882 resultados para access to diagnostics treatment
Aim: This study presents the prevalence of dental caries and its relation to the quality of life of adolescents according to the access to dental health services. Methods: Two hundred and fifty-six adolescents between 15 and 19 years of age participated in the study; they were all enrolled in public schools in a countryside municipality of the São Paulo State. Data related to dental caries were evaluated by the DMFT Index, and OHIP-14 was used for evaluating the quality of life. Mann Whitney and Spearmann correlation tests were also used (p<0.05). Results: A DMFT of 3.09 (±3.30) was found with a higher prevalence among the adolescents who used public dental services (3.43±3.34) compared with those who used private services (2.94±3.28). A statistically significant relationship between the decay component of DMFT with physical pain (0.020), physical disability (0.002) and quality of life (0.017) was verified. Conclusions: A low prevalence of dental caries was observed, and it was higher in adolescents who used public oral health services rather than private ones, evidencing the low influence of oral health on the quality of life of the participants.
Purpose: To compare access to medicines in children living in poor households (income of USD1/person/day) between urbanised Klang Valley and rural East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Methods: A semi-structured interview was conducted with caregivers to determine demographics, access to medicines, knowledge, attitude and practice of parents in obtaining medicines for children. Results: There was no significant difference socio-demographically between poor households in Klang Valley (N = 58) and East Coast (N = 40). The study found that access to medicine for children (N = 325) in the households was adequate, where all households that reported illness in the children over the last 1 month and the last 6 month periods, obtained medicines and 99 % of the children were fully immunized. Qualitative analysis showed that poor households face several barriers in accessing medicines for their children such as financial, transportation, physical and attitudinal. Conclusion: Access to medicines for children living in poor households in both areas were similar and adequate. However, barriers to access remain and further studies are required.
Objective: To compare efficacy and safety of primaquine regimens currently used to prevent relapses by Plasmodium vivax. Methods: A systematic review was carried out to identify clinical trials evaluating efficacy and safety to prevent malaria recurrences by P. vivax of primaquine regimen 0.5 mg/kg/day for 7 or 14 days compared to standard regimen of 0.25 mg/kg/day for 14 days. Efficacy of primaquine according to cumulative incidence of recurrences after 28 days was determined. The overall relative risk with fixed-effects meta-analysis was estimated. Results: For the regimen 0.5 mg/kg/day/7 days were identified 7 studies, which showed an incidence of recurrence between 0% and 20% with follow-up 60-210 days; only 4 studies comparing with the standard regimen 0.25 mg/kg/day/14 days and no difference in recurrences between both regimens (RR= 0.977, 95% CI= 0.670 to 1.423) were found. 3 clinical trials using regimen 0.5 mg/kg/day/14 days with an incidence of recurrences between 1.8% and 18.0% during 330-365 days were identified; only one study comparing with the standard regimen (RR= 0.846, 95% CI= 0.484 to 1.477). High risk of bias and differences in handling of included studies were found. Conclusion: Available evidence is insufficient to determine whether currently PQ regimens used as alternative rather than standard treatment have better efficacy and safety in preventing relapse of P. vivax. Clinical trials are required to guide changes in treatment regimen of malaria vivax.
Objective: To compare efficacy and safety of primaquine regimens currently used to prevent relapses by Plasmodium vivax. Methods: A systematic review was carried out to identify clinical trials evaluating efficacy and safety to prevent malaria recurrences by P. vivax of primaquine regimen 0.5 mg/kg/day for 7 or 14 days compared to standard regimen of 0.25 mg/kg/day for 14 days. Efficacy of primaquine according to cumulative incidence of recurrences after 28 days was determined. The overall relative risk with fixed-effects meta-analysis was estimated. Results: For the regimen 0.5 mg/kg/day/7 days were identified 7 studies, which showed an incidence of recurrence between 0% and 20% with follow-up 60-210 days; only 4 studies comparing with the standard regimen 0.25 mg/kg/day/14 days and no difference in recurrences between both regimens (RR= 0.977, 95% CI= 0.670 to 1.423) were found. 3 clinical trials using regimen 0.5 mg/kg/day/14 days with an incidence of recurrences between 1.8% and 18.0% during 330-365 days were identified; only one study comparing with the standard regimen (RR= 0.846, 95% CI= 0.484 to 1.477). High risk of bias and differences in handling of included studies were found. Conclusion: Available evidence is insufficient to determine whether currently PQ regimens used as alternative rather than standard treatment have better efficacy and safety in preventing relapse of P. vivax. Clinical trials are required to guide changes in treatment regimen of malaria vivax.
