993 resultados para archaeological prospection


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The archaeological site of Cuyacabras (Quintanar de la Sierra, Burgos) is one of main early medieval reference settlements in Upper Arlanza basin lands and it attracts a great amount of visitors. The monumental featured half-caved church and the necropolis consisting of several burials dug into the rock present around the whole area are material evidences of an ancient hill town which has remained uninhabited from middle XIIIth century. New fieldworks on this whole site, excavated during the sixties, have been focused on improving the scientific impact of the site and setting up to date the records and information entries for the necropolis. All obtained data emphasize the weakness of several principles used to put in value the settlement, and they also suggest a revision of several-year-old discussions on one hand, and on the other one, they encourage scholars to propound new up to date theories which will fi t better with our knowledge"s current context.


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Space competition effects are well-known in many microbiological and ecological systems. Here we analyze such an effectin human populations. The Neolithic transition (change from foraging to farming) was mainly the outcome of a demographic process that spread gradually throughout Europe from the Near East. In Northern Europe, archaeological data show a slowdown on the Neolithic rate of spread that can be related to a high indigenous (Mesolithic) population density hindering the advance as a result of the space competition between the two populations. We measure this slowdown from a database of 902 Early Neolithic sites and develop a time-delayed reaction-diffusion model with space competition between Neolithic and Mesolithic populations, to predict the observed speeds. The comparison of the predicted speed with the observations and with a previous non-delayed model show that both effects, the time delay effect due to the generation lag and the space competition between populations, are crucial in order to understand the observations


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High-resolution seismic and sediment core data from the 'Grand Lac' basin of Lake Geneva reveal traces of repeated slope instabilities with one main slide-evolved mass-flow (minimum volume 0.13 km3) that originated from the northern lateral slope of the lake near the city of Lausanne. Radiocarbon dating of organic remains sampled from the top of the main deposit gives an age interval of 1865-1608 BC. This date coincides with the age interval for a mass movement event described in the 'Petit Lac' basin of Lake Geneva (1872-1622 BC). Because multiple mass movements took place at the same time in different parts of the lake, we consider the most likely trigger mechanism to be a strong earthquake (Mw 6) that occurred in the period between 1872 and 1608 BC. Based on numerical simulations, we show the major deposit near Lausanne would have generated a tsunami with local wave heights of up to 6 m. The combined effects of the earthquake and the following tsunami provide a possible explanation for a gap in lake dwellers occupation along the shores of Lake Geneva revealed by dendrochronological dating of two palafitte archaeological sites.


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This paper presents the results of the first phase of archaeological and historical study developed in the Vallès Oriental. It has done a complete study of the archaeological information available from the several documentary sources (bibliography, IPAC, etc.). This has lead to an interpretative update on the forms of occupation and settlement dynamics developed in the study area during the 5th BC to 1st century AD. Preliminary results of the archaeomorphological analysis focused primarily on the road network are also presented. The first results highlight the importance of territorial organization programs of the late 2nd BC and 1st century BC. In this sense, it has been documented a close relationship between the road network and the distribution of rural settlements in late-Republican and Augustan periods. The use of databases in the management of archaeological information, and especially the application of GIS in the analysis and interpretation of data, suggest new interpretive approaches.


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The molecular and isotopic chemistry of organic residues from archaeological potsherds was used to obtain further insight into the dietary trends and economies at the Constance lake-shore Neolithic settlements. The archaeological organic residues from the Early Late Neolithic (3922-3902 BC) site Hornstaad-Hornle IA/Germany are, at present, the oldest archaeological samples analysed at the Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the University of Lausanne. The approach includes 13C/12C and 15N/14N ratios of the bulk organic residues, fatty acids distribution and 13C/12C ratios of individual fatty acids. The results are compared with those obtained from the over 500 years younger Neolithic (3384-3370 BC) settlement of Arbon Bleiche 3/Switzerland and with samples of modern vegetable oils and fat of animals that have been fed exclusively on C3 forage grasses. The overall fatty acid composition (C9 to C24 range, maximizing at C14 and C16), the bulk 13C/12C and 15N/14N ratios (delta13C, delta15N) and the 13C/12C ratios of palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0) and oleic acids (C18:1) of the organic residues indicate that most of the studied samples (25 from 47 samples and 5 from 41 in the delta13C18:0 vs. delta13C16:0 and delta13C18:0 vs. delta13C18:1 diagrams, respectively) from Hornstaad-Hornle IA and Arbon Bleiche 3 sherds contain fat residues of pre-industrial ruminant milk, and young suckling calf/lamb adipose. These data provide direct proof of milk and meat (mainly from young suckling calves) consumption and farming practices for a sustainable dairying in Neolithic villages in central Europe around 4000 BC.dagger


