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This synthesis presents a science overview of the major forest management Issues involved in the recovery of anadromous salmonids affected by timber harvest in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. The issues involve the components of ecosystem-based watershed management and how best to implement them, including how to: Design buffer zones to protect fish habitat while enabling economic timber production; Implement effective Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent nonpoint-source pollution; Develop watershed-level procedures across property boundaries to prevent cumulative impacts; Develop restoration procedures to contribute to recovery of ecosystem processes; and Enlist support of private landowners in watershed planning, protection, and restoration. Buffer zones, BMPs, cumulative impact prevention, and restoration are essential elements of what must be a comprehensive approach to habitat protection and restoration applied at the watershed level within a larger context of resource concerns in the river basin, species status under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and regional environmental and economic issues (Fig. ES. 1). This synthesis 1) reviews salmonid habitat requirements and potential effects of logging; 2) describes the technical foundation of forest practices and restoration; 3) analyzes current federal and non-federal forest practices; and 4) recommends required elements of comprehensive watershed management for recovery of anadromous salmonids.


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Porphyrin metabolic disruption from exposure to xenobiotic contaminants such as heavy metals, dioxins, and aromatic hydrocarbons can elicit overproduction of porphyrins. Measurement of porphyrin levels, when used in conjunction with other diagnostic assays, can help elucidate an organism’s physiological condition and provide evidence for exposure to certain toxicants. A sensitive microplate fluorometric assay has been optimized for detecting total porphyrin levels in detergent solubilized protein extracts from symbiotic, dinoflagellate containing cnidarian tissues. The denaturing buffer used in this modified assay contains a number of potentially interfering components (e.g., sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), dithiothreitol (DTT), protease inhibitors, and chlorophyll from the symbiotic zooxanthellae), which required examination and validation. Examination of buffer components were validated for use in this porphyrin assay; while the use of a specific spectrofluorometric filter (excitation 400 ± 15 nm; emission 600 ± 20 nm) minimized chlorophyll interference. The detection limit for this assay is 10 fmol of total porphyrin per μg of total soluble protein and linearity is maintained up to 5000 fmol. The ability to measure total porphyrins in a SDS protein extract now allows a single extract to be used in multiple assays. This is an advantage over classical methods, particularly when tissue samples are limiting, as is often the case with coral due to availability and collection permit restrictions.


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In May 2006, the NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS), in conjunction with the EPA National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory (NHEERL), conducted an assessment of the status of ecological condition of soft-bottom habitat and overlying waters throughout the mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) portion of the eastern U.S. continental shelf. The study area encompassed the region from Cape Cod, MA and Nantucket Shoals in the northeast to Cape Hatteras in the south, and was defined using a one nautical mile buffer of the shoreline extended seaward to the shelf break (~100-m depth contour). A total of 50 stations were targeted for sampling using standard methods and indicators applied in prior NOAA coastal studies and EPA’s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) and National Coastal Assessment (NCA). A key feature adopted from these studies was the incorporation of a random probabilistic sampling design. Such a design provides a basis for making unbiased statistical estimates of the spatial extent of ecological condition relative to various measured indicators and corresponding thresholds of concern. Indicators included multiple measures of water quality, sediment quality, and biological condition (benthic fauna). Through coordination with the NOAA Fisheries Service/Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NFS/NEFSC), samples of summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) also were obtained from 30 winter 2007 bottom-trawl survey stations in overlapping portions of the study area and used for analysis of chemical-contaminant body burdens.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): A 323-meter (about 800,000 year) core of lake deposits beneath Owens Lake playa, Inyo County, California, contains a nearly continuous paleolimnological record based on diatom assemblages. ... Throughout most of its history, Owens Lake was characterized by freshwater diatoms, indicating a positive hydrologic input from the Owens River and overflow to lake systems downstream.


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This paper presents a preliminary theoretical and numerical investigation of 4H-SiC JFET and MOSFET at 6.5 kV. To improve the on-state/breakdown performance of the JFET, buried layers in conjunction with a highly doped buffer layer have been used. Trench technology has been employed for the MOSFET. The devices were simulated and optimized using MEDICI[I] simulator. From the comparison between the two devices, it turns out that the JFET offers a better on-state/breakdown trade-off, while the trench MOSFET has the advantage of MOS-control.


