779 resultados para e- promotion
Aims This paper, the first of four emanating from the International Continence Society's 2011 State-of-the-Science Seminar on pelvic-floor-muscle training (PFMT) adherence, aimed to summarize the literature on theoretical models to promote PFMT adherence, as identified in the research, or suggested by the seminar's expert panel, and recommends future directions for clinical practice and research. Methods Existing literature on theories of health behavior were identified through a conventional subject search of electronic databases, reference-list checking, and input from the expert panel. A core eligibility criterion was that the study included a theoretical model to underpin adherence strategies used in an intervention to promote PFM training/exercise. Results A brief critique of 12 theoretical models/theories is provided and, were appropriate, their use in PFMT adherence strategies identified or examples of possible uses in future studies outlined. Conclusion A better theoretical-based understanding of interventions to promote PFMT adherence through changes in health behaviors is required. The results of this scoping review and expert opinions identified several promising models. Future research should explicitly map the theories behind interventions that are thought to improve adherence in various populations (e.g., perinatal women to prevent or lessen urinary incontinence). In addition, identified behavioral theories applied to PFMT require a process whereby their impact can be evaluated.
Audit report on the Iowa Corn Promotion Board for the years ended August 31, 2016 and 2015
HNF1α (hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α) est un facteur de transcription exprimé dans le foie, le pancréas, les reins, l’estomac, l’intestin grêle et le côlon. Il a été démontré que des mutations du gène codant pour cette protéine sont associées à un diabète non insulinodépendant MODY3. De plus, les souris déficientes pour l’expression de Hnf1α souffrent d’hyperglycémie. Ces animaux mutants semblent produire de l’insuline mais présentent cependant une altération de la sécrétion de cette hormone au niveau du pancréas. Dans une précédente étude, nous avons démontré que certains marqueurs de cellules entéroendocrines impliqués dans l’homéostasie du glucose étaient modulés chez les animaux mutants comparativement aux animaux contrôles notamment la ghréline, le Gip, la somatostatine. Notre hypothèse de recherche est que la perte de Hnf1α conditionne la promotion du diabète par l’intermédiaire d’hormones intestinales. Nous avons observé, chez les animaux mutants, une augmentation de l’expression du transcrit, du nombre de cellules positives ainsi que des taux plasmatiques de ghréline. Cette hormone étant reliée à l’homéostasie du glucose, nous avons suivi les variations de la glycémie et des taux d’insuline chez nos animaux. Nous avons observé une hyperglycémie accompagnée d’une diminution des taux d’insuline chez nos animaux mutants. Ces souris présentent une prise alimentaire augmentée, une polyurie et une polydipsie élevées, symptômes connus du diabète. Le traitement de 6 jours sur les souris Hnf1α[indice supérieur -/-] avec un antagoniste commercial du récepteur à la ghréline GHSR1a, le (D-Lys3)-GHRP-6 de BACHEM®, montre un rétablissement de la glycémie proche des valeurs normales, de même qu’une augmentation significative des taux d’insuline plasmatiques des souris traitées, une diminution de la polyurie, de la polydipsie et de la glycosurie. Les souris mutantes traitées avec cet antagoniste voient leur tolérance au glucose améliorée même en cas de choc glycémique. Nous avons, enfin, documenté la régulation possible de Hnf1α vis-à-vis du gène codant pour la ghréline. Des infections lentivirales, réalisées sur des cellules MIN6 avec un shARN dirigé contre le transcrit Hnf1α, montrent une augmentation des taux d’expression du transcrit ghréline. Nous avons également mis en évidence l’interaction physique entre Hnf1α et le promoteur ghréline en plusieurs sites par des expériences d’immunoprécipitation de la chromatine. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère que la perte de Hnf1α chez la souris joue un rôle dans la promotion de l’hyperglycémie par l’intermédiaire d’une dérégulation de la production de ghréline.
