948 resultados para elettrofilatura membrane nanofibrose in Nylon 66 CFRP contrasto alla delaminazione test DCB


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The aim of this work is to present the new applications of membrane technology in fat and oil processing, with emphasis on development and applications of the enzymatic membrane reactor and its association with extraction and purification technology by supercritical fluids (SCF). Combining the extraction by SCFs and the separation by membranes allows the integration of extractions reactions with selective separation by membranes through filtration of the supercritical mixture (SCF + extracted solutes). This association provides important energy savings regarding the SCF recompression costs.


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In animal psychology, the open-field (OF) test is a traditional method for studying different aspects of rodent behavior, with thigmotaxis (i.e., wallseeking behavior) being one of the best validated OF parameters employed to measure emotionality. The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the selection response in mice selectively bred for high and low levels of OF thigmotaxis (the HOFT and LOFT lines, respectively). The mice (N = 2048) were selected for 23 generations, resulting in bidirectional phenotypic divergence between the two lines; that is, the HOFT mice were more thigmotactic (i.e., more emotional) than the LOFT mice across the different generations. The origin of the line difference in thigmotaxis was further investigated by using the crossfostering paradigm, with the results suggesting that the divergence between the two lines was primarily innate in origin and not influenced by differing maternal behavior. The stability of the selection trait was examined by testing the animals at different ages as well as in varying conditions. The results indicated that the line difference in thigmotaxis was not affected by age at the time of testing, and it also persisted in the different OF testing situations as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The examination of a possible coselection of other characteristics revealed that the more thigmotactic HOFT mice lived longer than the less thigmotactic LOFT mice. In addition, the HOFT mice tended to rear and explore less than the LOFT mice, supporting the general assumption that emotionality and exploration are inversely related. The two lines did not generally differ in ambulation and defecation, that is, in the traditional OF indexes of emotionality, conforming to the suggestion that emotionality is a multidimensional construct. The effects of sex on different OF parameters were also assessed, with the results suggesting that among the HOFT and LOFT lines, the female mice were more emotional than the male mice. The examination of the temporal changes in the HOFT and LOFT lines’ OF behavior revealed some contradictory findings that also partially conflicted with general assumptions. Although this study did not show prominent differences in maternal responsiveness between the HOFT and LOFT mothers, the results suggested that the line divergence in emotionality was more pronounced in the presence of a pup after parturition than during pregnancy. The present study clearly demonstrates that OF thigmotaxis is a strong characteristic for producing two diverging lines of mice. The difference in thigmotaxis between the selectively bred HOFT and LOFT mice seemed to be a stable and robust feature of these animals, and it appeared to stem from a genetic background.


