956 resultados para continental arc
This paper presents for the first time a morphological and surface sediment characterization of the Uruguayan outer continental shelf and slope. The study is based on a high-resolution coverage using hydrographical, geomorphological and sedimentological sampling and several textural and productivity proxies. Along slope terraces and an important canyon system characterizes continental slope morphology, indicating that across- and down-slope sedimentary processes control large-scale sedimentation. Terraces represent the prolongation of the Argentinean Contouritic Depositional System that vanishes in the study area, presumably as a result of the dynamic of the Brazil-Malvinas confluence. Canyons incised in the upper slope are likely related to low-stand sea level conditions. At the outer shelf and shallow upper slope (170-250 m depth), off-shelf sand transport is inferred from the distribution of relict sand and reworked biogenic gravel. In the upper continental slope, the northern region is characterized by an erosive environment controlled by a steep slope and the southward flowing Brazil current. In the south, a depositional environment is enhanced by the presence of a gentler slope and seaward incised canyons and is mainly controlled by hemipelagic processes associated with nutrient-rich Sub-Antarctic Waters (SAW), by its confluence with South Atlantic Central Waters (SACW) and by the Rio de la Plata’s (RdlP) influence. Additionally, within the upper slope, the occurrence of igneous-metamorphic cobbles and pebbles in canyon and mound lag deposits suggests the influence of glacial fluvial discharge and/or iceberg transport processes. In the middle slope, sedimentation is controlled by thermohaline-induced deep-water bottom currents. The decreasing influence of the erosive Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) is evident in a northward diminution in grain size. The variety of transport and sedimentary processes identified reflect the control of the Brazil-Malvinas confluence zone and the Rio de la Plata’s discharge.
137Cs is an artificial radioactive isotope produced by 235U fission. This radionuclide has a high fission yield and a half-life of 30 years. It has been detected in the environment since 1945 and its principal contamination source has been nuclear tests in the atmosphere. There are other sources of 137Cs contamination in the environment, such as: release from nuclear and reprocessing plants, radioactive dumping and nuclear accidents (Chernobyl, for example). This paper presents an inventory of 137Cs on the Continental Shelf of São Paulo State, a region located between Cabo de Santa Marta Grande (Santa Catarina state) and Cabo Frio (Rio de Janeiro state). In this area, 9 cores were collected by the Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo University Institute of Oceanography). The cores were sliced at every 2 cm; sub-samples were lyophilized, grinded and stored in plastic containers. 137Cs was determined by 661 keV photopeak using a gamma spectrometry detector (Ge hyperpure). The analysis was performed by efficiency and background in different counting times. 137Cs concentration activities varied from 0.3 to 3.6 Bq kg-1 with a mean value of 1.2±0.6 Bq kg-1. The inventory of 137Cs in this area was 13±7 Bq m-2. Values obtained are in agreement with the Southern Hemisphere, a region contaminated by atmospheric fallout due to past nuclear explosions.
O estuário Santista (SP) é uma das áreas mais impactadas do litoral paulista. A industrialização e a urbanização ocorridas no litoral central do estado de São Paulo, ao longo dos últimos 70 anos, acarretou significativas mudanças na dinâmica sedimentar do estuário e da baía de Santos, sem que se conheça o real impacto destas modificações na sequência sedimentar depositada na plataforma continental interna adjacente.
[EN] The Humboldt-09 cruise covered a narrow meridional band along the Chilean continental slope (44?23º S). Here we use physical and biochemical data from a long meridional section (4000 km) and three short zonal sections (100 km) to describe the distribution of the different water masses found in this region. Six water masses were identified: Subantarctic Water (SAAW), Summer Subantarctic Water (SSAW), Subtropical Water (STW), Equatorial Subsurface Water (ESSW), Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), and Pacific Deep Water (PDW). For the first time, a novel set of source water mass properties (or water types) is introduced for SSAW, and nutrient and dissolved oxygen water types are proposed for all the water masses. Optimum multiparameter (OMP) analysis was used through an iterative process to obtain a sound definition of the water types that minimizes the residuals of the method. Both the classic OMP and the quasi-extended OMP models reproduced the data rather well. Finally, the spatial distribution of the different water masses was calculated with the quasi-extended OMP, which is not influenced by the respiration of organic matter. The distribution of the different water masses is presented over the meridional and zonal transects and in property-property diagrams. A smooth meridional transition from subantarctic to tropical and equatorial water masses is observed in this area. This transition takes place in surface, central, and intermediate waters over distances of the order of 1000 km. The meridional transition contrasts with the abrupt zonal changes found in the cross-slope direction, which are of comparable magnitude but over distances of the order of 100 km. Both AAIW and SAAW (fresh and well oxygenated) partially mix with the hypoxic ESSW and, therefore, play an important role in the ventilation of the southern part of the oxygen minimum zone.
