769 resultados para blood glucose monitoring
A ingestão de carboidratos de rápida absorção (CRA) pode ser útil para o aumento sérico de glicose. Neste contexto, os principais objetivos foram avaliar a eficácia e a aplicabilidade da intervenção nutricional em situações hipoglicêmicas apresentadas por pacientes conscientes, com dieta via oral e internados em hospital geral. Setenta e seis pacientes foram elegíveis e a hipoglicemia foi definida como nível de glicemia capilar ³ 50 até £ 70mg/dL. A intervenção nutricional constituiu na oferta de 15 a 24 gramas de CRA. Houve a conferência da glicemia capilar após 15-20 minutos da intervenção. A taxa de efetividade da intervenção nutricional foi de 97,6%, durante o período de estudo. Conclui-se que a administração de CRA, um método não invasivo, foi aplicável em unidades de um hospital geral e foi potencialmente eficaz na restauração da glicemia capilar em pacientes hipoglicêmicos com dieta via oral e conscientes.
INTRODUÇÃO: A monitorização do retalho livre após a cirurgia é de vital importância, especialmente nas primeiras horas de pós-operatório, pois o momento de reabordagem pode ser o definidor entre o salvamento ou a perda do retalho. Até o momento, não existe trabalho na literatura estudando a decisão de abordagem do retalho baseada em medidas objetivas ou a comparação da glicemia entre retalhos que evoluíram bem com os que sofreram sofrimento vascular. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a validade da medida da glicemia capilar do retalho como método de monitorização de retalhos microcirúrgicos comparando com a avaliação clínica. MÉTODO: Foram estudados prospectivamente 16 pacientes portadores de retalhos livres, realizados de maio de 2012 a julho de 2012. A glicemia capilar foi avaliada por equipe formada por profissionais não envolvidos com a cirurgia realizada. A avaliação clínica do retalho foi realizada no pós-operatório imediato, na chegada à UTI, a cada 3 horas e sempre que necessário. RESULTADOS: Dos 16 pacientes, 5 (31,3%) apresentaram complicações nas primeiras 24 horas. Todas as complicações observadas foram trombose venosa. Foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante na glicemia capilar de portadores de retalhos que apresentaram trombose venosa em comparação àqueles que não tiveram a complicação, nas medidas realizadas 6 horas, 9 horas e 12 horas após a operação (P < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: A medida da glicemia capilar não foi superior à avaliação clínica por profissional experiente na detecção de trombose venosa de retalhos livres.
Abstract Background Neonatal STZ treatment induces a state of mild hyperglycemia in adult rats that disrupts metabolism and maternal/fetal interactions. The aim of this study was investigate the effect of neonatal STZ treatment on the physical development, behavior, and reproductive function of female Wistar rats from infancy to adulthood. Methods At birth, litters were assigned either to a Control (subcutaneous (s.c.) citrate buffer, n = 10) or STZ group, (streptozotocin (STZ) - 100 mg/kg-sc, n = 6). Blood glucose levels were measured on postnatal days (PND) 35, 84 and 120. In Experiment 1 body weight, length and the appearance of developmental milestones such as eye and vaginal opening were monitored. To assess the relative contribution of the initial and long term effects of STZ treatment this group was subdivided based on blood glucose levels recorded on PND 120: STZ hyperglycemic (between 120 and 300 mg/dl) and STZ normoglycemic (under 120 mg/dl). Behavioral activity was assessed in an open field on PND 21 and 75. In Experiment 2 estrous cyclicity, sexual behavior and circulating gonadotropin, ovarian steroid, and insulin levels were compared between control and STZ-hyperglycemic rats. In all measures the litter was the experimental unit. Parametric data were analyzed using one-way or, where appropriate, two-way ANOVA and significant effects were investigated using Tukey’s post hoc test. Fisher’s exact test was employed when data did not satisfy the assumption of normality e.g. presence of urine and fecal boli on the open field between groups. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05 for all data. Results As expected neonatal STZ treatment caused hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia in adulthood. STZ-treated pups also showed a temporary reduction in growth rate that probably reflected the early loss of circulating insulin. Hyperglycemic rats also exhibited a reduction in locomotor and exploratory behavior in the open field. Mild hyperglycemia did not impair gonadotropin levels or estrous cylicity but ovarian steroid concentrations were altered. Conclusions In female Wistar rats, neonatal STZ treatment impairs growth in infancy and results in mild hyperglycemia/hypoinsulinemia in adulthood that is associated with changes in the response to a novel environment and altered ovarian steroid hormone levels.
