713 resultados para cracking.
We hypothesized that the four rotation crops: wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Merr.], lablab [Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet] and mung bean [ Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek] differ in their ability to repair soil structure. The study was conducted on a Typic Haplustert, Queensland, Australia, locally termed a Black Earth and considered a prime cropping soil. Large (0.5-m depth by 0.3-m diam.) soil cores, collected from compacted wheel furrows in an irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) field, were subjected to three, six, or nine wet-dry cycles that simulated local flood irrigation practices. After each cycle, soil profiles were sampled for clod bulk density, image analysis of soil structure, and evapotranspiration. Generally, all crops improved soil structure over the initial field condition but lablab and mung bean gave improvements to greater depths and more rapidly than wheat and sorghum. Mung bean and lablab caused up to a threefold increase in clod porosity in the 0.1- to 0.4-m soil layer after only three wet-dry cycles, whereas sorghum required nine wet-dry cycles to increase clod porosity in only the 0.2- to 0.3-m layer, and wheat gave no improvement even after nine wet-dry cycles. Image analysis of soil structure showed that lablab and mung bean rapidly (by three wet-dry cycles) produced smaller peds with more interconnected pore space than wheat and sorghum. By nine wet-dry cycles, sorghum achieved deep cracking of the soil but the material between the cracks remained large and dense. Evapotranspiration was double under lablab and mung bean compared with wheat and sorghum. Our results indicate greater cycles of wetting and drying under lablab and mung bean than wheat and sorghum that have led to rapid repair of soil compaction.
Nano/micro grinding of tungsten carbide (WC) mould inserts was performed. A form accuracy of 〜200nm (in PV) and a surface roughness of 〜7nm were achieved. Nanoindentation revealed that small chipping or cracking occurred even at a penetration depth of 38nm, which could hinder the further improvement of surface quality during grinding. It was found that when grinding was conducted at nanometric scale, the microstructure of the work material and the morphology of the WC grains should be taken into account to enable a fully ductile removal. Copyright 2005 by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
In order to understand the metallurgical influences on Rock Bolt SCC, an evaluation has been carried out on carbon, carbon + manganese, alloy and microalloyed steels subjected to the conditions previously identified as producing laboratory SCC similar to that observed for rock bolts in service. The approach has been to use the LIST test (Linearly increasing stress test) for samples exposed to a dilute pH 2.1-sulphate solution, as per our prior studies. SCC was evaluated from the decrease in tensile strength, ductility and fractography as revealed by SEM observation. A range of SCC susceptibilities was observed. Ten of these steels showed SCC, however there was no SCC for one carbon, two carbon + manganese and two alloy steels.
The work presented in this thesis describes an investigation into the production and properties of thin amorphous C films, with and without Cr doping, as a low wear / friction coating applicable to MEMS and other micro- and nano-engineering applications. Firstly, an assessment was made of the available testing techniques. Secondly, the optimised test methods were applied to a series of sputtered films of thickness 10 - 2000 nm in order to: (i) investigate the effect of thickness on the properties of coatingslcoating process (ii) investigate fundamental tribology at the nano-scale and (iii) provide a starting point for nanotribological coating optimisation at ultra low thickness. The use of XPS was investigated for the determination of Sp3/Sp2 carbon bonding. Under C 1s peak analysis, significant errors were identified and this was attributed to the absence of sufficient instrument resolution to guide the component peak structure (even with a high resolution instrument). A simple peak width analysis and correlation work with C KLL D value confirmed the errors. The use of XPS for Sp3/Sp2 was therefore limited to initial tentative estimations. Nanoindentation was shown to provide consistent hardness and reduced modulus results with depth (to < 7nm) when replicate data was suitably statistically processed. No significant pile-up or cracking of the films was identified under nanoindentation. Nanowear experimentation by multiple nanoscratching provided some useful information, however the conditions of test were very different to those expect for MEMS and micro- / nano-engineering systems. A novel 'sample oscillated nanoindentation' system was developed for testing nanowear under more relevant conditions. The films were produced in an industrial production coating line. In order to maximise the available information and to take account of uncontrolled process variation a statistical design of experiment procedure was used to investigate the effect of four key process control parameters. Cr doping was the most significant control parameter at all thicknesses tested and produced a softening effect and thus increased nanowear. Substrate bias voltage was also a significant parameter and produced hardening and a wear reducing effect at all thicknesses tested. The use of a Cr adhesion layer produced beneficial results at 150 nm thickness, but was ineffective at 50 nm. Argon flow to the coating chamber produced a complex effect. All effects reduced significantly with reducing film thickness. Classic fretting wear was produced at low amplitude under nanowear testing. Reciprocating sliding was produced at higher amplitude which generated three body abrasive wear and this was generally consistent with the Archard model. Specific wear rates were very low (typically 10-16 - 10-18 m3N-1m-1). Wear rates reduced exponentially with reduced film thickness and below (approx.) 20 nm, thickness was identified as the most important control of wear.
