897 resultados para available boron


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The sulphide mineralisation at Avoca and Parys Mountain is intimately related to volcanism and is of volcanogenic sedimentary type. The associated volcanics are predominantly pyroclastics of rhyodacitic composition and of Upper Ordovician age. They were erupted from discrete small volcanic centres, products of single local volcanic events, whose spatial distribution was related to fractures in the sialic basement of the paratectonic Caledonides of the British Isles. These fractures resulted in linear controls on volcanic, plutonic and tectonic features; they are the result of predominantly strikeslip stresses generated in this part of the European plate during closure of the Iapetus ocean. The mineralisation, predominantly pyritic, consists of a siliceous footwall zone containing bedded and cross-cutting sulphides and an overlying non-siliceous zone of bedded sulphides which may show vertical zoning of metal ratios. The sulphides are associated with chert and iron formation and have been affected by slumping. Mineralisation developed near the vents during intense fumarolic activity accompanying strong volcanism; at Parys Mountain, fumarolic activity commenced prior to, and continued after, the rnain volcanic event. Comparison with similar deposits in Newfoundland and at Bathurst, in the Canadian Appalachians, shows that mineralisation can be associated with any discrete pulse of acid magmatism in shallow subaqueous conditions. Local features of the sulphides and associated sediments are similar, although in more distal deposits (with respect to a volcanic centre) footwall alteration and mineralisation are less well developed. The nature of the basement and the presence or absence of earlier volcanics are not critical, although establishment of a local tensional regime at the time of ore formation may be important. The volcanics hosting mineralisation are rhyodacitic pyroclastics, generally related to a small centre and representing a single episode of volcanism.


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This thesis describes the stratigraphy, sedimentology and diagenesis of the Pendleside Limestone (Asbian age), a sequence of limestones, shales and dolostones in the Clitheroe area of N. W. England. Field study of 19 measured sections indicates that it was deposited in a rhythmically subsiding basin (Craven Basin) because of movements on the Mid-Craven Fault which was active in Dinantian times. The sequence is up to 190m thick and consists mostly of distal turbidite deposits which have been reworked at horizons when sediment accumulation built up to the wave base. The original depositional fabric and mineralogy of the Pendleside Limestone Group has been extensively modified by diagenetic processes including cementation, authi­genesis, dolomitization and silicification. These processes have been studied using a wide variety of laboratory techniques. The carbonate cements of the PendIeside Limestone consist predominantly of ferroan calcite and non-ferroan calcite with microdolomite incIusions. The former is probably a stable replacement of original-high-magnesian calcite. Cementation was accompanied by the formation of authigenic albite and quartz. Much of the upper part of the Pendleside Limestone has been extensively dolomitized and chertified. Several distinct zones of dolomitization are found which increase in thickness and intensity towards the top of the Pendleside Limestone Group. The dolostone horizons correspond to coarser-grained lithologies deposited during periods of shallow water sedimentation. The composition of the dolomites changes from ferroan dolomite in the lower part of the Group to non-ferroan dolomite in the upper part. The low strontium and sodium content of the dolostones in association with the other evidence suggests that the dolomitization was brought about in an open system by the mixing of marine and fresh water in phreatic lens which were established at periodic intervals. The dolomitization was closely associated with chertification although this was initiated by the dissolution of siliceous spicules which provided the necessary source of silica.


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Mineralogical investigations have determined the sites of u and Th associated with two radioelement-enriched granites from different geological settings. In the Ririwai ring complex, Nigeria, the u- and Th-bearing accessories have been greatly affected by post-magmatic alteration of the biotite granite. Primary thorite, zircon and monazite were altered to Zr(±Y)-rich thorite, partially metamict zircon (enriched in Th, U, Y, P, Fe, Mn, Ca) and an unidentified LREE-phase respectively, by pervasive fluids which later precipitated Zr-rich coffinite. More intense, localised alteration and albitisation completely remobilised primary accessories and gave rise to a distinctive generation of haematite- and uranothorite-enriched zircon with clear, Hi-enriched rims and xenotime overgrowths. In the Ririwai lode, microclinisation and later greisenisation locally remobilised or altered zircon and deposited Y-ricl1 coffinite and Y(±Zr)-rich thorite which was overgrown by traces of xenotime and LREE-phase(s) of complex and variable composition. Compositions indicating extensive solid-solution among thorite, coffinite, xenotime and altered zircon are probably metastable and formed at low temperatures. The widespread occurrence of REE-rich fluorite suggests that F-complexing aided the mobility of REE, Y, U, Th and Zr during late-magmatic to post-magmatic alteration, while uranyl-carbonate complexing may have occurred during albitisation. The Caledonian, Helmsdale granite in northern Scotland has undergone pervasive and localised hydrothermal alteration associated with U enrichment. Zircon xenocrysts, primary sphene and apatite contain a small.proportion of this U which is largely adsorbed on to secondary iron-oxide, TiOand phyllosilicates.Additional sites for U in the overlying, Lower Devonian Ousdale arkose include coffinite, secondary uranyl phosphates, hydrocarbon and traces of xenotime and unidentified LREE-phases. U may have been leached from the granite and deposited in the arkose, along channelways associated with the Helmsdale fault, by convecting, hydrothermal fluids


