800 resultados para Wireless NEMCA
Distributed network utility maximization (NUM) is receiving increasing interests for cross-layer optimization problems in multihop wireless networks. Traditional distributed NUM algorithms rely heavily on feedback information between different network elements, such as traffic sources and routers. Because of the distinct features of multihop wireless networks such as time-varying channels and dynamic network topology, the feedback information is usually inaccurate, which represents as a major obstacle for distributed NUM application to wireless networks. The questions to be answered include if distributed NUM algorithm can converge with inaccurate feedback and how to design effective distributed NUM algorithm for wireless networks. In this paper, we first use the infinitesimal perturbation analysis technique to provide an unbiased gradient estimation on the aggregate rate of traffic sources at the routers based on locally available information. On the basis of that, we propose a stochastic approximation algorithm to solve the distributed NUM problem with inaccurate feedback. We then prove that the proposed algorithm can converge to the optimum solution of distributed NUM with perfect feedback under certain conditions. The proposed algorithm is applied to the joint rate and media access control problem for wireless networks. Numerical results demonstrate the convergence of the proposed algorithm. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In-Motes Bins is an agent based real time In-Motes application developed for sensing light and temperature variations in an environment. In-Motes is a mobile agent middleware that facilitates the rapid deployment of adaptive applications in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN's). In-Motes Bins is based on the injection of mobile agents into the WSN that can migrate or clone following specific rules and performing application specific tasks. Using In-Motes we were able to create and rapidly deploy our application on a WSN consisting of 10 MICA2 motes. Our application was tested in a wine store for a period of four months. In this paper we present the In-Motes Bins application and provide a detailed evaluation of its implementation. © 2007 IEEE.
Link adaptation is a critical component of IEEE 802.11 systems. In this paper, we analytically model a retransmission based Auto Rate Fallback (ARF) link adaptation algorithm. Both packet collisions and packet corruptions are modeled with the algorithm. The models can provide insights into the dynamics of the link adaptation algorithms and configuration of algorithms parameters. It is also observed that when the competing number of stations is high, packet collisions can largely affected the performance of ARF and make ARF operate with the lowest date rate, even when no packet corruption occur. This is in contrast to the existing assumption that packet collision will not affect the correct operation of ARF and can be ignored in the evaluation of ARF. The work presented in this paper can provide guidelines on configuring the link adaptation algorithms and designing new link adaptation algorithms for future high speed 802.11 systems. © 2006 IEEE.
Medium access control (MAC) protocols have a large impact on the achievable system performance for wireless ad hoc networks. Because of the limitations of existing analytical models for ad hoc networks, many researchers have opted to study the impact of MAC protocols via discreteevent simulations. However, as the network scenarios, traffic patterns and physical layer techniques may change significantly, simulation alone is not efficient to get insights into the impacts of MAC protocols on system performance. In this paper, we analyze the performance of IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF) in multihop network scenario. We are particularly interested in understanding how physical layer techniques may affect the MAC protocol performance. For this purpose, the features of interference range is studied and taken into account of the analytical model. Simulations with OPNET show the effectiveness of the proposed analytical approach. Copyright 2005 ACM.
In this paper, we study the management and control of service differentiation and guarantee based on enhanced distributed function coordination (EDCF) in IEEE 802.11e wireless LANs. Backoff-based priority schemes are the major mechanism for Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning in EDCF. However, control and management of the backoff-based priority scheme are still challenging problems. We have analysed the impacts of backoff and Inter-frame Space (IFS) parameters of EDCF on saturation throughput and service differentiation. A centralised QoS management and control scheme is proposed. The configuration of backoff parameters and admission control are studied in the management scheme. The special role of access point (AP) and the impact of traffic load are also considered in the scheme. The backoff parameters are adaptively re-configured to increase the levels of bandwidth guarantee and fairness on sharing bandwidth. The proposed management scheme is evaluated by OPNET. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the analytical model based admission control scheme. ©2005 IEEE.
The number of nodes has large impact on the performance, lifetime and cost of wireless sensor network (WSN). It is difficult to determine, because it depends on many factors, such as the network protocols, the collaborative signal processing (CSP) algorithms, etc. A mathematical model is proposed in this paper to calculate the number based on the required working time. It can be used in the general situation by treating these factors as the parameters of energy consumption. © 2004 IEEE.
Energy consumption has been a key concern of data gathering in wireless sensor networks. Previous research works show that modulation scaling is an efficient technique to reduce energy consumption. However, such technique will also impact on both packet delivery latency and packet loss, therefore, may result in adverse effects on the qualities of applications. In this paper, we study the problem of modulation scaling and energy-optimization. A mathematical model is proposed to analyze the impact of modulation scaling on the overall energy consumption, end-to-end mean delivery latency and mean packet loss rate. A centralized optimal management mechanism is developed based on the model, which adaptively adjusts the modulation levels to minimize energy consumption while ensuring the QoS for data gathering. Experimental results show that the management mechanism saves significant energy in all the investigated scenarios. Some valuable results are also observed in the experiments. © 2004 IEEE.