Pyrolysis is one of several thermochemical technologies that convert solid biomass into more useful and valuable bio-fuels. Pyrolysis is thermal degradation in the complete or partial absence of oxygen. Under carefully controlled conditions, solid biomass can be converted to a liquid known as bie-oil in 75% yield on dry feed. Bio-oil can be used as a fuel but has the drawback of having a high level of oxygen due to the presence of a complex mixture of molecular fragments of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin polymers. Also, bio-oil has a number of problems in use including high initial viscosity, instability resulting in increased viscosity or phase separation and high solids content. Much effort has been spent on upgrading bio-oil into a more usable liquid fuel, either by modifying the liquid or by major chemical and catalytic conversion to hydrocarbons. The overall primary objective was to improve oil stability by exploring different ways. The first was to detennine the effect of feed moisture content on bio-oil stability. The second method was to try to improve bio-oil stability by partially oxygenated pyrolysis. The third one was to improve stability by co-pyrolysis with methanol. The project was carried out on an existing laboratory pyrolysis reactor system, which works well with this project without redesign or modification too much. During the finishing stages of this project, it was found that the temperature of the condenser in the product collection system had a marked impact on pyrolysis liquid stability. This was discussed in this work and further recommendation given. The quantity of water coming from the feedstock and the pyrolysis reaction is important to liquid stability. In the present work the feedstock moisture content was varied and pyrolysis experiments were carried out over a range of temperatures. The quality of the bio-oil produced was measured as water content, initial viscosity and stability. The result showed that moderate (7.3-12.8 % moisture) feedstock moisture led to more stable bio-oil. One of drawbacks of bio-oil was its instability due to containing unstable oxygenated chemicals. Catalytic hydrotreatment of the oil and zeolite cracking of pyrolysis vapour were discllssed by many researchers, the processes were intended to eliminate oxygen in the bio-oil. In this work an alternative way oxygenated pyrolysis was introduced in order to reduce oil instability, which was intended to oxidise unstable oxygenated chemicals in the bio-oil. The results showed that liquid stability was improved by oxygen addition during the pyrolysis of beech wood at an optimum air factor of about 0.09-0.15. Methanol as a postproduction additive to bio-oil has been studied by many researchers and the most effective result came from adding methanol to oil just after production. Co-pyrolysis of spruce wood with methanol was undertaken in the present work and it was found that methanol improved liquid stability as a co-pyrolysis solvent but was no more effective than when used as a postproduction additive.
The objectives of this research were to investigate the parameters affecting the gasification process within downdraft gasifiers using biomass feedstocks. In addition to investigations with an open-core gasifier, a novel open-topped throated gasifier was designed and used. A sampling system was designed and installed to determine the water, tar and particular content of the raw product gas. This permitted evaluation of the effects of process parameters and reactor design on tar and particular production, although a large variation was found for the particulate measurements due to the capture of large particles. For both gasifiers, the gasification process was studied in order to identify and compare the mechanisms controlling the position and shape of the reaction zones. The stability of the reaction zone was found to be governed by the superficial gas velocity within the reactor. A superficial gas velocity below 0.2 Nms-1 resulted in a rising reaction zone in both gasifiers. Turndown is achieved when the rate of char production by flaming pyrolysis equals the rate of char gasification over a range of throughputs. A turndown ratio of 2:1 was achieved for the hybrid-throated gasifier, compared to 1.3:1 for the open-core. It is hypothesized that pyrolysis is a surface area phenomenon, and that in the hybrid gasifier the pyrolysis front can expand to form a dome-shape. The rate of char gasification is believed to increase as the depth of the gasification zone increases. Vibration of the open-core reactor bed decreased the bed pressure drop, reduced the voidage, aided solids flow and gave a minor improvement in the product gas energy content. Insulation improved the performance of both reactors by reducing heat losses resulting in a reduced air to feed ratio requirement. The hybrid gasifier gave a higher energy conversion efficiency, a higher product gas heating value, and a lower tar content than the open-core gasifier due to efficient gas mixing in a high temperature tar cracking region below the throat and reduced heat losses.
