899 resultados para business-to-business relationships


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The goals of this study are to determine relationships between synaptogenesis and morphogenesis within the mushroom body calyx of the honeybee Apis mellifera and to find out how the microglomerular structure characteristic for the mature calyx is established during metamorphosis. We show that synaptogenesis in the mushroom body calycal neuropile starts in early metamorphosis (stages P1-P3), before the microglomerular structure of the neuropile is established. The initial step of synaptogenesis is characterized by the rare occurrence of distinct synaptic contacts. A massive synaptogenesis starts at stage P5, which coincides with the formation of microglomeruli, structural units of the calyx that are composed of centrally located presynaptic boutons surrounded by spiny postsynaptic endings. Microglomeruli are assembled either via accumulation of fine postsynaptic processes around preexisting presynaptic boutons or via ingrowth of thin neurites of presynaptic neurons into premicroglomeruli, tightly packed groups of spiny endings. During late pupal stages (P8-P9), addition of new synapses and microglomeruli is likely to continue. Most of the synaptic appositions formed there are made by boutons (putative extrinsic mushroom body neurons) into small postsynaptic profiles that do not exhibit presynaptic specializations (putative intrinsic mushroom body neurons). Synapses between presynaptic boutons characteristic of the adult calyx first appear at stage P8 but remain rare toward the end of metamorphosis. Our observations are consistent with the hypothesis that most of the synapses established during metamorphosis provide the structural basis for afferent information flow to calyces, whereas maturation of local synaptic circuitry is likely to occur after adult emergence.


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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo, esclarecer como a ansiedade desempenha um papel de forte influência em relacionamentos interpessoais e como o conhecimento desta influência, seguido de uma consciência que possibilite sua amenização, pode permitir relacionamentos harmônicos e diminuição de conflitos que fazem parte do cotidiano. A partir de uma análise de natureza bibliográfica, se utilizou autores de áreas correlatas como psicologia, aconselhamento, filosofia e teologia, por entender que existe um grande volume de conhecimentos científicos sobre o tema, os quais poderão acrescentar positivamente ao estudo do mesmo. É utilizada uma dialética que considera a formação das relações sociais, a origem de influências construtoras de condutas intra e interpessoais de um indivíduo, bem como a insatisfação emocional produzida pela ansiedade. A contribuição deste trabalho relaciona-se à viabilidade de se conquistar relacionamentos mais saudáveis; o desenvolvimento da idéia de ação consciente, atitude menos influenciada pela ansiedade; e o realce da importância de uma prática pastoral fundamentada na fé como esperança minimizadora da ansiedade. Sua utilidade aponta para a esperança em relacionamentos interpessoais harmoniosos, não utópicos, mas produtos de conhecimento, discernimento e compreensão da realidade intra e interpessoal do indivíduo.(AU)


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A dissertação objetiva estudar o papel que o apocalipsismo, desempenhou na história e no contexto da redação do oráculo isaiano em Isaías 24,1-6. A proposta é de que sua função foi de grande importância no processo de formação do judaísmo pós-exílico, fomentando uma nova reidentificação e reetnização dos israelitas-judaítas num contexto de frustração nacionalista e religiosa que gerou uma grande heterogeneidade teológica. Identificamos este contexto como sendo o ambiente em que se deu um complexo processo de transição sócio-teológica na história dos judaitas no período de dominação persa. O apocalipsismo, enquanto fenômeno religioso e sócio-histórico, se mostrou como resultado de uma realidade hostil e desumanizadora na qual a identidade teológico-cultural e os relacionamentos sócioeconômicos das pessoas foram extremamente ameaçados e violentados gerando uma contraposição aos desígnios de Yahweh expressos na aliança firmada por ele para com seu povo. Através da pesquisa e análise exegética de Isaías 24,1-6, a presente dissertação propõe que, a partir dessa realidade conflituosa, a profecia apocalipsista isaiana se manifesta contra as estruturas e suas articulações geradoras de segregação e desumanidade, lançando uma esperança no ato transformador por intermédio de Yahweh, o senhor da história, que possibilita um reverso histórico, a partir do qual será possível reconstruir relacionamentos favoráveis no âmbito social e espiritual.(AU)