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In many industries, such as petroleum production, and the petrochemical, metal, food and cosmetics industries, wastewaters containing an emulsion of oil in water are often produced. The emulsions consist of water (up to 90%), oils (mineral, animal, vegetable and synthetic), surfactants and other contaminates. In view of its toxic nature and its deleterious effects on the surrounding environment (soil, water) such wastewater needs to be treated before release into natural water ways. Membrane-based processes have successfully been applied in industrial applications and are considered as possible candidates for the treatment of oily wastewaters. Easy operation, lower cost, and in some cases, the ability to reduce contaminants below existing pollution limits are the main advantages of these systems. The main drawback of membranes is flux decline due tofouling and concentration polarisation. The complexity of oil-containing systems demands complementary studies on issues related to the mitigation of fouling and concentration polarisation in membranebased ultrafiltration. In this thesis the effect of different operating conditions (factors) on ultrafiltration of oily water is studied. Important factors are normally correlated and, therefore, their effect should be studied simultaneously. This work uses a novel approach to study different operating conditions, like pressure, flow velocity, and temperature, and solution properties, like oil concentration (cutting oil, diesel, kerosene), pH, and salt concentration (CaCl2 and NaCl)) in the ultrafiltration of oily water, simultaneously and in a systematic way using an experimental design approach. A hypothesis is developed to describe the interaction between the oil drops, salt and the membrane surface. The optimum conditions for ultrafiltration and the contribution of each factor in the ultrafiltration of oily water are evaluated. It is found that the effect on permeate flux of the various factors studied strongly depended on the type of oil, the type of membrane and the amount of salts. The thesis demonstrates that a system containing oil is very complex, and that fouling and flux decline can be observed even at very low pressures. This means that only the weak form of the critical flux exists for such systems. The cleaning of the fouled membranes and the influence of different parameters (flow velocity, temperature, time, pressure, and chemical concentration (SDS, NaOH)) were evaluated in this study. It was observed that fouling, and consequently cleaning, behaved differently for the studied membranes. Of the membranes studied, the membrane with the lowest propensity for fouling and the most easily cleaned was the regenerated cellulose membrane (C100H). In order to get more information about the interaction between the membrane and the components of the emulsion, a streaming potential study was performed on the membrane. The experiments were carried out at different pH and oil concentration. It was seen that oily water changed the surface charge of the membrane significantly. The surface charge and the streaming potential during different stages of filtration were measured and analysed being a new method for fouling of oil in this thesis. The surface charge varied in different stages of filtration. It was found that the surface charge of a cleaned membrane was not the same as initially; however, the permeability was equal to that of a virgin membrane. The effect of filtration mode was studied by performing the filtration in both cross-flow and deadend mode. The effect of salt on performance was considered in both studies. It was found that salt decreased the permeate flux even at low concentration. To test the effect of hydrophilicity change, the commercial membranes used in this thesis were modified by grafting (PNIPAAm) on their surfaces. A new technique (corona treatment) was used for this modification. The effect of modification on permeate flux and retention was evaluated. The modified membranes changed their pore size around 33oC resulting in different retention and permeability. The obtained results in this thesis can be applied to optimise the operation of a membrane plant under normal or shock conditions or to modify the process such that it becomes more efficient or effective.


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Työssä tutkittiin lämpötilan vaikutusta kalvon likaantumiseen mustalipeällä ja puuperäisellä hydrolysaatilla lämpötiloissa 20, 45 ja 70 °C:tta. Työn tavoitteena oli löytää lämpötila, jossa tutkimuksessa käytetyt puuperäiset liuokset likasivat kalvoja mahdollisimman vähän. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin Alfa Lavalin UFX5-ultrasuodatuskalvoa sekä Microdyn-Nadirin ultrasuodatuskalvoa UP010 ja nanosuodatuskalvoa NP010. Ennen puuperäisten liuosten adsorboimista kalvoihin säilöntäaineet poistettiin kalvoista sekä kalvojen toiminta stabiloitiin esikäsittelemällä kalvot. Esikäsittelyssä kalvoja pestiin alkalisella pesuaineella, puristettiin 8 bar:n paineessa sekä huuhdeltiin vedellä ja etikkahapolla. Esikäsitellyt kalvot karakterisoitiin mittaamalla malliaineliuoksen vuo ja malliaineiden retentiot suodattamalla polyetyleeniglykoliliuosta kolmikennosuodattimella paineissa 2, 4 ja 6 bar. Tämän jälkeen kalvot altistettiin lämpötiloissa 20, 45 ja 70 °C:tta mustalipeälle ja hydrolysaatille. Altistuksen jälkeen karakterisointi tehtiin uudelleen, jotta vuoarvoja ja retentioita vertaamalla voitiin arvioida altistuksen aikana tapahtunutta kalvojen likaantumista. Adsorboituneen lian puhdistusta kalvoista tutkittiin pesemällä kalvoja alkalisella pesuliuoksella 20 °C:ssa tehdyn altistuksen jälkeen. Mustalipeälle altistettujen kalvojen likaantuminen oli vähäisintä kokeissa, joissa lämpötila oli 20 °C. Alfa Lavalin UFX5-kalvolla 70 °C:ssa tehdyssä kokeessa kalvon likaantuminen oli myös erittäin vähäistä, sillä permeabiliteetti pieneni mustalipeäaltistuksen seurauksena alle 5 %. Hydrolysaatille altistetut kalvot likaantuivat adsorptiolla vähiten Alfa Laval UFX5-kalvoilla 20 °C:ssa tehdyissä kokeissa ja 45 °C:ssa Microdyn-Nadir NP010-kalvoilla tehdyissä kokeissa. Kokeiden perusteella tutkituista vaihtoehdoista korkein tutkimuksessa käytetty lämpötila 70 °C ja Alfa Lavalin UFX5-kalvo soveltuvatkin parhaiten mustalipeän kalvosuodatukseen adsorptiivisen likaantumisen kannalta.


