950 resultados para cyclic symmetry


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Spermine is a potent, voltage-dependent blocker of the olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated channel from both the intracellular and extracellular sides. However, its sites of action are unknown. This study investigated the external spermine binding site in the rat CNC alpha3 subunit. Neutralization of a glutamic acid residue (E342Q) in the P-loop region eliminated voltage-dependence of block by externally applied spermine. The charge-conservative E342D mutation had little effect on spermine block. Thus, E342 forms the binding site for externally applied spermine. However, spermine remained a potent voltage-independent blocker of the E342Q mutant channel, suggesting that the mutation either created a novel binding site outside the membrane electrical field or that it dramatically changed the properties of the existing pore site. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The application of mechanical insults to the spinal cord results in profound cellular and molecular changes, including the induction of neuronal cell death and altered gene expression profiles. Previous studies have described alterations in gene expression following spinal cord injury, but the specificity of this response to mechanical stimuli is difficult to investigate in vivo. Therefore, we have investigated the effect of cyclic tensile stresses on cultured spinal cord cells from E15 Sprague-Dawley rats, using the FX3000 Flexercell Strain Unit. We examined cell morphology and viability over a 72 hour time course. Microarray analysis of gene expression was performed using the Affymetrix GeneChip System, where categorization of identified genes was performed using the Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) systems. Changes in expression of 12 genes were validated with quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).


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This study determined whether the radial growth of lobes of the foliose lichen Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.)Ach. was influenced by the radial growth and morphology of their closest neighbours and whether such interactions influence thallus symmetry. The radial growth and morphology of a sample of adjacent lobes from six thalli was measured. Positive correlations were observed between radial growth and lobe width in three thalli and with the degree of bifurcation of the lobe in two thalli. Negative correlations between the radial growth of adjacent lobes were observed in four thalli suggesting that faster growing lobes may inhibit the growth of their neighbours.Lobes glued next to individual lobes had no signifiacnt effect on the radial growth of wide or narrow lobes. Lobes glued 1-2 mm in front of their neighbours exhibited an intital phase of increased radial growth and then a phase of slower growth. Radial growth decreased when the lobes were glued 2 mm behind their neighbours and these lobes were essentially eliminated by the growth of the adjacent lobes. The data suggest that lobe interactions may incresae lobe growth variation within a thallus. However, the decrease in radial growth of lobes which protrude from the margin and the elimination of slower growing lobes may help to maintain thallus symmetry.


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The aim of this study was to determine how thallus symmetry could be maintained in foliose lichens when variation in the growth of individual lobes may be high. Hence, the radial growth of a sample of lobes was studied monthly, over 22 months, in 7 thalli of Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.) Ach. And 5 thalli of P. glabratula ssp fuliginosa (fr. ex Duby) Laund. The degree of variation in the total radial growth of different lobes within a thallus over 22 months varied between thalli. Individual lobes showed a fluctuating pattern of radial growth from month to month with alternating periods of fast and slow growth. Monthly variations in radial growth of different lobes were synchronized in some but not in all thalli. Few significant correlations were found between the radial growth of individual lobes and total monthly rainfall or shortwave radiation. The levels of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were measured in individual lobes. All three polyols varied significantly between lobes within a thallus suggesting that variations in algal phostosynthesis and in the partitioning of fungal polyols may contribute to lobe growth variation. The effect on thallus symmetry of lobes which grew radially either consistently faster or slower than average was studied. Slow growing lobes were overgrown, and gaps in the perimeter were eliminated by the growth of neighbouring lobes, in approximately 7 to 9 months. However, a rapidly growing lobe, with its neighbours removed on either side, continued to grow radially at the same rate as rapidly growing control lobes. The results suggested that lobe growth variation results from a combination of factors which may include the origin of the lobes, lobe morphology and the patterns of algal cell division and hyphal elongation in different lobes. No convincing evidence was found to suggest that exchange of carbohydrate occurred between lobes which would tend to equalize their radial growth. Hence, the fluctuating pattern of lobe growth observed may be sufficient to maintain a degree of symmetry in most thalli. In addition, slow growing lobes would tend to be overgrown by faster growing neighbours thus preventing the formation of indentations in the thallus perimeter.


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The radial growth (RG) of 120 lobes from 35 thalli of the foliose lichen Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Ach. was studied monthly over 22 months in south Gwynedd, Wales, UK. Autocorrelation analysis of each lobe identified three patterns of fluctuation: 1) random fluctuations (58% of lobes), 2) a cyclic pattern of growth (23% of lobes), and 3) fluctuating growth interrupted by longer periods of very low or zero growth (19% of lobes). In 80% of thalli, two or three patterns of fluctuation were present within the same thallus. Growth fluctuations were correlated with climatic variables in 31% of lobes, most commonly with either total rainfall or number of rain days per month. Lobes correlated with climate were not associated with a particular type of growth fluctuation. RG of a lobe was positively correlated with the degree of bifurcation of the lobe tip. It is hypothesised that lobes of P. conspersa exhibit a cyclic pattern of growth due in part to lobe division. The effects of climate, periods of zero growth, and microvariations in the environment of a lobe are superimposed on this cyclic pattern resulting in the random growth of many lobes. Random growth fluctuations may contribute to the maintenance of thallus symmetry in P. conspersa.


