1000 resultados para compostos fenolicos


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Muitas plantas produzem alguns tipos de substancias, denominados de compostos secundários, que são utilizados por essas espécies que os produzem, como uma forma de defesa contra alguns herbívoros. Essas substancias, costumam apresentar atividades mais especificas, e sabe-se que a maioria deles são facilmente decompostos, quando colocados no meio ambiente. Essas características, quando em nível não exagerado, são qualidades desejáveis para evitar que atinjam organismos não alvos e que acumulem no ambiente. Neste trabalho estamos avaliando a atividade de cerca de 30 espécies de plantas de diferentes regiões do Brasil, utilizando-se como inseto teste, lagartas de Spodoptera frugiperda, que foram eleitas por serem polífagas. Nessas espécies vegetais serão ainda pesquisados os grupos de substancias presentes, através de reações químicas especificas e será verificado seu relacionamento com as atividades, quando houver. Inicialmente foram preparados apenas um tipo de extrato das diferentes partes do vegetal, por percolacao, que foram testados em lagartas de 5o. instar, quanto a deterrencia, impregnando discos de folhas de milho, com o extrato. No final de duas horas os discos foram retirados e procedida a medida de sua área foliar. Os dados foram avaliados comparando-se o consumo da área foliar dos discos tratados e não tratados. Após esse teste, as lagartas são alimentadas por mais 24 horas com o material impregnado com o extrato, e são anotadas as mortalidades. O desenvolvimento das lagartas são acompanhadas até sua muda final. Quando observada atividade deterrente ou mortalidade, são preparados extratos com diferentes tipos de solventes, para avaliar a fração ativa. Ate o momento foram observadas atividades deterrente e inseticida em algumas espécies de plantas do Pantanal e estamos verificando a concentração necessária para se obter essas atividades.


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Neste trabalho avaliou-se o potencial alelopático de extratos orgânicos obtidos a partir das folhas de Calopogonium mucunoides sobre a germinação de sementes de algumas plantas daninhas comumente encontradas em áreas de pastagens cultivadas da Amazônia brasileira, as quais causam grandes danos à produtividade: Cassia tora (mata-pasto), Mimosa pudica (malícia) e Cassia occidentalis (fedegoso). Compostos secundários foram identificados e quantificados nos extratos brutos utilizando eletroforese capilar. Após identificar e quantificar os compostos presentes nos extratos realizaram-se novos bioensaios com os padrões dos compostos identificados a fim de verificar se os mesmos poderiam atuar como inibidores na germinação das sementes das plantas daninhas em estudo. Calopogonium mucunoides apresentou potencial alelopático o qual variou com a espécie de planta daninha estudada. Os protocolos desenvolvidos utilizando eletroforese capilar se mostraram eficientes e bastante específicos, sendo possível a separação e identificação de 5 classes de compostos nos extratos brutos sem necessidade de "clean up" ou fracionamento dos mesmos, com análises rápidas (em menos de 20 minutos) e baixas quantidades de solventes utilizadas quando comparadas aos métodos tradicionais de análises. Vários dos compostos identificados apresentaram potencial de inibição de germinação nas sementes estudadas, sendo malícia a mais sensível, os bioensaios também indicaram certo efeito sinérgico ao utilizar a mistura de compostos.


