955 resultados para classes econômicas


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O professor apresenta como utilizar polimorfismo nas linguagens de programação. Explica o que é polimorfismo e demonstra como é utilizado o polimorfismo com as classes já criadas no projeto.


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O presente estudo teve como objectivos caracterizar do ponto de vista da saúde mental a população idosa da Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM); determinar as prevalências das situações de saúde mental positiva e negativa e avaliar a influência positiva (protectora) ou negativa (de risco) de certos factores pessoais e do meio na saúde mental. Foi um estudo de natureza psicossocial,transversal, probabilístico, com uma componente descritiva e outra inferencial. A amostra (N=342) representativa das pessoas com 65 e mais anos, residentes na comunidade, foi estratificada por concelhos, por géneros e por classes etárias. A selecção foi feita da base de dados do Cartão de Utente do Serviço Regional de Saúde Empresa Pública Empresarial. As pessoas idosas foram entrevistadas pelas enfermeiras dos Centros de Saúde, que utilizaram para tal um questionário estruturado. Na avaliação das variáveis utilizaram-se diversos instrumentos alguns dos quais amplamente usados em outros estudos com população idosa. A saúde mental foi avaliada utilizando-se o Mental Health Inventory - MHI (Ware & Veit, 1983; Ribeiro, 2000), que contempla uma dimensão mais positiva o bem-estar psicológico e outra mais negativa o distress psicológico. Nas variáveis independentes (pessoais e do meio ambiente) utilizaram-se: para a classe social a Classificação Social de Graffar (Graffar, 1956); para a rede social a Lubben Social Network Scale - LSNS (Lubben, 1988); para a autonomia nas actividades instrumentais da vida diária a IADL (Lawton & Brody, 1969; Botelho, 2000); para a capacidade funcional (ABVD) o Índice de Katz (Katz et al., 1963; Cantera, 2000). As restantes variáveis, nomeadamente as de caracterização demográfica bem como as auto-percepções relativas ao rendimento, à habitação, de controlo, a ocupação do tempo, os acontecimentos de vida significativos, a autonomia física, a percepção relacionada com a saúde, as queixas de saúde ou doenças, os apoios de saúde e sociais, foram avaliadas através de questões formuladas para o efeito. No tratamento de dados, procedeu-se à análise descritiva das diferentes variáveis obtendo-se uma primeira caracterização da saúde mental das pessoas inquiridas. A fim de determinar as prevalências das situações de saúde mental mais positiva e mais negativa, recorreu-se à análise com três clusters. Para determinar a associação entre as variáveis pessoais e do meio e a saúde mental, usaram-se dois modelos de regressão logística (MRL). Num 1º MRL o enfoque colocou-se na relação das capacidades físicas e na percepção de saúde detidas pelas pessoas idosas, na disponibilidade de apoios específicos e a saúde mental. O 2º MRL focalizou-se na interacção entre a percepção de controlo detida pelas pessoas idosas, as condições sócio-económicas e a saúde mental. Resumem-se os resultados: na amostra identificou-se uma percentagem superior de mulheres (66,4%) face aos homens. A classe etária dos 65–74 anos incluiu maior número de idosos (64,9%). A maioria de (55,6%) residiam fora do Funchal. Os reformados eram prevalentes (78,1%) bem como os que detinham 1 a 11 anos de escolaridade (58,2%). As mulheres (65,2%) eram mais analfabetas do que os homens (48,7%). Dos idosos 44,4% pertenciam à classe social V (muito baixa) sendo a maioria mulheres (53,3%). A idade mínima da amostra foi 65 anos e a máxima 89 anos. A idade X =72,6 anos com umS =5,77. Foram encontrados níveis mais positivos nas diferentes dimensões da saúde mental. Prevalências: saúde mental positiva 67,0%, bem-estar psicológico elevado 24,3%. Apenas 3,2% apresentaram distress psicológico mais elevado. Com depressão maior identificaram-se 0,3% dos idosos. Num 1º MRL com as possíveis variáveis explicativas ajustadas, verificou-se que a probabilidade da saúde mental ser mais positiva era cerca de 0,3 vezes inferior nas mulheres, nos idosos com redes sociais muito limitadas e nos que percepcionavam a saúde própria como razoável ou pior. Era menor 0,5 vezes quando não sabiam ou percepcionavam a saúde como pior comparativamente aos pares, e 0,3 vezes quando referiram o mesmo, comparando-a com há um ano atrás. Era ainda 0,1 vez inferior quando possuíam limitações físicas para satisfazer as necessidades próprias. A probabilidade de ser mais positiva era 2,5 vezes superior quando as pessoas possuíam 1 a 11 anos de escolaridade. A variância no nível de saúde mental, explicada com base no 1º modelo foi 44,2%, valor estimado através do Nagelkerke R Square. Os resultados do 2º MRL com variáveis ajustadas, permitem afirmar que a probabilidade da saúde mental ser mais positiva era 0,3 vezes menor nas mulheres, 0,1 vez inferior nos idosos que percepcionavam o rendimento auferido como razoável ou fraco e 0,4 vezes menor quando tinham uma rede social muito limitada. Ter limitações físicas deslocando-se na rua apenas com apoio diminuía 0,3 vezes a probabilidade de saúde mental mais positiva, verificando-se o mesmo nos que auferiam apoio dos serviços sociais. Uma probabilidade 2,4 vezes superior da saúde mental ser mais positiva foi encontrada nos idosos com 1 a 11 anos de escolaridade quando comparada com os analfabetos. O Nagelkerke R Square = 37,3%, foi menor do que o obtido no modelo prévio, pelo que a variação ao nível da saúde mental explicada por este modelo é inferior. A evidência de que as pessoas idosas possuíam maioritariamente um nível superior de saúde mental, comprovou que a velhice não é sinónimo de doença. Foi também superior a percentagem daqueles que possuíam redes sociais menos limitadas. O nível mais elevado de distress psicológico surgiu com uma prevalência de 3,2% e apenas 0,3% das pessoas idosas estavam mais deprimidas o que evidenciou a necessidade de serem providenciadas respostas na comunidade para o seu tratamento. Dos inquiridos 8,8% apresentavam um nível médio de depressão, sugerindo a pertinência de serem efectuados às pessoas nessa situação, diagnósticos clínicos mais precisos. As limitações na capacidade física para a satisfação de necessidades diárias e a percepção de saúde mais negativa emergiram como factores significativos para a pior saúde mental confirmando resultados de pesquisas prévias. No 2º MRL a percepção pelos idosos de que o rendimento mensal auferido era fraco aumentou também a probabilidade da saúde mental ser pior. Nos dois modelos verificaram-se influências positivas quando os idosos possuíam 1 a 11 anos de escolaridade comparativamente aos analfabetos, o que pode ser considerado um factor protector para a saúde mental. Sublinhamos como principais conclusões deste estudo: O protocolo e os instrumentos de avaliação foram adequados para atingir os objectivos. Da avaliação à saúde mental concluiu-se que as pessoas idosas possuíam situações mais positivas e favoráveis. Dos três factores utilizadas na estratificação da amostra apenas o género feminino estava associado significativamente à pior saúde mental. Sugere-se a replicação deste estudo para acompanhar a evolução da saúde mental da população idosa da RAM. Os resultados deverão ser divulgados à comunidade científica e técnica bem como aos decisores políticos e aos gestores dos serviços de saúde, sociais, educativos e com acção directa sobre a vida dos idosos a fim de serem extraídas ilações, favoráveis à adopção de políticas e programas promotores da saúde mental que passem pelo aumento da escolaridade e por medidas/acções que reduzam a maior susceptibilidade de saúde mental negativa associada ao género feminino, promovam o reforço das redes sociais das pessoas idosas, a autonomia física necessária à satisfação das necessidades próprias bem como as auto - percepções positivas relacionadas com a saúde e com os rendimentos auferidos. Deverão serlhes facultadas também oportunidades de participação activa na comunidade a que pertencem.


