982 resultados para Wide-angle seismic modeling
Signal Processing, Vol. 86, nº 10
Most of the traditional software and database development approaches tend to be serial, not evolutionary and certainly not agile, especially on data-oriented aspects. Most of the more commonly used methodologies are strict, meaning they’re composed by several stages each with very specific associated tasks. A clear example is the Rational Unified Process (RUP), divided into Business Modeling, Requirements, Analysis & Design, Implementation, Testing and Deployment. But what happens when the needs of a well design and structured plan, meet the reality of a small starting company that aims to build an entire user experience solution. Here resource control and time productivity is vital, requirements are in constant change, and so is the product itself. In order to succeed in this environment a highly collaborative and evolutionary development approach is mandatory. The implications of constant changing requirements imply an iterative development process. Project focus is on Data Warehouse development and business modeling. This area is usually a tricky one. Business knowledge is part of the enterprise, how they work, their goals, what is relevant for analyses are internal business processes. Throughout this document it will be explained why Agile Modeling development was chosen. How an iterative and evolutionary methodology, allowed for reasonable planning and documentation while permitting development flexibility, from idea to product. More importantly how it was applied on the development of a Retail Focused Data Warehouse. A productized Data Warehouse built on the knowledge of not one but several client needs. One that aims not just to store usual business areas but create an innovative sets of business metrics by joining them with store environment analysis, converting Business Intelligence into Actionable Business Intelligence.
This paper models an n-stage stacked Blumlein generator for bipolar pulses for various load conditions. Calculation of the voltage amplitudes in time domain at the load and between stages is described for an n-stage generator. For this, the reflection and transmission coefficients are mathematically modeled where impedance discontinuity occurs (i.e., at the junctions between two transmission lines). The mathematical model developed is assessed by comparing simulation results to experimental data from a two-stage Blumlein solid-state prototype.
Background: Brown adipose tissue (BAT) plays an important role in whole body metabolism and could potentially mediate weight gain and insulin sensitivity. Although some imaging techniques allow BAT detection, there are currently no viable methods for continuous acquisition of BAT energy expenditure. We present a non-invasive technique for long term monitoring of BAT metabolism using microwave radiometry. Methods: A multilayer 3D computational model was created in HFSS™ with 1.5 mm skin, 3-10 mm subcutaneous fat, 200 mm muscle and a BAT region (2-6 cm3) located between fat and muscle. Based on this model, a log-spiral antenna was designed and optimized to maximize reception of thermal emissions from the target (BAT). The power absorption patterns calculated in HFSS™ were combined with simulated thermal distributions computed in COMSOL® to predict radiometric signal measured from an ultra-low-noise microwave radiometer. The power received by the antenna was characterized as a function of different levels of BAT metabolism under cold and noradrenergic stimulation. Results: The optimized frequency band was 1.5-2.2 GHz, with averaged antenna efficiency of 19%. The simulated power received by the radiometric antenna increased 2-9 mdBm (noradrenergic stimulus) and 4-15 mdBm (cold stimulus) corresponding to increased 15-fold BAT metabolism. Conclusions: Results demonstrated the ability to detect thermal radiation from small volumes (2-6 cm3) of BAT located up to 12 mm deep and to monitor small changes (0.5°C) in BAT metabolism. As such, the developed miniature radiometric antenna sensor appears suitable for non-invasive long term monitoring of BAT metabolism.
In this study the inhalation doses and respective risk are calculated for the population living within a 20 km radius of a coal-fired power plant. The dispersion and deposition of natural radionuclides were simulated by a Gaussian dispersion model estimating the ground level activity concentration. The annual effective dose and total risk were 0.03205 mSv/y and 1.25 x 10-8, respectively. The effective dose is lower than the limit established by the ICRP and the risk is lower than the limit proposed by the U.S. EPA, which means that the considered exposure does not pose any risk for the public health.