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The flow of information within modern information society has increased rapidly over the last decade. The major part of this information flow relies on the individual’s abilities to handle text or speech input. For the majority of us it presents no problems, but there are some individuals who would benefit from other means of conveying information, e.g. signed information flow. During the last decades the new results from various disciplines have all suggested towards the common background and processing for sign and speech and this was one of the key issues that I wanted to investigate further in this thesis. The basis of this thesis is firmly within speech research and that is why I wanted to design analogous test batteries for widely used speech perception tests for signers – to find out whether the results for signers would be the same as in speakers’ perception tests. One of the key findings within biology – and more precisely its effects on speech and communication research – is the mirror neuron system. That finding has enabled us to form new theories about evolution of communication, and it all seems to converge on the hypothesis that all communication has a common core within humans. In this thesis speech and sign are discussed as equal and analogical counterparts of communication and all research methods used in speech are modified for sign. Both speech and sign are thus investigated using similar test batteries. Furthermore, both production and perception of speech and sign are studied separately. An additional framework for studying production is given by gesture research using cry sounds. Results of cry sound research are then compared to results from children acquiring sign language. These results show that individuality manifests itself from very early on in human development. Articulation in adults, both in speech and sign, is studied from two perspectives: normal production and re-learning production when the apparatus has been changed. Normal production is studied both in speech and sign and the effects of changed articulation are studied with regards to speech. Both these studies are done by using carrier sentences. Furthermore, sign production is studied giving the informants possibility for spontaneous speech. The production data from the signing informants is also used as the basis for input in the sign synthesis stimuli used in sign perception test battery. Speech and sign perception were studied using the informants’ answers to questions using forced choice in identification and discrimination tasks. These answers were then compared across language modalities. Three different informant groups participated in the sign perception tests: native signers, sign language interpreters and Finnish adults with no knowledge of any signed language. This gave a chance to investigate which of the characteristics found in the results were due to the language per se and which were due to the changes in modality itself. As the analogous test batteries yielded similar results over different informant groups, some common threads of results could be observed. Starting from very early on in acquiring speech and sign the results were highly individual. However, the results were the same within one individual when the same test was repeated. This individuality of results represented along same patterns across different language modalities and - in some occasions - across language groups. As both modalities yield similar answers to analogous study questions, this has lead us to providing methods for basic input for sign language applications, i.e. signing avatars. This has also given us answers to questions on precision of the animation and intelligibility for the users – what are the parameters that govern intelligibility of synthesised speech or sign and how precise must the animation or synthetic speech be in order for it to be intelligible. The results also give additional support to the well-known fact that intelligibility in fact is not the same as naturalness. In some cases, as shown within the sign perception test battery design, naturalness decreases intelligibility. This also has to be taken into consideration when designing applications. All in all, results from each of the test batteries, be they for signers or speakers, yield strikingly similar patterns, which would indicate yet further support for the common core for all human communication. Thus, we can modify and deepen the phonetic framework models for human communication based on the knowledge obtained from the results of the test batteries within this thesis.


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AB STRACT This study aimed at evaluating the natural durability of Eucalyptus dunnii, Eucalyptus robusta, Eucalyptus tereticornis and Hovenia dulcis woods submitted to a deterioration test in two environments, field and forest. The test samples were buried until half of their length (150 mm). Evaluations were carried out each 45 days, totalizing a 405-day period, with three-repetition withdrawal of each species for environment, totalizing nine samples from each environment, making up 24 test samples for evaluation. After percentage calculations of mass loss and resistance degree classification, the deterioration index was adopted for decomposition evaluation and fungal decay potential determination of test samples. The study has been carried out in completely randomized design (CRD), evaluated through analysis of variance (ANOVA) with subsequent comparison of means by Turkey' s test, in a 5%-level of probability of error, along with regression analysis. Eucalyptus tereticornis wood presented lesser mass loss in both environments. Hovenia dulcis presented lesser deterioration probability in both environments. Forest environment test samples presented greater mass loss percentages and lesser deterioration index.


