878 resultados para brand dominance


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Despite its importance to agriculture, the genetic basis of heterosis is still not well understood. The main competing hypotheses include dominance, overdominance, and epistasis. NC design III is an experimental design that. has been used for estimating the average degree of dominance of quantitative trait 106 (QTL) and also for studying heterosis. In this study, we first develop a multiple-interval mapping (MIM) model for design III that provides a platform to estimate the number, genomic positions, augmented additive and dominance effects, and epistatic interactions of QTL. The model can be used for parents with any generation of selling. We apply the method to two data sets, one for maize and one for rice. Our results show that heterosis in maize is mainly due to dominant gene action, although overdominance of individual QTL could not completely be ruled out due to the mapping resolution and limitations of NC design III. For rice, the estimated QTL dominant effects could not explain the observed heterosis. There is evidence that additive X additive epistatic effects of QTL could be the main cause for the heterosis in rice. The difference in the genetic basis of heterosis seems to be related to open or self pollination of the two species. The MIM model for NC design III is implemented in Windows QTL Cartographer, a freely distributed software.


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The soil organic matter (SOM) extracted under different vegetation types from a Brazilian mangrove (Pai Matos Island, Sao Paulo State) and from three Spanish salt marshes (Betanzos Ria and Corrubedo Natural Parks, Galicia, and the Albufera Natural Park, Valencia) was investigated by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). The chemical variation was larger in SOM from the Spanish marshes than in the SOM of the Brazilian mangroves, possibly because the marshes included sites with both tidal and nontidal variation, whereas the mangrove forest underwent just tidal variation. Thus, plant-derived organic matter was better preserved under permanently anoxic environments. Moreover, given the low number of studied profiles and sedimentary-vegetation sequences in both areas, depth trends remain unclear. The chemical data also allow distinction between the contributions of woody and nonwoody vegetation inputs. Soil organic matter decomposition was found to cause: (i) a decrease in lignin contents and a relative increase in aliphatics; (ii) an increase in short-chain aliphatics at the expense of longer ones; (iii) a loss of odd-over-even dominance in alkanes and alkenes; and (iv) an increase in microbial products, including proteins, sterols, short-chain fatty acids, and alkanes. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry is a useful tool to study the behavior and composition of SOM in wetland environments such as mangroves and salt marshes. Additional profiles need to be studied for each vegetation type, however, to improve the interpretability of the chemical data.


