867 resultados para basement membrane
Antimicrobial peptides offer a new class of therapeutic agents to which bacteria may not be able todevelop genetic resistance, since their main activity is in the lipid component of the bacterial cell mem-brane. We have developed a series of synthetic cationic cyclic lipopeptides based on natural polymyxin,and in this work we explore the interaction of sp-85, an analog that contains a C12 fatty acid at theN-terminus and two residues of arginine. This analog has been selected from its broad spectrum antibac-terial activity in the micromolar range, and it has a disruptive action on the cytoplasmic membrane ofbacteria, as demonstrated by TEM. In order to obtain information on the interaction of this analog withmembrane lipids, we have obtained thermodynamic parameters from mixed monolayers prepared withPOPG and POPE/POPG (molar ratio 6:4), as models of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, respec-tively. LangmuirBlodgett films have been extracted on glass plates and observed by confocal microscopy,and images are consistent with a strong destabilizing effect on the membrane organization induced bysp-85. The effect of sp-85 on the membrane is confirmed with unilamelar lipid vesicles of the same com-position, where biophysical experiments based on fluorescence are indicative of membrane fusion andpermeabilization starting at very low concentrations of peptide and only if anionic lipids are present.Overall, results described here provide strong evidence that the mode of action of sp-85 is the alterationof the bacterial membrane permeability barrier.
Many Gram-negative, cold-adapted bacteria from the Antarctic environment produce large amounts of extracellular matter with potential biotechnological applications. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis after high-pressure freezing and freeze substitution (HPF-FS) showed that this extracellular matter is structurally complex, appearing around cells as a netlike mesh, and composed of an exopolymeric substance (EPS) containing large numbers of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). Isolation, purification and protein profiling via 1D SDS-PAGE confirmed the outer membrane origin of these Antarctic bacteria OMVs. In an initial attempt to elucidate the role of OMVs in cold-adapted strains of Gram-negative bacteria, a proteomic analysis demonstrated that they were highly enriched in outer membrane proteins and periplasmic proteins associated with nutrient processing and transport, suggesting that the OMVs may be involved in nutrient sensing and bacterial survival. OMVs from Gram-negative bacteria are known to play a role in lateral DNA transfer, but the presence of DNA in these vesicles has remained difficult to explain. A structural study of Shewanella vesiculosa M7T using TEM and Cryo-TEM revealed that this Antarctic Gram-negative bacterium naturally releases conventional one-bilayer OMVs, together with a more complex type of OMV, previously undescribed, which on formation drags along inner membrane and cytoplasmic content and can therefore also entrap DNA.
Membrane active peptides can perturb the lipid bilayer in several ways, such as poration and fusion of the target cell membrane, and thereby efficiently kill bacterial cells. We probe here the mechanistic basis of membrane poration and fusion caused by membrane-active, antimicrobial peptides. We show that the cyclic antimicrobial peptide, BPC194, inhibits growth of Gram-negative bacteria and ruptures the outer and inner membrane at the onset of killing, suggesting that not just poration is taking place at the cell envelope. To simplify the system and to better understand the mechanism of action, we performed Förster resonance energy transfer and cryogenic transmission electron microscopy studies in model membranes and show that the BPC194 causes fusion of vesicles. The fusogenic action is accompanied by leakage as probed by dual-color fluorescence burst analysis at a single liposome level. Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations reveal how the peptides are able to simultaneously perturb the membrane towards porated and fused states. We show that the cyclic antimicrobial peptides trigger both fusion and pore formation and that such large membrane perturbations have a similar mechanistic basis
Ultra-trace amounts of Cu(II) were separated and preconcentrated by solid phase extraction on octadecyl-bonded silica membrane disks modified with a new Schiff,s base (Bis- (2-Hydroxyacetophenone) -2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediimine) (SBTD) followed by elution and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric detection. The method was applied as a separation and detection method for copper(II) in environmental and biological samples. Extraction efficiency and the influence of sample matrix, flow rate, pH, and type and minimum amount of stripping acid were investigated. The concentration factor and detection limit of the proposed method are 500 and 12.5 pg mL-1, respectively.
