964 resultados para experimental work


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The strain used in this work was a Salmonella enterica subsp enterica serovar Kottbus (6,8:e,h:1,5) isolated from imported day-old ducklings in Laboratório Nacional Agropecuário (LANAGRO/SP) of the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil (MAPA). In view of the lack of information available about this Salmonella isolate and also because it was detected in day-old imported birds, this study was carried out to investigate the dissemination of S. Kottbus among newly hatched chicks. The birds were placed in three groups: one group of 20 birds received 0.1 mL of S. Kottbus culture containing 1.2 x 10(8) CFU/mL, the second group of 20 birds was inoculated with 1.2 x 10(5) CFU/mL and the third group of 10 birds was untreated (control group). Results were similar for both infected groups. The bacterium was recovered from cloacal swabs collected from the first day following the experimental infection until the end of the trial (42 days post-inoculation). At 15 and 42 days post-inoculation (dpi), half of the birds of each group were killed for bacteriological examination of cecal contents, liver and spleen. At 15 dpi, viable cell counts of S. Kottbus were obtained in all kinds of samples. At 42 dpi, Salmonella was present in the liver and spleen of few birds, but in large amounts in the cecal contents of almost all birds.


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This work presents a theoretical and numerical analysis of structures using frequency selective surfaces applied on patch antennas. The FDTD method is used to determine the time domain reflected fields. Applications of frequency selective surfaces and patch antennas cover a wide area of telecommunications, especially mobile communications, filters and WB antennas. scattering parameters are obteained from Fourier Transformer of transmited and reflected fields in time domain. The PML are used as absorbing boundary condition, allowing the determination of the fields with a small interference of reflections from discretized limit space. Rectangular patches are considered on dielectric layer and fed by microstrip line. Frequency selective surfaces with periodic and quasi-periodic structures are analyzed on both sides of antenna. A literature review of the use of frequency selective surfaces in patch antennas are also performed. Numerical results are also compared with measured results for return loss of analyzed structures. It is also presented suggestions of continuity to this work


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This work describes the experimental implementation of a shunt active power filter applied to a three-phase induction generator. The control strategy of active filter turned to the excitation control of the machine and to decrease the harmonics in the generator output current. Involved the implementation of a digital PWM switching, and was made a comparison of two techniques for obtaining the reference currents. The first technique is based on the synchronous dq reference method and the second on the theory of instantaneous power. The comparison is performed via simulation and experimental results. To obtain the experimental results, was mounted a bench trial and the control and communications needed were implemented using DSP - MS320F2812. The simulation results and experimental data proved the efficiency of the filter to apply, highlighting the technique of instantaneous power


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The Ethernet technology dominates the market of computer local networks. However, it was not been established as technology for industrial automation set, where the requirements demand determinism and real-time performance. Many solutions have been proposed to solve the problem of non-determinism, which are based mainly on TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access), Token Passing and Master-Slave. This work of research carries through measured of performance that allows to compare the behavior of the Ethernet nets when submitted with the transmissions of data on protocols UDP and RAW Ethernet, as well as, on three different types of Ethernet technologies. The objective is to identify to the alternative amongst the protocols and analyzed Ethernet technologies that offer to a more satisfactory support the nets of the industrial automation and distributed real-time application


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The present work had as objective to apply an experimental planning aiming at to improve the efficiency of separation of a new type of mixer-settler applied to treat waste water contaminated with oil. An unity in scale of laboratory, was installed in the Post-graduation Program of Chemical Engineering of UFRN. It was constructed in partnership with Petrobras S.A. This called device Misturador-Decantador a Inversão de Fases (MDIF) , possess features of conventional mixer-settler and spray column type. The equipment is composed of three main parts: mixing chamber; chamber of decantation and chamber of separation. The efficiency of separation is evaluated analyzing the oil concentrations in water in the feed and the output of the device. For the analysis one used the gravimetric method of oil and greases analysis (TOG). The system in study is a water of formation emulsified with oil. The used extractant is a mixture of Turpentine spirit hydro-carbons, supplied for Petrobras. It was applied, for otimization of the efficiency of separation of the equipment, an experimental planning of the composite central type, having as factorial portion fractionary factorial planning 2 5-2, with the magnifying of the type star and five replications in the central point. In this work, the following independents variables were studied: contents of oil in the feed of the device; volumetric ratio (O/A); total flowrate ; agitation in the mixing chamber and height of the organic bed. Minimum and maximum limits for the studied variables had been fixed according previous works. The analysis of variance for the equation of the empirical model, revealed statistically significant and useful results for predictions ends. The variance analysis also presented the distribution of the error as a normal distribution and was observed that as the dispersions do not depend on the levels of the factors, the independence assumption can be verified. The variation around the average is explained by 98.98%, or either, equal to the maximum value, being the smoothing of the model in relation to the experimental points of 0,98981. The results present a strong interaction between the variable oil contents in the feed and agitation in the mixing chamber, having great and positive influence in the separation efficiency. Another variable that presented a great positive influence was the height of the organic bed. The best results of separation efficiency had been obtained for high flowrates when associates the high oil concentrations and high agitation. The results of the present work had shown excellent agreement with the results carried out through previous works with the mixer-settler of phase inversion


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um kit experimental para avaliações de repelência, deterrência à oviposição e atividade inseticida a adultos de mosca-branca, Bemisia tabaci biótipo B. O kit, constituído de arenas e nebulizador, foi eficaz para realização dos bioensaios, e a aplicação de extratos aquosos com o inalador foi adequada. As técnicas são simples, baratas e podem contribuir para as pesquisas com este inseto.


