245 meters composite depth (mcd) and 0-166 mcd were postulated to be related to the development of the East Asian monsoon at 6-8 Ma and enhanced variations of the developed East Asian monsoon after 3.2 Ma, respectively. The pronounced late Oligocene input of terrigenous lipids reflects the paleoenvironment of a newly opened, narrow basin, with restricted ocean waters and the proximity of continental runoff.


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The water being vital natural resource and factor of economic and social development requires effective management and protection by the State. This thesis examines the panorama of National Water Resources Policy and the establishment of an effectively integrated management, shared and participative, contextualizing the principles foreseen in the policy. The work is focused on the discussion of public policies of access to water, analyzing the Fresh Water Program in semi-arid region of Brazil as a strategy of coexistence and permanence of a public policy that ensures the priority use, which is for human consumption. The conceptual framework of this study relies primarily on the contributions of authors in the field recognized as governance and water management. A study on the process of implementation of the various "institutions and policies" related to water management was promoted, contextualizing the change of paradigm in the transition from the centralized model to the one that takes into account the social participation, opening in this way broader perspectives for the analysis of the contents and of the impacts of these policies. The development of this study was conducted by the follow-up – both face-to-face as documentary-field – of the activities carried out while consultant of the Fresh Water Program. The history of water management in the semi-arid region was studied, depicting conflict movements and cooperation among actors. Despite the great obstacles to accomplish the shared and decentralized management, the study of this thesis points to a gradual improvement in the formulation of public policies that take into consideration governance and participatory management of water resources, with positive prospects towards the implementation of coordinated and cooperative actions in the region that mainly suffers from the shortage of rainfall, hence of shortage of water for irrigation and human consumption


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The study aims to evaluate the performance and identify lesions of agonistic interactions of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in different densities cages (chapter 1); compare the growth performance of shrimp M. rosenbergii and Litopenaus vannamei cages (chatper 2); in addition the study aimed at identifying the knowledge and practices of a traditional community of farmers Bebida-Velha, in the city of Pureza / RN, practicing rural family and aquaculture, as well as tracing the community socioeconomic profile and evaluate the management that these farmers use in shrimp farming Macrobrachium rosenbergii (chapter 3). To perform the experiments (chapter 1 and 2) shrimp species L. vannamei and M. rosenbergii were weighed on a digital scale and transferred to cultures in cages. The cages had 1m³, with 5mm mesh between us and were closed on top with screen to avoid predators (birds, insects). The animals remained in adaptation for fifteen days before the start of data collection (each experiment). Both experiments lasted seventy days, totaling eighty-five days cultivation. During the cultures, animals were fed pelleted feed for shrimp at 10% of their biomass with 35% crude protein, offered in feed trays twice a day during the hours (7:00 am and 14:00 pm). The remnants in the tray were removed after 2h of permanence to calculate intake. To determine the performance parameters, some samples were taken every 10 days. The results of both experiments were analyzed using the STATISTIC 7.0 (2004). In Chapter 1 experiment were applied5 treatments were applied with 5 replications each: D5 - 5 animals/m2 ; D10 - 10 animals/m2 ; D15 - 15 animals/m2 ; D20 - 20 animals/m2 ; D25 - 25 animals/m2 . To this, were distributed 25 cages randomly in two masonry nurseries. The end of the experiment the lesions were verified and quantified. The chapter 2 experiment began when the shrimp reached the same age (eighty-four days) and was used the density of 25 shrimp / m2 with 4 repetitions. For the realization of chapter 3 were applied semi-structured interviews by direct approach of Bebida Velha of settlers practicing aquaculture activity, tilapia producers and community shrimp. Data were tabulated and analyzed according to the responses obtained by the participants. Therefore, the amount of damage increased with increasing stocking density. The density of 10 freshwater shrimp/m² showed the best conditions for a better performance in cages. It can be concluded that in cages, the cultivation of species of fresh water shrimp M. rosenbergii had better zootechnical indexes than the cultivation of marine shrimp species L. 9 vannamei. It was possible to verify that the activities of which the interviewees practice guarantee a good quality of life and income for them. We find that respondents have traditional and local knowledge, and also may be interested in the cultivation of the species M. rosenbergii.


