947 resultados para epistemological


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Better access to knowledge and knowledge production has to be reconsidered as key to successful individual and social mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change. Indeed, concepts of sustainable development imply a transformation of science (Lubchenco 1998; WBGU 2011 and 2012) towards fostering democratisation of knowledge production as a contribution to the development of knowledge societies as a strategic goal (UNESCO 2005). This means to open the process of scientific knowledge production while simultaneously empowering people to implement their own visions for sustainable development. Advocates of sustainability science support this transformation. In transdisciplinary practice, they advance equity and accountability in the access to and production of knowledge at the science–society interface (Hirsch Hadorn et al 2006; Hirsch Hadorn et al 2008; Jäger 2009; Adger and Jordan 2009; KFPE 2012). UNESCO (2010) points to advancements, yet Northern dominance persists in knowledge production as well as in technology design and transfer (Standing and Taylor 2007; Zingerli 2010). Further, transdisciplinary practice remains experimental and hampered by inadequate and asymmetrically equipped institutions in the North and South and related epistemological and operational obscurity (Wiesmann et al 2011). To help identify clear, practicable transdisciplinary approaches, I recommend examining the institutional route (Mukhopadhyay et al 2006) – i.e., the learning and adaptation process – followed in concrete cases. The transdisciplinary Eastern and Southern Africa Partnership Programme (1998–2013) is a case ripe for such examination. Understanding transdisciplinarity as an integrative approach (Pohl et al 2008; Stock and Burton 2011), I highlight ESAPP’s three key principles for a more democratised knowledge production for sustainable development: (1) integration of scientific and “non-scientific” knowledge systems; (2) integration of social actors and institutions; and (3) integrative learning processes. The analysis reveals ESAPP’s achievements in contributing to more democratic knowledge production and South ownership in the realm of sustainable development.


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Although transdisciplinary research has started addressing important epistemological challenges, as evidenced by the discussion about ‘mode 2’ knowledge production, its relation with postulations of ‘scientific objectivity’ is not yet well clarified. A common way of dealing with the epistemological challenge of situated knowledge production, as proposed by transdisciplinarity, is to point to the fundamental aspect of reflexivity. But reflexivity also includes being aware that power and control over the object is derived from the social position of researchers, an issue not often explicitly discussed in transdisciplinary research. Reflexivity thus represents an important but insufficient principle for guaranteeing appropriate levels of self-reflection within a process of knowledge coproduction. We therefore hypothesize that transdisciplinary research could greatly benefit from feminist scientific tradition, in particular the insights of standpoint theory and the concept of ‘strong objectivity’. We analyse, and reflect upon, how a recent transdisciplinary research initiative – conducted together with civil society organizations in (CSOs) in six countries: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ecuador and India – has benefited from the use of ‘strong objectivity’. We analyse how the social position of all stakeholders, including ourselves as the scientific actors in this initiative, influence the process and conditions of transdisciplinary knowledge co-production, and we discuss how power and control by scientists affects the process and conditions of interaction. Thereby we argue for the necessity of explicitly assuming sides in contested contexts for reaching objectivity in transdisciplinary research.


