703 resultados para antiquity


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v. 1. Materialism in antiquity.--The period of transition.--The seventeenth century.--v. 2. The eighteenth century.--Modern philosophy.--The natural sciences.--v. 3. The natural sciences (continued).--Man and the soul.--Morality and religion.


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Includes bibliographical references and index.


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verso: J. B. Griffin (center), H. R. Crane (left), Patricia Dahlstrom (right); Published in American Antiquity, vol.49, no.3, 1984 for Distinguished Service Award pp.452-54.


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The international perspectives on these issues are especially valuable in an increasingly connected, but still institutionally and administratively diverse world. The research addressed in several chapters in this volume includes issues around technical standards bodies like EpiDoc and the TEI, engaging with ways these standards are implemented, documented, taught, used in the process of transcribing and annotating texts, and used to generate publications and as the basis for advanced textual or corpus research. Other chapters focus on various aspects of philological research and content creation, including collaborative or community driven efforts, and the issues surrounding editorial oversight, curation, maintenance and sustainability of these resources. Research into the ancient languages and linguistics, in particular Greek, and the language teaching that is a staple of our discipline, are also discussed in several chapters, in particular for ways in which advanced research methods can lead into language technologies and vice versa and ways in which the skills around teaching can be used for public engagement, and vice versa. A common thread through much of the volume is the importance of open access publication or open source development and distribution of texts, materials, tools and standards, both because of the public good provided by such models (circulating materials often already paid for out of the public purse), and the ability to reach non-standard audiences, those who cannot access rich university libraries or afford expensive print volumes. Linked Open Data is another technology that results in wide and free distribution of structured information both within and outside academic circles, and several chapters present academic work that includes ontologies and RDF, either as a direct research output or as essential part of the communication and knowledge representation. Several chapters focus not on the literary and philological side of classics, but on the study of cultural heritage, archaeology, and the material supports on which original textual and artistic material are engraved or otherwise inscribed, addressing both the capture and analysis of artefacts in both 2D and 3D, the representation of data through archaeological standards, and the importance of sharing information and expertise between the several domains both within and without academia that study, record and conserve ancient objects. Almost without exception, the authors reflect on the issues of interdisciplinarity and collaboration, the relationship between their research practice and teaching and/or communication with a wider public, and the importance of the role of the academic researcher in contemporary society and in the context of cutting edge technologies. How research is communicated in a world of instant- access blogging and 140-character micromessaging, and how our expectations of the media affect not only how we publish but how we conduct our research, are questions about which all scholars need to be aware and self-critical.


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The authors describe rock art dating research in Australia using the oxalate method While the array of dates obtained (which range from c. 1200 to c. 25000 BP) show a satisfactory correlation with other archaeological data, there are mismatches which suggest that some motifs were often imitated by later artists, and/or that the mineral accretions continued to form periodically, perhaps continuously, as a regional phenomenon over a long period of time.


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Peter Brown, perhaps the world's leading scholar in the field of late antiquity, has produced a substantially revised and expanded edition of one of his major books, drawing on the vast volume of recent work. This essay summarizes its central arguments, especially the significance it attributes to developments away from the Mediterranean and to the seventh century, which together allow the topic to be seen in a compelling new light. It applauds the sustained excellence of Brown's prose, as well as his frame of reference and historical imagination. Some questions are raised concerning his deployment of sources, the importance given to the north, the ability to make decisions that people are credited with, and the coming of Islam. That a scholar of Brown's eminence is able to relish and appropriate effectively work that appeared subsequent to the first edition of this book is a tribute to his stature.


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In response to the question, 'Education for what?', this article argues the case for an ethical imagination. It begins by illustrating different approaches to ethics - Greek antiquity, Kant s categorical imperative, Levinas's interhuman ethic of care, and Foucauldian genealogy. On the basis ofthis, it suggests that ethics may be understood as a disposition of continual questioning and adjusting of thought and action in relation to notions of human good and how to be and act in relation to others. It then briefly considers education as an ethical activity, and sets out three interrelated axes for an ethics of engagement in education: intellectual rigour, civility and care. Using examples ofcitizenship and statelessness in Australia, it argues that building an ethical imagination is a valuable goal for education.


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Cyclotides are peptides from plants of the Rubiaceae and Violaceae families that have the unusual characteristic of a macrocylic backbone. They are further characterized by their incorporation of a cystine knot in which two disulfides, along with the intervening backbone residues, form a ring through which a third disulfide is threaded. The cyclotides have been found in every Violaceae species screened to date but are apparently present in only a few Rubiaceae species. The selective distribution reported so far raises questions about the evolution of the cyclotides within the plant kingdom. In this study, we use a combined bioinformatics and expression analysis approach to elucidate the evolution and distribution of the cyclotides in the plant kingdom and report the discovery of related sequences widespread in the Poaceae family, including crop plants such as rice ( Oryza sativa), maize ( Zea mays), and wheat ( Triticum aestivum), which carry considerable economic and social importance. The presence of cyclotide-like sequences within these plants suggests that the cyclotides may be derived from an ancestral gene of great antiquity. Quantitative RT-PCR was used to show that two of the discovered cyclotide-like genes from rice and barley ( Hordeum vulgare) have tissue-specific expression patterns.