[EN] We hypothesized that reliance on lactate as a means of energy distribution is higher after a prolonged period of acclimatization (9 wk) than it is at sea level due to a higher lactate Ra and disposal from active skeletal muscle. To evaluate this hypothesis, six Danish lowlanders (25 +/- 2 yr) were studied at rest and during 20 min of bicycle exercise at 146 W at sea level (SL) and after 9 wk of acclimatization to 5,260 m (Alt). Whole body glucose Ra was similar at SL and Alt at rest and during exercise. Lactate Ra was also similar for the two conditions at rest; however, during exercise, lactate Ra was substantially lower at SL (65 micro mol. min(-1). kg body wt(-1)) than it was at Alt (150 micro mol. min(-1). kg body wt(-1)) at the same exercise intensity. During exercise, net lactate release was approximately 6-fold at Alt compared with SL, and related to this, tracer-calculated leg lactate uptake and release were both 3- or 4-fold higher at Alt compared with SL. The contribution of the two legs to glucose disposal was similar at SL and Alt; however, the contribution of the two legs to lactate Ra was significantly lower at rest and during exercise at SL (27 and 81%) than it was at Alt (45 and 123%). In conclusion, at rest and during exercise at the same absolute workload, CHO and blood glucose utilization were similar at SL and at Alt. Leg net lactate release was severalfold higher, and the contribution of leg lactate release to whole body lactate Ra was higher at Alt compared with SL. During exercise, the relative contribution of lactate oxidation to whole body CHO oxidation was substantially higher at Alt compared with SL as a result of increased uptake and subsequent oxidation of lactate by the active skeletal muscles.
Diabetes mellitus umfasst eine heterogene Gruppe von Stoffwechselfunktionsstörungen, die durch hohe Blut-Glukose-Werte gekennzeichnet sind. Zwei Haupttypen von Diabetes mellitus wurden definiert: Typ 1- und Typ 2-Diabetes. Repaglinid ist ein neuer, schnell wirksamer, bei Typ 2-Diabetikern eingesetzter prandialer Glukose-Regulator mit einer kurzen Plasmahalbwertszeit (<1 Stunde) und der erste Vertreter der Carbamoylmethylbenzoesäure Familie, der in klinischen Studien getestet wurde. Die 18F- und 11C-markierten Repaglinid-Derivate (S)-2-(2-[18F]Fluorethoxy)-4-((3-methyl-1-(2-piperidin-1-yl-phenyl)-butylcarbamoyl)-methyl)-benzoesäure ([18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid) und (S)-2-([11C]Methoxy)-4-([3-methyl-1-(2-piperidin-1-yl-phenyl)-butyl-carba-moyl]-benzoesäure ([11C]Methoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid) wurden als potentielle Tracer für die nicht-invasive Quantifizierung des Sulfonylharnstoffrezeptor-Typ1-Status (SUR-1) der Insulin-sezernierenden -Zellen mittels Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) synthetisiert. [18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinide konnte in einer radiochemischen Ausbeute (RCA) von 20% nach 135 Minuten mit einer radiochemischen Reinheit >98% unter Verwendung des sekundären Markierungsvorläufers 2-[18F]Fluorethyltosylat erhalten werden. Die spezifische Aktivität lag im Bereich von 50-60 GBq/µmol. Für die radioaktive Synthese des [11C]Methoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinids wurde der sekundäre Markierungsvorläufer [11C]Methyliodid verwendet. Der 11C-Radiotracer wurde in einer RCA von 35% (bezogen auf [11C]CO2) mit einer spezifischen Aktivität von 40-70 GBq/µmol erhalten. Um die Eigenschaften des fluorierten sowie des methoxylierten Repaglinids zu charakterisieren, wurde die Affinität beider Verbindungen zum humanen SUR-1 evaluiert. [19F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid und Methoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid induzierten Verdrängungskurven mit Hill-Koeffizienten nahe 1 und ergaben Dissotiationskonstanten (KD) von 142 nM beziehungsweise 83 nM - vergleichsweise geringe Verluste relativ zu Original-Repaglinid. Die biologische Aktivität wurde mittels Insulin-Sekretionstests an isolierten Ratten-Inselzellen gezeigt und war ebenfalls mit der des Repaglinids vergleichbar. Schließlich wurde die Biodistribution des [18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinids in gesunden Sprague-Dawley-Ratten durch Messung der Konzentration der Verbindung in verschiedenen Organen nach intravenöser Injektion untersucht. Das pankreatische Gewebe zeigte im Zeitintervall zwischen 10 und 30 Minuten nach Injektion eine stabile Akkumulation von etwa 0.12% der injizierten Dosis. 