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Endogenous development is defined as development that values primarily locally available resources and the way people organized themselves for that purpose. It is a dynamic and evolving concept that also embraces innovations and complementation from other than endogenous sources of knowledge; however, only as far as they are based on mutual respect and the recognition of cultural and socioeconomic self-determination of each of the parties involved. Experiences that have been systematized in the context of the BioAndes Program are demonstrating that enhancing food security and food sovereignty on the basis of endogenous development can be best achieved by applying a ‘biocultural’ perspective: This means to promote and support actions that are simultaneously valuing biological (fauna, flora, soils, or agrobiodiversity) and sociocultural resources (forms of social organization, local knowledge and skills, norms, and the related worldviews). In Bolivia, that is one of the Latin-American countries with the highest levels of poverty (79% of the rural population) and undernourishment (22% of the total population), the Program BioAndes promotes food sovereignty and food security by revitalizing the knowledge of Andean indigenous people and strengthening their livelihood strategies. This starts by recognizing that Andean people have developed complex strategies to constantly adapt to highly diverse and changing socioenvironmental conditions. These strategies are characterized by organizing the communities, land use and livelihoods along a vertical gradient of the available eco-climatic zones; the resulting agricultural systems are evolving around the own sociocultural values of reciprocity and mutual cooperation, giving thus access to an extensive variety of food, fiber and energy sources. As the influences of markets, competition or individualization are increasingly affecting the life in the communities, people became aware of the need to find a new balance between endogenous and exogenous forms of knowledge. In this context, BioAndes starts by recognizing the wealth and potentials of local practices and aims to integrate its actions into the ongoing endogenous processes of innovation and adaptation. In order to avoid external impositions and biases, the program intervenes on the basis of a dialogue between exogenous, mainly scientific, and indigenous forms of knowledge. The paper presents an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of enhancing endogenous development through a dialogue between scientific and indigenous knowledge by specifically focusing on its effects on food sovereignty and food security in three ‘biocultural’ rural areas of the Bolivian highlands. The paper shows how the dialogue between different forms of knowledge evolved alongside the following project activities: 1) recuperation and renovation of local seeds and crop varieties (potato – Solanum spp., quinoa – Chenopodium quinoa, cañahua – Chenopodium pallidicaule); 2) support for the elaboration of community-based norms and regulations for governing access and distribution of non-timber forest products, such as medicinal, fodder, and construction plants; 3) revitalization of ethnoveterinary knowledge for sheep and llama breeding; 4) improvement of local knowledge about the transformation of food products (sheep-cheese, lacayote – Cucurbita sp. - jam, dried llama meat, fours of cañahua and other Andean crops). The implementation of these activities fostered the community-based livelihoods of indigenous people by complementing them with carefully and jointly designed innovations based on internal and external sources of knowledge and resources. Through this process, the epistemological and ontological basis that underlies local practices was made visible. On this basis, local and external actors started to jointly define a renewed concept of food security and food sovereignty that, while oriented in the notions of well being according to a collectively re-crafted world view, was incorporating external contributions as well. Enabling and hindering factors, actors and conditions of these processes are discussed in the paper.


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Viktor von Weizsäcker has been a German medical doctor and philosopher, well known throughout Europe, but hardly received in the Anglo-American culture. He focusses on the crucial epistemological question how one can conduct research on living beings. The article’s title represents a key quote of his opus magnum “Der Gestaltkreis”, which works out a theory of the unity of perception and motion. According to Viktor von Weizsäcker, one cannot separate the two, meaning that we locate ourselves in a fundamental union with the living world, which has lasting influence on our capacity of perception. This idea does not seem too different from Ian Barbour’s idea about critical realism, exploring a “consciousness of ourselves as arising out of rapport, interconnection and participation in processes reaching beyond ourselves.” Both authors, Viktor von Weizsäcker and Ian Barbour, still have lasting influence on the dialog between religion and science, each in their respective cultures – a further reason to compare their core ideas, after presenting Viktor von Weizsäcker’s life and thought. Finally, the theological impact of von Weizsäcker’s thought will be assessed. Following his philosophy, it becomes clear that the miracle of creation is the condition of the possibility of any perception.


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This article introduces the emic–etic debate in the scientific study of religion\s and provides a frame for the special issue’s six articles on the topic. Departing from the broader debate’s early history in the 1960s, this article contextualizes the emic–etic debate and locates its point of entry into the scientific study of religion\s in the 1980s. This article argues that in the course of the debate the insider–outsider and emic–etic complexes have become entangled. In order to facilitate an understanding of the debate, this article maintains that the emic–etic debate in the scientific study of religion\s touches upon three central dimensions (existential–political, methodologi- cal, and epistemological). In order to move toward a clearer methodological and epis- temological framework, this article furthermore proposes an iterative model that locates insider–outsider at the level of observers and emic–etic at the level of categories.


