988 resultados para amidação do poli (metacrilato de metila)


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Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and accounts for 1 to 2% of all breast cancers. LCIS diagnosis currently remains one of the major identifiable risk factors for subsequent breast cancer development. Imaging methods are becoming increasingly sensitive, and the consequent detection of small lesions and subtle abnormalities increases the chance of detection of in situ and invasive carcinomas, leading to a reduction in mortality. This report describes a case of a palpable complaint with abnormal imaging findings, including a solid LCIS mass.


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Nas Américas, a leishmaniose visceral canina é causada por Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi, um protozoário intracelular obrigatório do sistema fagocítico mononuclear; as principais alterações histológicas associadas a essa doença ocorrem nos em órgãos linfóides. Apesar de o cão ser considerado o principal mantenedor e disseminador da leishmaniose no ambiente urbano, são escassos estudos dos aspectos histopatológicos e histomorfométricos, em cães naturalmente infectados com L. chagasi, que investiguem a interação entre o parasito e a matriz extracelular. Este estudo visou caracterizar e quantificar as alterações dos componentes celulares e da matriz extracelular (colágenos I e III) do linfonodo poplíteo de 22 cães com infecção natural por L. chagasi detectada através da reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIF) e compará-las com as alterações encontradas no linfonodo poplíteo de 10 cães não-infectados, negativos na RIF e clinicamente saudáveis. Fragmentos dos linfonodos foram seccionados longitudinalmente, processados rotineiramente para exame histológico e corados por hematoxilina-eosina. Cortes adicionais do mesmo linfonodo incluídos em glicol metacrilato foram corados pelo azul de toluidina para histomorfometria. Linfonodos de cães infectados apresentaram linfadenopatia generalizada, aumento do tamanho e do número dos folículos linfóides, hipertrofia da cápsula e hiperplasia linfóide significativa. Nos linfonodos de cães do grupo infectado, a análise quantitativa de fibras colágenas mostrou significativo predomínio do colágeno I sobre o colágeno III. Esses resultados demonstram que cães infectados por L. chagasi apresentam degradação dos constituintes da matriz extracelular e conseqüente destruição do arcabouço linfóide, alterando a morfologia do órgão.


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Métodos de cultivo celular são convenientes na realização de análises funcionais de alterações/interações protéicas das células neuronais, auxiliando a decifrar o interactoma de proteínas chaves na neurogênese de doenças do Sistema Nervoso Central. Por esse motivo, culturas de neurônios e neuroesferas isolados do córtex cerebral aviar representam um modelo acessível para o estudo de diversas doenças neurológicas, tal como a epilepsia. A espécie aviar apresenta peculiaridades em seu proteoma neuronal, visto a presença de uma expressão diferenciada de proteínas chaves no metabolismo energético cerebral, algumas destas (VDAC1 e VDAC2) desempenham papel importante na compreensão do mecanismo da epilepsia refratária. A metodologia estabelecida no presente estudo obteve cultivo de neuroeferas, onde as células cresceram tipicamente em aglomerados atingindo, dentro de 7 dias, o diâmetro ideal de 100-200 µm. A diferenciação celular das neuroesferas foi obtida após a aderência destas às placas tratadas com poli-D-lisina, evidenciada pela migração de fibras do interior da neuroesfera. Ao contrário das neuroesferas, os neurônios em cultivo extenderam seus neuritos após 11 dias de isolamento. Tal modelo in vitro pode ser utilizado com sucesso na identificação das variáveis neuroproteômicas, propiciando uma avaliação global das alterações dinâmicas e suas interações protéicas. Tal modelo pode ter aplicações em estudos dos efeitos de indutores da morte celular e bloqueadores de canais de membrana mitocondriais em proteínas chaves do metabolismo energético cerebral.