Esta dissertação enquadra-se no âmbito dos Sistemas de Informação, em concreto, no desenvolvimento de aplicações Web, como é o caso de um website. Com a utilização em larga escala dos meios tecnológicos tem-se verificado um crescimento exponencial dos mesmos, o que se traduz na facilidade com que podem ser encontradas na Internet diversos tipos de plataformas informáticas. Além disso, hoje em dia, uma grande parte das organizações possui o seu próprio sítio na Internet, onde procede à divulgação dos seus serviços e/ou produtos. Pretende-se com esta dissertação explorar estas novas tecnologias, nomeadamente, os diagramas UML - Unified Modeling Language e a concepção de bases de dados, e posteriormente desenvolver um website. Com o desenvolvimento deste website não se propõe a criação de uma nova tecnologia, mas o uso de diversas tecnologias em conjunto com recurso às ferramentas UML. Este encontra-se organizado em três fases principais: análise de requisitos, implementação e desenho das interfaces. Na análise de requisitos efectuou-se o levantamento dos objectivos propostos para o sistema e das necessidades/requisitos necessários à sua implementação, auxiliado essencialmente pelo Diagrama de Use Cases do sistema. Na fase de implementação foram elaborados os arquivos e directórios que formam a arquitectura lógica de acordo com os modelos descritos no Diagrama de Classes e no Diagrama de Entidade-Relação. Os requisitos identificados foram analisados e usados na composição das interfaces e sistema de navegação. Por fim, na fase de desenho das interfaces foram aperfeiçoadas as interfaces desenvolvidas, com base no conceito artístico e criativo do autor. Este aperfeiçoamento vai de encontro ao gosto pessoal e tem como objectivo elaborar uma interface que possa também agradar ao maior número possível de utilizadores. Este pode ser observado na maneira como se encontram distribuídas as ligações (links) entre páginas, nos títulos, nos cabeçalhos, nas cores e animações e no seu design em geral. Para o desenvolvimento do website foram utilizadas diferentes linguagens de programação, nomeadamente a HyperText Markup Language (HTML), a Page Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) e Javascript. A HTML foi utilizada para a disposição de todo o conteúdo visível das páginas e para definição do layout das mesmas e a PHP para executar pequenos scripts que permitem interagir com as diferentes funcionalidades do site. A linguagem Javascript foi usada para definir o design das páginas e incluir alguns efeitos visuais nas mesmas. Para a construção das páginas que compõem o website foi utilizado o software Macromedia Dreamweaver, o que simplificou a sua implementação pela facilidade com que estas podem ser construídas. Para interacção com o sistema de gestão da base de dados, o MySQL, foi utilizada a aplicação phpMyAdmin, que simplifica o acesso à base de dados, permitindo definir, manipular e consultar os seus dados.
Pultrusion is an industrial process used to produce glass fibers reinforced polymers profiles. These materials are worldwide used when performing characteristics, such as great electrical and magnetic insulation, high strength to weight ratio, corrosion and weather resistance, long service life and minimal maintenance are required. In this study, we present the results of the modelling and simulation of heat flow through a pultrusion die by means of Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The numerical simulation was calibrated based on temperature profiles computed from thermographic measurements carried out during pultrusion manufacturing process. Obtained results have shown a maximum deviation of 7%, which is considered to be acceptable for this type of analysis, and is below to the 10% value, previously specified as maximum deviation. © 2011, Advanced Engineering Solutions.
Although the Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR) Global Positioning System (GPS) is, de facto, the standard positioning system used in outdoor navigation, it does not provide, per se, all the features required to perform many outdoor navigational tasks. The accuracy of the GPS measurements is the most critical issue. The quest for higher position readings accuracy led to the development, in the late nineties, of the Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS). The differential GPS method detects the range errors of the GPS satellites received and broadcasts them. The DGPS/GPS receivers correlate the DGPS data with the GPS satellite data they are receiving, granting users increased accuracy. DGPS data is broadcasted using terrestrial radio beacons, satellites and, more recently, the Internet. Our goal is to have access, within the ISEP campus, to DGPS correction data. To achieve this objective we designed and implemented a distributed system composed of two main modules which are interconnected: a distributed application responsible for the establishment of the data link over the Internet between the remote DGPS stations and the campus, and the campus-wide DGPS data server application. The DGPS data Internet link is provided by a two-tier client/server distributed application where the server-side is connected to the DGPS station and the client-side is located at the campus. The second unit, the campus DGPS data server application, diffuses DGPS data received at the campus via the Intranet and via a wireless data link. The wireless broadcast is intended for DGPS/GPS portable receivers equipped with an air interface and the Intranet link is provided for DGPS/GPS receivers with just a RS232 DGPS data interface. While the DGPS data Internet link servers receive the DGPS data from the DGPS base stations and forward it to the DGPS data Internet link client, the DGPS data Internet link client outputs the received DGPS data to the campus DGPS data server application. The distributed system is expected to provide adequate support for accurate (sub-metric) outdoor campus navigation tasks. This paper describes in detail the overall distributed application.
In this article, we present the first study on probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment for the Northeast (NE) Atlantic region related to earthquake sources. The methodology combines the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, tsunami numerical modeling, and statistical approaches. We consider three main tsunamigenic areas, namely the Southwest Iberian Margin, the Gloria, and the Caribbean. For each tsunamigenic zone, we derive the annual recurrence rate for each magnitude range, from Mw 8.0 up to Mw 9.0, with a regular interval, using the Bayesian method, which incorporates seismic information from historical and instrumental catalogs. A numerical code, solving the shallow water equations, is employed to simulate the tsunami propagation and compute near shore wave heights. The probability of exceeding a specific tsunami hazard level during a given time period is calculated using the Poisson distribution. The results are presented in terms of the probability of exceedance of a given tsunami amplitude for 100- and 500-year return periods. The hazard level varies along the NE Atlantic coast, being maximum along the northern segment of the Morocco Atlantic coast, the southern Portuguese coast, and the Spanish coast of the Gulf of Cadiz. We find that the probability that a maximum wave height exceeds 1 m somewhere in the NE Atlantic region reaches 60 and 100 % for 100- and 500-year return periods, respectively. These probability values decrease, respectively, to about 15 and 50 % when considering the exceedance threshold of 5 m for the same return periods of 100 and 500 years.