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In this article I argue that the shift from a private to a public–social understanding of religion raises new ontological and epistemological questions for the scientific study of religion\s. These questions are deeply related to three central features of the emic– etic debate, namely the problems of intentionality, objectivity, and comparison. Focusing on these interrelated issues, I discuss the potential of John Searle’s philoso- phy of society for the scientific study of religion\s. Considering the role of intentional- ity at the social level, I present Searle’s concept of “social ontology” and discuss its epistemological implications. To clarify Searle’s position regarding the objectivity of the social sciences, I propose a heuristic model contrasting different stances within the scientific study of religion\s. Finally, I explore some problematic aspects of Searle’s views for a comparative study of religion\s, and sketch a solution within his frame- work. I shall argue that a distinction between the epistemological and ontological dimensions of religious affairs would help clarify the issues at stake in the past and future of the emic–etic debate.


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The Roman Jakobson’s criticism of the Saussurean langue/parole distinction, in his La théorie saussurienne en retrospection, is based on the acceptance of a given object in Bachelard’s sense: the language (langage) as a complex unity which we only have to analyze. It contains no theorization of langue as a norm. On the contrary, the Saussurean langue/parole distinction is at the same time epistemological and theoretical: It amounts to delimiting an object in the whole language (langage) and to theorizing the dimension of communication which is inherent to human language. Thus, the Saussurean distinction appears to be at the foundation of the theorization of langue, which founds linguistics, but whose necessity is dissimulated, in a linguistic theory like Jakobson’s, by the language(langage) as a given object and the langue/parole problematics following from it.


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El artículo despliega y expone los principales puntos de una investigación realizada a pedido de CONEAU (Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria) sobre las primeras experiencias de evaluación de universidades en el país. Ello permite advertir algunas falencias que resultan comunes a la experiencia internacional en el área, con la cual se ha contrastado la de Argentina: tal el caso de la pretendida neutralidad de los índices desde el punto de vista epistemológico, de la no evaluación de los resultados de las evaluaciones lo cual lleva a que ellos se hagan irrelevantes-, o la suposición tecnocrática de neutralidad ideológico-política de los procedimientos de evaluación. El artículo muestra en qué medida tales problemas no son casuales, sino responden a la ubicación de la evaluación de las universidades dentro de las políticas de reforma del estado surgidas en el repertorio neoliberal.


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Se examinan los escritos axiológicos de Augusto Salazar Bondy producidos entre 1965 y 1970, en los que predomina el análisis del lenguaje como criterio epistemológico y metodológico. Se señala el aprovechamiento de la metodología analítica por parte del peruano, así como los aspectos en que se separa de la filosofía moral británica y del primer Wittgenstein. Se consideran los aportes en relación a la caracterización de la experiencia del valor, el sentido del lenguaje valorativo y la fundamentación de los valores. Se destaca, para concluir, la concepción de los valores como categorías del obrar y la historicidad de la experiencia valorativa.


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La presente tesis pretende mostrar cómo lo místico se vertebra en la filosofía siendo lo antropológico lo que opera dicha vertebración tomando como referente la tensión hacia lo absoluto que hay en cada ser humano. La propuesta se diseña en dos grandes bloques: el primero despeja la raigambre del elemento místico en contrapunto con la historia de la racionalidad, repartido en cuatro capítulos que analizan la fenomenología del hecho místico desde la noticia histórico-discursiva y su necesaria hermenéutica, desarrollo que conduce a dos instancias cruciales: el aparente dilema racionalidad-misticismo y la consecuente validación epistemológica del análisis relacional situado en el umbral mística-filosofía. El segundo bloque consta de cinco capítulos que parten de una breve relevamiento del manantial místico que operó de fuente en que abrevaron los cuatro filósofos seleccionados – Unamuno, Bergson, Stein y Mounier – para poder así desarrollar adecuadamente sus propuestas insistiendo en el ángulo cognitivo que nos aboca. Ambos bloques convergen finalmente en las consideraciones últimas que recogen en cuatro ejes temáticos las instancias decisivas a que nos ha conducido el proceso integral de nuestra indagatoria, proceso donde se hace patente la intrínseca co-referencialidad entre el fenómeno ‘mística’ y el fenómeno ‘hombre’ vertidos en la discursividad filosófica.