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Diante do grande avanço tecnológico e utilização de equipamentos e diversas ferramentas no ensino, além da conectividade a qualquer momento, é possível perceber o grande crescimento do uso das redes sociais tanto pelos alunos como pelos professores. Com este crescimento observa-se uma comunicação mais intensa entre aluno e professor fora do ambiente da sala de aula, principalmente por intermédio das redes sociais, com a comunicação eletrônica envolvendo e-mails, conversas online, trocas de arquivos, fotos, vídeos etc. Considerando essa nova realidade esta pesquisa objetivou investigar se existe um impacto dessa nova forma de comunicação na profissão docente. Nesse contexto, tendo como foco privilegiado o facebook, emergiram alguns questionamentos para análise: essa nova ferramenta auxilia na relação professor-aluno? Ela pode trazer algum impacto positivo e/ou negativo para o professor? Qual a influência do uso dessa rede social nas relações trabalhistas? Sua existência e o seu uso podem influenciar nas decisões da coordenação/direção da escola? O estudo partiu do pressuposto de que as redes sociais exercem impactos positivos e negativos, pois podem se constituir como ferramentas que auxiliam a prática pedagógica. No entanto, no que se refere às relações trabalhistas e também, às relações interpessoais, o professor pode estar vulnerável quanto às suas relações institucionais e profissionais. Fundamentada nas concepções de autores que discorrem sobre a utilização dessas redes, e sobre as características do trabalho frente às novas demandas do capital, a pesquisa de campo, do tipo exploratória, direcionou-se no sentido de identificar esses fatores por meio da análise dos dados investigados com professores que utilizam a rede social facebook. Os resultados confirmaram que há impactos de diversas naturezas no trabalho docente. Esta nova ferramenta, ao mesmo tempo em que pode auxiliar na relação professor-aluno, expõe o docente, e é utilizada, pelas instituições de ensino, como instrumento de controle e de exercício de poder que se refletem nas relações trabalhistas.


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A escola é uma instituição inserida na sociedade e, portanto reflete seus sintomas, dentre eles a violência, que de maneira geral vem sendo institucionalizada, sendo percebida como algo natural e imutável, e a maneira com a qual ela vem sendo tratada pela escola apenas a perpetua. Comumente a resolução dos conflitos perpassa por uma noção de justiça vinculada à punição e a obediência, havendo sempre uma relação proporcional ou não, entre o ato e sua sanção, sendo o enfoque no crime, ou seja, a justiça retributiva. A proposta de justiça restaurativa, diferentemente, visa exatamente o oposto, pois se fixa não no castigo e na vingança, mas na restauração das relações e na valorização de todos os envolvidos, por meio dos círculos restaurativos. Estes inserem o facilitador e os participantes. Inicialmente é feita uma apresentação do funcionamento do círculo. Afinal esse modo de organização é envolto de uma aura sagrada, em que todos se preparam para a restituição, pois se deve estar disposto a reconciliar-se. Nos círculos pode-se ouvir e falar por meio do bastão da fala que circula, quem está em seu poder conta sua versão da história sem estigmas de vítimas ou ofensores, ao recontar e ao ouvir o posicionamento do outro, há o estabelecimento de novos vínculos. A partir desta formação os sujeitos podem buscar soluções consensuais a fim de restabelecer as relações, sanar as necessidades individuais e eliminar as disputas conflituosas. A ênfase na responsabilização dos sujeitos em uma sociedade que delega responsabilidades promoveu na pesquisa a necessidade da discussão dos conceitos de culpa e vergonha como agentes reparadores. Tem-se por objetivo relatar experiências analisando o uso de processos restaurativos na promoção da resolução dos conflitos escolares. O estudo consta de uma amostra de quatro casos envolvendo adolescentes em conflitos escolares, que foram analisados qualitativamente, considerando as subjetividades envolvidas nos relatos. Assim, este trabalho mostra que o uso de práticas restaurativas no trato dos conflitos escolares, é uma possibilidade de intervenção que atua na melhora do ambiente e da convivência escolar, promovendo aprendizagens e troca de saberes, valorizando a tolerância ao diferente e a possibilidade de escuta, compreendendo o conflito de maneira positiva, abdicando condutas punitivas, mas principalmente restaurando relações. ões. Neste trabalho foi possível entender que a violência esta institucionalizada, naturalizada e reproduzida na escola, e que rompe essa cadeia ao compreender as causas da violência escolar, promovendo a substituição da violência pelo diálogo e por outras tantas outras respostas possíveis. Entender o conflito como inerente aos relacionamentos e o abordar como possibilidade de aprendizagem, os manejando sob a ótica da justiça restaurativa, promove uma rede multiplicadora de paz, em que os alunos disseminam às suas famílias e comunidade estes novos olhares. Reparar, restituir, reintegrar, restabelecer, recuperar, reconstituir, restaurar. A beleza dessa ideia, desse novo paradigma do qual essa pesquisa se apropria é a capacidade humana de se refazer, de se reinventar. Compreender a oportunidade de reiniciar, satisfazendo necessidades e compensando perdas, é validar a própria humanidade.