Nitrophorins represent a unique class of heme proteins that are able to perform the delicate transportation and release of the free-radical gaseous messenger nitric oxide (NO) in a pH-triggered manner. Besides its ability to bind to phospholipid membranes, the N-terminus contains an additional Leu-Pro-Gly stretch, which is a unique sequence trait, and the heme cavity is significantly altered with respect to other nitrophorins. These distinctive features encouraged us to solve the X-ray crystallographic structures of NP7 at low and high pH and bound with different heme ligands (nitric oxide, histamine, imidazole). The overall fold of the lipocalin motif is well preserved in the different X-ray structures and resembles the fold of other nitrophorins. However, a chain-like arrangement in the crystal lattice due to a number of head-to-tail electrostatic stabilizing interactions is found in NP7. Furthermore, the X-ray structures also reveal ligand-dependent changes in the orientation of the heme, as well as in specific interactions between the A-B and G-H loops, which are considered to be relevant for the biological function of nitrophorins. Fast and ultrafast laser triggered ligand rebinding experiments demonstrate the pH-dependent ligand migration within the cavities and the exit route. Finally, the topological distribution of pockets located around the heme as well as from inner cavities present at the rear of the protein provides a distinctive feature in NP7, so that while a loop gated exit mechanism to the solvent has been proposed for most nitrophorins, a more complex mechanism that involves several interconnected gas hosting cavities is proposed for NP7.
Two experimental studies evaluated the effect of aerobic and membrane aeration changes on sludge properties, biological nutrient removal and filtration processes in a pilot plant membrane bioreactor. The optimal operating conditions were found at an aerobic dissolved oxygen set-point (DO) of 0.5mgO2L-1 and a membrane specific aeration demand (SADm) of 1mh-1, where membrane aeration can be used for nitrification. Under these conditions, a total flow reduction of 42% was achieved (75% energy reduction) without compromising nutrient removal efficiencies, maintaining sludge characteristics and controlled filtration. Below these optimal operating conditions, the nutrient removal efficiency was reduced, increasing 20% for soluble microbial products, 14% for capillarity suction time and reducing a 15% for filterability. Below this DO set-point, fouling increased with a transmembrane pressure 75% higher. SADm below 1mh-1 doubled the values of transmembrane pressure, without recovery after achieving the initial conditions
Osteoclasts are cells responsible for bone resorption. These cells undergo extensive membrane re-organization during their polarization for bone resorption and form four distinct membrane domains, namely the ruffled border, the basolateral membrane, the sealing zone and the functional secretory domain. The endocytic/biosynthetic pathway and transcytotic route(s) are important for the resorption process, since the endocytic/biosynthetic pathway brings the specific vesicles to the ruffled border whereas the transcytotic flow is believed to transport the degraded bone matrix away from the resorption lacuna to the functional secretory domain. In the present study, we found a new transcytotic route from the functional secretory domain to the ruffled border, which may compensate membrane loss from the ruffled border during the resorption process. We also found that lipid rafts are essential for the ruffled border-targeted late endosomal pathways. A small GTP-binding protein, Rab7, has earlier been shown to regulate the late steps of the endocytic pathway. In bone-resorbing osteoclasts it is involved in the formation of the ruffled border, which displays several features of late endosomal membranes. Here we discovered a new Rab7-interacting protein, Rac1, which is another small GTP-binding protein and binds to the GTP-form of Rab7 in vitro. We demonstrated further that Rab7 colocalizes with Rac1 at the fusion zone of the ruffled border in bone-resorbing osteoclasts. In other cell types, such as fibroblast-like cells, this colocalization is mainly perinuclear. Because Rac1 is known to control the actin cytoskeleton through its effectors, we suggest that the Rab7-Rac1 interaction may mediate late endosomal transport between microtubules and microfilaments, thus enabling endosomal vesicles to switch tracks from microtubules to microfilaments before their fusion to the ruffled border. We then studied the role of Rab-Rac1 interaction in the slow recycling pathway. We revealed that Rac1 also binds directly to Rab11 and to some other but not all Rab-proteins, suggesting that Rab-Rac1 interaction could be a general regulatory mechanism to direct the intracellular vesicles from microtubule mediated transport to actin filament mediated transport and vice versa. On the basis of our results we thus propose a new hypothesis for these GTPases in the regulation of intracellular membrane flow.