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Tuberculosis is an extremely common chronic disease in developing countries, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The principal target organ is the lung, causing focal necrosis and destruction. In about 12% of cases, extrapulmonary dissemination involving the gastrointestinal system occurs. The pancreas is involved in about 0,25% of all cases of disseminated tuberculosis, but its isolated involvement is a medical curiosity. In the last years, with the advent of AIDS, extrapulmonary dissemination and atypical abdominal presentation has increased. We report a case of pancreatic tuberculosis in a 66-year-old patient, with no previous history of pulmonary tuberculosis or immunocompromised state in whom the diagnosis was made by CT-guided skin needle biopsy. After clinical treatment with current antibiotic therapy, the patient recovered well.


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin biomassahydrolysaatilla liattujen ultrasuodatusmembraanien pesua. Työn kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään membraanien likaantumista ja pesua, puuperäistä biomassahydrolysaattia sekä biomassahydrolysaatin suodatusta membraaneilla ja membraanien karakterisointia. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin pesuaineiden vaikutusta koivuhydrolysaatilla liattujen membraanien peseytyvyyteen. Käytetyt ultrasuodatusmembraanit olivat Alfa Lavalin UFX5 ja ETNA01PP. Membraanien pesussa käytettiin Ecolabin entsymaattisia P3-ultrasil 53 ja P3-ultrasil 67 pesuaineita yhdessä emäksisen P3-ultrasil 69 pesuaineen kanssa sekä hapanta P3-ultrasil 75 pesuainetta. Lisäksi emäksisiä P3-ultrasil 110, P3-ultrasil 112 ja P3-ultrasil 115 pesuaineita. Emäksisten pesujen tehokkuutta vertailtiin pelkällä natriumhydroksidilla tehtyyn pesuun. Membraanien likaantumista arvioitiin mittaamalla puhtaan veden vuota ennen ja jälkeen likaantumissuodatuksen ja laskemalla niiden vuoarvojen erotus. Samalla tavalla arvioitiin pesuaineiden vaikutusta membraanin peseytyvyyteen. Lisäksi peseytyvyyttä arvioitiin FTIR–analyyseillä, kontaktikulmamittauksilla ja membraanin sisältämän ligniinin värjäyksellä. Tutkimuksissa havaittiin, että koivuhydrolysaatilla liatuille UFX5 membraaneille vesivuon sekä FTIR–spektrin muuttumisen perusteella sopii parhaiten emäksisen ja happaman pesuaineen kaksivaiheinen pesu. Kontaktikulman palautumisen perusteella parhaiten sopi pelkällä emäksisellä P3-Ultrasil 115 tehty pesu. Ligniiniä parhaiten, mikroskooppiin liitetyllä kameralla otettujen kuvien perusteella, poisti entsymaattinen P3-ultrasil 67, mutta tämä samalla modifioi membraanin pintaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että emäksinen ja entsymaattinen pesuaine pesevät melko hyvin koivuhydrolysaatilla liattuja membraaneja. Lisäksi havaittiin, että ligniini tunkeutuu suodatuksissa membraanin sisään, joten pelkkä pesuaineen kierrättäminen laitteistossa ei riitä vaan tarvitaan paineellista pesua.