Doctor en Biología por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canari. Es profesor titular del Departamento de Ciencias forestales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Medellín).
Trabajo realizado por Antonio Machado Carrillo, Juan Antonio Bermejo e Ignacio Lorenzo
Extensive mass transport deposits and multiple slide scars testify widespread and recurrent submarine sediment failures occurring during the late Quaternary on the SW-Adriatic and SE-Sicilian margins. These mass movements and their consequences contributed to shape the continental slopes and fill the basins with characteristic signatures. Geomorphological, seismo-stratigraphic, sedimentological and biostratigraphic data provide clues to: 1) define distinct failure mechanisms investigating on factors that determine dissimilar organization of coeval displaced masses, 2) reconstruct successive phases of failure stressing on the same location where slide scars crosscut and mass-transport deposits overlap, 3) analyze regional setting and indicate the most suitable place where to calculate mass wasting frequency. Discussions on the role of fluid flow, currents activity and tectonic deformation determine a wider view on the construction of the studied continental margins.
The Thrace Basin is the largest and thickest Tertiary sedimentary basin of the eastern Balkans region and constitutes an important hydrocarbon province. It is located between the Rhodope-Strandja Massif to the north and west, the Marmara Sea and Biga Peninsula to the south, and the Black Sea to the est. It consists of a complex system of depocenters and uplifts with very articulate paleotopography indicated by abrupt lateral facies variations. Its southeastern margin is widely deformed by the Ganos Fault, a segment of the North Anatolian strike-slip fault system . Most of the Thrace Basin fill ranges from the Eocene to the Late Oligocene. Maximum total thickness, including the Neogene-Quaternary succession, reaches 9.000 meters in a few narrow depocenters. This sedimentary succession consists mainly of basin plain turbiditic deposits with a significant volcaniclastic component which evolves upwards to shelf deposits and continental facies, with deltaic bodies prograding towards the basin center in the Oligocene. This work deals with the provenance of Eocene-Oligocene clastic sediments of the southern and western part of Thrace Basin in Turkey and Greece. Sandstone compositional data (78 gross composition analyses and 40 heavy minerals analyses) were used to understand the change in detrital modes which reflects the provenance and geodinamic evolution of the basin. Samples were collected at six localities, which are from west to est: Gökçeada, Gallipoli and South-Ganos (south of Ganos Fault), Alexandroupolis, Korudağ and North-Ganos (north of Ganos Fault). Petrologic (framework composition and heavy-mineral analyses) and stratigraphic-sedimentologic data, (analysis of sedimentologic facies associations along representative stratigraphic sections, paleocurrents) allowed discrimination of six petrofacies; for each petrofacies the sediment dispersal system was delineated. The Thrace Basin fill is made mainly of lithic arkoses and arkosic litharenites with variable amount of low-grade metamorphic lithics (also ophiolitic), neovolcanic lithics, and carbonate grains (mainly extrabasinal). Picotite is the most widespread heavy mineral in all petrofacies. Petrological data on analyzed successions show a complex sediment dispersal pattern and evolution of the basin, indicating one principal detrital input from a source area located to the south, along both the İzmir-Ankara and Intra-Pontide suture lines, and a possible secondary source area, represented by the Rhodope Massif to the west. A significant portion of the Thrace Basin sediments in the study area were derived from ophiolitic source rocks and from their oceanic cover, whereas epimetamorphic detrital components came from a low-grade crystalline basement. An important penecontemporaneous volcanic component is widespread in late Eocene-Oligocene times, indicating widespread post-collisional (collapse?) volcanism following the closure of the Vardar ocean. Large-scale sediment mass wasting from south to north along the southern margin of the Thrace Basin is indicated (i) in late Eocene time by large olistoliths of ophiolites and penecontemporaneous