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This work aims to determine a better methodology to help predicting some operational parameters to a new design of mixer-settler on treating wastewater produced by petroleum industry, called MDIF (Misturador-Decantador à Inversão de Fases/ Mixer-Settler based on Phase Inversion MSPI). The data from this research were obtained from the wastewater treatment unit, called MSPI-TU, installed on a wastewater treatment plant (WTP) of PETROBRAS/UO-RNCE. The importance in determining the better methodology to predict the results of separation and extraction efficiency of the equipment, contributes significantly to determine the optimum operating variables for the control of the unit. The study was based on a comparison among the experimental efficiency (E) obtained by operating MSPI-TU, the efficiency obtained by experimental design equation (Eplan) from the software Statistica Experimental Design® (version 7.0), and the other obtained from a modeling equation based on a dimensional analysis (Ecalc). The results shows that the experimental design equation gives a good prediction of the unit efficiencies with better data reliability, regarding to the condition before a run operation. The average deviation between the proposed by statistic planning model equation and experimental data was 0.13%. On the other hand, the efficiency calculated by the equation which represents the dimensional analysis, may result on important relative deviations (up 70%). Thus, the experimental design is confirmed as a reliable tool, with regard the experimental data processing of the MSPI-TU


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In this work, we describe an experimental setup in which an electric current is used to determine the angular velocity attained by a plate rotating around a shaft in response to a torque applied for a given period. Based on this information, we show how the moment of inertia of a plate can be determined using a procedure that differs considerably from the ones most commonly used, which generally involve time measurements. Some experimental results are also presented which allow one to determine parameters such as the exponents and constant of the conventional equation of a plate's moment of inertia.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) has diverse potential applications, and many groups work in the development of tools and techniques for monitoring structural performance. These systems use arrays of sensors and can be integrated with remote or local computers. There are several different approaches that can be used to obtain information about the existence, location and extension of faults by non destructive tests. In this paper an experimental technique is proposed for damage location based on an observability grammian matrix. The dynamic properties of the structure are identified through experimental data using the eigensystem realization algorithm (ERA). Experimental tests were carried out in a structure through varying the mass of some elements. Output signals were obtained using accelerometers.


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Due to great difficulty of accurate solution of Combinatorial Optimization Problems, some heuristic methods have been developed and during many years, the analysis of performance of these approaches was not carried through in a systematic way. The proposal of this work is to make a statistical analysis of heuristic approaches to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The focus of the analysis is to evaluate the performance of each approach in relation to the necessary computational time until the attainment of the optimal solution for one determined instance of the TSP. Survival Analysis, assisted by methods for the hypothesis test of the equality between survival functions was used. The evaluated approaches were divided in three classes: Lin-Kernighan Algorithms, Evolutionary Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimization. Beyond those approaches, it was enclosed in the analysis, a memetic algorithm (for symmetric and asymmetric TSP instances) that utilizes the Lin-Kernighan heuristics as its local search procedure