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Rabies is a neurological disease, but the rabies virus spread to several organs outside the central nervous system (CNS). The rabies virus antigen or RNA has been identified from the salivary glands, the lungs, the kidneys, the heart and the liver. This work aimed to identify the presence of the rabies virus in non-neuronal organs from naturally-infected vampire bats and to study the rabies virus in the salivary glands of healthy vampire bats. Out of the five bats that were positive for rabies in the CNS, by fluorescent antibody test (FAT), viral isolation in N2A cells and reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), 100% (5/5) were positive for rabies in samples of the tongue and the heart, 80% (4/5) in the kidneys, 40% (2/5) in samples of the salivary glands and the lungs, and 20% (1/5) in the liver by RT-PCR test. All the nine bats that were negative for rabies in the CNS, by FAT, viral isolation and RT-PCR were negative for rabies in the salivary glands by RT-PCR test. Possible consequences for rabies epidemiology and pathogenesis are discussed in this work.


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The aim was to evaluate for 75 days the impact on production of the remaining burden of ivermectin (IVM)-resistant parasites in naturally infected feedlot calves. The herds came from tick-infested areas of cattle breeding where the systematic use of IVM to control tick increases the gastrointestinal parasites resistant to this drug. This investigation was carried out in two commercial feedlots in Buenos Aires province. In feedlot A, two groups of 35 animal each received IVM 1% and the other received ricobendazole (RBZ) 10% respectively. The same was done in feedlot B. On day 0, two groups of 35 animals were made in feedlots A and B. Fecal samples were taken on days 0, 22, 54 and 75 pos-treatment (PT), and body weight was registered, from each animal. Fecal samples were processed for individual count of eggs per gram (EPG) and pooled fecal culture was carried out for identification of the parasite genus in each sampling. Fecal egg count reduction test (FECR) was calculated on day 22 PT. The study design used was a totally randomized block, with commercial feedlot and sex as block variables. For data analysis, a mixed model of the SAS statistical program was used. The FECR average on day 22 was 28.4% in the IVM group, and 94,2 % in the RBZ group . From this date on, significant differences in EPG were kept until day 54. EPG counts were only equal near the end of the trial, on day 75 (p=0.16). In both commercial feedlots, especially in the IVM group, Cooperia spp. was the most prevalent parasite in the fecal cultures. Significant differences in weight (P<0.01) on post-treatment day 75 was found between the average weight in the RBZ and the IVM group (246 vs. 238 kg respectively), what means a difference of 8.3% in gains. The importance for production in the antiparasite failure treatment in commercial feedlots was demonstrated, and the need of pos-treatment controls to evaluate the efficacy of the antiparasitic administered is emphasized.


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Torque teno sus virus (TTSuV) infection is present in pig herds worldwide. It has been demonstrated that TTSuV might increase the severity of other important viral diseases with economic and public health impacts. At present, there is no information on the age distribution of pigs infected with TTSuV in Brazilian herds. This study evaluated the frequency of TTSuV infection in pigs at different stages of production. Fecal samples (n=190) from pigs at 1 to 24 weeks of age and from breeders at 6 farrow-to-weaning (up to 8 weeks of age) and 9 grower-to-finish (9 weeks of age onwards) farms in the western region of Paraná state, Brazil, were evaluated by PCR. Fragments of the 5' UTRs of TTSuV1 and/or TTSuVk2 DNAs were identified in 126 (66.3%) of the fecal samples. Significant differences were found with the percentages of positive samples for TTSuV1, TTSuVk2, and mixed infections by both genera between and within the different pig production stages. Fecal samples from the grower-to-finish farms had TTSuV detection rates (90.1%; 64/71) that were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those from the farrow-to-weaning farms (52.1%; 62/119). TTSuV detection was significantly (p<0.05) more frequent in finisher pigs than in the animals from the other stages. The UTR nucleotide sequences in this study presented higher similarities to strains from Norway (96%, TTSuV1), and Argentina and China (97.1%, TTSuVk2). These results suggest that TTSuV infection has spread to pigs of all production stages and that the viral infection rate increases with the age of the animals. In the western region of Paraná state, Brazil, TTSuV1 and TTSuVk2-induced infections were more frequently observed in suckling piglets and finisher pigs, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis pointed out the possibility of different strains of TTSuV1 and TTSuVk2 circulating in pig herds of Brazil.