50% dieser Tracer-Akkulmulation konnten durch zusätzliche Injektion von nicht-radioaktiv-markiertem Repaglinid verdrängt werden, was auf eine mögliche Eignung des [18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinids für in vivo-Untersuchungen mittels PET schließen lässt. Eine erste humane PET-Studie zeigte zwar ebenfalls eine stabile, allerdings nur geringere Akkumulation von [18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid im Pankreas und eine überproportional hohe Aktivitätsanreicherung in der Leber. Die Radioaktivitäts-akkumulation im Blut fiel nach wenigen Minuten unter die des Pankreas.
L’ obiettivo della tesi proposta è volto ad illustrare come la malattia diabetica può essere gestita a livello domiciliare attraverso dispositivi di monitoraggio della glicemia sempre più innovativi. La malattia diabetica è un disturbo metabolico che ha come manifestazione principale un aumento del livello di zucchero nel sangue (glicemia) dovuto ad una ridotta produzione di insulina, l’ormone secreto dal pancreas per utilizzare gli zuccheri e gli altri componenti del cibo e trasformarli in energia. È una delle patologie croniche a più ampia diffusione nel mondo, in particolare nei Paesi industrializzati, e costituisce una delle più rilevanti e costose malattie sociali della nostra epoca, soprattutto per il suo carattere di cronicità, per la tendenza a determinare complicanze nel lungo periodo e per il progressivo spostamento dell’insorgenza verso età giovanili. Le tecnologie applicate alla terapia del diabete hanno consentito negli ultimi vent’anni di raggiungere traguardi molto importanti, soprattutto per quanto riguarda l’ottimizzazione del controllo assiduo dei valori glicemici cercando di mantenerli il più costante possibile e ad un livello simile a quello fisiologico. La comunicazione medico-paziente è stata rivoluzionata dalla telemedicina che, offrendo la possibilità di una comunicazione agevole, permette di ottimizzare l’utilizzo dei dati raccolti attraverso l’automonitoraggio glicemico e di facilitare gli interventi educativi. I glucometri, che misurano la glicemia ‘capillare’, insieme ai microinfusori, sistemi di erogazione dell’insulina sia in maniera continua (fabbisogno basale), che ‘a domanda’ (boli prandiali), hanno sostanzialmente modificato l’approccio e la gestione del diabete da parte del medico, ma soprattutto hanno favorito al paziente diabetico un progressivo superamento delle limitazioni alle normali attività della vita imposte dalla malattia. Con il monitoraggio continuo della glicemia 24 ore su 24 infatti, si ha avuto il vantaggio di avere a disposizione un elevato numero di misurazioni puntiformi nell’arco della giornata attraverso sensori glicemici, che applicati sulla pelle sono in grado di ‘rilevare’ il valore di glucosio a livello interstiziale, per diversi giorni consecutivi e per mezzo di un trasmettitore wireless, inviano le informazioni al ricevitore che visualizza le letture ottenute dal sensore. In anni recenti, il concetto di SAP (Sensor-Augmented Insulin Pump) Therapy, è stato introdotto a seguito di studi che hanno valutato l’efficacia dell’utilizzo della pompa ad infusione continua di insulina (CSII, continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion) associato ai sistemi di monitoraggio in continuo della glicemia (CGM, continuous glucose monitoring) per un significativo miglioramento del controllo glicemico e degli episodi sia di ipoglicemia sia di iperglicemia prolungata. Oggi, grazie ad una nuova funzione è possibile interrompere automaticamente l’erogazione di insulina da parte del microinfusore quando la glicemia, rilevata dal sensore, scende troppo velocemente e raggiunge un limite di allarme. Integrare lettura della glicemia, infusione e sospensione automatica dell’erogazione di insulina in caso di ipoglicemia ha ovviamente aperto la porta al pancreas artificiale.