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Este estudo apresenta a sistematização dos resultados da pesquisa sobre a prática educativa numa classe multisseriada. Pretendeu-se, com este trabalho, investigar o tipo de prática que vem sendo desenvolvida no contexto específico de uma sala-de-aula, inserida numa escola da zona rural e de que forma as inovações pedagógicas se refletem na ação do professor junto aos seus alunos. É um estudo de caso etnográfico, de abordagem qualitativa, que permitiu o exame da realidade concreta, mediante análise da documentação, observação das dinâmicas da classe, entrevistas semiestruturadas, inclusive, com gravação em vídeo. A análise do discurso e dos eventos construídos pelos seus principais sujeitos: professor e alunos assumiram grande relevância neste estudo, assim como as relações que ocorreram no âmbito da escola, da família e da comunidade. Por se constituir uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, possibilitou certo grau de flexibilidade, oportunizando alterações e ajustes no decorrer do trabalho de campo de forma a alcançar os objetivos pretendidos. As referências teóricas trouxeram contribuições importantes para desvendar os segredos contidos nas práticas educativas vivenciadas nas classes multisseriadas, que de um lado, deparam-se com os impasses perante os elementos que dão sustentação ao processo educacional como um todo e, de outro, enfrentam os desafios de romper com os mecanismos de padronização do sistema seriado e fazer acontecer um novo sentido de ensinar e aprender com as diferenças.