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Guanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) plays a role as a second messenger in many different biological systems. Given the ubiquitous nature of cGMP, a simple method of detecting cGMP is of interest. To that end a fluorescent polymer with recognition sites for cGMP has been prepared. Its selectivity and sensitivity were investigated and a dose-dependant decrease in fluorescence of the polymer in the presence of cGMP was observed. In contrast, virtually no effect was detected upon application of the structurally similar molecules, guanosine 5′-monophosphate (GMP) and adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP), thus demonstrating the high selectivity of this polymer. The association constant for the binding of cGMP to the imprinted polymer was determined in order of 3 × 10 5 M -1. A fluorescent, molecularly imprinted polymer that selectively recognises cGMP may have a useful application as a fluorescent chemosensor for cGMP detection in biological samples.


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Neuronal burst firing in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is one of the hallmarks of dopamine depletion in Parkinson's disease. Here, we have determined the postsynaptic effects of dopamine in the STN and the functional consequences of dopamine receptor modulation on burst firing in vitro. STN cells displayed regular spiking activity at a rate of 7.9 +/- 0.5 Hz. Application of dopamine (30 mu M) induced membrane depolarisations accompanied by an increase in firing rate of mean 12.0 +/- 0.6 Hz in all 69 cells. The dopamine effect was mimicked by the dopamine D1/D5 receptor agonist SKF38393 (10 mu M, 17 cells) and the dopamine D2-like receptor agonist quinpirole (10 mu M, 35 cells), partly reduced by D1/D5 antagonist SCH23390 (2 mu M, seven cells), but unaffected by the D2 antagonists sulpiride (10 mu M, seven cells) or eticlopride (10 mu M, six cells). Using voltage ramps, dopamine induced an inward current of 69 +/- 9.4 pA at a holding potential of -60 mV (n = 17). This current was accompanied by an increase in input conductance of 1.55 +/- 0.35 nS which reversed at -30.6 +/- 2.3 mV, an effect mimicked by SKF38393 (10 AM, nine cells). Similar responses were observed when measuring instantaneous current evoked by voltage steps and in the presence of the I-h blocker, ZD7288, indicating effects independent of I-h. The increase in conductance was blocked by SCH23390 (2 mu M, n = 4), mimicked by the activator of adenylyl cyclase forskolin (10 mu M, n = 7) and blocked by H-89, an inhibitor of cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase A (10 PM, n = 6). These results indicate that the dopamine depolarisation is in part mediated by D1/D5 receptor mediated activation of a cyclic-nucleotide gated (CNG) non-specific cation conductance. This conductance contributes to the membrane depolarisation that changes STN neuronal bursting to more regular activity by significantly increasing burst duration and number of spikes per burst.


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An ionic liquid based on 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate is used as an efficient reusable reaction medium in the N-alkylation of cyclic imides with alkyl halides promoted by fluoride ion.


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A numerical continuation method is carried out in a homotopy space connecting two different flows, the Plane Couette Flow (PCF) and the Laterally Heated Flow in a vertical slot (LHF). This numerical continuation method enables us to obtain an exact steady solution in PCF. The new solution has the shape of hairpin vortices (HVS: hairpin vortex solution), which is observed ubiquitously in turbulent shear flows.


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The kinetics and mechanisms of ring opening polymerization and copolymerizntion of different cyclic ethers were studied using mainly a cationic system of iinitiation. BF30Et2/ethanediol. The cyclic ethers reacted differently showing that ring strain and basicity are the main driving forces in cationic ring opening polymerizaion. In most cases it was found that the degree of polymerization is controlled kinetically via terminations with the counterion and the monomers, and that the contribution of each type of reaction to the overall termination differs markedly. The Gel permeation chromatography studies showed that the molecular weight distribution of the samples of polyoxetanes were bimodal. This was in accordance with previous work establishing that the cyclic tetramer is found in much higher proportions than any of the other cyclic oligomers. However the molecular weight distribution of the copolymers made from oxetane and THF or from oxetane and oxepane were shown to be unimodal. These observations could be explained by a change in the structure of the growing end involved in the cationic polymerization. In addition crown ethers like dibenzo-crown-6 and compounds such as veratrole are believed to stabilise the propagating end and promote the formation of living polymers from oxetane.