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The ability to make rapid measurements on small samples using laser fluorination enhances the potential of oxygen isotopes in the investigation of early inorganic materials and technologies. delta O-18 and Sr-87/Sr-86 values are presented for glass from two primary production sites, four secondary production sites and a consumer site in the Near East, dating from Late Antiquity to the medieval period. delta O-18 is in general slightly less effective than Sr-87/Sr-86 in discriminating between sources, as the spread of measured values from a single source is somewhat broader relative to the available range. However, while Sr-87/Sr-86 is derived predominantly from either the lime-bearing fraction of the glass-making sand or the plant ash used as a source of alkali, delta O-18 derives mainly from the silica. Thus the two measurements can provide complementary information. A comparison of delta O-18 for late Roman - Islamic glasses made on the coast of Syria-Palestine with those of previously analysed glasses from Roman Europe suggests that the European glasses are relatively enriched in O-18. This appears to contradict the view that most Roman glass was made using Levantine sand and possible interpretations are discussed.


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Weathering profiles overlying the Sapecado, Pico and Andaime iron ore deposits, Quadrilátero Ferrífero (QF), Minas Gerais, Brazil, reach depths of 150–400 m and host world-class supergene iron orebodies. In addition to hosting supergene ore bodies of global economic significance, weathered banded iron-formations at the Quadrilátero Ferrífero and elsewhere (e.g., Carajás, Hamersley) are postulated to underlie some of the most ancient continuously exposed weathering profiles on earth. Laser incremental-heating 40Ar/39Ar results for 69 grains of hollandite-group manganese oxides extracted from 23 samples collected at depths ranging from 5 to 150 m at the Sapecado, Pico and Andaime deposits reveal ages ranging from ca. 62 to 14 Ma. Older Mn-oxides occur near the surface, while younger Mn-oxides occur at depth. However, many samples collected at the weathering–bedrock interface yield ages in the 51–41 Ma range, suggesting that the weathering profiles in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero had already reached their present depth in the Paleogene. The antiquity of the weathering profiles in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero is comparable to the antiquity of dated weathering profiles on banded iron-formations in the Carajás Region (Brazil) and the Hamersley Province, Western Australia. The age versus depth distributions obtained in this study, but not available for other regions containing similar supergene iron deposits, suggest that little further advance of the weathering front has occurred in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero lateritic profiles during the Neogene. The results suggest that weathering in some of these ancient landscapes is not controlled by the steady-state advance of weathering fronts through time, but may reflect climatic and geomorphological conditions prevailing in a remote past. The geochronological results also confirm that the ancient landsurfaces in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero probably remained immune to erosion for tens of millions of years. Deep weathering, mostly in the Paleogene, combined with low erosion rates, account for the abundance and widespread distribution of supergene iron, manganese, and aluminum orebodies in this region.


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A literatura é um tipo de conhecimento que faz uso da palavra com a finalidade de projetar realidades possíveis. Para tanto, a mimese literária tem na experiência vivencial a verossimilhança que torna possível a apreensão da obra literária como fenômeno interpretativo. Nesse processo de composição, o gênero literário converte-se no conjunto de convenções que o autor se vale para fazer-se inteligível a seu público. As narrativas bíblicas e, em especial, o Evangelho Segundo São Mateus, possuem elementos que permitem sua leitura como obras literárias próprias da Antiguidade, cujas estratégias narrativas se mostram construtoras de representação verossímil da realidade. Para tanto, o narrador do Evangelho Segundo São Mateus utilizou-se daquelas convenções que se conformavam ao horizonte de expectativas de seu público e que articulam experiências advindas da literatura greco-romana e da literatura judaica. No caso da Paixão de Cristo Segundo São Mateus, o narrador empreende um conjunto de estratégias narrativas que favorecem sua condução da leitura da narrativa de acordo com sua perspectiva. Nesse processo, vale-se de uma estrutura que combina a biografia greco-romana àquela já consagrada na literatura bíblica. Dessa forma, a Paixão de Cristo nos é apresentada como parte final da história, numa perspectiva paradigmática e, ao mesmo tempo, como realização das Escrituras, que figuram e profetizam a respeito de Jesus e a natureza redimensionadora e universalizadora da salvação.