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Os estudos sobre as condições de trabalho de profissionais da educação sempre tiveram como objetivo identificar fatores negativos, como o burnout e o estresse. Porém, é sabido que variáveis relacionadas com as relações interpessoais podem proporcionar melhora no bem-estar no trabalho nestes profissionais. O professor, protagonista do processo ensino-aprendizagem pode apresentar bem-estar no trabalho e desempenhar melhor o seu ofício se tiver percepção de suporte daqueles que compõem sua rede social dentro de sua escola. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as relações entre bem-estar no trabalho e percepção de suporte social no trabalho em professores do ensino fundamental. Participaram do estudo 209 professores, do ensino fundamental da rede pública municipal e estadual de ensino, todos do sexo feminino com idade média de 41,55 anos (DP=8,64) e com o nível de instrução mínimo correspondente ao ensino médio. Esses professores responderam a um questionário auto aplicável contendo quatro medidas: Escala de Envolvimento com o Trabalho, Escala de Satisfação com o Trabalho Escala de Comprometimento Organizacional Afetivo e Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social no Trabalho. Calcularam-se as médias, desvios padrão, correlações e sete modelos de regressão linear stepwise entre as variáveis do estudo. Os resultados apontaram para satisfação com os colegas, com a chefia e com as tarefas, mas pouca satisfação com salários e promoções. Os professores apresentaram comprometimento afetivo com suas escolas e envolvimento com o trabalho que realizam. Foi revelada percepção de suporte social, com uma tendência mais elevada de suporte com as informações recebidas, seguida da percepção de suporte emocional e percepção de suporte instrumental nesta ordem. Foram comprovadas relações positivas e significativas entre as dimensões de bem-estar no trabalho e percepção de suporte social no trabalho. Modelos de regressão revelaram que as três dimensões de suporte social no trabalho impactam positivamente as três dimensões de bem-estar no trabalho, com maior capacidade de explicação entre si. Sugere-se novos estudos envolvendo percepção de suporte social no trabalho e bem-estar no trabalho com outras categorias profissionais para complementar estes ainda pouco estudados conceitos.(AU)