Cardiac patients after an acute event and/or with chronic heart disease deserve special attention to restore their quality of life and to maintain or improve functional capacity. They require counselling to avoid recurrence through a combination of adherence to a medication plan and adoption of a healthy lifestyle. These secondary prevention targets are included in the overall goal of cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Cardiac rehabilitation can be viewed as the clinical application of preventive care by means of a professional multi-disciplinary integrated approach for comprehensive risk reduction and global long-term care of cardiac patients. The CR approach is delivered in tandem with a flexible follow-up strategy and easy access to a specialized team. To promote implementation of cardiac prevention and rehabilitation, the CR Section of the EACPR (European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation) has recently completed a Position Paper, entitled 'Secondary prevention through cardiac rehabilitation: A condition-oriented approach'. Components of multidisciplinary CR for seven clinical presentations have been addressed. Components include patient assessment, physical activity counselling, exercise training, diet/nutritional counselling, weight control management, lipid management, blood pressure monitoring, smoking cessation, and psychosocial management. Cardiac rehabilitation services are by definition multi-factorial and comprehensive, with physical activity counselling and exercise training as central components in all rehabilitation and preventive interventions. Many of the risk factor improvements occurring in CR can be mediated through exercise training programmes. This call-for-action paper presents the key components of a CR programme: physical activity counselling and exercise training. It summarizes current evidence-based best practice for the wide range of patient presentations of interest to the general cardiology community.
Auscultatory nonmercury manual devices seem good alternatives for the mercury sphygmomanometers in the clinic and for research settings, but individual internal validation of each device is time-consuming. The aim of this study was to validate a new technique capable of testing two devices simultaneously, based on the International protocol of the European Society of Hypertension.
Advances in the area of mobile and wireless communication for healthcare (m-Health) along with the improvements in information science allow the design and development of new patient-centric models for the provision of personalised healthcare services, increase of patient independence and improvement of patient's self-control and self-management capabilities. This paper comprises a brief overview of the m-Health applications towards the self-management of individuals with diabetes mellitus and the enhancement of their quality of life. Furthermore, the design and development of a mobile phone application for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) self-management is presented. The technical evaluation of the application, which permits the management of blood glucose measurements, blood pressure measurements, insulin dosage, food/drink intake and physical activity, has shown that the use of the mobile phone technologies along with data analysis methods might improve the self-management of T1DM.