A study has been made, using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, of the migration of TMQ (a quinoline type) and 6PPD (a paraphenylenediamine type) antidegradants from a tyre sidewall compound into adjacent casing and liner compounds containing no antidegradant. Migration takes place at a rapid rate, even during the vulcanisation of the composite. After 4000 hours ageing in nitrogen at 100oC, there is a higher level of antidegradants in the casing than in the sidewall. An equilibrium distribution is not obtained. After 114 days at 50oC in 95% relative humidity, the level of solvent extractable 6PPD fell to zero, but subsequent ageing for 2 years in 50 pphm ozone showed no evidence of sidewall cracking. It is suggested that the antidegradant is still active but linked to the polymer chain. An analytical method, for the type and amount of sulphenamide accelerators in vulcanised rubber compounds, has been developed. During the vulcanisation process, the accelerators decay, liberating specific amines which have been solvent extracted, derivatised with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and the yellow coloured zwitter ion analysed using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography. The decay of the accelerator and sulphur during the vulcanisation process, has been studied. It has been demonstrated that the sulphur crosslinking with a styrenebutadiene polymer is a first order reaction, after an initial period during which the accelerator content falls to zero. Variations in sulphur to accelerator ratios gave consistent rate constants for the crosslinking, except for a sulphur level of less than 1% by weight and a ratiio of accelerator to sulphur of 1:1.3. The retention time of the reaction product between sulphur and accelerator from an HPLC column changes with cure time, showing that the precurser to crosslinking is an ever changing material. One of these reaction products has been analysed.
The objectives of this research were to investigate the perforamnce of a rubberwood gasifier and engine with electricity generation and to identify opportunities for the implementation of such a system in Malaysia. The experimental work included the design, fabrication and commissioning of a throated downdraft gasifier in Malaysia. The gasifier was subsequently used to investigate the effect of moisture content, dry wood capacity and particle size of rubberwood on gasifier performance. Additional experiments were also conducted to investigate the influence of two different nozzle numbers and two different throat diameters on tar cracking. A total of 101 runs were completed during the duration of the research. From the experimental data, the average mass balance was found to be 92.65%. The average energy balance over the gasifier to hot raw gas was 98.7%, to cold clean gas was 102.4% and over the complete system was 101.9%. The heat loss from the gasifier was estimated to range from 10-26% of the chemical energy of the feedstock. From the downstream operation, the heat loss was estimated to range from 17-37% of the chemical energy of rubberwood feedstock. The maximum throughput for stable operation was found to be 60-70% of the maximum dry wood capacity. The gasifier was found to have a maximum turndown ratio of 5:1. It is also postulated that the phenomenon of turndown of the gasifier is due to a `bubble theory' occurring at the gasification zone, and this hypothesis is explained. For stable power output, the working range of the engine was found to be 5-33.5 kWe. The thermal efficiency and diesel displacement of the engine was found to be 17-18% and 65-70% respectively. The research also showed that rubberwood gasification in Malaysia is feasible if the price of diesel is above MR35/l and the price of wood is below MR120/tonne.
