994 resultados para electrical detection


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Influenza is a widespread disease occurring in seasonal epidemics, and each year is responsible for up to 500,000 deaths worldwide. Influenza can develop into strains which cause severe symptoms and high mortality rates, and could potentially reach pandemic status if the virus’ properties allow easy transmission. Influenza is transmissible via contact with the virus, either directly (infected people) or indirectly (contaminated objects); via reception of large droplets over short distances (one metre or less); or through inhalation of aerosols containing the virus expelled by infected individuals during respiratory activities, that can remain suspended in the air and travel distances of more than one metre (the aerosol route). Aerosol transmission of viruses involves three stages: production of the droplets containing viruses; transport of the droplets and ability of a virus to remain intact and infectious; and reception of the droplets (via inhalation). Our understanding of the transmission of influenza viruses via the aerosol route is poor, and thus our ability to prevent a widespread outbreak is limited. This study explored the fate of viruses in droplets by investigating the effects of some physical factors on the recovery of both a bacteriophage model and influenza virus. Experiments simulating respiratory droplets were carried out using different types of droplets, generated from a commonly used water-like matrix, and also from an ‘artificial mucous’ matrix which was used to more closely resemble respiratory fluids. To detect viruses in droplets, we used the traditional plaque assay techniques, and also a sensitive, quantitative PCR assay specifically developed for this study. Our results showed that the artificial mucous suspension enhanced the recovery of infectious bacteriophage. We were able to report detection limits of infectious bacteriophage (no bacteriophage was detected by the plaque assay when aerosolised from a suspension of 103 PFU/mL, for three of the four droplet types tested), and that bacteriophage could remain infectious in suspended droplets for up to 20 minutes. We also showed that the nested real-time PCR assay was able to detect the presence of bacteriophage RNA where the plaque assay could not detect any intact particles. Finally, when applying knowledge from the bacteriophage experiments, we reported the quantitative recoveries of influenza viruses in droplets, which were more consistent and stable than we had anticipated. Influenza viruses can be detected up to 20 minutes (after aerosolisation) in suspended aerosols and possibly beyond. It also was detectable from nebulising suspensions with relatively low concentrations of viruses.


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Many existing schemes for malware detection are signature-based. Although they can effectively detect known malwares, they cannot detect variants of known malwares or new ones. Most network servers do not expect executable code in their in-bound network traffic, such as on-line shopping malls, Picasa, Youtube, Blogger, etc. Therefore, such network applications can be protected from malware infection by monitoring their ports to see if incoming packets contain any executable contents. This paper proposes a content-classification scheme that identifies executable content in incoming packets. The proposed scheme analyzes the packet payload in two steps. It first analyzes the packet payload to see if it contains multimedia-type data (such as . If not, then it classifies the payload either as text-type (such as or executable. Although in our experiments the proposed scheme shows a low rate of false negatives and positives (4.69% and 2.53%, respectively), the presence of inaccuracies still requires further inspection to efficiently detect the occurrence of malware. In this paper, we also propose simple statistical and combinatorial analysis to deal with false positives and negatives.


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Computer vision is an attractive solution for uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) collision avoidance, due to the low weight, size and power requirements of hardware. A two-stage paradigm has emerged in the literature for detection and tracking of dim targets in images, comprising of spatial preprocessing, followed by temporal filtering. In this paper, we investigate a hidden Markov model (HMM) based temporal filtering approach. Specifically, we propose an adaptive HMM filter, in which the variance of model parameters is refined as the quality of the target estimate improves. Filters with high variance (fat filters) are used for target acquisition, and filters with low variance (thin filters) are used for target tracking. The adaptive filter is tested in simulation and with real data (video of a collision-course aircraft). Our test results demonstrate that our adaptive filtering approach has improved tracking performance, and provides an estimate of target heading not present in previous HMM filtering approaches.


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Protection of a distribution network in the presence of distributed generators (DGs) using overcurrent relays is a challenging task due to the changes in fault current levels and reverse power flow. Specifically, in the presence of current limited converter interfaced DGs, overcurrent relays may fail to isolate the faulted section either in grid connected or islanded mode of operation. In this paper, a new inverse type relay is presented to protect a distribution network, which may have several DG connections. The new relay characteristic is designed based on the measured admittance of the protected line. The relay is capable of detecting faults under changing fault current levels. The relay performance is evaluated using PSCAD simulation and laboratory experiments.