We measure quality of service (QoS) in a wireless network architecture of transoceanic aircraft. A distinguishing characteristic of the network scheme we analyze is that it mixes the concept of Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) through the exploitation of opportunistic contacts, together with direct satellite access in a limited number of the nodes. We provide a graph sparsification technique for deriving a network model that satisfies the key properties of a real aeronautical opportunistic network while enabling scalable simulation. This reduced model allows us to analyze the impact regarding QoS of introducing Internet-like traffic in the form of outgoing data from passengers. Promoting QoS in DTNs is usually really challenging due to their long delays and scarce resources. The availability of satellite communication links offers a chance to provide an improved degree of service regarding a pure opportunistic approach, and therefore it needs to be properly measured and quantified. Our analysis focuses on several QoS indicators such as delivery time, delivery ratio, and bandwidth allocation fairness. Obtained results show significant improvements in all metric indicators regarding QoS, not usually achievable on the field of DTNs.
Nucleobase-functionalized polymers are widely used in the fields of supramolecular chemistry and self-assembly, and their development for biomedical applications is also an area of interest. They are usually synthesized by tedious multistep procedures. In this study, we assess adenine as an organoinitiator/ organocatalyst for the ring-opening polymerization of lactide. L-Lactide can be quantitatively polymerized in the presence of adenine. Reaction conditions involving short reaction times and relatively low temperatures enable the access to adenine end-capped polylactide in a simple one-step procedure, in bulk, without additional catalyst. DFT calculations show that the polymerization occurs via hydrogen bond catalysis. The mechanism involves (i) a hydrogen bond between the NH9 of adenine and the carbonyl moiety of lactide, leading to an electron deficient carbon atom, and (ii) a second hydrogen bond between the N3 of adenine and the NH2 of a second adenine molecule, followed by a nucleophilic attack of the latter activated amine on the former electron deficient carbon on the monomer. For longer reaction times and higher temperatures, macrocyclic species are formed, and a mechanism involving the imidazole ring of adenine is proposed based on literature studies. Depending on the reaction conditions, adenine can thus be considered as an organoinitiator or an organocatalyst for the ring-opening polymerization of lactide.
Nucleobase-functionalized polymers are widely used in the fields of supramolecular chemistry and self-assembly, and their development for biomedical applications is also an area of interest. They are usually synthesized by tedious multistep procedures. In this study, we assess adenine as an organoinitiator/organocatalyst for the ring-opening polymerization of lactide. L-Lactide can be quantitatively polymerized in the presence of adenine. Reaction conditions involving short reaction times and relatively low temperatures enable the access to adenine end-capped polylactide in a simple one-step procedure, in bulk, without additional catalyst. DFT calculations show that the polymerization occurs via hydrogen bond catalysis. The mechanism involves (i) a hydrogen bond between the NH9 of adenine and the carbonyl moiety of lactide, leading to an electron deficient carbon atom, and (ii) a second hydrogen bond between the N3 of adenine and the NH2 of a second adenine molecule, followed by a nucleophilic attack of the latter activated amine on the former electron deficient carbon on the monomer. For longer reaction times and higher temperatures, macrocyclic species are formed, and a mechanism involving the imidazole ring of adenine is proposed based on literature studies. Depending on the reaction conditions, adenine can thus be considered as an organoinitiator or an organocatalyst for the ring-opening polymerization of lactide.