carbonates, and (ii) in the mid-Oligocene by large volcaniclastic olistoliths. The late Oligocene paleogeographic scenario was characterized by large deltaic bodies prograding northward (Osmancik Formation). This clearly indicates that the southern margin of the basin acted as a major sediment source area throughout its Eocene-Oligocene history. Another major sediment source area is represented by the Rhodope Massif, in particolar the Circum-Rhodopic belt, especially for plutonic and metamorphic rocks. Considering preexisting data on the petrologic composition of Thrace Basin, silicilastic sediments in Greece and Bulgaria (Caracciolo, 2009), a Rhodopian provenance could be considered mostly for areas of the Thrace Basin outside our study area, particularly in the northern-central portions of the basin. In summary, the most important source area for the sediment of Thrace Basin in the study area was represented by the exhumed subduction-accretion complex along the southern margin of the basin (Biga Peninsula and western-central Marmara Sea region). Most measured paleocurrent indicators show an eastward paleoflow but this is most likely the result of gravity flow deflection. This is possible considered a strong control due to the east-west-trending synsedimentary transcurrent faults which cuts the Thrace Basin, generating a series of depocenters and uplifts which deeply influenced sediment dispersal and the areal distribution of paleoenvironments. The Thrace Basin was long interpreted as a forearc basin between a magmatic arc to the north and a subduction-accretion complex to the south, developed in a context of northward subduction. This interpretation was challenged by more recent data emphasizing the lack of a coeval magmatic arc in the north and the interpretation of the chaotic deposit which outcrop south of Ganos Fault as olistoliths and large submarine slumps, derived from the erosion and sedimentary reworking of an older mélange unit located to the south (not as tectonic mélange formed in an accretionary prism). The present study corroborates instead the hypothesis of a post-collisional origin of the Thrace Basin, due to a phase of orogenic collapse, which generated a series of mid-Eocene depocenters all along the İzmir-Ankara suture (following closure of the Vardar-İzmir-Ankara ocean and the ensuing collision); then the slab roll-back of the remnant Pindos ocean played an important role in enhancing subsidence and creating additional accommodation space for sediment deposition.
ZusammenfassungSpätarchaische Sedimentgesteine (ca. 2,65 Milliarden Jahre alt) wurden in Grünsteingürteln des Simbabwe Kratons untersucht. In dem Belingwe Grünsteingürtel ist granitoides Grundgebirge von einer allochthonen Einheit aus vulkanischen Gesteinen und Vorlandbeckensedimenten überlagert. Die sedimentäre Abfolge besteht aus Flachwasserkalken und Turbiditen. Unterschiedliche Faziestypen der Kalksteine sind in sedimentäre Verflachungszyklen angeordnet. Eustatische Meeresspiegelschwankungen werden als Ursache der zyklischen Sedimentation angenommen. Sedimentologische, geochemische und strukturelle Analysen zeigen die Bedeutung horizontal-tektonischer Prozesse für die Entstehung dieses Grünsteingürtels an.Sedimentgesteine des Midlands Grünsteingürtels lagern zwischen ozeanischen, mafischen Vulkaniten und kontinentalen, granitoiden Gneisen. Die Art der Abfolge sedimentärer Fazies, beginnend mit Turbiditen und überlagert von flachmarinen Schelfsedimenten und alluvialen Ablagerungen, sowie geologische und geochemische Hinweise aus den benachbarten Gesteinsserien lassen auf Ablagerung während der Kollision zwischen einem ozeanischen Plateau/Inselbogen und einem kontinentalen Krustenfragmentes schließen.In dem Bindura-Shamva Grünsteingürtel können zwei Sedimentgesteinseinheiten unterschieden werden, eine alluvialflachmarine Abfolge und eine tiefmarinfluviatile Abfolge. Extensionstektonik verursachte wahrscheinlich die Bildung des Sedimentbeckens. Die spätere Phase der Beckenbildung war jedoch ähnlich jener in modernen Vorlandbecken.Schichtparallele Eisensteinhorizonte sind häufig entlang von Sediment-Vulkanit-Kontakten zu finden. Diese Gesteine werden als silifizierte und von Sulfiden imprägnierte Scherzonen interpretiert. Syntektonische hydrothermale Alteration von Gesteinen entlang der Störungszonen führte zur Bildung dieser 'tektonischen Eisensteine'.
Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Entwicklung des 570 Ma alten, neoproterozoischen Agardagh - Tes-Chem Ophioliths (ATCO) in Zentralasien. Dieser Ophiolith liegt südwestlich des Baikalsees (50.5° N, 95° E) und wurde im frühen Stadium der Akkretion des Zentralasiatischen Mobilgürtels auf den nordwestlichen Rand des Tuvinisch-Mongolischen Mikrokontinentes aufgeschoben. Bei dem Zentralasiatische Mobilgürtel handelt es sich um einen riesigen Akkretions-Subduktionskomplex, der heute das größte zusammenhängende Orogen der Erde darstellt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden eine Reihe plutonischer und vulkanischer Gesteine, sowie verschiedene Mantelgesteine des ATCO mittels mikroanalytischer und geochemischer Verfahren untersucht (Elektronenstrahlmikrosonde, Ionenstrahlmikrosonde, Spurenelement- und Isotopengeochemie). Die Auswertung dieser Daten ermöglichte die Entwicklung eines geodynamisch-petrologischen Modells zur Entstehung des ATCO. Die vulkanischen Gesteine lassen sich aufgrund ihrer Spurenelement- und Isotopenzusammensetzung in inselbogenbezogene und back-arc Becken bezogene Gesteine (IA-Gesteine und BAB-Gesteine) unterscheiden. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine weitere, nicht eindeutig zuzuordnende Gruppe, die hauptsächlich mafische Gänge umfasst. Der grösste Teil der untersuchen Vulkanite gehört zur Gruppe der IA-Gesteine. Es handelt sich um Al-reiche Basalte und basaltische Andesite, welche aus einem evolvierten Stammmagma mit Mg# 0.60, Cr ~ 180 µg/g und Ni ~ 95 µg/g hauptsächlich durch Klinopyroxenfraktionierung entstanden sind. Das Stammmagma selbst entstand durch Fraktionierung von ca. 12 % Olivin und geringen Anteilen von Cr-Spinell aus einer primären, aus dem Mantel abgeleiteten Schmelze. Die IA-Gesteine haben hohe Konzentrationen an inkompatiblen Spurenelementen (leichte-(L)- Seltenerdelement-(SEE)-Konzentrationen etwa 100-fach chondritisch, chondrit-normierte (La/Yb)c von 14.6 - 5.1), negative Nb-Anomalien (Nb/La = 0.37 - 0.62) und niedrige Zr/Nb Verhältnisse (7 - 14) relativ zu den BAB-Gesteinen. Initiale eNd Werte liegen bei etwa +5.5, initiale Bleiisotopenverhältnisse sind: 206Pb/204Pb = 17.39 - 18.45, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.49 - 15.61, 208Pb/204Pb = 37.06 - 38.05. Die Anreicherung lithophiler inkompatibler Spurenelemente (LILE) in dieser Gruppe ist signifikant (Ba/La = 11 - 130) und zeigt den Einfluss subduzierter Komponenten an. Die BAB-Gesteine repräsentieren Schmelzen, die sehr wahrscheinlich aus der gleichen Mantelquelle wie die IA-Gesteine stammen, aber durch höhere Aufschmelzgrade (8 - 15 %) und ohne den Einfluss subduzierter Komponenten entstanden sind. Sie haben niedrigere Konzentrationen an inkompatiblen Spurenelementen, flache SEE-Muster ((La/Yb)c = 0.6 - 2.4) und höhere initiale eNd Werte zwischen +7.8 und +8.5. Nb Anomalien existieren nicht und Zr/Nb Verhältnisse sind hoch (21 - 48). Um die geochemische Entwicklung der vulkanischen Gesteine des ATCO zu erklären, sind mindestens drei Komponenten erforderlich: (1) eine angereicherte, ozeaninselbasalt-ähnliche Komponente mit hoher Nb Konzentration über ~ 30 µg/g, einem niedrigen Zr/Nb Verhältnis (ca. 6.5), einem niedrigen initialen eNd Wert (um 0), aber mit radiogenen 206Pb/204Pb-, 207Pb/204Pb- und 208Pb/204Pb-Verhältnissen; (2) eine N-MORB ähnliche back-arc Becken Komponente mit flachem SEE-Muster und einem hohen initialen eNd Wert von mindestens +8.5, und (3) eine