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Background: Ruthenium (Ru) tetraamines are being increasingly used as nitric oxide (NO) carriers. In this context, pharmacological studies have become highly relevant to better understand the mechanism of action involved. Objective: To evaluate the vascular response of the tetraamines trans-[RuII(NH3)4(Py)(NO)]3+, trans-[RuII(Cl)(NO) (cyclan)](PF6)2, and trans-[RuII(NH3)4(4-acPy)(NO)]3+. Methods: Aortic rings were contracted with noradrenaline (10-6 M). After voltage stabilization, a single concentration (10-6 M) of the compounds was added to the assay medium. The responses were recorded during 120 min. Vascular integrity was assessed functionally using acetylcholine at 10-6 M and sodium nitroprusside at 10-6 M as well as by histological examination. Results: Histological analysis confirmed the presence or absence of endothelial cells in those tissues. All tetraamine complexes altered the contractile response induced by norepinephrine, resulting in increased tone followed by relaxation. In rings with endothelium, the inhibition of endothelial NO caused a reduction of the contractile effect caused by pyridine NO. No significant responses were observed in rings with endothelium after treatment with cyclan NO. In contrast, in rings without endothelium, the inhibition of guanylate cyclase significantly reduced the contractile response caused by the pyridine NO and cyclan NO complexes, and both complexes caused a relaxing effect. Conclusion: The results indicate that the vascular effect of the evaluated complexes involved a decrease in the vascular tone induced by norepinephrine (10-6 M) at the end of the incubation period in aortic rings with and without endothelium, indicating the slow release of NO from these complexes and suggesting that the ligands promoted chemical stability to the molecule. Moreover, we demonstrated that the association of Ru with NO is more stable when the ligands pyridine and cyclan are used in the formulation of the compound.Fundamento: As tetra-aminas de rutênio cada vez mais se destacam como carreadoras da molécula de óxido nítrico. Desse modo, estudos farmacológicos tornam-se altamente relevantes, afim de melhor compreender o mecanismo de ação envolvido. Objetivo: Avaliar a resposta vascular das tetra-aminas trans-[RuII(NH3)4(Py)(NO)]3+, trans-[RuII(Cl)(NO)(Cyclan)](PF6)2 e trans-[RuII(NH3)4(4-acPy)(NO)]3+. Métodos: Anéis de aorta foram pré-contraídos com noradrenalina (10-6M). Após estabilização da tensão, concentração única (10-6M) dos compostos foi adicionada ao banho de incubação. As respostas foram registradas ao longo de 120 minutos. A integridade vascular foi avaliada funcionalmente (acetilcolina 10-6M; nitroprussiato de sódio 10-6M) e histologicamente Resultados: A análise histológica confirmou a presença ou não de células endoteliais nos tecidos analisados. Todos os complexos alteraram a resposta contrátil induzida pela noradrenalina, resultando em aumento de tônus seguido de efeito relaxante. Em anéis com endotélio, a inibição do óxido nítrico endotelial causou redução do efeito contrátil da piridina óxido nítrico. Não foram observadas respostas significativas em anéis com endotélio referente ao composto cyclan óxido nítrico. Por outro lado, em anéis sem endotélio, a inibição da guanilato ciclase reduziu significativamente a resposta contrátil dos complexos piridina óxido nítrico e cyclan óxido nítrico, levando ambos os compostos a um efeito relaxante. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o efeito vascular dos complexos avaliados apresentaram diminuição no tônus vascular induzido pela noradrenalina (10-6M) ao final do tempo de incubação, em anéis com e sem endotélio, indicando liberação lenta da molécula de óxido nítrico do composto estudado e sugerindo que os ligantes causaram estabilidade química à molécula. Demonstramos que a ligação rutênio óxido nítrico é mais estável quando utilizamos os ligantes piridina e cyclan para a formulação do composto.


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Cuphea carthagenensis (Jacq.) J.F. Macbr. is an herb, which occurs preferably in wet places. Amongst other species of the genus, C. carthagenensis is distinguished for its great chemical potential and frequent use in popular medicine. In this study the morphological and anatomical structures were identified, as well as the histochemical characterization was done. Samples of root, stem and leaves were collected from adult plants. This material was processed for anatomical and histochemical analysis in light microscopy and for morphological analysis, in scanning electron microscopy. Important morphological and anatomical considerations were added for C. carthagenensis, such as: the occurrence of aerenchymatous phellem with suberized layers; the types of trichomes present in the vegetative organs, the characterization of secretory trichomes, as well as the secreted substances. The groups of secondary metabolites presents in the root, stem and leaf of C. carthagenensis with more intense histochemical reaction were: proanthocyanidins, phenolic compounds, acids polysaccharides (mucilage especially) and lipids.


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The presence of vegetal impurities in sugarcane delivered to sugarmills as green and dry leaves is a problem not only because they are non-value materials to be processed along with sugarcane stalks, but also because they can rise the color of the clarified juice and, consequently, the color of the sugar produced, with a reduction of its quality for the market. Another problem is the mud volume sedimented in the clarifiers, which also can result in a larger recirculation and greater volume of filtrate juice, with higher losses of sucrose and utilization of the vacuum rotary filters. The objective of this work was to observe the effect of the presence of green and dry leaves on sugarcane juice clarification, related to a control treatment with the addition of fiber extracted from the stalks. The experiments were planned based on the addition of quantities of fibrous sources in order to formulate samples with absolute increase of 0.25 , 0.50 and 0.75 percentual points over the fiber content of the sugarcane stalks (control treatment). The juice clarification was conducted with a laboratory clarifier. The clarified juice color and the mud volume were evaluated. The presence of green leaves caused higher color and mud volume due to the extraction of non-sucrose components of the leaves. Soluble compounds of dry leaves were also extracted, though not detected by juice analysis. The addition of the fiber extracted from the stalks did not induce alterations in the clarification process.