Introduction: The role of psychosocial factors in the onset and progression of essential hypertension has been object of a large body of literature, yet findings appear to be controversial. Aims: We assessed the predictive role of psychosomatic syndromes, affective symptomatology, psychological reactance, psychological distress, well-being and quality of life on adherence to antihypertensive medications, lifestyle behaviors, hypertension severity and absolute cardiovascular risk grading, as well as their temporal stability at 1-year follow-up, in a sample of hypertensive patients. In addition, we aimed to validate the Italian version of the Hong Psychological Reactance Scale (HPRS). Methods: Eighty consecutive hypertensive outpatients treated with antihypertensive medications were compared to 80 controls. Psychosocial variables were assessed using clinical interviews and self-rating questionnaires at baseline and at 1-year follow-up. Cardiac parameters were also collected. One-hundred and fifty individuals from general population provided data for the HPRS validation. Results: Hypertensive patients reported significantly higher levels of psychological distress and lower levels of psychological well-being at baseline compared to controls. Among hypertensive patients, allostatic overload (AO) was the most frequently reported psychosomatic syndrome at baseline. Patients with AO displayed significantly greater levels of psychological distress and lower levels of well-being and quality of life than those without. Further, patients with illness denial were significantly more likely to report poor adherence to pharmacological treatment and, as well as those with higher levels of affective symptomatology, were less likely to follow a balanced diet. At follow-up, patients displayed significantly higher levels of well-being and lower levels of stress, mental pain and quality of life. Conclusions: Findings suggest the clinical relevance of psychosocial factors and psychosomatic syndromes in the progression of hypertension, with important implications for its management. As to the Italian validation of the HPRS, results support previous findings, even though a confirmatory factor analysis should be carried out.
The thesis deals with standing and justiciability in climate litigation against governments and the private sector. The first part addresses the impacts of climate change on human rights, the major developments in international climate law, and the historical reasons for climate litigation. The second part analyses several cases, divided into categories. It then draws to a comparative conclusion with regard to each category. The third part deals with the Italian legal tradition on standing and justiciability – starting from the historical roots of such rules. The fourth part introduces the ‘Model Statute’ drafted by the International Bar Association, arguing that the 'ratio legis' of this proposal could be implemented in Italy or the EU. The thesis develops arguments, based on the existing legal framework, to help plaintiffs establish standing and justiciability in proceedings pending before Italian courts. It further proposes the idea that 'citizen suits' are consistent with the Italian and EU legal tradition and that the EU could rely on citizen suits to privately enforce its climate law and policies under the ‘European Green Deal.’
Sistematiza-se o conhecimento disponível sobre o estágio atual de efetivação das principais políticas de saúde bucal no Brasil e seu impacto sobre as desigualdades em saúde. Embora a fluoretação da água de abastecimento público no Brasil seja uma determinação legal, sua implantação tem sofrido marcantes desigualdades regionais. São apresentados dados sobre o grau de efetivação da medida e são revisados estudos que avaliaram seu impacto sobre a ampliação da desigualdade na experiência de cárie dentária. A oferta de atendimento público odontológico, ampliada consideravelmente após a implantação do Sistema Único de Saúde, também é discutida em relação à provisão do serviço e seu impacto sobre a redução da desigualdade no acesso a tratamento dentário. A discussão do efeito diferencial dessas medidas propiciou a proposição de estratégias focais (direcionar a fluoretação para as áreas com maiores necessidades), visando a reduzir a desigualdade na experiência de cárie no País.
Trata-se de estudo que procurou conhecer como o usuário do Programa Saúde da Família (PSF) percebe o direito à privacidade e à confidencialidade de suas informações reveladas ao agente comunitário de saúde (ACS) e como relaciona a visita domiciliar ao seu direito à privacidade. Estudo qualitativo, de natureza exploratória e como instrumento de investigação elaborou-se um roteiro de entrevistas semiestruturadas, com questões abertas, realizadas com usuários de uma Unidade do PSF do município de São Paulo. Os resultados mostraram que os usuários não consideram a entrada do ACS em suas residências como uma invasão à sua privacidade e que esse profissional é visto, muitas vezes, apenas como um facilitador do acesso ao serviço de saúde. Constatou-se tendência em se admitir que as informações dadas em sigilo podem ser reveladas pelo ACS. Notou-se a importância das relações de gênero e do cuidado quando da revelação de determinadas condições de saúde. Enfermidades como AIDS, tuberculose, câncer, doenças da próstata e o diabetes apareceram como doenças que podem causar preconceito e, nesse sentido, não deveriam ser reveladas ao ACS, a não ser pela necessidade do acesso mais rápido às consultas médicas. Pareceu, ainda, haver certa passividade do usuário em relação à percepção da falta de respeito ao sigilo das suas informações.