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Nuestro trabajo tiene como objetivo aplicar conceptos de la teoría de los sistemas complejos y herramientas del análisis de redes sociales para describir y analizar el surgimiento y la evolución de una red social conformada por científicos, docentes, graduados y funcionarios públicos de diferentes organismos científicos y académicos, que crearon y participaron de un equipo multidisciplinario que elaboró un informe sobre un proyecto de ley de Ordenamiento Territorial y Usos del Suelo de la provincia de Mendoza en el año 2006. Para la compresión de la evolución del proceso de elaboración del proyecto de ley de ordenamiento territorial y de usos del suelo, organizaremos la estructura del trabajo de la siguiente manera: - Primero aplicaremos aspectos teóricos y metodológicos, basados en la sistematización realizada por Rolando García en su libro “Sistemas Complejos. Conceptos, método y fundamentación epistemológica de la investigación interdisciplinaria", para realizar el recorte del sistema objeto de estudio. - En segundo lugar utilizaremos la Teoría de Análisis de Redes Sociales para describir la composición y estructura del sistema (nodos y vínculos) en cada momento. La estructura del sistema en cada momento significativo será graficada por medio el Software Ucinet 6 y NetDraw. - Por último, haremos referencia a las dificultades que tuvo el proceso desde el punto de vista de las condicionalidades que generaban los modelos mentales que portaban los participantes.


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Se intenta esclarecer cómo ciertos factores materiales, en determinados momentos históricos, influyen en el retraso del surgimiento de un corpus teórico que dé cuenta, con la mayor exactitud, de la realidad social. Más precisamente, se pretende evidenciar las condiciones materiales que obstaculizan el surgimiento del concepto de sistema capitalista global, considerando que su objeto real ya estaba plenamente presente hacia la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Para esto se ilustraran algunos esbozos del concepto, elaborados desde la periferia del sistema global que, independientemente de su pertinente enunciación, fueron bloqueados en su desarrollo por condiciones políticas e ideológicas particulares.


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Según la epistemología aristotélica, el acceso cognoscitivo al mundo sensible es variado. Aquí se trata del acceso poético. Aunque Tomás de Aquino no haya comentado la Poética, leyendo otros textos de sus obras podemos averiguar algunas cuestiones que él pensaba acerca de este tipo de conocimiento. Siguiendo las prescripciones epistemológicas de Aristóteles, se analiza al respecto el grado de certeza que el conocimiento poético especulativo detenta y la calidad del objeto que estudia. Leyendo su Poética podemos averiguar cuáles son las cuestiones más importantes a investigar en esta materia y, a continuación, diseñar una posible investigación con la filosofía tomásica, que se apoye en aquella propia de la obra del Estagirita mencionada.


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Nos proponemos en este trabajo tensionar los conceptos de discapacidad, sujeto y educación desde las miradas interdisciplinarias de un equipo que trabaja en una institución de escolaridad especial. Las concepciones epistemológicas que subyacen a las prácticas en la educación especial, como en otros campos, generan acciones y efectos de viejas y nuevas teorías. Revisamos estos supuestos y la naturalización de las prácticas y de las perspectivas. Como equipo hacemos referencia a la necesidad de un proceso permanente de construcción del rol, que permita pensarnos, interactuar, interrogarnos y discutir las diferentes intervenciones institucionales y comunitarias. Así, la conformación interdisciplinaria del equipo nos permite beneficiarnos con una mirada crítica hacia la diversidad y conformar una multiplicidad de observaciones sobre el objeto, lo que implica un capital simbólico muy importante. En éste trabajo es nuestro interés reflexionar acerca de las prácticas interprofesionales en los ámbitos donde se desarrollan los procesos educativos, tendientes a generar procesos de subjetivación y de construcción de ciudadanía posibilitando instancias de autonomía en los alumnos.