Agricultural residues from Thailand, namely stalk and rhizome of cassava plants, were employed as raw materials for bio-oil production via fast pyrolysis technology. There were two main objectives of this project. The first one was to determine the optimum pyrolysis temperature for maximising the organics yield and to investigate the properties of the bio-oils produced. To achieve this objective, pyrolysis experiments were conducted using a bench-scale (150 g/h) reactor system, followed by bio-oil analysis. It was found that the reactor bed temperature that could give the highest organics yield for both materials was 490±15ºC. At all temperatures studied, the rhizome gave about 2-4% higher organics yields than the stalk. The bio-oil derived from the rhizome had lower oxygen content, higher calorific value and better stability, thus indicating better quality than that produced from the stalk. The second objective was to improve the bio-oil properties in terms of heating value, viscosity and storage stability by the incorporation of catalyst into the pyrolysis process. Catalytic pyrolysis was initially performed in a micro-scale reactor to screen a large number of catalysts. Subsequently, seven catalysts were selected for experiments with larger-scale (150 g/h) pyrolysis unit. The catalysts were zeolite and related materials (ZSM-5, Al-MCM-41 and Al-MSU-F), commercial catalysts (Criterion-534 and MI-575), copper chromite and ash. Additionally, the combination of two catalysts in series was investigated. These were Criterion-534/ZSM-5 and Al-MSU-F/ZSM-5. The results showed that all catalysts could improve the bio-oils properties as they enhanced cracking and deoxygenation reactions and in some cases such as ZSM-5, Criterion-534 and Criterion-534/ZSM-5, valuable chemicals like hydrocarbons and light phenols were produced. The highest concentration of these compounds was obtained with Criterion-534/ZSM-5.
The total thermoplastics pipe market in west Europe is estimated at 900,000 metric tonnes for 1977 and is projected to grow to some 1.3 million tonnes of predominantly PVC and polyolefins pipe by 1985. By that time, polyethylene for gas distribution pipe and fittings will represent some 30% of the total polyethylene pipe market. The performance characteristics of a high density polyethylene are significantly influenced by both molecular weight and type of comonomer; the major influences being in the long-term hoop stress resistance and the environmental stress cracking resistance. Minor amounts of hexene-1 are more effective than comonomers lower in the homologous series, although there is some sacrifice of density related properties. A synergistic improvement is obtained by combining molecular weight increase with copolymerisation. The Long-term design strength of polyethylene copolymers can be determined from hoop stress measurement at elevated temperatures and by means of a separation factor of approximate value 22, extrapolation can be made to room temperature performance for a water environment. A polyethylene of black composition has a sufficiently improved performance over yellow pigmented pipe to cast doubts on the validity of internationally specifying yellow coded pipe for gas distribution service. The chemical environment (condensate formation) that can exist in natural gas distribution networks has a deleterious effect on the pipe performance the reduction amounting to at least two decades in log time. Desorption of such condensate is very slow and the influence of the more aggressive aromatic components is to lead to premature stress cracking. For natural gas distribution purposes, the design stress rating should be 39 Kg/cm2 for polyethylenes in the molecular weight range of 150 - 200,000 and 55 Kg/cm2 for higher molecular weight materials.
Fatigue crack propagation has been observed for a number of commercial aluminium alloys. Comparable data was obtained for a variety of crack and specimen geometries over a range of crack lengths for a given alloy. Where crack propagation only was of interest the initiation event has been excluded by pre-cracking the specimen using a fin of material adjacent to the crack face. By this method a controlled defect size is introduced in to the specimen. By modification of the D.C. potential drop method it has been shown possible to measure the growth of cracking from 0.12mm by this method. Crack growth from defects greater than 0.6mm have been shown to give conventional crack propagation deduced by principle of similitude. Fatigue fracture surface analysis has been conducted for cracking from both free surfaces and from blunt notches. A `quasi cleavage' feature has been identified and is shown to be prominent when the fatigue stress intensity range is below 10 MNm-3/2.
There is some evidence to suggest that nitriding of alloy steels, in particular high speed tool steels, under carefully controlled conditions might sharply increase rolling contact fatigue resistance. However, the subsurface shear stresses developed in aerospace bearing applications tend to occur at depths greater than the usual case depths currently produced by nitriding. Additionally, case development must be limited with certain materials due to case spalling and may not always be sufficient to achieve the current theoretical depths necessary to ensure that peak stresses occur within the case. It was the aim of' this work to establish suitable to overcome this problem by plasma nitriding. To assist this development a study has been made of prior hardening treatment, case development, residual stress and case cracking tendency. M2 in the underhardened, undertempered and fully hardened and tempered conditions all responded similarly to plasma nitriding - maximum surface hardening being achieved by plasma nitriding at 450°C. Case development varied linearly with increasing treatment temperature and also with the square root of the treatment time. Maximum surface hardness of M5O and Tl steels was achieved by plasma nitriding in 15% nitrogen/85% hydrogen and varied logarithmically with atmosphere nitrogen content. The case-cracking contact stress varied linearly with nitriding temperature for M2. Tl and M5O supported higher stresses after nitriding in low nitrogen plasma atmospheres. Unidirectional bending fatigue of M2 has been improved up to three times the strength of the fully hardened and tempered condition by plasma nitriding for 16hrs at 400°C. Fatigue strengths of Tl and M5O have been improved by up to 30% by plasma nitriding for 16hrs at 450°C in a 75% hydrogen/25% nitrogen atmosphere.