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A composição de ácidos graxos da dieta pode influenciar o desempenho produtivo e o sistema imune de frangos de corte. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do consumo de óleos ricos em ácidos graxos poli-insaturados ômega-6 (PUFAs n-6) e ômega-3 (PUFAs n-3) sobre o desempenho e a resposta imunológica de frangos de corte frente a um desafio antigênico. Foram comparadas dietas formuladas com 7% de óleo de soja (OS), linhaça (OL) ou sardinha (OP), fornecidas a 240 frangos da linhagem Cobb, divididos em 24 grupos de 10 aves cada, num arranjo experimental 3x2 (3 tipos de óleo e aves vacinadas ou não vacinadas) e 4 repetições. O óleo de soja é rico em ácido linoleico, um PUFA n-6, o óleo de linhaça é fonte de ácido alfa-linolênico, um PUFA n-3, e o óleo de sardinha, de outros PUFAs n-3, como os ácidos eicosapentaenoico e docosahexaenoico. O consumo de ração, o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar foram avaliados aos 21, 35 e 42 dias. Aos 7 e aos 21 dias de idade, metade das aves recebeu vacina contra doença de Newcastle. Quinze dias após a imunização, avaliou-se a produção de anticorpos pelo método de ELISA, expressa pela densidade óptica a 450 nm (D.O. 450nm). Apenas as aves alimentadas com ração contendo OS apresentaram maior imunidade humoral (P<0,05) após a vacinação. A resposta linfoproliferativa das aves, que expressa a imunidade celular, foi maior entre as aves vacinadas, em comparação às aves não vacinadas (P<0,05), independentemente do óleo utilizado. A fonte de óleo da ração ou a vacinação não influenciaram o ganho de peso das aves (P>0,05). Entre as aves que receberam dieta com OS, as aves vacinadas apresentaram pior conversão alimentar (P<0,05). Nos grupos que consumiram ração com OL ou OP, a vacinação não influenciou a conversão alimentar (P>0,05), considerando todo o período experimental. A utilização de óleo rico em PUFA n-6 na dieta de frangos de corte aumentou a resposta humoral, mas não influenciou a resposta celular frente a um desafio antigênico.


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A alelopatia é um dos fenômenos pouco estudados no Cerrado. Trata-se de uma ocorrência natural, resultante da liberação de substâncias capazes de estimular ou inibir o desenvolvimento de outras plantas. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a ação alelopática de extratos da sucupira-branca (Pterodon emarginatus) sobre a germinação e o desenvolvimento da raiz e parte aérea do capim-colonião (Panicum maximum). Bioensaios de germinação realizados em placas de Petri comprovaram que o extrato metanólico do tronco dessa planta, a 150 ppm, inibiu 83% do desenvolvimento da raiz, 75% da parte aérea e 30% da germinação de sementes de capim-colonião. Em casa de vegetação, os resultados de inibição foram de 83% para a parte aérea, 80% para a raiz e 63% para a germinação, mas somente na concentração de 400 ppm. Frações do extrato metanólico bruto obtidas por cromatografia de coluna cromatográfica não reproduziram os resultados de inibição obtidos inicialmente. A fração mais ativa (diclorometano/clorofórmio) foi analisada por CG/EM. Ela é constituída fundamentalmente por substâncias alifáticas de cadeia longa: fitol (13,5%), ácido oléico (12,8%), linoleiladato de metila (10,9%) e ácido palmítico (6,9%). Foram detectados, também, os compostos 1,2,4-trimetil e isopropilbenzenos (12,2%) e as cetonas isoméricas isopropenilmetilcetona e 3-penten-2-ona (7,3%). Três compostos desconhecidos também se destacaram: um de baixa massa molar (98 Da, 13,5%) e dois de massa molar elevada (13,6%).


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Gene frequencies at the k-casein locus were estimated in six different herds (N = 180) of Argentinean Creole cattle. The results showed a strong influence of subdivision and independent evolution on the divergence of the observed gene frequencies. These results suggest that the population structure of these herds favor the maintenance of polymorphism, which is of crucial importance for the long-time survival of populations.


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Julkaisussa: Het vyfde deel des Grooten Atlas, vervattende de water-weerelt. Vol. V


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Julkaisussa: Het vyfde deel des Grooten Atlas, vervattende de water-weerelt. Vol. V


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Fetal hemoglobin was measured in HIV1/2 patients under treatment with combined therapy (zidovudine and a protease inhibitor). A total of 143 patients and 103 normal individuals were investigated by the quantitative method of Betke and the semi-quantitative acid elution method of Kleihauer. In the normal person, hemoglobin F makes up less than 1% and an increase higher than 1.5% was observed in 21.4% of HIV patients by the method of Betke and in 24.8% of HIV-infected patients by the method of Kleihauer. The quantitative biochemical method of Betke showed that the populations were significantly different (two-tailed Mann-Whitney test). The reason for this hemoglobin F increase might be ascribed to the effect of zidovudine or to direct viral action on gamma chain expression. The finding of a higher F cell frequency indicated by the method of Kleihauer rather suggests that there is an increased F cell clone proliferation rather than an increase in hemoglobin F level in every cell.