Altered activity of retinal endothelin-1 (ET-1) and nitric oxide may play a causal role in the hemodynamic and histopathological changes of diabetic retinopathy. This study evaluated the therapeutic potential of long-term selective blockade of the ET-1(A) receptor (ETRA) to prevent the development of retinopathy in a genetic mouse model of nonobese type 1 diabetes (NOD). Mice with NOD that received subcutaneous implantation of insulin pellets and wild-type control mice were treated for 4 months with the selective ETRA antagonist LU208075 (30 mg/kg/day) via drinking water. At the end of the study, blood glucose levels were evaluated, and animals were anesthetized and perfused intracardially with FITC-labeled dextran. Retinas were removed and either fixed in formalin for confocal microscope evaluation of retinal vascular filling or transferred to RNALater for quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction to evaluate expression of NOS-3, NOS-1, ET-1, ETRA, ETRB, and the angiogenic factor adrenomedullin. Compared with wild-type controls, expression of ET-1, ETRA, ETRB, and adrenomedullin in mice with NOD were markedly upregulated in the retinas of nontreated mice (cycle time values relative to GAPDH [deltaCt], 14.8 vs. 13.7, 18.57 vs. 17.5, 10.76 vs. 9.9, and 11.7 vs. 9.1, respectively). Mean integral fluorescence intensity (MIFI) of retinal vascular filling was reduced from normal values of 24 to 12.5 in nontreated animals. LU208075 treatment normalized the upregulated expression of ET-1 and adrenomedullin, as well as the deficit in MIFI, but did not affect the increased ETRA and ETRB expression or the elevated plasma glucose levels found in nontreated animals. NOS isoform expression was essentially unchanged. ETRA antagonists may provide a novel therapeutic strategy to slow or prevent progression of retinal microvascular damage and proliferation in patients for whom there is clear evidence of activation of the ET-1 system.
Some studies of patients with acute myocardial infarction have reported that hyperglycaemia at admission may be associated with a worse outcome. This study sought to evaluate the association of blood glucose at admission with the outcome of unselected patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Using the Acute Myocardial Infarction and unstable angina in Switzerland (AMIS Plus) registry, ACS patients were stratified according to their blood glucose on admission: group 1: 2.80-6.99 mmol/L, group 2: 7.00-11.09 mmol/L and group 3: > 11.10 mmol/L. Odds ratios for in-hospital mortality were calculated using logistic regression models. Of 2,786 patients, 73% were male and 21% were known to have diabetes. In-hospital mortality increased from 3% in group 1 to 7% in group 2 and to 15% in group 3. Higher glucose levels were associated with larger enzymatic infarct sizes (p<0.001) and had a weak negative correlation with angiographic or echographic left ventricular ejection fraction. High admission glycaemia in ACS patients remains a significant independent predictor of in-hospital mortality (adjusted OR 1.08; 95% confidence intervals [CI] 1.05-1.14, p<0.001) per mmol/L. The OR for in-hospital mortality was 1.04 (95% CI 0.99-1.1; p=0.140) per mmol/L for patients with diabetes but 1.21 (95% CI 112-1.30; p<0.001) per mmol/L for non-diabetic patients. In conclusion, elevated glucose level in ACS patients on admission is a significant independent predictor of in-hospital mortality and is even more important for patients who do not have known diabetes.
Optimal therapy of diabetes has to be based on the known pathophysiology of metabolic disturbances and should eventually alleviate reduced secretion of insulin as well as reduce the usually present resistance to insulin in order to normalize the average blood glucose levels. In less than 30% of patients with type-II diabetes, dietetic measures combined with increased physical activity alone, are sufficient for metabolic control, thus increasing the importance of pharmacologic treatment immensely. Biguanides are the therapeutic choice in patients with massive overweight, because they usually do not induce weight gain; however, specific contraindications (renal failure in particular) have to be taken into consideration. The effect of blood glucose lowering by biguanides is not due to increased secretion of insulin, thus neither hypoglycemias nor hyperinsulinism are induced or increased, respectively. Patients with normal or slightly increased body weight should profit best from sulfonylureas that stimulate insulin production. Combinations of sulfonylurea and biguanides or of insulin and oral antidiabetics or insulin alone have to be taken into account when monotherapy with oral antidiabetics is too inefficient; however, clear and generally accepted guidelines for correct indications of these therapeutic modalities are lacking. Particularly in long-lasting diabetes and for patients with distinct overweight an adequate therapeutic success is often not obtained with the currently available therapeutic means. Possibly, future developments will provide new therapeutic ways with drugs that increase insulin sensitivity or reduce gluconeogenesis.