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This project consists of a study of the settlement of population during the Late Republican period in the Camp de Tarragona, an extensive agricultural plain in the shape of a crescent moon opening out towards the sea which constitutes the area of land in closest proximity to the capital, Tarraco. It does not therefore include the entirety of the ager Tarraconensis, which covered a considerably larger area. After reviewing the preceding Iberian presence in the area, the study focuses on the archaeological evidence corroborating the settlement of population referred to above and its evolution during the course of the two centuries prior to the rule of Augustus. Attention is also given to certain speciic themes, such as the centuriation of certain sectors, the presence of military checkpoints, the production of ceramics during the Republican period (at Fontscaldes and Valls) and the appearance of the irst Roman villas (El Moro and El Mas d’en Gras).


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El Pla de ses Figueres és un jaciment que es troba a la riba del port de Cabrera, una petita illa de 1.836 ha. situada en el sud de les illes Balears. Diversos treballs de prospecció i d’excavació han donat a conèixer una important ocupació humana del lloc centrada en els segles V a VII dC. A les zones intervingudes s’han identificat una factoria de salaons, un possible taller de producció de porpra i una necròpoli. En el present treball s’exposaran set peces de marbre localitzades en dit jaciment dintre del projecte “Recuperació, consolidació i museïtzació del monestir bizantí de l’illa de Cabrera”, el qual ja fa dotze anys que finança ininterrompudament l’Ajuntament de Palma.


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El análisis antracológico, dendrológico y tafonómico de tres estructuras pastoriles de época moderna del yacimiento de Pleta de l’Estall Serrer (valle delMadriu, Andorra) situado a 1.980mde altitud, nosmuestra una presencia casi absoluta del pino tipo negro y la presencia puntual de taxones arbustivos como las ericáceas. Se trata de especies típicas en un bosque subalpino de pino negro. La presencia casi absoluta del pino, nos ha permitido observar diferentes alteraciones de la madera que nos han proporcionado una gran información sobre el uso de la madera, sobre todo las alteraciones por microorganismos. Hemos podido distinguir varios tipos de alteraciones causadas tanto por insectos xilófagos e hifas de hongos. Además, hemos identificado algunos individuos de termitas subterráneas tanto vivas como carbonizadas. Las primeras son termitas que atacan la madera arqueológica durante los procesos postdeposicionales y las termitas carbonizadas seguramente fueron la causa del deterioro de las estructuras y su posterior destrucción a través de su incendio.


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Gracias a los estudios del Dr. Hauschild en la Parte Alta de Tarragona se ha identificado una estructura urbana en tres niveles que se conoce como Concilium Provinciae Hispaniae Citerioris. La investigación posterior ha permitido confirmar las hipótesis del Dr. Hauschild, y ampliar el conocimiento del conjunto. En este artículo se presentan los últimos estudios referentes al Recinto de Culto, gracias a los trabajos del Plan Director de la Catedral de Tarragona y al proyecto Planimetría Arqueológica de Tárraco.


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L'image que l'on associe traditionnellement au Valais ressort plutôt de ses paysages alpins ou de ses agriculteurs de montagne que de ses industries. Celles-ci forment pourtant un maillon essentiel dans l'histoire du développement du canton.Au Moyen Age déjà, la prospection du fer, du plomb et surtout de l'argent donnait lieu a de sévères concurrences. Mais c'est l'arrivée des grandes industries chimiques et métallurgiques, vers 1900, qui a provoqué la reconversion en masse de centaines de paysans en ouvriers d'usines.Dans la complexité d'un marché devenu mondial, ces industries ont dû évoluer, certaines ont disparu, d'autres sont en passe de l'être.C'est ce regard sur un Valais méconnu qu'une dizaine d'historiens, avec l'oeil complice de plusieurs photographes, proposent à votre lecture.