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Aiming to achieve the ideal time of ovum pick-up (OPU) for in vitro embryo production (IVP) in crossbred heifers, two Latin square design studies investigated the effect of ovarian follicular wave synchronization with estradiol benzoate (EB) and progestins. For each experiment, crossbred heifers stage of estrous cycle was synchronized either with a norgestomet ear implant (Experiment 1) or a progesterone intravaginal device (Experiment 2) for 7d, followed by the administration of 150 mu g D-cloprostenol. On Day 7, all follicles >3 mm in diameter were aspirated and implants/devices were replaced by new ones. Afterwards, implant/device replacement was conducted every 14 d. Each experiment had three treatment groups. In Experiment I (n = 12), heifers in Group 2X had their follicles aspirated twice a week and those in Groups 1X and 1X-EB were submitted to OPU once a week for a period of 28 d. Heifers from Group 1X-EB also received 2 mg EB i.m. immediately after each OPU session. In Experiment 2 (n = 11), animals from Group 0EB did not receive EB while heifers in Groups 2EB and 5EB received 2 and 5 mg of EB respectively, immediately after OPU. The OPU sessions were performed once weekly for 28 d. Therefore, in both experiments, four OPU sessions were performed in heifers aspirated once a week and in Experiment 1, eight OPU sessions were done in heifers aspirated twice a week. Additionally, during the 7-d period following follicular aspiration, ovarian ultrasonography examinations were conducted to measure diameter of the largest follicle and blood samples were collected for FSH quantification by RIA. In Experiment 1, all viable oocytes recovered were in vitro matured and fertilized. Results indicated that while progestin and EB altered follicular wave patterns, this treatment did not prevent establishment of follicular dominance on the ovaries of heifers during OPU at 7-d intervals. Furthermore, the proposed stage of follicular wave synchronization strategies did not improve the number and quality of the recovered oocytes, or the number of in vitro produced embryos. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Billings Complex and the Guarapiranga System are important strategic reservoirs for the city of Sao Paulo and surrounding areas because the water is used among other things, for the public water supply. They produce 19,000 liters of water per second and Supply water to 5.4 million people. Crude water is transferred from the Taquacetuba branch of the Billings Complex to the Guarapiranga Reservoir to regulate the water level of the reservoir. The objective of this study was to evaluate the water quality in the Taquacetuba branch, focusing on cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins. Surface water samples were collected in February (summer) and July (winter) of 2007. Analyses were conducted of physical, chemical, and biological variables of he water, cyanobacteria richness and density, and the presence of cyanotoxins. The water was classified as eutrophic-hypereutrophic. Cyanobacteria blooms were observed in both collection periods. The cyanobacteria bloom was most significant in July, reflecting lower water transparency and higher levels of total solids, suspended organic matter, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacteria density in the surface water. Low richness and elevated dominance of the cyanobacteria were found in both periods. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii was dominant in February, with 352 661.0 cel mL(-1), and Microcystis panniformis was dominant in July, with 1 866 725.0 cel mL(-1). Three variants of microcystin were found in February (MC-RR, MC-LR, MC-YR), as well as saxitoxin. The same variants of microcystin were found in July, but no saxitoxin was detected. Anatoxin-a and cylindropermopsin were not detected in either period. These findings are of great concern because the water in the Taquacetuba branch, which is transferred into the Guarapiranga Reservoir, is not treated nor managed. It is recommended that monitoring be intensified and more effective measures be taken by the responsible agencies to prevent the process of eutrophication and the consequent development of the cyanobacteria and their toxins.


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Foragers can improve search efficiency, and ultimately fitness, by using social information: cues and signals produced by other animals that indicate food location or quality. Social information use has been well studied in predator-prey systems, but its functioning within a trophic level remains poorly understood. Eavesdropping, use of signals by unintended recipients, is of particular interest because eavesdroppers may exert selective pressure on signaling systems. We provide the most complete study to date of eavesdropping between two competing social insect species by determining the glandular source and composition of a recruitment pheromone, and by examining reciprocal heterospecific responses to this signal. We tested eavesdropping between Trigona hyalinata and Trigona spinipes, two stingless bee species that compete for floral resources, exhibit a clear dominance hierarchy and recruit nestmates to high-quality food sources via pheromone trails. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of T. hyalinata recruitment pheromone revealed six carboxylic esters, the most common of which is octyl octanoate, the major component of T. spinipes recruitment pheromone. We demonstrate heterospecific detection of recruitment pheromones, which can influence heterospecific and conspecific scout orientation. Unexpectedly, the dominant T. hyalinata avoided T. spinipes pheromone in preference tests, while the subordinate T. spinipes showed neither attraction to nor avoidance of T. hyalinata pheromone. We suggest that stingless bees may seek to avoid conflict through their eavesdropping behavior, incorporating expected costs associated with a choice into the decision-making process.


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Crises persist in Australian Indigenous affairs because current policy approaches do not address the intersection of Indigenous and European political worlds. This paper responds to this challenge by providing a heuristic device for delineating Settler and Indigenous Australian political ontologies and considering their interaction. It first evokes Settler and Aboriginal ontologies as respectively biopolitical (focused through life) and terrapolitical (focused through land). These ideal types help to identify important differences that inform current governance challenges. The paper discusses the entwinement of these traditions as a story of biopolitical dominance wherein Aboriginal people are governed as an “included-exclusion” within the Australian political community. Despite the overall pattern of dominance, this same entwinement offers possibilities for exchange between biopolitics and terrapolitics, and hence for breaking the recurrent crises of Indigenous affairs.