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O presente estudo tem como objeto a prática pedagógica na mediação dos Cadernos de Ensino e Aprendizagem da área de Ciências Naturais nas classes multisseriadas, partindo do conceito de inovação pedagógica. Simultaneamente, elabora uma discussão densa acerca do ensinar/aprender ciências; dos Cadernos de Ensino e Aprendizagem; das classes multisseriadas e enfatiza a possibilidade de inter-relação com a inovação pedagógica, ao mesmo tempo em que reflete, explicita e analisa uma experiência pedagógica na qual a educadora compreende o sentido social da sua prática e se institui como organizadora de situações educativas, o que contribui para ratificar o caráter inovador do ensinar/aprender ciências numa classe multisseriada a partir do uso dos cadernos. Para investigar a mediação no uso dos cadernos da área de ciências, optámos pela pesquisa qualitativa, inspirando-nos na etnografia e seus dispositivos de investigação. Durante seis meses, vivenciamos o cotidiano da prática pedagógica da Escola Municipal Leovigildo Ribeiro dos Santos, localizada na zona rural do município de Feira de Santana-Bahia. Para investigar o objeto de pesquisa, utilizámos, dentre outros recursos metodológicos, a entrevista, a observação participante e a filmagem. A pesquisa realizada consubstancia-se numa experiência ímpar ao considerarmos que as mudanças implementadas na prática, de forma intencional e planejada, no sentido de romper com os mecanismos apresentados pelos cadernos apresentam uma nova possibilidade de ensinar/aprender ciências nas classes multisseriadas.


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The aim of this study is the labour market at Natal Metropolitan Region with emphasis in occupations and incomes that took place at the nineties. The definition of its chronological boundaries passed by verification of existence of evident socio-spatial impacts for output, occupation and income in national economy, with rebounds in all national territory, conditioned by institutional and socio-economical transformations which marked Brazilian insertion to capital flows and commodities globalization movement that took place at the cited decade. It has been shown that such impacts did not distributed themselves equally between diverse spatial levels (great regions, federate unities, municipalities) because of historical specificities in each place in terms of output structures and organization of distinct social agents. Having as its basis the Marxist perspective, it tackled theoretically occupations and incomes, transformations in labour universe occurred at world level, mainly in most urbanized areas, and following that to focus changes occurred in Brazilian society related to the search for competitive insertion in global economy during the period regarded. Special attention was gave to Natal Metropolitan Region, because it was historically a concentration area for investments, productive structure, people, occupations and incomes generated/appropriated in Rio Grande do Norte State. The basic data sources for research were the demographic Census (micro data) made by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) intending to present the structure and the labour market dynamics, having as basis: 1) traditional indicators about labour market; 2) sectors of economic activities and 3) social positions and classes segments. One of the purposes is the demonstration that occupations and incomes keep relation with the restructuring which occurred in each specific sector during the period. Other purpose is to make explicit the factors which bear the participation of distinct segments in production or service execution that make possible the different participation in income distribution. Results are revealing the increasin precariousness in labour market, enlargement of occupations in tertiary sector and greater concentration of average incomes in the social segments which were owners of the greatest capital allowances between residents in Natal Metropolitan Region during the nineties