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Video surveillance systems using Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras, is one of the fastest growing areas in the field of security technologies. However, the existing video surveillance systems are still not at a stage where they can be used for crime prevention. The systems rely heavily on human observers and are therefore limited by factors such as fatigue and monitoring capabilities over long periods of time. This work attempts to address these problems by proposing an automatic suspicious behaviour detection which utilises contextual information. The utilisation of contextual information is done via three main components: a context space model, a data stream clustering algorithm, and an inference algorithm. The utilisation of contextual information is still limited in the domain of suspicious behaviour detection. Furthermore, it is nearly impossible to correctly understand human behaviour without considering the context where it is observed. This work presents experiments using video feeds taken from CAVIAR dataset and a camera mounted on one of the buildings Z-Block) at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. From these experiments, it is shown that by exploiting contextual information, the proposed system is able to make more accurate detections, especially of those behaviours which are only suspicious in some contexts while being normal in the others. Moreover, this information gives critical feedback to the system designers to refine the system.


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Automatic species recognition plays an important role in assisting ecologists to monitor the environment. One critical issue in this research area is that software developers need prior knowledge of specific targets people are interested in to build templates for these targets. This paper proposes a novel approach for automatic species recognition based on generic knowledge about acoustic events to detect species. Acoustic component detection is the most critical and fundamental part of this proposed approach. This paper gives clear definitions of acoustic components and presents three clustering algorithms for detecting four acoustic components in sound recordings; whistles, clicks, slurs, and blocks. The experiment result demonstrates that these acoustic component recognisers have achieved high precision and recall rate.


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The automated extraction of roads from aerial imagery can be of value for tasks including mapping, surveillance and change detection. Unfortunately, there are no public databases or standard evaluation protocols for evaluating these techniques. Many techniques are further hindered by a reliance on manual initialisation, making large scale application of the techniques impractical. In this paper, we present a public database and evaluation protocol for the evaluation of road extraction algorithms, and propose an improved automatic seed finding technique to initialise road extraction, based on a combination of geometric and colour features.


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This paper presents a novel technique for performing SLAM along a continuous trajectory of appearance. Derived from components of FastSLAM and FAB-MAP, the new system dubbed Continuous Appearance-based Trajectory SLAM (CAT-SLAM) augments appearancebased place recognition with particle-filter based ‘pose filtering’ within a probabilistic framework, without calculating global feature geometry or performing 3D map construction. For loop closure detection CAT-SLAM updates in constant time regardless of map size. We evaluate the effectiveness of CAT-SLAM on a 16km outdoor road network and determine its loop closure performance relative to FAB-MAP. CAT-SLAM recognizes 3 times the number of loop closures for the case where no false positives occur, demonstrating its potential use for robust loop closure detection in large environments.


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Pedestrians’ use of mp3 players or mobile phones can pose the risk of being hit by motor vehicles. We present an approach for detecting a crash risk level using the computing power and the microphone of mobile devices that can be used to alert the user in advance of an approaching vehicle so as to avoid a crash. A single feature extractor classifier is not usually able to deal with the diversity of risky acoustic scenarios. In this paper, we address the problem of detection of vehicles approaching a pedestrian by a novel, simple, non resource intensive acoustic method. The method uses a set of existing statistical tools to mine signal features. Audio features are adaptively thresholded for relevance and classified with a three component heuristic. The resulting Acoustic Hazard Detection (AHD) system has a very low false positive detection rate. The results of this study could help mobile device manufacturers to embed the presented features into future potable devices and contribute to road safety.


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Recent algorithms for monocular motion capture (MoCap) estimate weak-perspective camera matrices between images using a small subset of approximately-rigid points on the human body (i.e. the torso and hip). A problem with this approach, however, is that these points are often close to coplanar, causing canonical linear factorisation algorithms for rigid structure from motion (SFM) to become extremely sensitive to noise. In this paper, we propose an alternative solution to weak-perspective SFM based on a convex relaxation of graph rigidity. We demonstrate the success of our algorithm on both synthetic and real world data, allowing for much improved solutions to marker less MoCap problems on human bodies. Finally, we propose an approach to solve the two-fold ambiguity over bone direction using a k-nearest neighbour kernel density estimator.