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Cecropia glaziovii is a tree with used in Brazilian popular medicine. Methods allowing the clonal propagation of this species are of great interest for superior genotype multiplication and perpetuation. For this reason, we examined the effect of different culture media and different types of explants on adventitious shoot regeneration from callus and buds of C. glaziovii. Leaves, petioles and stipules obtained from aseptically grown seedlings or from pre-sterilized plants were used to initiate cultures. Adventitious shoot regeneration was achieved when apical and axillary buds were inoculated on gelled Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine alone (BAP) (1.0, 5.0 or 10.0 mg L-1) or combined with -naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) (1.0 or 2.0 mg L-1), after 40 days of culture. Best callus production was obtained after 30 days of petioles' culture on gelled MS medium with 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (5.0 mg L-1) combined with BAP (1.0 mg L-1). Successful shoot regeneration from callus was achieved when MS medium supplemented with zeatin (ZEA) (0.1 mg L-1) alone or combined with 2,4-D (1.0 or 5.0 mg L-1) was inoculated with friable callus obtained from petioles. All shoots were rooted by inoculation on MS medium supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) (1.0 mg L-1). Rooted plants transferred to potting soil were successfully established. All in vitro regenerated plantlets showed to be normal, without morphological variations, being also identical to the source plant. Our study has shown that C. glaziovii can be propagated by tissue culture methods, allowing large scale multiplication of superior plants for pharmacological purposes.


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of compounds that have been the subject of much concern due to their toxic potential. In this study, margarine?s, vegetable cream and mayonnaise available on the Brazilian market were analyzed for pyrene, chrysene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene and dibenzo(a,h)anthracene. The analytical methodology involved liquid-liquid extraction, clean-up on silica gel column and determination by high performance liquid chromatography using fluorescence detector. Variable levels of contamination were found within differents brands of the same product and within differents batches of the same brand. The total PAH content was in the range of 4.1 to 7.1mug/kg in vegetable cream, 1.7 to 3.9mug/kg in margarine and 1.0 to 21.7mug/kg in mayonnaise. In general the products which according to the label contain corn oil showed the highest levels of contamination. Based on these results and on the importance of fat, oils and derived products for the intake of PAHs, it is recommended that producers of margarine, vegetable creams and mayonnaise start to control the contamination of the vegetable oils used in the elaboration of these products, in order to reduce the exposure of consumers to excessive amounts of potentially carcinogenic compounds.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the ocular surface toxicity of two nitric oxide donors in ex vivo and in vivo animal models: S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) and S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (SNAC) in a hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) matrix at final concentrations 1.0 and 10.0 mM. METHODS: Ex vivo GSNO and SNAC toxicities were clinically and histologically analyzed using freshly excised pig eyeballs. In vivo experiments were performed with 20 albino rabbits which were randomized into 4 groups (5 animals each): Groups 1 and 2 received instillations of 150 µL of aqueous HPMC solution containing GSNO 1.0 and 10.0 mM, respectively, in one of the eyes; Groups 3 and 4 received instillations of 150 µL of aqueous HPMC solution-containing SNAC 1.0 and 10.0 mM, respectively, in one of the eyes. The contralateral eyes in each group received aqueous HPMC as a control. All animals underwent clinical evaluation on a slit lamp and the eyes were scored according to a modified Draize eye test and were histologically analyzed. RESULTS: Pig eyeballs showed no signs of perforation, erosion, corneal opacity or other gross damage. These findings were confirmed by histological analysis. There was no difference between control and treated rabbit eyes according to the Draize eye test score in all groups (p>0.05). All formulations showed a mean score under 1 and were classified as non-irritating. There was no evidence of tissue toxicity in the histological analysis in all animals. CONCLUSION: Aqueous HPMC solutions containing GSNO and SNAC at concentrations up to 10.0 mM do not induce ocular irritation.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física