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Examines empirically the relative influence of the degree of endangerment of wildlife species and their stated likeability on individuals’ willingness to pay (WTP) for their conservation. To do this, it utilises data obtained from the IUCN Red List and likeability and WTP data obtained from two serial surveys of a sample of the Australian public who were requested to assess 24 Australian wildlife species in each of three animal classes: mammals, birds and reptiles. Between the first and second survey, respondents were provided with extra information about the focal species. This information resulted in the clear dominance of endangerment as the major influence on the WTP of respondents for the conservation of the focal wildlife species. Our results throw doubts on the proposition in the literature that the likeability of species is the dominant influence on WTP for conservation of wildlife species. Furthermore, our results suggest that the relationship between WTP for the conservation of wildlife in relation to their population levels may be more complex and different to that suggested in some of the literature on ecological economics.


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Researchers within the field of cultural imperialism as well as the more recently developed globalisation paradigm have tended to dwell upon the economic or corporate dimensions of global cultural flows and have been largely indifferent to the domain of the everyday cultural tastes and forms of cultural consumption that exist in particular national contexts. This article seeks to redress this focus through an examination of one particular instance of cultural imperialism, the widely held belief in ?he Americanisation of Australian society. Using data from a major research project inquiring into Australian everyday culture the article focuses on the changes in cultural tastes and preferences that are evident in three generational cohorts: contemporary young adults, a segment of the 'baby-boom' generation now in middle age, and a group of older Australians born in the years following World War I and the 1920s. The article documents a trend in which overseas influences, particularly those originating from America, appear to be increasingly shaping Australians' tastes in a wide range of cultural domains. Nevertheless, despite these changes in cultural taste Australians of ail ages retain a strong sense of a distinctive national identity. Such findings have implications for an understanding of cultural globalisation as a process of hybridisation and intermixing.


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Data describing the composition of dietary supplements are not readily available to the public health community. As a result, intake from dietary supplements is generally not considered in most dietary surveys and, hence, little is known about the significance of supplement intake in relation to total diet or disease risk. To enable a more comprehensive analysis of dietary data, a database of the composition of various dietary supplements has been compiled. Active ingredients of all dietary supplements sold in Australia are included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), maintained by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Products included in the database were restricted to those vitamin, mineral and other supplements identified in dietary data collected from studies conducted in southeast Queensland and New South Wales (850 supplements). Conversion factors from ingredients compounds to active elements were compiled from standard sources. No account has been made for bioavailability, consistent with current practice for food composition databases. The database can be queried by ARTG identification number, brand, product title, or a variety of other fields. Expected future developments include development of standard formulations for use when supplements are incompletely specified, and expansion of products included for more widespread use.


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At the present time, it is clear that Th1 responses afford protection against the fungi; however, the development, maintenance and function of the protective immune responses are complex mechanisms and are influenced by multiple factors. The route of infection has been shown to affect initial cytokine production and, consequently, the induction of protective Th1 responses. The ability of different isolates of the same fungal agent to induce and sustain a protective response has also been emphasized. Protective immune responses have been shown to vary in genetically different mouse strains after infection. In addition, these protective responses, such as cellular influx and cytokine production, also vary within the same animal depending on the tissue infected. The functional dominance of certain cytokines over others in influencing development and maintenance of protective responses has been discussed. Certain cytokines may act differently in hosts lacking important components of their innate or immune repertoire. It is evident from these presentations that a more comprehensive understanding of the protective mechanisms against different fungal agents is emerging. However, there is still much to learn before cytokine modulatory therapy can be used effectively without risk in the human host.