This work proposes a method of visualizing the trend of research in the field of ceramic membranes from 1999 to 2006. The presented approach involves identifying problems encountered during research in the field of ceramic membranes. Patents from US patent database and articles from Science Direct(& by ELSEVIER was analyzed for this work. The identification of problems was achieved with software Knowledgist which focuses on the semantic nature of a sentence to generate series of subject action object structures. The identified problems are classified into major research issues. This classification was used for the visualization of the intensity of research. The image produced gives the relation between the number of patents, with time and the major research issues. The identification of the most cited papers which strongly influence the research of the previously identified major issues in the given field was also carried out. The relations between these papers are presented using the metaphor of social network. The final result of this work are two figures, a diagram showing the change in the studied problems a specified period of time and a figure showing the relations between the major papers and groups of the problems
In this work carrier-facilitated transport of mercury(II) against its concentration gradient from aqueous 0.04 M hydrochloric acid solution across a liquid membrane containing isopropyl 2-[(isopropoxycarbothiolyl)disulfanyl]ethane thioate (IIDE) as the mobile carrier in chloroform has been investigated. Sodium thiocyanate solution (1.6 M) was the most efficient receiving phase agent among several aqueous reagents tested. Various parameters such as investigated. Under optimum conditions the transport of Hg(II) across the liquid membrane is more than 97% after 2.5 h. The carrier, IIDE, selectively and efficiently could able to transport Hg (II) ions in the presence of other associated metal ions in binary systems.
A furan-triazole derivative has been explored as an ionophore for preparation of a highly selective Pr(III) membrane sensor. The proposed sensor exhibits a Nernstian response for Pr(III) activity over a wide concentration range with a detection limit of 5.2×10-8 M. Its response is independent of pH of the solution in the range 3.0-8.8 and offers the advantages of fast response time. To investigate the analytical applicability of the sensor, it was applied successfully as an indicator electrode in potentiometric titration of Pr(III) solution and also in the direct and indirect determination of trace Pr(III) ions in some samples.
This study investigated the treatment of a liquid radioactive waste containing uranium (235U + 238U) using nanofiltration membranes. The membranes were immersed in the waste for 24-5000 h, and their transport properties were evaluated before and after the immersion. Surface of the membranes changed after immersion in the waste. The SW5000 h specimen lost its coating layer of polyvinyl alcohol, and its rejection of sulfate ions and uranium decreased by about 35% and 30%, respectively. After immersion in the waste, the polyamide selective layer of the membranes became less thermally stable than that before immersion.
Interest in recovery of valuable components from process streams has increased in recent years. Purpose of biorefinery is to utilize components that otherwise would go to waste. Hemicelluloses, for example, could be utilized in production of many valuable products. One possible way to separate and fractionate hemicelluloses is membrane filtration. In the literature part of this work membrane fouling in filtration processes of pulp and paper process- and wastewaters was investigated. Especially purpose was to find out the possible fouling compounds, after which facilities to remove or modify such components less harmful were studied. In the experimental part different pretreatment methods, mainly to remove or degrade lignin from wood hydrolysate, were studied. In addition, concentration of hemicelluloses and separation from lignin were examined with two ultrafiltration membranes; UFX5 and RC70PP. Changes in feed solution, filtration capacity and fouling of membranes were used to evaluate the effects of pretreatment methods. Changes in hydrolysate composition were observed with different analysis methods. Filtration of hydrolysate proved to be challenging, especially with the UFX5 membrane. The more hydrophilic RC70PP membrane did not seem to be fouled as severely as the UFX5 membrane, according to pure water flux measurements. The UFX5 membrane retained hemicelluloses rather well, but problems arose from rapid flux decline resulting from concentration polarization and fouling of membrane. Most effective pretreatment methods in the case with the UFX5 membrane proved to be prefiltration with the RC70PP membrane, activated carbon adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation using titanium dioxide and UV radiation. An additional experiment with PHW extract showed that pulsed corona discharge treatment degraded lignin quite efficiently and thus improved filtration capacity remarkably, even over six times compared to the filtration with untreated extract.