Este estudio de caso busca identificar los elementos del portafolio de política exterior de Trinidad y Tobago que le permitieron promover exitosamente sus intereses en el Protocolo de Kioto. Al hacer esto, este texto analizará las limitaciones de Trinidad y Tobago en términos de vulnerabilidades de localización, burocracia y recursos. Posteriormente, una revisión del portafolio de política exterior de este Estado ilustrará el uso de estrategias de creación de capacidades y de organización como lo son el contacto con actores institucionales y no gubernamentales, la formación de coaliciones y estrategias argumentativas, entre otras. Finalmente, este artículo concluirá que dichas acciones permitieron la promoción de la agenda de política exterior de Trinidad y Tobago a través de la creación de hojas de ruta y la coordinación de la incertidumbre con el Protocolo de Kioto. Para hacer esto, este trabajo se concentrará en examinar conceptos como vulnerabilidad y priorización, asimismo contrastando diferentes artículos académicos en la materia junto con documentos oficiales de Trinidad y Tobago.
This paper presents the results of a qualitative study aimed at analyzing the teacher’s role in promoting awareness and management of emotions in fifth-graders, as competencies of emotional intelligence. This resulted in a very significant study since, from the psychopedagogic perspective, it aims at breaking with the traditional role of teachers exclusively focused on transmitting knowledge, leaving aside the much-needed emotional support. Children demonstrated a poor vocabulary, as well as difficulty to identify some emotions and differentiate between them. This means a limitation for children to be aware of their own emotions and to control them. As a conclusion, it is important to maximize the emotional capacities of students; it should be a primary task in the education centers, where teachers play a key role as a model and as a promoter of emotional intelligence.
Recent data indicate that levels of overweight and obesity are increasing at an alarming rate throughout the world. At a population level (and commonly to assess individual health risk), the prevalence of overweight and obesity is calculated using cut-offs of the Body Mass Index (BMI) derived from height and weight. Similarly, the BMI is also used to classify individuals and to provide a notional indication of potential health risk. It is likely that epidemiologic surveys that are reliant on BMI as a measure of adiposity will overestimate the number of individuals in the overweight (and slightly obese) categories. This tendency to misclassify individuals may be more pronounced in athletic populations or groups in which the proportion of more active individuals is higher. This differential is most pronounced in sports where it is advantageous to have a high BMI (but not necessarily high fatness). To illustrate this point we calculated the BMIs of international professional rugby players from the four teams involved in the semi-finals of the 2003 Rugby Union World Cup. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) cut-offs for BMI, approximately 65% of the players were classified as overweight and approximately 25% as obese. These findings demonstrate that a high BMI is commonplace (and a potentially desirable attribute for sport performance) in professional rugby players. An unanswered question is what proportion of the wider population, classified as overweight (or obese) according to the BMI, is misclassified according to both fatness and health risk? It is evident that being overweight should not be an obstacle to a physically active lifestyle. Similarly, a reliance on BMI alone may misclassify a number of individuals who might otherwise have been automatically considered fat and/or unfit.
Integrated marketing communication incorporates both customer and non-customer stakeholder groups. While the literature commonly refers to this distinction as marketing communication and corporate communication, respectively, and practitioners accept the need for these roles, this study aims to explore the student perspective. US-based research suggests that students are more interested in marketing communication activities such as promotion that target customer stakeholders, and less interested in corporate communication activities that target non-customer stakeholders including employees, investors, and government (Bowen, 2003). The findings of this study match its US counterpart, and present implications for both the education and practice of marketing communication
Marketing communications as a discipline has changed significantly in both theory and practice over the past decade. But has our teaching of IMC kept pace with the discipline changes? The purpose of this paper is to explore how far the evolving concepts of IMC are reaching university learners. By doing this, the paper offers an approach to assessing how well marketing curricula are fulfilling their purpose. The course outlines (syllabi) for all IMC courses in 30 universities in Australia and five universities in New Zealand were analyzed. The findings suggest that most of what is taught in the units is not IMC. It is not directed by the key constructs of IMC, nor by the research informing the discipline. Rather, it appears to have evolved little from traditional promotion management units and is close in content and structure to many introductory advertising courses. This paper suggests several possible explanations for this, including: (1) a tacit rejection of IMC as a valid concept; (2) a lack of information about what IMC is and what it is not; and (3) a scarcity of teaching and learning materials that are clearly focused on key constructs and research issues of IMC.