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To verify the occurrence of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goats on farms of Pernambuco, Brazil, and in animals slaughtered in two Brazilian cities (Petrolina/PE and Juazeiro/BA), and to characterize the susceptibility profile of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis to disinfectants and antimicrobials, and its relationship with biofilm production were the objectives of this study. 398 samples were tested for sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs, disinfectants, and biofilm production. Among the 108 samples collected on the properties, 75% were positive for C. pseudotuberculosis. Slaughterhouse samples indicated an occurrence of caseous lymphadenitis in 15.66% and 6.31% for animals slaughtered in Petrolina and Juazeiro respectively. With respect to antimicrobials, the sensitivity obtained was 100% for florfenicol and tetracycline; 99.25% for enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and lincomycin; 98.99% for cephalothin; 98.74% for norfloxacin and sulfazotrim; 97.74% for gentamicin; 94.22% for ampicillin; 91.71% for amoxicillin; 91.21% for penicillin G; 89.19% for neomycin and 0% for novobiocin. In analyzes with disinfectants, the efficiency for chlorhexidine was 100%, 97.20% for quaternary ammonium, 87.40% for chlorine and 84.40% for iodine. 75% of the isolates were weak or non-biofilm producers. For the consolidated biofilm, found that iodine decreased biofilm formation in 13 isolates and quaternary ammonia in 11 isolates. The reduction of the biofilm formation was observed for iodine and quaternary ammonium in consolidated biofilm formation in 33% and 28% of the isolates, respectively. The results of this study highlight the importance of establishing measures to prevent and control the disease.


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The potential for seed bank formation of two perennial weed species, Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schult. (Convolvulaceae) and Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) M. Vahl (Verbenaceae), both common in Amazonia , was evaluated in a degraded pasture area in eastern Brazilian Amazonia . Seeds were enclosed in nylon mesh packets and placed at the soil surface or buried at 5 or 10 cm deep. The number of viable seeds was recorded at 6, 10, 14 and 18 months after burial. Results showed that S. cayennensis has the ability to form persistent soil seed bank, while I. asarifolia seeds do not build up in the soil seed bank. For S. cayennensis and, to some extent, for I. asarifolia, seed survival was highest at greater burial depths.


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We investigated the effects of piperitenone oxide (PO), a major constituent of the essential oil of Mentha x villosa, on the guinea pig ileum. PO (30 to 740 µg/ml) relaxed basal tonus without significantly altering the resting membrane potential. In addition, PO relaxed preparations precontracted with either 60 mM K+ or 5 mM tetraethylammonium in a concentration-dependent manner. At concentrations from 0.1 to 10 µg/ml PO potentiated acetylcholine-induced contractions, while higher concentrations (>30 µg/ml) blocked this response. These higher PO concentrations also inhibited contractions induced by 60 mM K+. PO also blocked the components of acetylcholine contraction which are not sensitive to nifedipine or to solutions with nominal zero Ca2+ and EGTA. These results show that PO is a relaxant of intestinal smooth muscle and suggest that this activity may be mediated at least in part by an intracellular effect


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We evaluated the accuracy of a 2nd generation ELISA to detect Helicobacter pylori infection in adults from a developing country in view of variations in sensitivity and specificity reported for different populations. We studied 97 non-consecutive patients who underwent endoscopy for evaluation of dispeptic symptoms. The presence of H. pylori was determined in antral biopsy specimens by culture, by the preformed urease test and in carbolfuchsin-stained smears. Patients were considered to be H. pylori positive if at least two of the three tests presented a positive result or if the culture was positive, and negative if the three tests were negative. Sixty-five adults (31 with peptic ulcer) were H. pylori positive and 32 adults were H. pylori negative. Antibodies were detected by Cobas Core anti-H. pylori EIA in 62 of 65 H. pylori-positive adults and in none of the negative adults. The sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values of the test were 95.4, 100, 100 and 91.4%, respectively. The Cobas Core anti-H. pylori EIA presented high sensitivity and specificity when employed for a population in Brazil, permitting the use of the test both to confirm the clinical diagnosis and to perform epidemiologic surveys.