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The thesis investigated progression of the central 10° visual field with structural changes at the macula in a cross-section of patients with varying degrees of agerelated macular degeneration (AMD). The relationships between structure and function were investigated for both standard and short-wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP). Factors known to influence the measure of visual field progression were considered, including the accuracy of the refractive correction on SWAP thresholds and the learning effect. Techniques of assessing the structure to function relationships between fundus images and the visual field were developed with computer programming and evaluated for repeatability. Drusen quantification of fundus photographs and retro-mode scanning laser ophthalmoscopic images was performed. Visual field progression was related to structural changes derived from both manual and automated methods. Principal Findings: • Visual field sensitivity declined with advancing stage of AMD. SWAP showed greater sensitivity to progressive changes than standard perimetry. • Defects were confined to the central 5°. SWAP defects occurred at similar locations but were deeper and wider than corresponding standard perimetry defects. • The central field became less uniform as severity of AMD increased. SWAP visual field indices of focal loss were of more importance when detecting early change in AMD, than indices of diffuse loss. • The decline in visual field sensitivity over stage of severity of AMD was not uniform, whereas a linear relationship was found between the automated measure of drusen area and visual field parameters. • Perimetry exhibited a stronger relationship with drusen area than other measures of visual function. • Overcorrection of the refraction for the working distance in SWAP should be avoided in subjects with insufficient accommodative facility. • The perimetric learning effect in the 10° field did not differ significantly between normal subjects and AMD patients. • Subretinal deposits appeared more numerous in retro-mode imaging than in fundus photography.


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Three years of action research into a study skills and transition programme for psychology undergraduates are reported. The programme began as a ‘bolt-on’ response to perceptions of student deficit and developed to focus on transition to university. Data from three cohorts and over 600 students show attendance to be associated with higher academic grades and progression rates. The programme has also helped to establish relationships with peers and staff, prepare students for assessments, set expectations about study, and provided an opportunity to ask questions, to work collaboratively and to learn about referencing and plagiarism. Concerns with study skills highlighted by Wingate (2006) and others are discussed.


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Orthodox contingency theory links effective organisational performance to compatible relationships between the environment and organisation strategy and structure and assumes that organisations have the capacity to adapt as the environment changes. Recent contributions to the literature on organisation theory claim that the key to effective performance is effective adaptation which in turn requires the simultaneous reconciliation of efficiency and innovation which is afforded by an unique environment-organisation configuration. The literature on organisation theory recognises the continuing confusion caused by the fragmented and often conflicting results from cross-sectional studies. Although the case is made for longitudinal studies which comprehensively describe the evolving relationship between the environment and the organisation there is little to suggest how such studies should be executed in practice. Typically the choice is between the approaches of the historicised case study and statistical analysis of large populations which examine the relationship between environment and organisation strategy and/or structure and ignore the product-process relationship. This study combines the historicised case study and the multi-variable and ordinal scale approach of statistical analysis to construct an analytical framework which tracks and exposes the environment-organisation-performance relationship over time. The framework examines changes in the environment, strategy and structure and uniquely includes an assessment of the organisation's product-process relationship and its contribution to organisational efficiency and innovation. The analytical framework is applied to examine the evolving environment-organisation relationship of two organisations in the same industry over the same twenty-five year period to provide a sector perspective of organisational adaptation. The findings demonstrate the significance of the environment-organisation configuration to the scope and frequency of adaptation and suggest that the level of sector homogeneity may be linked to the level of product-process standardisation.