JPEG2000 is a new coming image standard. In this paper we analyze the performance of error resilience tools in JPEG2000, and present an analytical model to estimate the quality of JPEG2000 encoded image transmitted over wireless channels. The effectiveness of the analytical model is validated by simulation results. Furthermore, analytical model is utilized by the base station to design efficient unequally error protection schemes for JPEG2000 transmission. In the design, a utility function is denned to make a tradeoff between the image quality and the cost for transmitting the image over wireless channel. © 2002 IEEE.
The energy balancing capability of cooperative communication is utilized to solve the energy hole problem in wireless sensor networks. We first propose a cooperative transmission strategy, where intermediate nodes participate in two cooperative multi-input single-output (MISO) transmissions with the node at the previous hop and a selected node at the next hop, respectively. Then, we study the optimization problems for power allocation of the cooperative transmission strategy by examining two different approaches: network lifetime maximization (NLM) and energy consumption minimization (ECM). For NLM, the numerical optimal solution is derived and a searching algorithm for suboptimal solution is provided when the optimal solution does not exist. For ECM, a closed-form solution is obtained. Numerical and simulation results show that both the approaches have much longer network lifetime than SISO transmission strategies and other cooperative communication schemes. Moreover, NLM which features energy balancing outperforms ECM which focuses on energy efficiency, in the network lifetime sense.
The concern over the quality of delivering video streaming services in mobile wireless networks is addressed in this work. A framework that enhances the Quality of Experience (QoE) of end users through a quality driven resource allocation scheme is proposed. To play a key role, an objective no-reference quality metric, Pause Intensity (PI), is adopted to derive a resource allocation algorithm for video streaming. The framework is examined in the context of 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) systems. The requirements and structure of the proposed PI-based framework are discussed, and results are compared with existing scheduling methods on fairness, efficiency and correlation (between the required and allocated data rates). Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed framework can produce a trade-off between the three parameters through the QoE-aware resource allocation process.
Location estimation is important for wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. In this paper we propose a Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) based analytical approach for two centralized multi-hop localization algorithms to get insights into the error performance and its sensitivity to the distance measurement error, anchor node density and placement. The location estimation performance is compared with four distributed multi-hop localization algorithms by simulation to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed analytical approach. The numerical results demonstrate the complex tradeoff between the centralized and distributed localization algorithms on accuracy, complexity and communication overhead. Based on this analysis, an efficient and scalable performance evaluation tool can be designed for localization algorithms in large scale WSNs, where simulation-based evaluation approaches are impractical. © 2013 IEEE.
This research is focused on the optimisation of resource utilisation in wireless mobile networks with the consideration of the users’ experienced quality of video streaming services. The study specifically considers the new generation of mobile communication networks, i.e. 4G-LTE, as the main research context. The background study provides an overview of the main properties of the relevant technologies investigated. These include video streaming protocols and networks, video service quality assessment methods, the infrastructure and related functionalities of LTE, and resource allocation algorithms in mobile communication systems. A mathematical model based on an objective and no-reference quality assessment metric for video streaming, namely Pause Intensity, is developed in this work for the evaluation of the continuity of streaming services. The analytical model is verified by extensive simulation and subjective testing on the joint impairment effects of the pause duration and pause frequency. Various types of the video contents and different levels of the impairments have been used in the process of validation tests. It has been shown that Pause Intensity is closely correlated with the subjective quality measurement in terms of the Mean Opinion Score and this correlation property is content independent. Based on the Pause Intensity metric, an optimised resource allocation approach is proposed for the given user requirements, communication system specifications and network performances. This approach concerns both system efficiency and fairness when establishing appropriate resource allocation algorithms, together with the consideration of the correlation between the required and allocated data rates per user. Pause Intensity plays a key role here, representing the required level of Quality of Experience (QoE) to ensure the best balance between system efficiency and fairness. The 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) system is used as the main application environment where the proposed research framework is examined and the results are compared with existing scheduling methods on the achievable fairness, efficiency and correlation. Adaptive video streaming technologies are also investigated and combined with our initiatives on determining the distribution of QoE performance across the network. The resulting scheduling process is controlled through the prioritization of users by considering their perceived quality for the services received. Meanwhile, a trade-off between fairness and efficiency is maintained through an online adjustment of the scheduler’s parameters. Furthermore, Pause Intensity is applied to act as a regulator to realise the rate adaptation function during the end user’s playback of the adaptive streaming service. The adaptive rates under various channel conditions and the shape of the QoE distribution amongst the users for different scheduling policies have been demonstrated in the context of LTE. Finally, the work for interworking between mobile communication system at the macro-cell level and the different deployments of WiFi technologies throughout the macro-cell is presented. A QoEdriven approach is proposed to analyse the offloading mechanism of the user’s data (e.g. video traffic) while the new rate distribution algorithm reshapes the network capacity across the macrocell. The scheduling policy derived is used to regulate the performance of the resource allocation across the fair-efficient spectrum. The associated offloading mechanism can properly control the number of the users within the coverages of the macro-cell base station and each of the WiFi access points involved. The performance of the non-seamless and user-controlled mobile traffic offloading (through the mobile WiFi devices) has been evaluated and compared with that of the standard operator-controlled WiFi hotspots.