Inselbogen-Komponente aus einer verarmten Mantelquelle, welche durch die abtauchende Platte geochemisch modifiziert wurde. Die geochemische Entstehung der ATCO Vulkanite lässt sich dann am besten durch eine Kombination aus Quellenkontamination, fraktionierte Kristallisation und Magmenmischung erklären. Geodynamisch gesehen entstand der ATCO sehr wahrscheinlich in einem intraozeanischen Inselbogen - back-arc System. Bei den untersuchten Plutoniten handelt es sich um ultramafische Kumulate (Wehrlite und Pyroxenite) sowie um gabbroische Plutonite (Olivin-Gabbros bis Diorite). Die geochemischen Charakteristika der mafischen Plutonite sind deutlich unterschiedlich zu denen der vulkanischen Gesteine, weshalb sie sehr wahrscheinlich ein späteres Entwicklungsstadium des ATCO repräsentieren. Die Spurenelement-Konzentrationen in den Klinopyroxenen der ultramafischen Kumulate sind extrem niedrig, mit etwa 0.1- bis 1-fach chondritischen SEE-Konzentrationen und mit deutlich LSEE-verarmten Mustern ((La/Yb)c = 0.27 - 0.52). Berechnete Gleichgewichtsschmelzen der ultramafischen Kumulate zeigen grosse Ähnlichkeit zu primären boninitischen Schmelzen. Die primären Magmen waren daher boninitischer Zusammensetzung und entstanden in dem durch vorausgegangene Schmelzprozesse stark verarmten Mantelkeil über einer Subduktionszone. Niedrige Spurenelement-Konzentrationen zeigen einen geringen Einfluss der abtauchenden Platte an. Die Spurenelement-Konzentrationen der Gabbros sind ebenfalls niedrig, mit etwa 0.5 - 10-fach chondritischen SEE-Konzentrationen und mit variablen SEE-Mustern ((La/Yb)c = 0.25 - 2.6). Analog zu den Vulkaniten der IA-Gruppe haben alle Gabbros eine negative Nb-Anomalie mit Nb/La = 0.01 - 0.31. Die initialen eNd Werte der Gabbros variieren zwischen +4.8 und +7.1, mit einem Mittelwert von +5.9, und sind damit identisch mit denen der IA-Vulkanite. Bei den untersuchten Mantelgesteinen handelt es sich um teilweise serpentinisierte Dunite und Harzburgite, die alle durch hohe Mg/Si- und niedrige Al/Si-Verhältnisse gekennzeichnet sind. Dies zeigt einen refraktären Charakter an und steht in guter Übereinstimmung mit den hohen Cr-Zahlen (Cr#) der Spinelle (bis zu Cr# = 0.83), auf deren Basis der Aufschmelzgrad der residuellen Mantelgesteine berechnet wurde. Dieser beträgt etwa 25 %. Die geochemische Zusammensetzung und die petrologischen Daten der Ultramafite und Gabbros lassen sich am besten erklären, wenn man für die Entstehung dieser Gesteine einen zweistufigen Prozess annimmt. In einer ersten Stufe entstanden die ultramafischen Kumulate unter hohem Druck in einer Magmenkammer an der Krustenbasis, hauptsächlich durch Klinopyroxen-Fraktionierung. Bei dieser Magmenkammer handelte es sich um ein offenes System, dem von unten laufend neue Schmelze zugeführt wurde, und aus dem im oberen Bereich evolviertere Schmelzen geringerer Dichte entwichen. Diese evolvierten Schmelzen stiegen in flachere krustale Bereiche auf und bildeten dort meist isolierte Intrusionskörper. Diese Intrusionskörper erstarrten ohne Magmen-Nachschub, weshalb petrographisch sehr unterschiedliche Gesteine entstehen konnten. Eine geochemische Modifikation der abkühlenden Schmelzen erfolgte allerdings durch die Assimilation von Nebengestein. Da innerhalb der Gabbros keine signifikante Variation der initalen eNd Werte existiert, handelte es sich bei dem assimilierten Material hauptsächlich um vulkanische Gesteine des ATCO und nicht um ältere, möglicherweise kontinentale Kruste.