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Hospital employees who work in an environment with zero tolerance to error, face several stressors that may result in psychological, physiological, and behavioural strains, and subsequently, in suboptimal performance. This thesis includes two studies which investigate the stressor-to-strain-to-performance relationships in hospitals. The first study is a cross-sectional, multi-group investigation based on secondary data from 65,142 respondents in 172 acute/specialist UK NHS trusts. This model proposes that senior management leadership predicts social support and job design which, in turn, moderate stressors-to-strains across team structure. The results confirm the model's robustness. Regression analysis provides support for main effects and minimal support for moderation hypotheses. Therefore, based on its conclusions and inherent limitations, study one lays the framework for study two. The second study is a cross-sectional, multilevel investigation of the strain-reducing effects of social environment on externally-rated unit-level performance based on primary data from 1,137 employees in 136 units, in a hospital in Malta. The term "social environment" refers to the prediction of the moderator variables, which is to say, social support and decision latitude/control, by transformational leadership and team climate across hospital units. This study demonstrates that transformational leadership is positively associated with social support, whereas team climate is positively associated with both moderators. At the same time, it identifies a number of moderating effects which social support and decision latitude/control, both separately and together, had on specific stressor-to-strain relationships. The results show significant mediated stressor-to-strain-to-performance relationships. Furthermore, at the higher level, unit-level performance is positively associated with shared unit-level team climate and with unit-level vision, the latter being one of the five sub-dimension of transformational leadership. At the same time, performance is also positively related to both transformational leadership and team climate when the two constructs are tested together. Few studies have linked the buffering effects of the social environment in occupational stress with performance. Therefore, this research strives to make a significant contribution to the occupational stress and performance literature with a focus on hospital practice. Indeed, the study highlights the wide-ranging and far-reaching implications that these findings provide for theory, management, and practice.


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This study seeks to describe current practice and opinion in schools for the maladjusted in England and Wales and to exarnlne how far this coincides with earlier descriptions. A review of the literature provides an account of this earlier work, and data accrued from questionnaires completed by 114 schools describe current practice and opinion. The study represents the most extensive empirical enquiry into the work of these schools since 1955 and provides a wide data basis for future research and assessment of progress and change. The data suggest that there is much communality of practice and opinion within the schools, with most schools emphasising their therapeutic rather than their educational purpose. The work is characterised by the wide use and perceived efficacy of warm, caring adult to child relationships, improvement of pupil self-image through success, and individual counselling and discussion, which permeate a structure of routine, discipline and educational concern. Specialised treatments are not used widely and involve only a minority of pupils. Practice tends to be in reference to conduct disordered pupils who are now perceived as the largest single disorder group within the schools, whereas previously neurotic disorders formed the largest single group. The majority of pupils are perceived as underachieving on entry and requiring remedial help: consequently the educational programme has a remedial bias. For staff, qualities of personality are considered to be more valuable than professional skills. The schools differ in the emphasis they allocate to one or more of four identified areas of treatment described as concern for pupils' needs; degree of pupil participation; theoretical orientation: and the use of external controls. There is a diminished reference to psychoanalytical theory and an increased reference to behaviourist theory relative to previous practice. Similarly, the use and perceived importance and effectiveness of pupil participation and unconditional affection has diminished.


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In their search for innovative policy solutions to complex social problematics, local governance practitioners will look to synergising specific policy guidance from government departments with conceptual scientific research outputs. UK academics are also now expected to emphasise the relevance of their research and to increase its utilisation by practitioners. Away from utilitarian pressures, academics from applied discipline, such as Public Administration and Local Government Studies are increasingly drawn to the benefits of co-produced research. Despite the pressure for more co-research there are few opportunities for practitioners and academics to nurture relationships that would support close collaboration. This paper looks at the opportunity for closer collaboration when practitioners undertake research degrees, in order to enhance their cognitive skills and develop greater scientific knowledge of particular policy domains. If this route to closer collaboration is to succeed, it will require academics to think differently about their relationship with practitioner-students.


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Membership in well-structured teams, which show clarity in team and individual goals, meet regularly, and recognize diverse skills of their members, is known to reduce stress. This study examined how membership of well-structured teams was associated with lower levels of strain, when testing a work stressors-to-strains relationship model across the three levels of team structure, namely well-structured, poorly structured (do not fulfill all the criteria of well-structured teams) and no team. The work stressors tested, were quantitative overload and hostile environment, whereas strains were measured through job satisfaction and intention to leave job. This investigation was carried out on a random sample of 65,142 respondents in acute/specialist National Health Service hospitals across the UK. Using multivariate analysis of variance, statistically significant differences between means across the three groups of team structure, with mostly moderate effect sizes, were found for the study variables. Those in well-structured teams have the highest levels of job satisfaction and the least intention to leave job. Multigroup structural equation modelling confirmed the model's robustness across the three groups of team structure. Work stressors explained 45%, 50% and 65% of the variance of strains for well-structured, poorly structured and no team membership, respectively. An increase of one standard deviation in work stressors, resulted in an increase in 0.67, 0.70 and 0.81 standard deviations in strains for well-structured, poorly structured and no team membership, respectively. This investigation is an eye-opener for hospitals to work towards achieving well-structured teams, as this study shows weaker stressor-to-strain relationships for members of these teams.