Mechanical seals are used extensively to seal machinery such as pumps, mixers and agitators in the oil, petrochemical and chemical industries. The performance of such machinery is critically dependent on these devices. Seal failures may result in the escape of dangerous chemicals, possibly causing injury or loss of life. Seal performance is limited by the choice of face materials available. These range from cast iron and stellited stainless steel to cemented and silicon carbides. The main factors that affect seal performance are the wear and corrosion of seal faces. This research investigated the feasibility of applying surface coating/treatments to seal materials, in order to provide improved seal performance. Various surface coating/treatment methods were considered; these included electroless nickel plating, ion plating, plasma nitriding, thermal spraying and high temperature diffusion processes. The best wear resistance, as evaluated by the Pin-on-Disc wear test method, was conferred by the sprayed tungsten carbide/nickel/tungsten-chromium carbide deposit, produced by the high energy plasma spraying (Jet-Kote) process. In general, no correlation was found between hardness and wear resistance or surface finish and friction. This is due primarily to the complexity of the wear and frictional oxidation, plastic deformation, ploughing, fracture and delamination. Corrosion resistance was evaluated by Tafel extrapolation, linear polarisation and anodic potentiodynamic polarisation techniques. The best corrosion performance was exhibited by an electroless nickel/titanium nitride duplex coating due to the passivity of the titanium nitride layer in the acidified salt solution. The surface coating/treatments were ranked using a systematic method, which also considered other properties such as adhesion, internal stress and resistance to thermal cracking. The sealing behaviour of surface coated/treated seals was investigated on an industrial seal testing rig. The best sealing performances were exhibited by the Jet-Kote and electroless nickel silicon carbide composite coated seals. The failure of the electroless nickel and electroless nickel/titanium nitride duplex coated seals was due to inadequate adhesion of the deposits to the substrate. Abrasion of the seal faces was the principal wear mechanism. For operation in an environment similar to the experimental system employed (acidified salt solution) the Jet-Kote deposit appears to be the best compromise.
The principal aim of this work was to determine the role of non-metallic inclusions in the process of hydrogen stepwise cracking (SWC). Additionally, the influence of inclusions upon the notch ductility of hydrogen charged (HC) and uncharged (UN) tensile specimens was examined. To obtain a basis for experiment a series of low carbon-manganese steels were prepared by induction melting. In order to produce variations in the composition, morphology, volume fraction, size and distribution of the inclusions the steel chemistry was adjusted prior to casting by additions of deoxidiser and Ca-Si injection. Sections of each ingot were hot rolled. Metallography, image analysis, mechanical tests and hydrogen SWC tests were then carried out. The volume fraction, morphology, and shape of inclusions influenced the tensile ductility of the steels. Marked anisotropy was found in the steels containing type II MnS inclusions at all rolling temperatures, whereas the fully Ca treated steel was isotropic. It was found that several inclusion parameters (projected length PL, mean free distance MFD, nearest-neighbour distance NND) correlated with fracture strain. An increase in inclusion volume fraction and/or the dimension of inclusions on a plane parallel to the plane of fracture led to a decrease in fracture strain. The inclusion parameters did not correlate with the fracture strains for the HC tensile specimens. However, large or clusters of inclusions acted as the principal sites for crack initiation. `Fisheyes' or areas of `flat' fracture were often found on these fracture surfaces. The criteria for SWC initiation was found to be either large inclusions or clusters of inclusions. As the PL of inclusions increased the probability of large SWCs occurring increased. SWC initiation at inclusions was believed to occur at a critical concentration of hydrogen. Factors which assisted the concentration of hydrogen at inclusions were discussed. None of the proposed mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement could be identified as the single cause of SWC.