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The thesis provides a comparative study of both sedimentology and diagenesis of Lower Permian (Rotliegend) strata, onshore and offshore U.K. (Southern North Sea). Onshore formations studied include the Bridgnorth, Penrith and Hopeman Sandstone, and are dominated by aeolian facies, with lesser amounts of interbedded fluvial sediments. Aeolian and fluvial strata in onshore basins typically grade laterally into alluvial fan breccias at basin margins. Onshore basins represent proximal examples of Rotliegend desert sediments. The Leman Sandstone Formation of the Ravenspurn area in the Southern North Sea displays a variety of facies indicative of a distal sedimentological setting; Aeolian, fluvial, sabkha, and playa lake sediments all being present. "Sheet-like" geometry of stratigraphical units within the Leman Sandstone, and alternation of fluvial and aeolian deposition was climatically controlled. Major first order bounding surfaces are laterally extensive and were produced by lacustrine transgression and regression from the north-west. Diagenesis within Permian strata was studied using standard petrographic microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, cold cathodo-Iuminescence, X-ray diffraction clay analysis, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, fluid inclusion microthermometry, and K-Ar dating of illites. The diagenesis of Permian sediments within onshore basins is remarkably similar, and a paragenetic sequence of early haematite, illitic clays, feldspar, kaolinite, quartz and late calcite is observed. In the Leman Sandstone formation, authigenic mineralogy is complex and includes early quartz, sulphates and dolomite, chlorite, kaolinite, late quartz, illite and siderite. Primary lithological variation, facies type, and the interdigitation and location of facies within a basin are important initial controls upon diagenesis. Subsequently, burial history, structure, the timing of gas emplacement, and the nature of sediments within underlying formations may also exersize significant controls upon diagenesis within Rotliegend strata.


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Mapping and sediment sampling in reefs of the Pulau Seribu group (southwest Java Sea) shows the existence of ten physiographic zones and subzones represented by seven lithofacies. Reefs in the northern part of the archipelago are smaller, more closely spaced and morphologically sim pler than those in the south. This pattern is attributed to differences in subsidence rate. A th reedimensional model is proposed for the evo lution of these reefs but borehole data are requi red to test this model. Miocene limestones are described in detail from hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Batu Raja Formation of the same area. Brief comparisons a re made with surface outcrops of approximately coeval carbonate developments. The lithofacies developed within these limestones reflect variations in hydrodynam ic regime and basement topography . Ele\le.n diagenetic processes affected the Batu Raja limestones and the dist ribution of these is primarily related to sealevel fluctuations. Early diagenesis was marine and characterised by micritisation and preCipitation of fibrous and bladed cements. Dolomitisat ion occurred in the mixed- water zone and its variable intensity is attributed to the configuration of the carbonate body relative to this zone. Subsequently the limestones were subjected to freshwater phreatic zone diagenesis resulting in dissolution and cementation, and a t a late stage underwent burial compaction. Secondary porosity, which \ar9e1.y determines the suitability of these limestones as hydrocarbon reserVOirs, is a function of the variable intensity of dissolution and cementation, burial compaction, dolomitisation and possibly micrite neomorphism. The sedimentary processes that generated the Batu Raja buildups are inferred f rom comparisons with the Pulau Seribu and other Recent analogues. The contrasting pinnacle form of the Pulau Seribu patch reefs compared with the low relief of the Batu Raja buUdups results from differences in the initial substrate topography and subsequent subsidence rate