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We developed a system for time-lapse observation of identified neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) of the Drosophila embryo. Using this system, we characterize the dynamics of filopodia and axon growth of the motorneuron RP2 as it navigates anteriorly through the CNS and then laterally along the intersegmental nerve (ISN) into the periphery. We find that both axonal extension and turning occur primarily through the process of filopodial dilation. In addition, we used the GAL4-UAS system to express the fusion protein Tau-GFP in a subset of neurons, allowing us to correlate RP2's patterns of growth with a subset of axons in its environment. In particular, we show that RP2's sharp lateral turn is coincident with the nascent ISN. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Reports a pilot study of the relative importance of import decision variables as rated by Australian managers. A systematic sample qi 104 Australian managers representing different companies participated in the study. Australian importers rated product quality as the most important variable when importing products from overseas followed by long-term suppliers' dependability, product style/feature, price, and timely delivery. Australian managers who import consumer products find the domestic import duties and tariffs to be more important than did those who import industrial products. Larger volume importers regard the product brand name reputation to be more important than did those who import smaller volumes.


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In the first of three experiments, 11 participants generated pronation and supination movements of the forearm, in time with an auditory metronome. The metronome frequency was increased in eight steps (0.25 Hz) from a base frequency of 1.75 Hz. On alternating trials, participants were required to coordinate either maximum pronation or maximum supination with each beat of the metronome. In each block of trials, the axis of rotation was either coincident with the long axis of the forearm, above this axis, or below this axis. The stability of the pronate-on-the-beat pattern, as indexed by the number of pattern changes, and the time of onset of pattern change, was greatest when the axis of rotation of the movement was below the long axis of the forearm. In contrast, the stability of the supinate-on-the-beat pattern was greatest when the axis of rotation of the movement was above the long axis of the forearm. In a second experiment, we examined how changes in the position of the axis of rotation alter the activation patterns of muscles that contribute to pronation and supination of the forearm. Variations in the relative dominance of the pronation and supination phases of the movement cycle across conditions were accounted for primarily by changes in the activation profile of flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and extensor carpi radialis longus (ECR). In the Final experiment we examined how these constraints impact upon the stability of bimanual coordination. Thirty-two participants were assigned at random to one of four conditions, each of which combined an axis of rotation configuration (bottom or top) for each limb. The participants generated both inphase (both limbs pronating simultaneously, and supinating simultaneously) and antiphase (left limb pronating and right limb supinating simultaneously, and vice versa) patterns of coordination. When the position of the axis of rotation was equivalent for the left and the right limb, transitions from antiphase to inphase patterns of coordination were Frequently observed. In marked contrast, when the position of the axis of rotation for the left and right limb was contradistinct, transitions From inphase to antiphase patterns of coordination occurred. The results demonstrated that when movements are performed in an appropriate mechanical context, inphase patterns of coordination are less stable than antiphase patterns.


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The authors argue that complementary hostile and benevolent components of sexism exist across cultures. Male dominance creates hostile sexism IHS), but men's dependence on women fosters benevolent sexism (BS)-subjectively positive attitudes that put women on a pedestal but reinforce their subordination. Research with 15,000 men and women in 19 nations showed that (a) HS and BS are coherent constructs that correlate positively across nations, but (b) HS predicts the ascription of negative and BS the ascription of positive traits to women, (c) relative to men, women are more likely to reject HS than BS, especially when overall levels of sexism in a culture are high, and (d) national averages on BS and HS predict gender inequality across nations. These results challenge prevailing notions of prejudice as an antipathy in that BS tan affectionate, patronizing ideology) reflects inequality and is a cross-culturally pervasive complement to HS.


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Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+) is a familial epilepsy syndrome characterized by the presence of febrile and afebrile seizures. The first gene, GEFS1, was mapped to chromosome 19q and was identified as the sodium-channel beta1-subunit, SCN1B. A second locus on chromosome 2q, GEFS2, was recently identified as the sodium-channel alpha1-subunit, SCN1A. Single-stranded conformation analysis (SSCA) of SCN1A was performed in 53 unrelated index cases to estimate the frequency of mutations in patients with GEFS+. No mutations were found in 17 isolated cases of GEFS+. Three novel SCN1A mutations-D188V, V1353L, and I1656M-were found in 36 familial cases; of the remaining 33 families, 3 had mutations in SCN1B. On the basis of SSCA, the combined frequency of SCN1A and SCN1B mutations in familial cases of GEFS+ was found to be 17%.