The Setúbal and São Vicente canyons are two major modern submarine canyons located in the southwest Iberian margin of Portugal. Although recognised as Pliocene to Quaternary features, their development during the Tertiary has not been fully understood up to date. A grid of 2D seismic data has been used to characterise the sedimentary deposits of the adjacent flanks to the submarine canyons. The relationship between the geological structure of the margin and the canyon's present location has been investigated. The interpretation of the main seismic units allowed the recognition of three generations of ravinements probably originated after middle Oligocene. Six units grouped in two distinctive seismic sequences have been identified and correlated with offshore stratigraphic data. Seismic Sequence 2 (SS2), the oldest, overlies Mesozoic and upper Eocene deformed units. Seismic Sequence I (SS1) is composed of four different seismic packages separated from SS2 by an erosional surface. The base of the studied sediment ridges is marked by an extensive erosional surface derived from a early/middle Oligocene relative sea-level fall. Deposition in the adjacent area to the actual canyons was reinitiated in late Oligocene in the form of transgressive and channel-fill deposits. A new depositional hiatus is recorded onshore during the Burdigalian, coincident with the unconformity separating SS1 and SS2. This can be correlated with the Arrábida unconformity and with the paroxysmal Burdigalian phase of the Betic domain. Presently, the Setúbal and São Vicente submarine canyons locally cut SS1 and SS2, forming distinctive channels from those recognised on the seismic data. On the upper shelf both dissect highly deformed areas subject to important erosion.
Una de las potencialidades del arte es devenir una herramienta para enfocar determinados conflictos desde nuevos ángulos y articular preguntas que impacten en la comunidad. Aquí el arte se funde con la filosofía, la sociología, la antropología, con el activismo, y con la propia vida. A partir de tales parámetros, se esbozarán diversas propuestas artísticas que ilustran cómo distintos creadores abordan –desde distintos ángulos– el fenómeno de la migración Dentro de la amplia miríada de perspectivas desde las que se puede tratar la migración es interesante resaltar el trabajo de varios artistas que se transforman en altavoces de las experiencias de otras personas, tal y como ejemplifican los proyectos de Pep Dardanyà, Marisa González, He Chengyue y Josep María Martín. Desde un ángulo radicalmente distinto, Santiago Sierra y el colectivo Yes lab reproducen y llevan al límite las mismas dinámicas de explotación que critican, y para finalizar, bajo el prisma de la experiencia vivida, la artista Fiona Tan explora su propio proceso migratorio e investiga la construcción de la identidad.
This paper proposes the concept of multi-asynchronous-channel for Petri nets. Petri nets extended with multi-asynchronous-channels and time-domains support the specification of distributed controllers, where each controller has a synchronous execution but the global system is asynchronous (globally-asynchronous locally-synchronous systems). Each multi-asynchronous-channel specify the interaction between two or more distributed controllers. These channels, together with the time-domain concept, ensure the creation of network-independent models to support implementations using heterogeneous communication networks. The created models support not only the systems documentation but also their validation and implementation through simulation tools, verification tools, and automatic code generators. An application example illustrates the use of a Petri net class extended with the proposed channels. © 2015 IEEE.
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas
Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil
Mebendazole, albendazole, levamisole and thiabendazole are well known as active drugs against several nematode species, and against cestodes as well, when the first two drugs are considered. None of the drugs have proven activity, however, against trematodes. We tested the effect of these drugs on the fecal shedding of schistosome eggs and the recovering of adult schistosomes, after portal perfusion in Schistosoma mansoni experimentally infected mice. Balb/c mice infected with 80 S. mansoni cercariae were divided into three groups, each in turn subdivided into four other groups, for each tested drug. The first group was treated with each one of the studied drugs 25 days after S. mansoni infection; the second group was submitted to treatment with each one of the drugs 60 days after infection. Finally, the third group, considered as control, received no treatment. No effect upon fecal shedding of S. mansoni eggs and recovering of schistosomes after portal perfusion was observed when mice were treated with either mebendazole or albendazole. Mice treated with either levamisole or thiabendazole, on the other hand, showed a significant reduction in the recovering of adult schistosomes after portal perfusion, mainly when both drugs were given during the schistosomula evolution period, i.e., 25 days after cercariae penetration, probably due to unspecific immunomodulation