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The Ponta Negra borough is a part and the originally core of Ponta Negra quarter, placed on the South area of Natal/RN city. Its population was constituted by fishermen whose, beyond the fishing work, cultivated small plantations, made carbon and lace. For a long period of time, the borough was isolated from the rest of the city because of the great ground distance and due the fact that the local inhabitants found their own maintenance on the place. The scenery was being little by little modified from de 80 s because of the neighborhood urban development, that became one of the most searching tourism places in the city that turns the borough into a expensive place to live, with plenty of entertainment and high income, due the new habitation standards, new economic activities, new inhabitants belonging to higher social classes, new habits and way of living. The present work aims to verify weather or not, in the middle of all changes, the original social actors that still live in the Ponta Negra borough, are able to keep the traditional community bounds that once guided their existences. On that sense, we will analyze the conflicts that pass through the community, with attention on the sociability, space usage and appropriation


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This work started from an investigation concerning the process of education, moralization and disciplining of the poor in the backlands of the Brazilian Northeast region, in the second half of the 19th century, through the incorporation of the values of productive work. In order to do so, we took as our field of investigation the missions of Father José Antônio Pereira Ibiapina (1806-1883), in which an extensive work was developed, including the construction of twenty two (22) charity houses in the States of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Ceará e Piauí, but also of weirs, churches, graveyards, hospitals and so forth. Given the socio-historical character of the research, we adopted qualitative methods of analysis and the following procedures: survey and analysis of documents, statute and internal rules that ordered the workings of the charity houses; biographies on Father Ibiapina and the missions‟ reports, as well as various sorts of publications on the missionary. Our study comprises his 27 year-period of missionary-religious activity (1856-1883), and undertakes an analysis on the topic of poverty, since the medieval Christian take on it until modernity, when it stops representing a value and becomes a problem to be solved through work. The socio-political context in which Ibiapina lived in the Northeast was marked by the consequence of droughts and economic crises in the region. The analysis of the documents indicates that, in the circumstances of political weakness and lack of interest for regional demands by the national political agenda, his missionary actions produced strong effects. Starting from an ethics of valorization of work, which combined modern and traditional elements, his actions set up disciplinary, moralizing and civil educational practices of the poor, founding, simultaneously, a pragmatic religious experience directed at the resolution of the problems caused by poverty. In that sense, we observe that such actions are connected to the broader process of moralization and education of the poor, but the analysis also suggests that their inscription into the social order articulated both forward as well as conservative aspects of the established system


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Impactos ambientais causados pelas atividades agropecuárias sobre o meio rural podem ser constatados quando são analisadas as paisagens da região. Vários estudos demonstraram que informações da paisagem obtidas a partir de imagens fotográficas são indispensáveis para o diagnóstico do processo erosivo do solo, aspecto indispensável no planejamento conservacionista. Neste trabalho, utilizando-se de técnicas de fotointerpretação, foi realizada a quantificação das classes de erosão acelerada no município de Franca - SP, relacionando-as com os tipos de cobertura vegetal. A coleção de fotografias aéreas empregadas foi produzida pela Base Aerofotogrametria e Projetos S.A., com escala aproximada 1:35.000, em outubro de 1990. Elaboraram-se cartas temáticas do uso/ocupação do solo e dos estados erosivos presentes em cada tipo de cobertura vegetal do solo, estabelecendo-se, em seguida, as relações entre a erosão acelerada e os tipos de comunidades vegetais do município de Franca. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, nesse município, o solo agrícola encontra-se relativamente conservado, apresentando 74,23% da área com erosão laminar ligeira/moderada. Os diferentes usos/ocupações do solo influenciaram de modos distintos na manifestação do processo erosivo.