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The work described in this thesis was conducted with the aim of: 1) investigating the binding capabilities of calix[4]arene-functionalized microcantilevers towards specific metal ions and 2) developing a new16-microcantilever array sensing system for the rapid, and simultaneous detection of metal ions in fresh water. Part I of this thesis reports on the use of three new bimodal calix[4]arenes (methoxy, ethoxy and crown) as potential host/guest sensing layers for detecting selected ions in dilute aqueous solutions using single microcantilever experimental system. In this work it was shown that modifying the upper rim of the calix[4]arenes with a thioacetate end group allow calix[4]arenes to self-assemble on Au(111) forming complete highly ordered monolayers. It was also found that incubating the microcantilevers coated with 5 nm of Inconel and 40 nm of Au for 1 h in a 1.0 M solution of calix[4]arene produced the highest sensitivity. Methoxy-functionalized microcantilevers showed a definite preference for Ca²⁺ ions over other cationic guests and were able to detect trace concentration as low as 10⁻¹² M in aqueous solutions. Microcantilevers modified with ethoxy calix[4]arene displayed their highest sensitivity towards Sr²⁺ and to a lesser extent Ca²⁺ ions. Crown calix[4]arene-modified microcantilevers were however found to bind selectively towards Cs⁺ ions. In addition, the counter anion was also found to contribute to the deflection. For example methoxy calix[4]arene-modified microcantilever was found to be more sensitive to CaCl₂ over other water-soluble calcium salts such as Ca(NO₃)₂ , CaBr₂ and CaI₂. These findings suggest that the response of calix[4]arene-modified microcantilevers should be attributed to the target ionic species as a whole instead of only considering the specific cation and/or anion. Part II presents the development of a 16-microcantilever sensor setup. The implementation of this system involved the creation of data analysis software that incorporates data from the motorized actuator and a two-axis photosensitive detector to obtain the deflection signal originating from each individual microcantilever in the array. The system was shown to be capable of simultaneous measurements of multiple microcantilevers with different coatings. A functionalization unit was also developed that allows four microcantilevers in the array to be coated with an individual sensing layer one at the time. Because of the variability of the spring constants of different cantilevers within the array, results presented were quoted in units of surface stress unit in order to compare values between the microcantilevers in the array.


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Meltponds on Arctic sea ice have previously been reported to be devoid of marine metazoans due to fresh-water conditions. The predominantly dark frequently also green and brownish meltponds observed in the Central Arctic in summer 2007 hinted to brackish conditions and considerable amounts of algae, possibly making the habitat suitable for marine metazoans. Environmental conditions in meltponds as well as sympagic meiofauna in new ice covering pond surfaces and in rotten ice on the bottom of ponds were studied, applying modified techniques from sea-ice and under-ice research. Due to the very porous structure of the rotten ice, the meltponds were usually brackish to saline, providing living conditions very similar to sub-ice water. The new ice cover on the surface had similar characteristics as the bottom layer of level ice. The ponds were thus accessible to and inhabitable by metazoans. The new ice cover and the rotten ice were inhabited by various sympagic meiofauna taxa, predominantly ciliates, rotifers, acoels, nematodes and foraminiferans. Also, sympagic amphipods were found on the bottom of meltponds. We suggest that, in consequence of global warming, brackish and saline meltponds are becoming more frequent in the Arctic, providing a new habitat to marine metazoans.


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The southwestern part of the subpolar North Atlantic east of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland and Flemish Cap is a crucial area for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Here the exchange between subpolar and subtropical gyre takes place, southward flowing cold and fresh water is replaced by northward flowing warm and salty water within the North Atlantic Current (NAC). As part of a long-term experiment, the circulation east of Flemish Cap has been studied by seven repeat hydrographic sections along inline image (2003-2011), a 2 year time series of current velocities at the continental slope (2009-2011), 19 years of sea surface height, and 47 years of output from an eddy resolving ocean circulation model. The structure of the flow field in the measurements and the model shows a deep reaching NAC with adjacent recirculation and two distinct cores of southward flow in the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC): one core above the continental slope with maximum velocities at mid-depth and the second farther east with bottom-intensified velocities. The western core of the DWBC is rather stable, while the offshore core shows high temporal variability that in the model is correlated with the NAC strength. About 30 Sv of deep water flow southward below a density of sigma-theta = 27.68 kg/m**3 in the DWBC. The NAC transports about 110 Sv northward, approximately 15 Sv originating from the DWBC, and 75 Sv recirculating locally east of the NAC, leaving 20 Sv to be supplied by the NAC from the south.