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Lateral insulated gate bipolar transistors (LIGBTs) in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) show a unique turn off characteristic when compared to junction-isolated RESURF LIGBTs or vertical IGBTs. The turn off characteristic shows an extended `terrace' where, after the initial fast transient characteristic of IGBTs due to the loss of the electron current, the current stays almost at the same value for an extended period of time, before suddenly dropping to zero. In this paper, we show that this terrace arises because there is a value of LIGBT current during switch off where the rate of expansion of the depletion region with respect to the anode current is infinite. Once this level of anode current is approached, the depletion region starts to expand very rapidly, and is only stopped when it reaches the n-type buffer layer surrounding the anode. Once this happens, the current rapidly drops to zero. A quasi-static analytic model is derived to explain this behaviour. The analytically modelled turn off characteristic agrees well with that found by numerical simulation.


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This paper presents a practical destruction-free parameter extraction methodology for a new physics-based circuit simulator buffer-layer Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristor (IGCT) model. Most key parameters needed for this model can be extracted by one simple clamped inductive-load switching experiment. To validate this extraction method, a clamped inductive load switching experiment was performed, and corresponding simulations were carried out by employing the IGCT model with parameters extracted through the presented methodology. Good agreement has been obtained between the experimental data and simulation results.


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The paper discusses the impacts of shrimp culture to the environment in some countries in Asia. Specifically, it highlights the land requirements suitable for shrimp farming and the impacts of shrimp culture on mangroves. The positive effects of mangroves such as its filtering capacity and as a protective buffer are also discussed.


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Moon oxygenases related to cytochrome P450s are the molecular Biomarkers which have important role in Biotransformation of endogenous and exogenous compounds and catalazyin of many biological reactions. One of the important isoenzyme is cytochrome P4501A. This isoenzyme involved in metabolism of environment pollutnts such as PAHs. Because of its inducibility, it has a key tool for impact assesment of contaminants in aquatic environment. In this study, at first, that fractions containing Acipenser persicus and Huso huso isoenzyme were purified, and after that Antibodies against them were prepared. For isolation of isoenzyme fraction, Microsomes were prepared from fish liver using differential centrifugation at high speeds. microsomes were solubiized by cholat sodium and Emulgen. Extraction of this isoenzyme was done with the combinatuion of ionexchange chromatography and gelfiltration or chromatofocusing chromatography. Ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration were applied in DEAE sepharose fast flow and sephacryl S200 respectively and chromatofocusing was done at poly buffer 74 and 94 exchanger. The results of SDS-PAGE Showed that the molecular weight of isoenzyme was about 58±1 KDa. Furthermore the inmunoblotting results confirmed this subject. Isoenzyme activigy based on EROD (Ethoxyresorofin o-deethylase) reaction showed about 20-26 fold increase in enzyme activity of treated fish than control fish. The results of Elisa, Using monoclonal anti cod P4501A demonstrated the inducibility and highly elevated of its activity in treated sample more than the control fish. Mean while, the fish sample were showed the strong reaction to polyclonal antibody against beluga P4501A1 prepared in our Lab compared to monoclonal anti body.


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An outline is given of various environment-friendly management practices in aquaculture, considering the following: 1) feed right; 2) avoid antibiotics; 3) reuse and cycle water; 4) use settling or sedimentation ponds; 5) provide mangrove buffer zone; and, 6) practice polyculture or integrated farming.


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Euglena gracilis cell was extracted sequentially with CSK-Triton buffer, RSB-Magik solution and DNase-As solution. DGD embedment-free electron microscopy showed that in the extracted nucleus there was a residual non-chromatin fibrous network. That it could not be removed by hot trichloroacetic acid further supported the idea that it was a non-histone, non-chromatin fibrous protein network, and should be the internal network of the nuclear matrix. After the sequential extraction, the nuclear membrane was removed, leaving behind a layer of lamina; the chromatin was digested and eluted from the dense chromosomes and residual chromosomal structures that should be chromosomal scaffold were revealed. Western blot analysis with antiserum against rat lamins showed that nuclear lamina of the cell possessed two positive polypeptides, a major one and a minor one, which had molecular masses similar to lamin B and lamin A, respectively. Comparing these data with those of the most primitive eukaryote Archezoa and of higher eukaryotes, it was suggested that the lower unicellular eukaryote E. gracillis already had the nuclear matrix structure, and its nuclear matrix (especially the lamina) might represent a stage of evolutionary history of the nuclear matrix. (C) 2000 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.