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Under the aegis of the third diocese bishop of Caicó, Dom Manuel Tavares de Araújo, the Broadcasting Station of Rural Education of that city was founded, in May 1 s" 1963 with the ideal of being then an educational city, preferentially for youths and adults, rural meu and women of the arca of Seridó in Rio Grande do Norte state. In the year of its 40th birthday (2003), we began the investigation of that radio station choosing as study object its educational and formative programming, in the inc1usion of the first fifteen years of its existence (1963-1978), period that reaches the official inauguration of the Radio Station and the end of the bishopric of its fOllllder as Bishop of Caicó. Elucidating and showing Man's formative ideaIs longed by that Catholic educational broadcasting station, underlying to its radiophonic programming, such as the idealization for it reached, is the objective of this Doctorate work. It was considered pertinent to discover the guidelines that historically have permeated the Social Doçtrine of the Catholic Church addressing its aggiornamento, especially in what concerns to the employment of the modern ways of communication for the distance with the aim of evangelizing and educating. In arder to understand the ideaIs of the investigated educational Radio, we have delimited the research to the thematic Catholic Church, means of social communication and base education. In face of the study object and the aim to be reached it was appealed, methodologically, to the notion of cultural action present in Certeau (1995), and to the understanding of educational formation backgrounded fIam the modern thinkers that discuss it. Such frame references have allowed us to analyze in a wider spectrum tl)e programming broadcasted on the air by the sound wavys of that educ(itional Çatholic Radio, as well as, the very acts of cultural idealizations that has orientated it in its foundations. The thesis here defended is that. the Radio, at procJaiming itself as a broadcasting station of rural education directed preferably to the rural sertanejo countrymen, without neglecting its admitted ends, has surpassed them in its overall range. It was identified an articulate approach of its programmatic modules with the guid,elines emanateq from the Catholic Teaching about the use of the. means of social communication. At conceiving, establishin,g and executing an ec1ectic programmatic and div,ersified grating, the Rural Radio of Caicó has transcended to a strict human-Christian formation to request the development of the human, spiritual and cQrporaldimensions, jointly. With suchprogramming, it addressed to the seridoenses as real meu and women inserted in the "sertanej.o" environment with effective structural and existential problems of alI types, induding the hunger, the thirst, the syndical organization, the cQoperativism, the colIective modero work and the absence of universalizing school education. Its radiophonic transmissions, I}lled by the demands of an enlarged, open, dialogic and responsible communication, wheneIllbracing dedicated modules to religious and catechetical emissions, to the entertainment, to the radiojoumalism, to the country root culture, and to the school education of b se for the modality of the School and of the radiophonic classes, subsumed to ideaIs that longed for the formation of a multifaceted and pluridimensional sertanejo Man; of men and women that, without abjuring the Catholicism, were able to understand, to dialogued and to live together with the general demands of a society in progressive mutation, whose economical, social, cultural and educational demands it IDade themselves to be felt through the sertão potiguar of the Serido region, equal way of the intemationalized world


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This thesis has the aim to comprehend the development of the superior graduation in life service and daily scholar of the history teachers in-land of Sergipe. The History Course graduation was realized through the second part of (Projeto de Qualificação Docente-PQD), the so-called, Teaching Qualification Project of the Federal University of Sergipe, first settled in 1998. Eight teachers were chosen for this research with more than (15) fifteen years of teaching in the Fundamental and Medium levels at public schools of our state (Sergipe). This empiric research priviledged oral testimony from them, which (ones) reveled about the memory tragetory of life. Since childhood until the History Course graduation, besides the evidence as Principal of schools as well as the following classes. All of them were interviewed from in-land and they are from very poor families with lack of social economical conditions. Those evidencies point out economic limitations in their different towns, that contributed to the continuous obstacle in the following studies, moreover in the common market. Therefore they still teach in order to believe in who´s at the botton of this business. Their testimony about this history graduation through PQD , gave them new Professional horizons, modifying their pedagogic practice, choosing what is worth into the social space beyond life expectancy. Through the analyses from all the documents and evidence in loco, it was evident that this graduation is not sufficient to change all the acting of teaching. Consequently, the lack of scholar situation still happens because this qualification doesn´t consider the knowledge of the teachers into their contexts. This research could also observe that besides the changing purposes in the suggested common-job by the globalization, the public politics education, is still underdeveloped in-land of Sergipe. According to the educational laws which obliges all tearches should be graduated, it could be observed that nothing changed into their acting. The old curricula don´t give them new possibility in their acting. At last their salaries, poor conditions in their common-job as well as the difficult ways to get to their pos graduation course still contributes to the underdeveloped acting before they´d graduated from the period before of their graduation


