898 resultados para aménagement durable


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A casa própria representa a segurança familiar para muitos brasileiros. É um bem durável e transferível, por isso é necessário maximizar a segurança para a prevenção de acidentes que envolvem pessoas ou a estrutura. Diminuir o déficit habitacional é parte da missão dos programas habitacionais do Brasil. Como estes são financiados com dinheiro público, também está definida segurança elétrica do imóvel. As estatísticas nacionais indicam que os acidentes elétricos podem culminar em situações graves e irreversíveis. Diante do contexto, o planejamento para minimização de fatores de riscos relacionados as descargas elétricas nas unidades residenciais dos programas de habitação e urbanização no Estado do Pará se justifica. Neste trabalho, são discutidas as circunstâncias dos acidentes elétricos no Estado do Pará, com o objetivo de direcionar as medidas de prevenção e recomendações técnicas de segurança elétrica para as habitações populares. Uma amostra foi propositalmente escolhida, entre os empreendimentos da provisão habitacional do PAC Fase 1 e do PMCMV Faixa 1 localizados nos municípios de Belém e Santa Isabel do Pará, para ser o objeto de estudo, por representar as necessidades elétricas de uma grande metrópole e de um município com menos de setenta mil habitantes. A instrumentação do questionário sobre “Fatores de Riscos Elétricos” aos beneficiários de moradias populares, no mínimo, com um ano de residência, entre os meses de outubro e dezembro de 2013, permitiu a discussão dos resultados relacionados à verificação dos projetos elétricos residenciais e a análise das circunstâncias de ocorrência de acidentes elétricos no Pará (período retroativo de dez anos). Resultando em recomendações técnicas sobre segurança elétrica residencial, para a qual se considerou a revisão da literatura e as características econômicas e socioambientais da Região Amazônica. Durante a análise técnica não foram encontradas não conformidades graves com as NBR 5410:2004 e NBR 5419:2005, mas ficou evidente a necessidade pensar em modelos habitacionais personalizados, principalmente, os projetos de segurança elétrica que consideram as necessidades e características socioambientais da Região Amazônica.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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La circulation urbaine dans les villes brésiliennes a été marquée par l'influence directe de l'automobile. Grâce aux possibilités découlant de l'automobile, les villes se développent de plus en plus désordonnées et exigent la création de nouveaux moyens pour maintenir le flux du trafic. Cependant, la création de nouvelles routes est venu de collaborer avec les embouteillages, parce que plus les routes ont été construites, plus elles ont généré le besoin de transport. La question du développement durable a commencé à être traités de 1987 et alors, les premières idées pour résoudre, entre autres, le problème de la circulation urbaine. Une des solutions suggérées par les études est l'utilisation de transports non-motorisés. Ainsi, le vélo est devenu le grand pari pour un transport plus durable. Au Brésil, le vélo est largement utilisé, mais n'est pas considéré comme un réel moyen de transport, qui conduit à de mauvais investissements et incitations. Par conséquent, des mesures sont nécessaires pour encourager le transport à vélo pour se obtenir, avec d'autres mesures, un transport plus durable. Enfin, l'étude de cas dans deux villes, Guaratinguetá et Lorena, montre l'influence de l'automobile dans la formation de ces deux villes, qui a fini par nuire les autres modes de transport qui auraient pu être mieux utilisés


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Currently the quality of a final product is as important as the price they pay for it, to the satisfaction of having something durable and exercising its function as well as has been informed. This work aims to define the stages of the process of implementing a new project in a production line in order to ensure product quality and process, defining each step with those responsible for each area of the factory, implementing new tools and methods, improving process with lessons learned from previous projects, gathering information on the production line to analyze the need for rigorous controls to prevent errors. With the definition of schedule after studies of the plant where the new project was implemented, establish the goals of each phase to ensure the quality of process and product


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Autologous fibrin gel is commonly used as a scaffold for filling defects in articular cartilage. This biomaterial can also be used as a sealant to control small hemorrhages and is especially helpful in situations where tissue reparation capacity is limited. In particular, fibrin can act as a scaffold for various cell types because it can accommodate cell migration, differentiation, and proliferation. Despite knowledge of the advantages of this biomaterial and mastery of the techniques required for its application, the durability of several types of sealant at the site of injury remains questionable. Due to the importance of such data for evaluating the quality and efficiency of fibrin gel formulations on its use as a scaffold, this study sought to analyze the heterologous fibrin sealant developed from the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus using studies in ovine experimental models. The fibrin gel developed from the venom of this snake was shown to act as a safe, stable, and durable scaffold for up to seven days, without causing adverse side effects. Fibrin gel produced from the venom of the Crotalus durissus terrificus snake possesses many clinical and surgical uses. It presents the potential to be used as a biomaterial to help repair skin lesions or control bleeding, and it may also be used as a scaffold when applied together with various cell types. The intralesional use of the fibrin gel from the venom of this snake may improve surgical and clinical treatments in addition to being inexpensive and adequately consistent, durable, and stable. The new heterologous fibrin sealant is a scaffold candidate to cartilage repair in this study.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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The aim of the study is to demonstrate the occurrence and usage of the Tucumã (Astrocaryum vulgare Mart.) in rural areas of the Municipality of Irituia, in the State of Pará (Brazil), since the use of the palm part of the traditional culture of communities of farmers, riparian and quilombola, used in curing diseases in human and domestic animals, building shelters, obtaining fibers, production of tools and crafts, hunting and fishing. In addition to the uses reported by the population, tucumã has potential for the production of oil and biodiesel. In this sense, the Federal University of Pará – UFPA, in a partnership with the Irituia’s Municipal Government, is studying the implementation of an oleaginous processing plant in the municipality, among them, and includes the Tucumã as a potential source. Such proposal stipulates the production in the agroforestry system, as an alternative to the slash and burn agriculture in the region, reconciling environmental conservation with territorial rural development. Considering the results obtained in the field, it has been found an average of 9.4 stumps per hectare, each stump having 7.7 stipes and 4.7 racemes with up to 146 fruits. If all the Tucumã’s stumps were kept until they reached their average productivity capacity, it is estimated that the fruit production in the rural area of the municipality would be around 132.060 tons, which could produce up to 12.665,4 tons/year of pulp oil and 4.768,4 tons/year of nut oil, confirming the supply of raw material to move this productive chain.


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Textile Technology: The sun-blocking properties of a textile are enhanced when a dye, pigment, delustrant, or ultraviolet absorber finish is present that absorbs ultraviolet radiation and blocks its transmission through a fabric to the skin. For this reason, dyed fabrics provide better sun protection than bleached fabrics. Since naturally-colored cottons contain pigments that produce shades ranging from light green to tan and brown, it seemed reasonable to postulate that they would provide better sun protection than conventional bleached cotton, and that natural pigments might prove more durable to laundering and light exposure than dyes, but there is no published research on the ultraviolet transmission values for naturally-pigmented cottons. The purpose of this study was to determine the ultraviolet protection (UPF) values of naturally-pigmented cotton in three shades (green, tan, and brown), and the effect of light exposure and laundering on the sun-blocking properties of naturally-pigmented cotton. Naturally-pigmented cotton specimens were exposed to xenon light and accelerated laundering, ultraviolet transmission values measured, and UPF values calculated following light exposure and laundering. The naturally-pigmented cottons exhibited significantly higher UPF values than conventional cotton (bleached or unbleached). Although xenon light exposure and laundering caused some fading, the UPF values of naturally-pigmented cotton continue to be sufficiently high so that all three shades continue to provide good sun protection after the equivalent of 5 home launderings and 80 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists fading units (AFUs) of xenon light exposure.