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We present a model in which particles (or individuals of a biological population) disperse with a rest time between consecutive motions (or migrations) which may take several possible values from a discrete set. Particles (or individuals) may also react (or reproduce). We derive a new equation for the effective rest time T˜ of the random walk. Application to the neolithic transition in Europe makes it possible to derive more realistic theoretical values for its wavefront speed than those following from the single-delayed framework presented previously [J. Fort and V. Méndez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 867 (1999)]. The new results are consistent with the archaeological observations of this important historical process


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This study examines the correlation between buccal dental microwear and stable isotopes. The buccal surface of post-canine teeth casts from El Collado, the largest Mesolithic site in Spain, were examined under Scanning Electron Microscope; photomicrographs were taken from the middle third of the buccal surface with magnification 100X. Only six individuals passed the criteria for buccal dental microwear analysis. The photomicrographs were treated by adobe Photoshop 8.01 to cover an area 0.56 mm² of middle third of buccal surface, the output photomicrographs were digitized using Sigmascan Pro 5 by SPSS. Then the correlation between buccal microwear pattern and stable isotopes of the same individuals, of the previous study of Guixe et al., 2006, was examined using a Pearson test. Statistical analysis revealed that there is no significant correlation between stable isotopes and buccal dental microwear of the people of the Mesolithic site of El Collado. The historical and archaeological documentation suggest that the Mesolithic people tended to consume marine food. Fish-drying techniques were used during the Mesolithic period which allowed the introduction of dust and sand to the fish. These abrasive particles affected the buccal dental microwear pattern, so that no correlation between the isotopes and microwear may be expected. This also suggests that the buccal dental microwear pattern exceeds dietary reconstruction to reconstruct food processing techniques.


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Este artículo presenta una recopilación y revisión del actual estado de la aplicación de los métodos geofísicos en prospecciones arqueológicas, en España. Se ha revisado la mayor cantidad posible de bibliografía, para se poder hacer un levantamiento de todos los yacimientos arqueológicos españoles estudiados con métodos geofísicos. Es probable que el número de yacimientos investigados por estos métodos es mayor, pero muchas de las intervenciones son inéditas y el acceso a los informes técnicos es difícil, pues su catalogación no es informatizada. Esto dificulta mucho el trabajo, principalmente cuando se trata de obtener informaciones relacionadas a toda España. La catalogación aquí presentada tiene por objetivo investigar hasta donde ha llegado la colaboración entre geofísica y arqueología y establecer un punto de partida para futuros estudios. Los métodos geofísicos son cada vez mas utilizados como una importante herramienta en la arqueología y este trabajo pretende facilitar la base de datos a los investigadores y personas relacionadas a esta área.


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Se presenta un breve estado de la cuestión sobre la realidad arqueológica de los principales núcleos urbanos del este de la provincia Tarraconensis y a finales del Regnum Gothorum. Existe un nivel de conocimiento desigual para estas ciudades, fruto del contexto actual de la investigación, y también de una evolución histórica diferenciada, como consecuencia de unas características geopolíticas propias que, posiblemente, indujeron a una modificación de las jerarquías entre las ciudades. Planteamos la ciudad visigoda como el centro de gestión civil y religioso de una unidad territorial donde la arqueología identifica los vestigios de la arquitectura del poder, pero todavía no consigue definir con precisión los procesos domésticos inherentes a toda comunidad urbana. Conocemos globalmente los diferentes procesos de la desestructuración urbana de la Antigüedad tardía pero no los parámetros de la ocupación agrourbana de los recintos amurallados. Para este período histórico se supone que la redimensión demográfica del hecho urbano más una reducción de las relaciones económicas entre la ciudad y el territorio son factores determinantes de las nuevas ciudades visigodas, pero se reconoce una incertidumbre fruto de la dificultad arqueológica de estudiar las nuevas pautas constructivas y una cultura material más restringida.