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The present work, based on the methodological principles of the Comprehensive Discourse Analysis, aimed, through the speech of twelve newly arrived students at the Pedagogy course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, to understand the moment students start university. It also aimed to analyze the relationship between the schools they were coming from and university entrance as well as the relationship between university and their new students. In the first part of the work, which focused on school knowledge, a comprehensive listening of the speeches of the students led primarily to a distinction, established by the students, between public and private schools, a distinction especially based on the view of superiority of private schools against public ones. The abovementioned interpretation is found in the discussion of the structural duality of Brazilian education which, historically, offers different pedagogical appliances among students of more priviledged social classes and those who come from lower levels of society. The overcome of this duality, aspired by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, was stopped by the advent of a new economic model neoliberalism, which reinforced the differences between public and private when it prioritized the market on the economic, political and social relations, including educational projects. Impoverishment of public institutions and pauperization of the work of professors affected also the relationship between teachers and studens at the current institution. This is how the teacher becomes the greatest villain at the public management system. All of these references concerning differences in the quality of teaching at public and private schools, expressed by the students interviewed, however, were centered in the preparation for the entrance exam, called vestibular, thus showing a view that the relationship between the student and the school he came from is of a propedeutic kind and even so, reduced to a preparation for an entrance exam. In the second part of the work, which analyzed the relationship between newly arrived students and their university, it was noticed that the latter represents a whole new world. This world is seen as the change at the student´s social statute for now he is grown, takes more responsibilities and is socially respected. This change of attitude established by society and the discovery of a new world which requires more independence from the students, creates in them feelings of pride and fear and they feel insecure when it comes to making decision in the campus because now their decisions deliver a greater load of responsibility. This is when students understand they need to develop autonomy, which is seen, in this work, as the capacity to make conscious decisions. Nevertheless students expressed an understanding of autonomy as something that comes as a gift for those who enter university and not as a process that is constructed from social experiences. For these students, the need to be autonomous refers to the relationships with their teachers and the search for information. This search, however, is also related, according to interviews, to public school financial cuts, which penalize university, and to the lack of employers


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Plongés dans le temps présent, les dessins humoristiques, par la capacité de représenter, de suggérer et de communiquer une idée, marquent présence à l école et dans la salle de classe. Caractérisés par l utilisation d éléments comiques, satiriques et irôniques, outre la nature persuasive, ces dessins possibilitent le lecteur de faire une lecture critique des événements sociaux et politiques de notre société. En tant que langage visuel, structuré dans les formes verbale et icônique, de même que par le caractère analogique de représentation, les dessins humoristiques constituent un excellent recours pédagogique. Toutefois, ils sont longtemps restés inaperçus par l école et, seul récemment, ils sont devenus objet d investigation de la part des historiens. Dans ce sens, nous nous sommes proposés, dans cette étude, à analyser l utilisation de ces dessins par les professeurs d histoire des écoles publiques nommées Centros Paraibanos de Educação Solidária (CEPES), de João Pessoa, capitale de l Etat de Paraíba, en vue d appréhender et de discuter la façon dont ces professeurs font usage de ces dessins dans leur pratique pédagogique. Par le moyen des actions des professeurs, conçues comme des arts de faire, selon Certeau, et par l identification des usages qui se caractérisent comme des tactiques, nous avons essayé de percevoir comment se réalise le rapport humour et histoire, en salle de classe. La systématisation, la catégorisation et la narration des pratiques pédagogiques observées ont été réalisées par l analyse des questionnaires et des interviews appliqués aux professeurs et élèves, ainsi qu à l observation des classes. Notre recherche s est fondée sur les théories de Roger Chartier et Michel de Certeau, dont les concepts de représentation et d appropriation, d usages et de tactiques nous ont aidé à comprendre la forme par laquelle les sujets incorporés au quotidien de la salle de classe se sont appropriés de la dimension imagétique à travers l humour. A partir des concepts d usage et d appropriation nous avons identifié dans les actions et les parlers, la façon dont les dessins humoristiques sont travaillés par les professeurs. Conçus comme des registres visuels qui relatent des questions sociales, politiques et économiques, ces dessins sont perçus comme des registres visuels qui relatent des questions sociales, politiques et économiques, identifant, ainsi, les adversités du présent, dans le monde social