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We describe the population pharmacokinetics of an acepromazine (ACP) metabolite (2-(1-hydroxyethyl)promazine) (HEPS) in horses for the estimation of likely detection times in plasma and urine. Acepromazine (30 mg) was administered to 12 horses, and blood and urine samples were taken at frequent intervals for chemical analysis. A Bayesian hierarchical model was fitted to describe concentration-time data and cumulative urine amounts for HEPS. The metabolite HEPS was modelled separately from the parent ACP as the half-life of the parent was considerably less than that of the metabolite. The clearance ($Cl/F_{PM}$) and volume of distribution ($V/F_{PM}$), scaled by the fraction of parent converted to metabolite, were estimated as 769 L/h and 6874 L, respectively. For a typical horse in the study, after receiving 30 mg of ACP, the upper limit of the detection time was 35 hours in plasma and 100 hours in urine, assuming an arbitrary limit of detection of 1 $\mu$g/L, and a small ($\approx 0.01$) probability of detection. The model derived allowed the probability of detection to be estimated at the population level. This analysis was conducted on data collected from only 12 horses, but we assume that this is representative of the wider population.


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This paper illustrates the damage identification and condition assessment of a three story bookshelf structure using a new frequency response functions (FRFs) based damage index and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). A major obstacle of using measured frequency response function data is a large size input variables to ANNs. This problem is overcome by applying a data reduction technique called principal component analysis (PCA). In the proposed procedure, ANNs with their powerful pattern recognition and classification ability were used to extract damage information such as damage locations and severities from measured FRFs. Therefore, simple neural network models are developed, trained by Back Propagation (BP), to associate the FRFs with the damage or undamaged locations and severity of the damage of the structure. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated and validated by using the real data provided by the Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA. The illustrated results show that the PCA based artificial Neural Network method is suitable and effective for damage identification and condition assessment of building structures. In addition, it is clearly demonstrated that the accuracy of proposed damage detection method can also be improved by increasing number of baseline datasets and number of principal components of the baseline dataset.


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Depleting fossil fuel resources and increased accumulation of greenhouse gas emissions are increasingly making electrical vehicles (EV) attractive option for the transportation sector. However uncontrolled random charging and discharging of EVs may aggravate the problems of an already stressed system during the peak demand and cause voltage problems during low demand. This paper develops a demand side response scheme for properly integrating EVs in the Electrical Network. The scheme enacted upon information on electricity market conditions regularly released by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) on the internet. The scheme adopts Internet relays and solid state switches to cycle charging and discharging of EVs. Due to the pending time-of-use and real-price programs, financial benefits will represent driving incentives to consumers to implement the scheme. A wide-scale dissemination of the scheme is expected to mitigate excessive peaks on the electrical network with all associated technical, economic and social benefits.


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Survivin is a member of the family of proteins known as 'inhibitors of apoptosis proteins'. Survivin has a role in cellular decisions concerning division and survival and is frequently expressed in neoplastic cells. The aim of the present study was to investigate immunohistochemically the expression of survivin in normal canine tissues and in canine lymphoma. A representative range of fetal and adult normal tissues as well as biopsy samples from dogs with lymphoma were assembled in tissue arrays. The lymphomas were classified according to the revised Kiel and to the Revised European American Lymphoma - World Health Organization (REAL-WHO) schemes. Polyclonal and monoclonal antisera cross-reactive with canine survivin identified cytoplasmic expression of the molecule in a broad range of normal canine cells. The same reagents demonstrated cytoplasmic labelling of more than 5% of cells in all 83 lymphoma samples tested with polyclonal antiserum and in 67 of 82 (82%) of samples tested with monoclonal antiserum. Survivin was expressed by a wide range of canine lymphoma subtypes, but the expression of this molecule in normal canine tissues must be considered if novel therapies targeting survivin are applied to the management of canine lymphoma. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.