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Among the Siberian shelf seas the Kara Sea is most strongly influenced by riverine runoff with nearly 1500 km fresh water discharge per year. This fresh water, discharged mainly by Ob and Yenisei, contains about 3.1 * 106 and 4.6 * 106 tons of total organic carbon per year, respectively (Gordeev et al. 1996). Little is known about the relevance of this organic material for biological communities, neither for the Kara Sea nor for the adjacent deep basins of the central Arctic Ocean. Aiming at elucidating the fate of fluvial matter transported from the rivers via estuaries into the central Arctic Ocean and the relative importance of marine organic matter being produced such information is crucial. Here we present calculations on the organic carbon demand of the Kara Sea macrozoobenthos based on measured biomass (total wet weight [ww] per 0.25 m ) from quantitative box corer samples and empirical relationships between biomass, annual production, annual respiration, and carbon remineralisation. This bottom-up approach may serve as a first estimate of the carbon remineralization potential of a given zoobenthos community (or area) as long as no data on in situ respiration rates are available. Our data basis comprises 54 stations sampled in summer seasons 1997, 1999 and 2000 in the Kara Sea at water depths between 10 and 68 m. The geographical area represented by stations analysed covers roughly 178 000 km**2, which is about one fifth of the total Kara Sea area. In this area, 290 species of invertebrate macrozoobenthos were identified with polychaeta, Crustacea, mollusca and echinodermata being the most abundant. For all stations analysed, mean biomass values ranged between 4.3 and 778.1 g ww/m**2 with organic carbon demands between 3.5 and 43.2 mg C/m**2/d. For the area of 178 000 km2 a preliminary total consumption of 1.4 * 10**6t Corg/y (equivalent to 21.5 mg C/m**2/d) was calculated for the macrozoobenthos. An extrapolation of our data would lead to an annual carbon demand of about 5-7 * 106 t for the whole Kara Sea macrozoobenthos (or 15.5-21.7 mg C/m2/d).


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While the R.V. "Meteor" was in the eastern Persian Gulf, during the time between March 31 and April 14, 1965, bacteriological investigations of the water and sediment were performed. The content of saprophytic bacteria in the water decreases from the coasts outward to the middle of the gulf. This shows a good correlation with the turbidity values. In a sediment core from the southern part of the gulf, the bacterial counts in all the horizonts were much higher than those from the northern part of the Persian Gulf. This agrees with the findings of the geologists, according to which the proportion of carbon compounds in the sediments decreases from south to north. Luminous bacteria were found in many samples of water. Their proportion of the saprophytic flora becomes less from south to north. Most of the water samples also contained pigmented bacteria. On freshwater medium, relatively few bacteria were able to develop. The proportion of these non-halophilic forms amounted up to 7 % (average about 1 %) of the total saprophytic count, in 22 samples examined. In this group the pigmented forms played a very large role. A comparison of the distribution of saprophytic bacteria in the eastern Persian Gulf with that in other inland seas such as the North Sea and the Baltic Sea shows, that the saprophytic counts in the subtropical Persian Gulf (arid region) lie clearly below those in corresponding sea areas of the temperate zones (humid region). This is to be attributed above all to the greater flow of organic nutrients into the latter.


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We demonstrate that changes in the behavior of the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) prior to and through the last deglaciation played an important role in promoting Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC). Estimation of past MOW salt and heat fluxes indicates that they gradually increased through the last deglaciation. Between 17.5 and 14.6 thousand years ago (ka B.P., where B.P. references year 1950), net evaporation from the Mediterranean exported sufficient fresh water from the North Atlantic catchment to cause an average salinity increase of 0.5 psu throughout the upper 2000 m of the entire North Atlantic to the north of 25°N. Combined with rapid intensification and shoaling of the MOW plume, which we identify around 15-14.5 ka B.P., this deglacial MOW-related salt accumulation preconditioned the North Atlantic for abrupt resumption of the MOC at 14.6 ka B.P.