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Pro gradu -tutkielman aiheena on uskonto Iranin ulkopolitiikassa. Tutkielman päämääränä on selvittää miten uskonto vaikutti ja näkyi Iranin ulkopolitiikassa Ahmadinejadin viimeisellä presidenttikaudella. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat: (1) Miten Mahmud Ahmadinejad viestitti uskontoa Iranin ulkopolitiikassa? (2) Mitä diskursseja Mahmud Ahmadinejadin puheissa ilmeni ja mitä positioita puheissa Ahmadinejadille muodostui. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys on konstruktivistisen teorian mukainen. Konstruktivis-mi korostaa kansainvälisen järjestelmän rakenteita ja normeja valtiollista käyttäytymistä muovaavina ja selittävinä tekijöinä. Tässä tapauksessa Mahmud Ahmadinejadin puheet ovat instituution virkamiesten tuotosta, presidentin itse antaessa omat kasvonsa viestin välittä-miseksi. Virkamiesten laatimat puheet muokkaavat sanojen kautta Iranin valtion identiteettiä vallitsevien uskonnollisten sääntöjen ja normien kautta. Mahmud Ahmadinejadin puheista syntyi analyysiprosessin tuloksena 11 diskurssia. Osa dis-kursseista on vahvemmin esillä, niiden uskonnollisen merkityksen takia. Toiset diskurssit esiintyvät puheissa säännönmukaisemmin ja toistuvasti. Ahmadinejadille muodostuu kaksi positiota, joilla hän vahventaa omaa puhettaan. Ahmadinejad liikkuu toiminnallisten posi-tioiden välillä rakentaen itsestään merkityksellisemmän kuvan kokouksissa. Positiot ovat presidentti ja uskovaisuus. Johtajuus Iranissa on kiistattomasti ayatollah Ali Khameneilla. Presidentillä ei ole käytän-nössä toimivaltuuksia omien puheidensa tueksi, koska esimerkiksi sodan julistamiseenkin tarvitaan ayatollahin valtuutus. Ahmadinejadin puheilla olisi enemmän painoarvoa mikäli presidentillä olisi enemmän valtaa. Iranissa presidentti on vain keulakuva, jonka tekemisiä maailmalla seurataan. Presidentin puheet antavat vain viitteitä Iranin lähitulevaisuuden poli-tiikasta ja sen suuntauksista.


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We investigated the systemic and regional hemodynamic effects of early crystalloid infusion in an experimental model of septic shock induced by intravenous inoculation with live Escherichia coli. Anesthetized dogs received an intravenous infusion of 1.2 x 10(10) cfu/kg live E. coli in 30 min. After 30 min of observation, they were randomized to controls (no fluids; N = 7), or fluid resuscitation with lactated Ringer's solution, 16 ml/kg (N = 7) or 32 ml/kg (N = 7) over 30 min and followed for 120 min. Cardiac index, portal blood flow, mean arterial pressure, systemic and regional oxygen-derived variables, blood lactate, and gastric PCO2 were assessed. Rapid and progressive cardiovascular deterioration with reduction in cardiac output, mean arterial pressure and portal blood flow (~50, ~25 and ~70%, respectively) was induced by the live bacteria challenge. Systemic and regional territories showed significant increases in oxygen extraction and in lactate levels. Significant increases in venous-arterial (~9.6 mmHg), portal-arterial (~12.1 mmHg) and gastric mucosal-arterial (~18.4 mmHg) PCO2 gradients were also observed. Early fluid replacement, especially with 32 ml/kg volumes of crystalloids, promoted only partial and transient benefits such as increases of ~76% in cardiac index, of ~50% in portal vein blood flow and decreases in venous-arterial, portal-arterial, gastric mucosal-arterial PCO2 gradients (7.2 ± 1.0, 7.2 ± 1.3 and 9.7 ± 2.5 mmHg, respectively). The fluid infusion promoted only modest and transient benefits, unable to restore the systemic and regional perfusional and metabolic changes in this hypodynamic septic shock model.