In this thesis Marsili back-arc basin and Palinuro Volcanic Complex (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) have been investigated by using magnetic, bathymetric and gravimetric data. A new velocity model of opening of the Marsili basin has been proposed, highlighting the transition from the horizontal spreading of the back-arc to the vertical accretion of the Marsili seamount. Introducing gravity data, Marsili's internal structure has been modeled and a huge portion of the volcano with low density and vanishing magnetization has been detected. Forward modeling of Palinuro Volcanic Complex showed as Palinuro represents the shallowest evidence of a deep tectonic discontinuity and the possible transition domain between the oceanic crust of Marsili Basin and the continental crust related to the Appenninic chain.
The Eifel volcanism is part of the Central European Volcanic Province (CEVP) and is located in the Rhenish Massif, close to the Rhine and Leine Grabens. The Quaternary Eifel volcanism appears to be related to a mantle plume activity. However, the causes of the Tertiary Hocheifel volcanism remain debated. We present geochronological, geochemical and isotope data to assess the geotectonic settings of the Tertiary Eifel volcanism. Based on 40Ar/39Ar dating, we were able to identify two periods in the Hocheifel activity: from 43.6 to 39.0 Ma and from 37.5 to 35.0 Ma. We also show that the pre-rifting volcanism in the northernmost Upper Rhine Graben (59 to 47 Ma) closely precede the Hocheifel volcanic activity. In addition, the volcanism propagates from south to north within the older phase of the Hocheifel activity. At the time of Hocheifel volcanism, the tectonic activity in the Hocheifel was controlled by stress field conditions identical to those of the Upper Rhine Graben. Therefore, magma generation in the Hocheifel appears to be caused by decompression due to Middle to Late Eocene extension. Our geochemical data indicate that the Hocheifel magmas were produced by partial melting of a garnet peridotite at 75-90 km depth. We also show that crustal contamination is minor although the magmas erupted through a relatively thick continental lithosphere. Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions suggest that the source of the Hocheifel magmas is a mixing between depleted FOZO or HIMU-like material and enriched EM2-like material. The Tertiary Hocheifel and the Quaternary Eifel lavas appear to have a common enriched end-member. However, the other sources are likely to be distinct. In addition, the Hocheifel lavas share a depleted component with the other Tertiary CEVP lavas. Although the Tertiary Hocheifel and the Quaternary Eifel lavas appear to originate from different sources, the potential involvement of a FOZO-like component would indicate the contribution of deep mantle material. Thus, on the basis of the geochemical and isotope data, we cannot rule out the involvement of plume-type material in the Hocheifel magmas. The Ko’olau Scientific Drilling Project (KSDP) has been initiated in order to evaluate the long-term evolution of Ko’olau volcano and obtain information about the Hawaiian mantle plume. High precision Pb triple spike data, as well as Sr and Nd isotope data on KSDP lavas and Honolulu Volcanics (HVS) reveal compositional source variations during Ko’olau growth. Pb isotopic compositions indicate that, at least, three Pb end-members are present in Ko’olau lavas. Changes in the contributions of each component are recorded in the Pb, Sr and Nd isotopes stratigraphy. The radiogenic component is present, at variable proportion, in all three stages of Ko’olau growth. It shows affinities with the least radiogenic “Kea-lo8” lavas present in Mauna Kea. The first unradiogenic component was present in the main-shield stage of Ko’olau growth but its contribution decreased with time. It has EM1 type characteristics and corresponds to the “Ko’olau” component of Hawaiian mantle plume. The second unradiogenic end-member, so far only sampled by Honololu lavas, has isotopic characteristics similar to those of a depleted mantle. However, they are different from those of the recent Pacific lithosphere (EPR MORB) indicating that the HVS are not derived from MORB-related source. We suggest, instead, that the HVS result from melting of a plume material. Thus the evolution of a single Hawaiian volcano records the geochemical and isotopic changes within the Hawaiian plume.