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Two aspects of gold mineralisation in the Caledonides of the British Isles have been investigated: gold-telluride mineralisation at Clogau Mine, North Wales; and placer gold mineralisation in the Southern Uplands, Scotland. The primary ore assemblage at Clogau Mine is pyrite, arsenopyrite, cobaltite, pyrrhotine, chalcopyrite, galena, tellurbismuth, tetradymite, altaite, hessite, native gold, wehrlite, hedleyite, native bismuth, bismuthunite and various sulphosalts. The generalised paragenesis is early Fe, Co, Cu, As and S species, and later minerals of Pb, Bi, Ag, Au, Te, Sb. Electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA) of complex telluride-sulphide intergrowths suggests that these intergrowths formed by co-crystallisation/replacement processes and not exsolution. Minor element chemical variation, in the sulphides and tellurides, indicates that antimony and cadmium are preferentially partitioned into telluride minerals. Mineral stability diagrams suggest that during gold deposition log bf aTe2 was between -7.9 and -9.7 and log bf aS2 between -12.4 and -13.8. Co-existing mineral assemblages indicate that the final stages of telluride mineralisation were between c. 250 - 275oC. It is suggested that the high-grade telluride ore shoot was the result of remobilisation of Au, Bi, Ag and Te from low grade mineralisation elsewhere within the vein system, and that gold deposition was brought about by destabilisation of gold chloride complexes by interaction with graphite, sulphides and tellurbismuth. Scanning electron microscopy of planer gold grains from the Southern Uplands, Scotland, indicates that detailed studies on the morphology of placer gold can be used to elucidate the history of gold in the placer environment. In total 18 different morphological characteristics were identified. These were divided on an empirical basis, using the relative degree of mechanical attrition, into proximal and distal characteristics. One morphological characteristic (a porous/spongy surface at high magnification) is considered to be chemical in origin and represent the growth of `new' gold in the placer environment. The geographical distribution of morphological characteristics has been examined and suggests that proximal placer gold is spatially associated with the Loch Doon, Cairsphairn and Fleet granitoids. Quantitative EPMA of the placer gold reveals two compositional populations of placer gold. Examination of the geographical distribution of fineness suggests a loose spatial association between granitoids and low fineness placer gold. Also identified was chemically heterogeneous placer gold. EPMA studies of these heterogeneities allowed estimation of annealing history limits, which suggest that the heterogeneities formed between 150 and 235oC. It is concluded, on the basis of relationships between morphology and composition, that there are two types of placer gold in the Southern Uplands: (i) placer gold which is directly inherited from a hypogene source probably spatially associated with granitoids; and (ii) placer gold that has formed during supergene processes.


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Diabetes mellitus is a condition which requires a high degree of patient cooperation in self-management to achieve optimal glycaemic control. The concept of patient education, to enhance the treatment and management of diabetes, is well recognised. Several diabetes education programmes have already been described, but increased knowledge of diabetes did not necessarily result in improved self-mangement or glycaemic control. Other factors, such as attitudes and motivations, may therefore be particuarly important. The aims of the present study were to investigate the influence of patients' attitudes to diabetes, and to develop motivational aspects which enable the application of knowledge to enhance self-management and compliance with treatment. Thirty-one insulin-dependent diabetic (IDD) patients entered into a 12 month educational programme, particularly designed to increase motivation. Patients' attitudes to diabetes, their knowledge and self-management skills were assessed using questionnaires and practical tests, and parameters of glycaemic control were measured. The progress of these patients was compared at intervals with a close matched group of 25 control IFF patients who continued to receive routine clinic care. Patients completing the educational programme achieved better glycaemic control (p< 0.05), greater knowledge (p< 0.001), more favourable attitudes (p< 0.03) and increased competence in management skills (p< 0.02) compared with the control group. Evaluation procedures indicated that the programme was acceptable to the patients, and was successful in terms of increasing patient motivation. Six months after completion of the programme, glycaemic control deteriorated, although knowledge, attitudes and management skills were unchanged. This might reflect the withdrawal of extrinsic motivation, attention and supervision provided during the programme. It is recommended that consideration be given to the development of patients' intrinsic motivation to achieve maximum benefit from diabetes education programmes.