Glycated haemoglobin levels (HbA1 and HbA1c) are established parameters of long-term glycaemic control in diabetic patients. Depending on the method used, fetal haemoglobin interferes with the assays for glycated haemoglobin. If present in high amounts, fetal haemoglobin may lead to overestimation of glycated haemoglobin levels, and therefore, of average blood glucose concentration in diabetic patients. Glycated (HbA1c) and fetal haemoglobin levels were measured by high pressure liquid chromatography in 60 (30 female) adult Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients of Swiss descent, and were compared with levels obtained from 60 normal, non-diabetic control subjects matched for age and sex. Fetal haemoglobin levels were significantly higher in the diabetic patients (0.6 +/- 0.1%, mean +/- SEM; range: 0-3.6%) than in the control subjects (0.4 +/- 0.1%, p < 0.001). Elevated fetal haemoglobin levels (> or = 0.6%) were found in 23 of 60 diabetic patients (38%) compared to 9 of 60 control subjects (15%; chi 2 = 8.35, p < 0.01). In addition, fetal haemoglobin levels in diabetic patients are weakly correlated with glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) (r = 0.38, p < 0.01). Fetal haemoglobin results were confirmed with the alkali denaturation procedure, and by immunocytochemistry using a polyclonal rabbit anti-fetal haemoglobin antibody. A significant proportion of adult patients with Type 1 diabetes has elevated fetal haemoglobin levels. In certain patients this may lead to a substantial over-estimation of glycated haemoglobin levels, and consequently of estimated, average blood glucose levels. The reason for this increased prevalence of elevated fetal haemoglobin remains unclear, but it may be associated with poor glycaemic control.
Pancreatic transplantation is able to normalize blood glucose metabolism and achieve normoglycemia in a majority of patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Hoping that normoglycemia will favorably influence development of late complications of diabetes, an increasing number of pancreas transplantations has been performed over the last years. However, the need for immunosuppressive therapy with its problems and possible complications confines pancreatic transplantation mainly to three groups of patients: patients who undergo kidney transplantation for diabetic nephropathy, patients who have already undergone kidney transplantation for diabetic nephropathy and, rarely, patients with extreme difficulties with metabolic control. The results of pancreatic transplantation have continuously improved over the last decade, and a limited number of controlled studies is providing some evidence of a favorable effect on late complications.
Irreversible, nonenzymatic glycation of the haemoglobin A beta chain leads to the formation of haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), a stable minor haemoglobin component with enhanced electrophoretic mobility. The rate of formation of HbA1c is directly proportional to the ambient glucose concentration. HbA1c is commonly used to assess long-term blood glucose control in patients with diabetes mellitus, because the HbA1c value has been shown to predict the risk for the development of many of the chronic complications in diabetes. There are currently four principal glycohaemoglobin assay techniques (ion-exchange chromatography, electrophoresis, affinity chromatography and immunoassays) and over 20 methods that measure different glycated products. The ranges indicating good and poor glycaemic control can vary markedly between different assays. At the moment values differ between methodologies and even between different laboratories using the same methodology. Optimal use of HbA1c testing requires standardisation. There is progress towards international standardisation and improved precision of HbA1c which will lead to all assays reporting results in a standardised way. Clinicians ordering HbA1c testing for their patients should be aware of the type of assay method used, the reference interval, potential assay interferences (e.g. haemoglobinopathies, chronic alcohol ingestion, carbamylation products in uraemia) and assay performance. And they should know that a variety of factors have been shown to directly influence HbA1c values, e.g. iron deficiency anaemia, chronic renal failure and shortened red blood cell life span.