The incidence, prevalence, and mortality of many diseases are known to vary by ethnic group.There are well documented inequities in access to prevention, treatment, and palliative health and social care services based on ethnic group. There are, too, reported differences in the quality of services received by different ethnic groups and of outcomes of treatment and care. Many of these inequities are amenable to change. However, in order to address them they must, first of all, be comprehensively defined and documented. Mainstreaming ethnic monitoring/data collection is a vital step in the process. The history of such data collection in the NHS is poor, whichever of the key datasets is examined: hospital episode statistics, general practitioner data, cancer registrations, and disease registers. While steps are now being taken to remedy some of these deficiencies, the continued non-availability of ethnic monitoring data and in some cases of compatible ethnically-coded denominator data remains a problem. In particular the lack of ethnic group in births and deaths data has been the subject of widespread comment by specialists in demography and public health and is probably the single action that could most improve the evidence based for addressing ethnic/racial inequalities in health and health care.
OBJECTIVES: Representative prevalence data of transmitted drug-resistant HIV-1 are essential to establish accurate guidelines addressing resistance testing and first-line treatments. METHODS: Systematic resistance testing was carried out in individuals in Switzerland with documented HIV-1 seroconversion during 1996-2005 and available samples with RNA > 1000 copies/ml obtained within 1 year of estimated seroconversion. Resistance interpretation used the Stanford list of mutations for surveillance of transmitted drug resistance and the French National Agency for AIDS Research algorithm. RESULTS: Viral sequences from 822 individuals were available. Risk groups were men having sex with men (42%), heterosexual contacts (32%) and intravenous drug users (20%); 30% were infected with non-B subtype viruses. Overall, prevalence of transmitted resistance was 7.7% [95% confidence interval (CI), 5.9-9.5] for any drug, 5.5% (95% CI, 3.9-7.1) for nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, 1.9% (95% CI, 1.0-2.8) for non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and 2.7% (95% CI, 1.6-3.8) for protease inhibitors. Dual- or triple-class resistance was observed in 2% (95% CI, 0.8-2.5). No significant trend in prevalence of transmitted resistance was observed over years. There were no differences according to ethnicity, risk groups or gender, but prevalence of transmitted resistance was highest among individuals infected with subtype B virus. CONCLUSIONS: The transmission rate of drug-resistant HIV-1 has been stable since 1996, with very rare transmission of dual- or triple-class resistance. These data suggest that transmission of drug resistance in the setting of easy access to antiretroviral treatment can remain stable and be kept at a low level.
Videolaparoscopic surgery has been used for treatment of almost all surgical abdominal diseases, mainly where there are no large ressections, or operative field is limited. In these situations, laparoscopic surgery has the advantages of less morbidity, quick recovery and good cosmetic results. Bezoars removal, or its mobilization, is probably included in these possible proceedings. Three non-laparotomic procedures were described: 1. endoscopic-laparoscopic; 2. videolaparoscopy and mobilization of intestinal bezoar to the cecum; 3. laparoscopy and gastrotomy for bezoar removal, through suprapubic incision or the umbilical punction. There have been only two publications describing the videolaparoscopic method for bezoar removal, and the methods applied can be complications or morbidity related. We describe one case where the applied technique is simple and easy to perform, time saving and probably less complications-related. This technique, with four trocars, utilized a plastic bag besides the stomach to be opened, followed by gastrotomy, bezoar removal and immediate introduction in the plastic bag, suture of gastrotomy and removal through the left subcostal trocar. This technique was feasible and easy to perform, with short operative time, and there were no intra or post-operative complications; the patient was discharged in the second post-operative day, and is without further problems after one year follow-up. We believe that this could be an adequate technique to perform laparoscopic gastric bezoar removal, and the rigid sequence of operative events allows a quick procedure, with minimal contamination. The videolaparoscopy seems to be an adequate access to surgical treatment of gastro-intestinal bezoars, with or without obstruction, and should be the ellected the procedure of choice to begin the surgical treatment, with convertion to laparotomy in case of any intra-operative adversity.