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Há no Evangelho de Mateus material suficiente para se chegar ao discipulado de iguais porque seu conteúdo reflete uma prática igualitária de Jesus em relação às mulheres. Nesta tese tal prática pode ser verificada através da investigação de duas perícopes nas quais Jesus advoga a causa das mulheres discutindo o direito masculino do divórcio e o adultério: 19,1-12 e 5,27-32. No debate sobre a justa causa para se despedir a mulher, Jesus declara que a volta à criação original não mais concede tal prerrogativa aos homens. Essa discussão ocorre em terreno legal e isso se evidencia pelo termo aitia, cujo significado demonstra que na demanda do divórcio a lei concede ao homem o benefício de encontrar um motivo para acusação. Jesus, por sua vez, declara que pela sua lei todo motivo e acusação contra a mulher se transforma em motivo e acusação contra o próprio homem diante de Deus. O silêncio dos fariseus comprova que os argumentos de Jesus são irrefutáveis, mas o protesto dos seus discípulos revela que não lhes agrada a igualdade social entre os sexos. A resposta final e definitiva de Jesus encontra-se em Mt 19,10 onde pelo uso da metáfora eunuco ele encerra o debate dizendo que somente podem aceitar a sua causa os que abraçarem a causa do Reino dos Céus. Os temas divórcio e adultério permitem estender a discussão para o matrimônio que é a relação social e legal que fundamenta tais práticas, e buscar na Antigüidade as leis e costumes que regiam a vida sexual das mulheres naquele tempo, considerando os ambientes mais relevantes em relação ao mundo bíblico: o mundo greco-romano e o oriente próximo no período entre os séculos IV a.C. e IV d.C. para que, através da pesquisa sobre matrimônio, divórcio, adultério, dote, repúdio e outras sanções relativas à vida sexual das mulheres, se possa chegar aos mecanismos culturais da educação capazes de levar as mulheres à cumplicidade ou à resistência aos seus papéis sociais. Essa pesquisa se encerra com uma apreciação da história da renúncia sexual nos contextos judaico e cristão para projetar o ambiente e o horizonte sócio-religioso que foram palcos da recepção e transmissão de Mt 5,27-32 e Mt 19,1-12, de modo a demonstrar que os argumentos misóginos que se tornaram inerentes à interpretação desses textos são o resultado de uma mentalidade sexista que não corresponde à crítica literária do evangelho.(AU)


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Ansiedade é um conceito estudado desde a antiguidade sendo amplamente pesquisado em diversos ramos da ciência. A ansiedade pode ser compreendida como um sinal de alerta, um estado emocional que, por vezes, se torna desagradável, sendo vivenciada por todos os seres humanos. Uma forma de mensurar a ansiedade é por meio de escalas válidas e precisas. Por isso, o objetivo desse estudo foi construir e validar uma escala para avaliação de ansiedade no ambiente de trabalho. Com base em três dimensões da ansiedade contidas na literatura, foi construída a Escala de Ansiedade no Trabalho (EAT-35). Os dados foram coletados a partir das respostas dadas por 220 trabalhadores do Estado de São Paulo, com idade média de 34,27 (DP=9,83) sendo a maioria do sexo feminino (84,5%) e com ensino superior (64,5%). Foram calculadas estatísticas descritivas, análise fatorial e alfa de Cronbach. Os resultados revelaram um modelo de três dimensões da ansiedade e cujas dimensões obtiveram adequadas cargas fatoriais e índices de precisão. Com os resultados produzidos pelas análises deste estudo é possível concluir que a Escala de Ansiedade no Trabalho (EAT-35) pode ser utilizada como uma ferramenta para avaliar a ansiedade no trabalho. Novas pesquisas que realizem a aplicação de análises fatoriais confirmatórias são indicadas com o objetivo de se confirmar os resultados obtidos pelas análises fatoriais exploratórias durante a validação da EAT-35.


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Aristotle is well known to have taught that the brain was a mere coolant apparatus for overheated blood and to have located the hegemonikon in the heart. This teaching was hotly disputed by his immediate successors in the Alexandrian Museum, who showed that the brain played the central role in psychophysiology. This was accepted and developed by the last great biomedical figure of classical antiquity - Claudius Galen. However, Aristotle's cardiocentric theory did not entirely disappear and this article traces its influence through the Arabic physicians of the Islamic ascendancy, into the European Middle Ages where Albertus Magnus' attempt to reconcile cardiocentric and cerebrocentric physiology was particularly influential. It shows how cardiocentricity was sufficiently accepted to attract the attention of, and require refutation by, many of the great names of the Renaissance, including Vesalius, Fernel, and Descartes, and was still taken seriously by luminaries such as William Harvey in the mid-seventeenth century. The article, in rehearsing this history, shows the difficulty of separating the first-person perspective of introspective psychology and the third-person perspective of natural science. It also outlines an interesting case of conflict between philosophy and physiology. © 2013 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.