In the theory part the membrane emulsification was studied. Emulsions are used in many industrial areas. Traditionally emulsions are prepared by using high shear in rotor-stator systems or in high pressure homogenizer systems. In membrane emulsification two immiscible liquids are mixed by pressuring one liquid through the membrane into the other liquid. With this technique energy could be saved, more homogeneous droplets could be formed and the amount of surfactant could be decreased. Ziegler-Natta and single-site catalysts are used in olefin polymerization processes. Nowadays, these catalysts are prepared according to traditional mixing emulsification. More homogeneous catalyst particles that have narrower particle size distribution might be prepared with membrane emulsification. The aim of the experimental part was to examine the possibility to prepare single site polypropylene catalyst using membrane emulsification technique. Different membrane materials and solidification techniques of the emulsion were examined. Also the toluene-PFC phase diagram was successfully measured during this thesis work. This phase diagram was used for process optimization. The polytetrafluoroethylene membranes had the largest contact angles with toluene and also the biggest difference between the contact angles measured with PFC and toluene. Despite of the contact angle measurement results no significant difference was noticed between particles prepared using PTFE membrane or metal sinter. The particle size distributions of catalyst prepared in these tests were quite wide. This would probably be fixed by using a membrane with a more homogeneous pore size distribution. It is also possible that the solidification rate has an effect on the particle sizes and particle morphology. When polymeric membranes are compared PTFE is probably still the best material for the process as it had the best chemical durability.
A procedure for separation and preconcentration of trace amounts of Zn(II) from aqueous media is proposed. The procedure is based on the adsorption of Zn2+ on octadecyl bonded silica membrane disk modified with N,N'-disalicylidene-1,2-phenylendiamine at pH 7. The retained zinc ions were then stripped from the disk with a minimal amount of 1.5 mol L-1 hydrochloric acid solution as eluent, and determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Maximum capacity of the membrane disk modified with 5 mg of the ligand was found to be 226 µg Zn2+. The relative standard deviation of zinc for ten replicate extraction of 10 µg zinc from 1000 mL samples was 1.2%. The limit of detection of the proposed method was 14 ng of Zn2+ per 1000 mL. The method was successfully applied to the determination of zinc in natural water samples and accuracy was examined by recovery experiments and independent analysis by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS).
There are several filtration applications in the pulp and paper industry where the capacity and cost-effectiveness of processes are of importance. Ultrafiltration is used to clean process water. Ultrafiltration is a membrane process that separates a certain component or compound from a liquid stream. The pressure difference across the membrane sieves macromolecules smaller than 0.001-0.02 μm through the membrane. When optimizing the filtration process capacity, online information about the conditions of the membrane is needed. Fouling and compaction of the membrane both affect the capacity of the filtration process. In fouling a “cake” layer starts to build on the surface of the membrane. This layer blocks the molecules from sieving through the membrane thereby decreasing the yield of the process. In compaction of the membrane the structure is flattened out because of the high pressure applied. The higher pressure increases the capacity but may damage the structure of the membrane permanently. Information about the compaction is needed to effectively operate the filters. The objective of this study was to develop an accurate system for online monitoring of the condition of the membrane using ultrasound reflectometry. Measurements of ultrafiltration membrane compaction were made successfully utilizing ultrasound. The results were confirmed by permeate flux decline, measurements of compaction with a micrometer, mechanical compaction using a hydraulic piston and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The scientific contribution of this thesis is to introduce a secondary ultrasound transducer to determine the speed of sound in the fluid used. The speed of sound is highly dependent on the temperature and pressure used in the filters. When the exact speed of sound is obtained by the reference transducer, the effect of temperature and pressure is eliminated. This speed is then used to calculate the distances with a higher accuracy. As the accuracy or the resolution of the ultrasound measurement is increased, the method can be applied to a higher amount of applications especially for processes where fouling layers are thinner because of smaller macromolecules. With the help of the transducer, membrane compaction of 13 μm was measured in the pressure of 5 bars. The results were verified with the permeate flux decline, which indicated that compaction had taken place. The measurements of compaction with a micrometer showed compaction of 23–26 μm. The results are in the same range and confirm the compaction. Mechanical compaction measurements were made using a hydraulic piston, and the result was the same 13 μm as obtained by applying the ultrasound time domain reflectometry (UTDR). A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to study the structure of the samples before and after the compaction.