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Impedance spectroscopy has been used to investigate conductivity within boron-doped diamond in an intrinsic/delta-doped/intrinsic (i-d-i) multilayer structure. For a 5 nm thick delta layer, three conduction pathways are observed, which can be assigned to transport within the delta layer and to two differing conduction paths in the i-layers adjoining the delta layer. For transport in the i-layers, thermal trapping/detrapping processes can be observed, and only at the highest temperature investigated (673 K) can transport due to a single conduction process be seen. Impedance spectroscopy is an ideal nondestructive tool for investigating the electrical characteristics of complex diamond structures.


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The use of diamond as a semiconductor for the realization of transistor structures, which can operate at high temperatures (>700 K), is of increasing interest. In terms of bipolar devices, the growth of n-type phosphorus doped diamond is more efficient on the (111) growth plane; p-type boron-doped diamond growth has been most usually grown in the (100) direction and, hence, this study into the electronic properties, at high temperatures, of boron-doped diamond (111) homoepitaxial layers. It is shown that highly doped layers (hole carrier concentrations as high as 2×1020 cm-3) can be produced without promoting the onset of (unwanted) hopping conduction. The persistence of valance-band conduction in these films enables relatively high mobility values to be measured ( ~ 20 cm2/V?s) and, intriguingly, these values are not significantly reduced at high temperatures. The layers also display very low compensation levels, a fact that may explain the high mobility values since compensation is required for hopping conduction. The results are discussed in terms of the potential of these types of layers for use with high temperature compatible diamond transistors.


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The guide to spectacle lenses and coatings and tints available in the UK. The Ophthalmic Lenses Availability Guide aims to collate information from lens manufacturers in the UK enabling practitioners to rapidly locate lenses suitable for your patients. Twenty lens and coating manufacturers are represented in the Guide which consists of three sections; the availability index, manufacturer's data and lens data files. In the 2008 edition, the availability index has been updated; arranging lenses by type and then in ascending order of refractive index. Additionally, for progressive power lenses, the corridor length or fitting height is included allowing the practitioner to more rapidly identify a lens which meets the fitting requirements of a selected frame. Further technical information is provided for a selected by going to the appropriate page number in the manufacturer’s section. The lens data files contain additional information on the optical properties of materials, tints and coatings and a summary list of hidden markings on progressive power lenses enabling the practitioner to identify the lens a patient is currently wearing.


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Purpose: To evaluate eyelid temperature change and short-term effects on tear film stability and lipid layer thickness in healthy patients using a commercially available warm compress (MGDRx EyeBag) for ophthalmic use. Methods: Eyelid temperature, noninvasive tear film breakup time (NITBUT), and tear film lipid layer thickness (TFLLT) of 22 healthy subjects were measured at baseline, immediately after, and 10 minutes after application of a heated eyebag for 5 minutes to one eye selected at random. A nonheated eyebag was applied to the contralateral eye as a control. Results: Eyelid temperatures, NITBUT, and TFLLT increased significantly from baseline in test eyes immediately after removal of the heated eyebag compared with those in control eyes (maximum temperature change, 2.3 +/- 1.2[degrees]C vs. 0.3 +/- 0.5[degrees]C, F = 20.533, p < 0.001; NITBUT change, 4.0 +/- 2.3 seconds vs. 0.4 +/- 1.7 seconds, p < 0.001; TFLLT change, 2.0 +/- 0.9 grades vs. 0.1 +/- 0.4 grades, Z = -4.035, p < 0.001). After 10 minutes, measurements remained significantly higher than those in controls (maximum temperature change, 1.0 +/- 0.7[degrees]C vs. 0.1 +/- 0.3[degrees]C, F = 14.247, p < 0.001; NITBUT change, 3.6 +/- 2.1 seconds vs. 0.1 +/- 1.9 seconds, p < 0.001; TFLLT change, 1.5 +/- 0.9 vs. 0.2 +/- 0.5 grades, Z = -3.835, p < 0.001). No adverse events occurred during the study. Conclusions: The MGDRx EyeBag is a simple device for heating the eyelids, resulting in increased NITBUT and TFLLT in subjects without meibomian gland dysfunction that seem to be clinically significant. Future studies are required to determine clinical efficacy and evaluate safety after long-term therapy in meibomian gland dysfunction patients. © 2013 American Academy of Optometry