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Interorganizational team research is a growing body of literature and research has started toexamine team related factors such as interorganizational trust (i.e. Stock, 2006) in theinterorganizational setting. This research applies insights from the intraorganizational teamfield into the interorganizational team setting in order to determine the team related factorspertaining to effective collaboration in medical device innovation projects.Interorganizational collaboration has been a persistent feature within the interorganizationalrelations literature, due to the added benefits that can come with working collaborativelytowards a common goal (Berg-Weger & Schnieder, 1998). While much research has exploredthe structures and performance outcomes of engaging in this cross-boundary working, theliterature is sparse with respect to interpersonal relationships, practices and processes leadingto effective collaboration (Bergenholtz & Waldstrom, 2011; Majchrzak, Jarvenpaa & Bargherz,2015). An interpretivist perspective has informed an exploratory mixed methods approach to datacollection, with contextual insights informing each phase of data collection. Three exploratoryphases of data collection have provided (1) qualitative ethnography data, (1i) qualitativeinterview data and (2) quantitative survey data. The NHS has recently set out agendas to increase innovative procurement (Department ofHealth, 2008), work more closely with industry and SMEs (Innovation and Procurement Plan:Department of Health, 2009) and to increase innovative practice (IHW: NHS, 2011). SMEsdeveloping novel medical devices require input from the NHS to ensure that their devices areclinically applicable and therefore will be adopted by the NHS. These contextual insightsprovide the backdrop for Studies 1i and 2. The findings suggest that the intraorganizational team literature can be extended into theinterorganizational collaboration literature, whilst also explaining the factors relating toeffectiveness and success of interorganizational team innovation.


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Recent studies have reported alarmingly high rates of HIV infection and risky sexual behaviors among gay men in Miami, Florida. Previous research has suggested that the risky sexual behaviors of many gay men reflect the pursuit of intimacy and love, and that barriers to intimate relationships among gay men may stem from traditional masculinity norms. This dissertation examines the meanings which gay men ascribe to their sexual behaviors, as well as the intersections of those meanings with both traditional masculinity constructions and Miami's gay male sexual culture. ^ The study is based upon participant observation, print media content analysis, surveys and ethnographic interviews of a purposive snowball sample of 30 Cuban American, Puerto Rican, African American and Anglo gay men who reside in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Analysis of research questions was accomplished through grounded theory methods and descriptive and non-parametric statistics, including Pearson chi-square, Fisher's Exact and Mann-Whitney U tests. ^ The study shows that culturally-specified masculinity norms vary in the relative importance ascribed to heterosexual prowess, economic providership and competitiveness. These cultural differences appear important not only to the timing of sexual awareness and to the strength of homosexual stereotyping as effeminacy, but also to men's strategies in coming out as gay. The meanings men attributed to their sexual behaviors were, however, constructed in response to both inherited masculinity norms and the hypermasculine structure of Miami's gay male sexual culture. In addition to providing an ethnographic account of this subculture, the study elaborates men's issues relative to casual sex and committed relationships. Unprotected anal intercourse with casual partners during the previous twelve months was associated with growing up without one's father in the home, having been teased for effeminacy during childhood, being defensive about one's masculinity, not trusting men, having been cheated on by boyfriends, and believing that long-term gay male relationships are problematic. ^ It is concluded that the continuing epidemic of HIV infections among local gay men, as well as the hypermasculine form of the gay sexual subculture itself, are nihilistic symptoms embedded in the masculinist gender structure of the larger society. ^