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The development of infant Macaca thibetana was studied at Mount Emei, China, and compared to that of other macaque species. It was found that there are many common features in the process of infant socialization in species of the genus Macaca: mothers play an important and active role, other group members influence the infants' development to a greater or lesser extent and play is a major activity in the life of infants. Some differences were found to exist, however, between macaque species. These included differences in maternal care behaviour such as 'len', leaving time and weaning time. Paternal behaviours were also found to vary within and among species. Tibetan macaque males care for infants extensively, and they may use infants as an agonistic buffer. The natural and social environment may also influence differences between macaque species in infant development.


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The simulation of complex chemical systems often requires a multi-level description, in which a region of special interest is treated using a computationally expensive quantum mechanical (QM) model while its environment is described by a faster, simpler molecular mechanical (MM) model. Furthermore, studying dynamic effects in solvated systems or bio-molecules requires a variable definition of the two regions, so that atoms or molecules can be dynamically re-assigned between the QM and MM descriptions during the course of the simulation. Such reassignments pose a problem for traditional QM/MM schemes by exacerbating the errors that stem from switching the model at the boundary. Here we show that stable, long adaptive simulations can be carried out using density functional theory with the BLYP exchange-correlation functional for the QM model and a flexible TIP3P force field for the MM model without requiring adjustments of either. Using a primary benchmark system of pure water, we investigate the convergence of the liquid structure with the size of the QM region, and demonstrate that by using a sufficiently large QM region (with radius 6 Å) it is possible to obtain radial and angular distributions that, in the QM region, match the results of fully quantum mechanical calculations with periodic boundary conditions, and, after a smooth transition, also agree with fully MM calculations in the MM region. The key ingredient is the accurate evaluation of forces in the QM subsystem which we achieve by including an extended buffer region in the QM calculations. We also show that our buffered-force QM/MM scheme is transferable by simulating the solvated Cl(-) ion.


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Large digital chips use a significant amount of energy to distribute a multi-GHz clock. By discharging the clock network to ground every cycle, the energy stored in this large capacitor is wasted. Instead, the energy can be recovered using an on-chip DC-DC converter. This paper investigates the integration of two DC-DC converter topologies, boost and buck-boost, with a high-speed clock driver. The high operating frequency significantly shrinks the required size of the L and C components so they can be placed on-chip; typical converters place them off-chip. The clock driver and DC-DC converter are able to share the entire tapered buffer chain, including the widest drive transistors in the final stage. To achieve voltage regulation, the clock duty cycle must be modulated; implying only single-edge-triggered flops should be used. However, this minor drawback is eclipsed by the benefits: by recovering energy from the clock, the output power can actually exceed the additional power needed to operate the converter circuitry, resulting in an effective efficiency greater than 100%. Furthermore, the converter output can be used to operate additional power-saving features like low-voltage islands or body bias voltages. ©2008 IEEE.


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Several agencies in the United Kingdom have interest in the water quality of old navigational canals that have fallen into disuse after the decline of commercial canal transportation. The interested agencies desired a model to predict the water quantity and quality of inland navigational canals in order to evaluate management options to address the issues in the natural streams to which they discharge. Inland navigational canals have unique drivers of their hydrology and water quality compared to either natural streams, irrigation canals, or larger navigational canals connected to seas or oceans. Water in an inland canal is typically sourced from a reservoir and artificially pumped to a summit reach; its movement downhill is controlled by the activity of boats and overflow weirs. Stagnant impoundments between locks, which might normally be expected to result in a decrease in the concentration of sediment-associated pollutants, actually have surprisingly high levels of sediment due to boat traffic. Algal growth in the stagnant reach can be high. This paper describes a canal model developed to simulate hydrology and water quality in inland navigational canals. This model was successfully applied to the Kennet and Avon Canal to predict hydrology, sediment generation and transport, and algal growth and transport. The model is responsive to external influences such as sunlight, temperature, nutrient concentrations, boat traffic, and runoff from the contributing catchment area.