Introduction: La démence peut être causée par la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA), la maladie cérébrovasculaire (MCEREV), ou une combinaison des deux. Lorsque la maladie cérébrovasculaire est associée à la démence, les chances de survie sont considérées réduites. Il reste à démontrer si le traitement avec des inhibiteurs de la cholinestérase (ChEIs), qui améliore les symptômes cognitifs et la fonction globale chez les patients atteints de la MA, agit aussi sur les formes vasculaires de démence. Objectifs: La présente étude a été conçue pour déterminer si la coexistence d’une MCEREV était associée avec les chances de survie ou la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement chez les patients atteints de la MA et traités avec des ChEIs. Des études montrant de moins bons résultats chez les patients souffrant de MCEREV que chez ceux n’en souffrant pas pourrait militer contre l’utilisation des ChEIs chez les patients atteints à la fois de la MA et la MCEREV. L'objectif d'une seconde analyse était d'évaluer pour la première fois chez les patients atteints de la MA l'impact potentiel du biais de « temps-immortel » (et de suivi) sur ces résultats (mort ou placement en hebergement). Méthodes: Une étude de cohorte rétrospective a été conduite en utilisant les bases de données de la Régie de l’Assurance Maladie du Québec (RAMQ) pour examiner la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement ou jusqu’au v décès des patients atteints de la MA, âgés de 66 ans et plus, avec ou sans MCEREV, et traités avec des ChEIs entre le 1er Juillet 2000 et le 30 Juin 2003. Puisque les ChEIs sont uniquement indiquées pour la MA au Canada, chaque prescription de ChEIs a été considérée comme un diagnostic de la MA. La MCEREV concomitante a été identifié sur la base d'un diagnostic à vie d’un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) ou d’une endartériectomie, ou d’un diagnostic d'un accident ischémique transitoire au cours des six mois précédant la date d’entrée. Des analyses séparées ont été conduites pour les patients utilisant les ChEIs de façon persistante et pour ceux ayant interrompu la thérapie. Sept modèles de régression à risque proportionnel de Cox qui ont varié par rapport à la définition de la date d’entrée (début du suivi) et à la durée du suivi ont été utilisés pour évaluer l'impact du biais de temps-immortel. Résultats: 4,428 patients ont répondu aux critères d’inclusion pour la MA avec MCEREV; le groupe de patients souffrant seulement de la MA comptait 13,512 individus. Pour le critère d’évaluation composite considérant la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement ou jusqu’au décès, les taux de survie à 1,000 jours étaient plus faibles parmi les patients atteints de la MA avec MCEREV que parmi ceux atteints seulement de la MA (p<0.01), mais les différences absolues étaient très faibles (84% vs. 86% pour l’utilisation continue de ChEIs ; 77% vs. 78% pour la thérapie avec ChEIs interrompue). Pour les critères d’évaluation secondaires, la période jusqu’au décès était plus courte chez les patients avec la MCEREV que sans la MCEREV, mais la période jusqu’au vi placement en hebergement n’était pas différente entre les deux groupes. Dans l'analyse primaire (non-biaisée), aucune association a été trouvée entre le type de ChEI et la mort ou le placement en maison d'hébergement. Cependant, après l'introduction du biais de temps-immortel, on a observé un fort effet différentiel. Limitations: Les résultats peuvent avoir été affectés par le biais de sélection (classification impropre), par les différences entre les groupes en termes de consommation de tabac et d’indice de masse corporelle (ces informations n’étaient pas disponibles dans les bases de données de la RAMQ) et de durée de la thérapie avec les ChEIs. Conclusions: Les associations entre la coexistence d’une MCEREV et la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement ou au décès apparaissent peu pertinentes cliniquement parmi les patients atteints de la MA traités avec des ChEIs. L’absence de différence entre les patients atteints de la MA souffrant ou non de la MCEREV suggère que la coexistence d’une MCEREV ne devrait pas être une raison de refuser aux patients atteints de la MA l’accès au traitement avec des ChEIs. Le calcul des « personne-temps » non exposés dans l'analyse élimine les estimations biaisées de l'efficacité des médicaments.