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This work aims to discuss and analyze the process of school inclusion of a blind person in the Bachelor's Degree in Music, at the School of Music at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, as well as reflect on the importance of establishing systems of support and to ensure university inclusive process of people with visual impairments. In pursuit to achieve these objectives, this research chose a qualitative methodological approach, the case study, using as procedures for data construction an interview, observation, analysis of documents and photographs. Joined the group of participants in this study, a blind student in the class of 2009.1of the EMUFRN Bachelor's Degree in Music, teachers from two disciplines complied by the student, two classmates, a monitor support in music theory, the course coordinator and school principal, and two other individuals who contributed to the inclusion process in actions not formalized institutionally. The results indicate UFRN proposed initiatives that contribute to inclusion of students with disabilities in this institution, the main one is the creation of the Standing Committee of Support for Students with Special Educational Needs (CAENE), a group that guides administrative sectors, teachers, principals, coordinators and students on the measures needed to enter and remain in quality education for all. Physical accessibility is still under construction at UFRN, and many access and sectors see it being adapted for students with physical or visual disabilities, and those with mobility impairments, have access to various parts of the university, however, as shown in this study, some points need to be reconsidered, as there are several places where the installation of tactile floor does not fully follow the guidelines proposed in the legislation. The proposals for access to the curriculum, mediated by EMUFRN, are actions that propose the inclusion of the blind student, as the existence of an educational monitor to help in the study of music theory, however, we need to rethink these proposals to not became actions of reactive intervention. Assuming a more proactive posture, the EMUFRN will be prepared to receive the diversity of students that expects. The study also points out that the blind student is part of a group of students that are practical musicians, who must work in events and evening shows, and who have little knowledge in music theory, leading, respectively, in low frequency classes and learning difficulties in certain curricular components, which may cause the closing of such components. In this case, the challenge of EMUFRN, considering the inclusive perspective, it is not specifically fit for the academic host a blind student, but to develop an accessibility project curriculum to consider effectively the diversity of all its students, taking into account mainly the economic and cultural conditions. This implies a process of resizing academic practices that be guided for collaborative and coordinated actions involving the various educational actors at EMUFRN and UFRN


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Nowadays, classifying proteins in structural classes, which concerns the inference of patterns in their 3D conformation, is one of the most important open problems in Molecular Biology. The main reason for this is that the function of a protein is intrinsically related to its spatial conformation. However, such conformations are very difficult to be obtained experimentally in laboratory. Thus, this problem has drawn the attention of many researchers in Bioinformatics. Considering the great difference between the number of protein sequences already known and the number of three-dimensional structures determined experimentally, the demand of automated techniques for structural classification of proteins is very high. In this context, computational tools, especially Machine Learning (ML) techniques, have become essential to deal with this problem. In this work, ML techniques are used in the recognition of protein structural classes: Decision Trees, k-Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine and Neural Networks. These methods have been chosen because they represent different paradigms of learning and have been widely used in the Bioinfornmatics literature. Aiming to obtain an improvment in the performance of these techniques (individual classifiers), homogeneous (Bagging and Boosting) and heterogeneous (Voting, Stacking and StackingC) multiclassification systems are used. Moreover, since the protein database used in this work presents the problem of imbalanced classes, artificial techniques for class balance (Undersampling Random, Tomek Links, CNN, NCL and OSS) are used to minimize such a problem. In order to evaluate the ML methods, a cross-validation procedure is applied, where the accuracy of the classifiers is measured using the mean of classification error rate, on independent test sets. These means are compared, two by two, by the hypothesis test aiming to evaluate if there is, statistically, a significant difference between them. With respect to the results obtained with the individual classifiers, Support Vector Machine presented the best accuracy. In terms of the multi-classification systems (homogeneous and heterogeneous), they showed, in general, a superior or similar performance when compared to the one achieved by the individual classifiers used - especially Boosting with Decision Tree and the StackingC with Linear Regression as meta classifier. The Voting method, despite of its simplicity, has shown to be adequate for solving the problem presented in this work. The techniques for class balance, on the other hand, have not produced a significant improvement in the global classification error. Nevertheless, the use of such techniques did improve the classification error for the minority class. In this context, the NCL technique has shown to be more appropriated