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O pinçamento infra-renal da aorta abdominal pode produzir alterações hemodinâmicas. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do halotano, isoflurano e sevoflurano sobre a função cardiovascular, em cães submetidos à pinçamento aórtico infra-renal. MÉTODO: O estudo aleatório foi realizado em 30 cães, distribuídos em três grupos, de acordo com o anestésico halogenado utilizado durante a anestesia, em concentrações equipotentes de 0,75 CAM: GH (n=10) - halotano a 0,67%; GI (n=10) - isoflurano a 0,96%; e GS (n=10) - sevoflurano a 1,8%. em todos os animais foi realizada ligadura infra-renal da aorta, por período de 30 min. Os atributos hemodinâmicos foram estudados nos momentos: C (Controle), Ao15 e Ao30, respectivamente após 15 e 30 minutos do pinçamento aórtico, e DAo e DAo15, respectivamente, imediatamente e após 15 min do despinçamento aórtico. RESULTADOS: Durante o pinçamento aórtico houve, em todos os grupos, aumento das pressões arterial média e do átrio direito, e dos índices cardíaco, sistólico e de trabalho sistólico dos ventrículos direito e esquerdo. A pressão da artéria pulmonar aumentou em GI e GS e a pressão pulmonar ocluída em GH e GI. Após o despinçamento aórtico, houve normalização dos atributos que haviam se elevado, com exceção dos índices cardíaco e sistólico, que continuaram elevados, acompanhados de diminuição do índice de resistência vascular sistêmica. Não houve diferença significante entre os grupos em relação aos atributos estudados, com exceção da freqüência cardíaca que foi sempre menor em GH, em relação aos demais grupos, durante o pinçamento e despinçamento aórtico. CONCLUSÕES: No cão, nas condições experimentais empregadas, a inalação do halotano, isoflurano e sevoflurano em concentrações equipotentes (0,75 CAM) não atenua as respostas cardiovasculares ao pinçamento aórtico infra-renal.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O pinçamento aórtico infra-renal pode determinar alterações cardiovasculares. A clonidina, um alfa2-agonista, determina bradicardia e diminuição da pressão arterial. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da clonidina sobre a função cardiovascular, em cães submetidos a pinçamento aórtico infra-renal. MÉTODO: O estudo aleatório foi realizado em 16 cães, distribuídos em dois grupos: G Controle - sem a utilização de clonidina e G Clon - clonidina, na dose inicial de 5 µg.kg-1, por via venosa, imediatamente antes do pinçamento aórtico infra-renal, seguido de 2 µg.min-1.m² até o final do estudo. em todos os animais foi realizada ligadura infra-renal da aorta, por 45 minutos. Os atributos hemodinâmicos foram estudados nos momentos C (controle), após 10 (Ao10) e 25 (Ao25) minutos do pinçamento aórtico, e após 10 (DAo10) e 25 (DAo25) minutos do despinçamento aórtico. RESULTADOS: Durante o pinçamento aórtico, houve diferença significante entre os grupos, em relação à freqüência cardíaca, pressão arterial média e índice cardíaco (G Controle > G Clon). Após o despinçamento aórtico houve diferença significante entre os grupos, em relação à freqüência cardíaca (G Controle > G Clon) e pressões do átrio direito e da artéria pulmonar ocluída (G Clon > G Controle). Durante o pinçamento aórtico, houve nos dois grupos, aumento significante das pressões de átrio direito e artéria pulmonar ocluída, dos índices sistólico e do trabalho sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo, e diminuição do índice de resistência vascular pulmonar. No grupo controle houve aumento significante das pressões arterial média e da artéria pulmonar, e dos índices cardíaco e do trabalho sistólico do ventrículo direito. No grupo clonidina, houve diminuição significante da freqüência cardíaca. Após o despinçamento aórtico, houve nos dois grupos: diminuição significante da freqüência cardíaca e pressão arterial média, enquanto os valores das pressões do átrio direito e índice sistólico continuaram elevados. No grupo controle, os valores do índice de trabalho sistólico do ventrículo direito continuaram elevados enquanto os valores do índice cardíaco retornaram a valores próximos aos do controle. No grupo clonidina, os valores das pressões do átrio direito e da artéria pulmonar ocluída, e o índice sistólico, continuaram significantemente elevados. CONCLUSÕES: No cão, nas condições experimentais empregadas, a administração venosa contínua de clonidina atenua as respostas cardiovasculares decorrentes do pinçamento aórtico infra-renal.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Diversos modelos experimentais têm sido utilizados para ilustrar as alterações hemodinâmicas e metabólicas que ocorrem durante o choque hemorrágico. O objetivo da pesquisa é o de observar os comportamentos hemodinâmicos e metabólicos que acontecem em um modelo seqüencial e progressivo de choque hemorrágico no cão, verificando quais índices alteram-se mais precocemente. MÉTODO: O estudo foi realizado em 13 cães sob anestesia venosa total com pentobarbital sódico, em normoventilação e previamente esplenectomizados. Os animais não foram hidratados e a velocidade do sangramento foi ditada pela pressão arterial em que o animal se encontrava. Os atributos estudados foram divididos em hemodinâmicos (freqüência cardíaca - FC, pressão arterial média - PAM, índice de resistência vascular sistêmica - IRVS, índice sistólico - IS, índice cardíaco - IC, índice de choque - I.choque, índice de trabalho sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo - ITSVE, pressão capilar pulmonar - PCP, pressão venosa central - PVC) e metabólicos (saturação venosa mista - SvO2, pressão venosa de oxigênio - PvO2, transporte de oxigênio - DO2, consumo de oxigênio - VO2, extração de oxigênio - TEO2, lactato sérico). A coleta de dados e os atributos foram estudados em 6 momentos distintos, sendo M1, o momento controle e os outros momentos correspondentes a decréscimos gradativos de 10% da volemia calculada para cada animal. RESULTADOS: A hemorragia determinou diminuição significativa da FC somente em M6; queda da PAM, IC, IS e ITSVE a cada momento estudado; discreta alteração da PVC e PCP em cada momento; diminuição da PvO2 e da SvO2 nos momentos estudados; redução do DO2, estabilização do VO2 e elevação da TEO2 nos momentos; o índice de choque apresentou elevação até M3, diminuição em M4 e nova elevação até M6; o IRVS elevou-se até M6, ficou inalterado em M5 e apresentou diminuição significativa em M6; o lactato apresentou elevações a partir de M5 e M6. CONCLUSÕES: Considerou-se que a pressão arterial média, freqüência cardíaca, pressão venosa central e pressão capilar pulmonar não refletem o real estado volêmico dos cães no nosso modelo experimental e que o transporte, consumo e a taxa de extração de oxigênio são parâmetros úteis na determinação da reversibilidade e prognóstico do choque hemorrágico.