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Nitrogen isotopes of chlorins, degradation products of chlorophyll, reflect the isotopic composition of nutrient N utilized by marine phytoplankton communities. Here we show that in sediments of the eastern Mediterranean Pleistocene and Holocene, values of d15N for chlorins and total nitrogen vary in concert, with a consistent offset of ~5 per mil reflecting the fractionation imparted during chlorophyll biosynthesis. Samples from the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Sites 964 and 969 were analyzed at a sampling resolution of ~4-10 cm, clustered around sapropel events 2, 3, 4 and 5 (~100-170 ka). In low organic content sediments, chlorin values of ~0 per mil coincident with total nitrogen values of ~+ 5 per mil indicate that the latter reflects the original biomass and is not a consequence of diagenetic isotope enrichment. In sapropel horizons, the chlorin and total nitrogen values are 5 per mil more negative (~-5 per mil and ~ 0 per mil, respectively), resembling previously-reported, modern-day water-column particulates (~0 per mil). We suggest that nutrient conditions in the Eastern Mediterranean correspond to three scenarios and that the similarity between sapropel and modern-day bulk d15N is coincidental. Organic-poor marl sediments formed under oligotrophic conditions where surface productivity resulted from upwelling of Atlantic-sourced nitrate. Sapropels were characterized by enhanced diazotrophy that was likely fueled by increased riverine P fluxes to surface waters. Present-day conditions are dominated by anthropogenic N sources. These scenarios agree with a model of sapropel formation in which stratification caused by increased fresh-water inputs led to N fixation due to P:N nutrient imbalance. Enhanced production combined with stratification promoted and maintained anoxic deep waters, consequently increasing organic matter preservation. Such a model may be relevant to interpreting other episodes of intense organic matter deposition in past oceans.


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Beach and salt marsh vegetation of the Uummannaq District, northern West Greenland (c. 70°15' N - 72° N, 49° W - 54° W) was studied 1998 according to the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological approach. Habitat analyses included soil chemistry. Such vegetation locally occurs and is not developed over extensive areas. On gravely stony beaches a Mertensia maritima ssp. maritima community occurs, while a Honckenya peploides var. diffusa community is confined to sandy beaches. The association Honckenyo diffusae-Elymetum mollis Thannh. 1975 is confined to sandy shore walls and low dunes. All vegetation types are assigned to the alliance Honckenyo- Elymion arenariae Tx. 1966, which again is a unit of the order Honckenyo- Elymetalia arenariae Tx. 1966, which is sub ordered to the class Honckenyo-Elymetea arenariae Tx. 1966. On fine sediments along sheltered coasts salt marsh vegetation is locally developed mainly on fiord deltas and outwash plains of small rivers and streams. A distinct zonation pattern in vegetation can be observed from the lower to upper salt marsh: Puccinellietum phryganodis Hadac 1946 association, Caricetum subspathaceae Hadac 1946 association, Caricetum ursinae Hadac 1946 association (all assigned to the alliance Puccinellion phryganodis Hadac 1946) and Festuco-Caricetum glareosae Nordh. 1954 association (assigned to the alliance Armerion maritimae Br.-Bl. et de Leeuw 1936). Both alliances are units of the order Glauco- Puccinellietalia Beeftink et Westhoff in Beeftink 1965, which is assigned to the class Asteretea tripolii Westhoff et Beeftink in Beeftink 1962. TWINSPAN and CCA support the vegetation classification and the CCA with soil chemistry parameters shows that salinity (related to position above MHW) and Ncontent are strongly correlated with the floristical differentiation of the vegetation of the Honckenyo-Elymetea class. In the Asteretea tripolii class, position above MHW (negatively correlated with pH, conductivity and Clcontent) and fresh water supply are likely the main factors, which affect vegetation differentiation. A synoptic survey of vegetation types from Greenland based on published phytosociological tables is presented and distribution of the vegetation types is addressed, just as their position in a circumpolar context. Moreover a Cochlearia groenlandica-Melandrium triflorum community is described as a new vegetation type, occurring on shallow soil on cliffs influenced by salt spray.