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Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors have been shown to improve splanchnic perfusion in distinct shock states. We hypothesized that enalaprilat potentiates the benefits of early fluid resuscitation in severe experimental sepsis, particularly in the splanchnic region. Anesthetized and mechanically ventilated mongrel dogs received an intravenous infusion of live Escherichia coli over a period of 30 min. Thereafter, two interventions were performed: fluid infusion (normal saline, 32 mL/kg over 30 min) and enalaprilat infusion (0.02 mg kg-1 min-1 for 60 min) in randomized groups. The following groups were studied: controls (fluid infusion, N = 4), E1 (enalaprilat infusion followed by fluid infusion, N = 5) and E2 (fluid infusion followed by enalaprilat infusion, N = 5). All animals were observed for a 120 min after bacterial infusion. Mean arterial pressure, cardiac output (CO), portal vein blood flow (PVBF), systemic and regional oxygen-derived variables, and lactate levels were measured. Rapid and progressive reductions in CO and PVBF were induced by the infusion of live bacteria, while minor changes were observed in mean arterial pressure. Systemic and regional territories showed a significant increase in oxygen extraction and lactate levels. Widening venous-arterial and portal-arterial pCO2 gradients were also detected. Fluid replacement promoted transient benefits in CO and PVBF. Enalaprilat after fluid resuscitation did not affect systemic or regional hemodynamic variables. We conclude that in this model of normotensive sepsis inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme did not interfere with the course of systemic or regional hemodynamic and oxygen-derived variables.


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The objective of this study was to determine the inter- and intra-examiner reliability of pain pressure threshold algometry at various points of the abdominal wall of healthy women. Twenty-one healthy women in menacme with a mean age of 28 ± 5.4 years (range: 19-39 years) were included. All volunteers had regular menstrual cycles (27-33 days) and were right-handed and, to the best of our knowledge, none were taking medications at the time of testing. Women with a diagnosis of depression, anxiety or other mood disturbances were excluded. Women with previous abdominal surgery, any pain condition or any evidence of inflammation, hypertension, smoking, alcoholism, or inflammatory disease were also excluded. Pain perception thresholds were assessed with a pressure algometer with digital traction and compression and a measuring capacity for 5 kg. All points were localized by palpation and marked with a felt-tipped pen and each individual was evaluated over a period of 2 days in two consecutive sessions, each session consisting of a set of 14 point measurements repeated twice by two examiners in random sequence. There was no statistically significant difference in the mean pain threshold obtained by the two examiners on 2 diferent days (examiner A: P = 1.00; examiner B: P = 0.75; Wilcoxon matched pairs test). There was excellent/good agreement between examiners for all days and all points. Our results have established baseline values to which future researchers will be able to refer. They show that pressure algometry is a reliable measure for pain perception in the abdominal wall of healthy women.


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The objective of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of chronic pelvic pain in the community of São Luís, capital of the State of Maranhão, Northeastern Brazil, and to identify independent conditions associated with it. A cross-sectional study was conducted, including a sample of 1470 women older than 14 years predominantly served by the public health system. The interviews were held in the subject's home by trained interviewers not affiliated with the public health services of the municipality. The homes were visited at random according to the city map and the prevalence of the condition was estimated. To identify the associated conditions, the significant variables (P=0.10) were selected and entered in a multivariate analysis model. Data are reported as odds ratio and 95% confidence interval, with the level of significance set at 0.05. The prevalence of chronic pelvic pain was 19.0%. The independent conditions associated with this diagnosis were: dyspareunia (OR=3.94), premenopausal status (OR=2.95), depressive symptoms (OR=2.33), dysmenorrhea (OR=1.77), smoking (OR=1.72), irregular menstrual flow (OR=1.62), and irritative bladder symptoms (OR=1.90). The prevalence of chronic pelvic pain in Sao Luís is high and is associated with the conditions cited above. Guidelines based on prevention and/or early identification of risk factors may reduce the prevalence of chronic pelvic pain in São Luís, Brazil.


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The objective of this prospective study was to determine the plasma levels of nitric oxide (NO) in women with chronic pelvic pain secondary to endometriosis (n=24) and abdominal myofascial pain syndrome (n=16). NO levels were measured in plasma collected before and 1 month after treatment. Pretreatment NO levels (μM) were lower in healthy volunteers (47.0±12.7) than in women with myofascial pain (64.2±5.0, P=0.01) or endometriosis (99.5±12.9, P<0.0001). After treatment, plasma NO levels were reduced only in the endometriosis group (99.5±12.9 vs 61.6±5.9, P=0.002). A correlation between reduction of pain intensity and reduction of NO level was observed in the endometriosis group [correlation = 0.67 (95%CI = 0.35 to 0.85), P<0.0001]. Reduction of NO levels was associated with an increase of pain threshold in this group [correlation = -0.53 (-0.78 to -0.14), P<0.0001]. NO levels appeared elevated in women with chronic pelvic pain diagnosed as secondary to endometriosis, and were directly associated with reduction in pain intensity and increase in pain threshold after treatment. Further studies are needed to investigate the role of NO in the pathophysiology of pain in women with endometriosis and its eventual association with central sensitization.